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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1500x1000, safe-internal-temperature-for-burgers-3056799_Final-5c6f1dc2c9e77c00010d6b92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20220637 No.20220637 [Reply] [Original]

More than rare is burnt

>> No.20220643

What's this in real measurement numbers?

>> No.20220646


>> No.20220648

Enjoy your charcoal, you tasteless invalid.

>> No.20220901

You can cook a burger well done without it being burnt, but everything over medium rare is overcooked.

>> No.20220915

>Minimum safe temperature: burnt
Why is it that no one gives a shit about the "safe" temperature for beef but they'll shit themselves if a tiny spot in the very center of any other kind of meat is slightly underdone? Is beef really that much safer than other meats?

>> No.20220920

They all look the same after medium.

>> No.20220928

rare burger? kek this board really is a slave to gordcuck ramsfaggey

>> No.20220937

I like all 5 and will fight every1 itt

>> No.20220944

Steak "culture" is extremely gay and steakfaggots think its masculine and cool to eat undercooked shit with burnt crust
Also, ground beef is significantly more dangerous than choice parts cause it comes from multiple animals

>> No.20220960

>it comes from multiple animals

>> No.20220965

vlad from tiktok

>> No.20220980

have you ever considered that they genuinely just like it that way?

>> No.20220985

ground beef isn’t steak retard.

>> No.20220993

why the fuck would you eat ground beef rare? its exposed meat, it needs to be cooked to kill the pathogens. this doesn’t apply to steaks since the middle hasn’t been exposed to the outside

>> No.20220997

>pathogens come from air

>> No.20221016

You're not supposed to eat burger meat not well done unless you order it from a restaurant or grind the meat yourself

>> No.20221044

It actually tends to, only the bacteria that grows on the outside of the meat causes illness to humans. Its why you only really need to sear the outsides, people who eat rare burgers ones who run the gambit since all the stuff on surface gets mixed in, its not really something you're supposed to but somehow the only rare beef club started to extend it to burgers and making it a thing you see now. Meats like chicken, fish and pork have a ton more shit growing in and on it that gets you sick or transfers parasites which is why it needs to get cooked fully or treated some other way to eat safely

>> No.20221067

I usually say medium for burgers. You go too rare and the patty tends to fall apart and you can't trust some line cook to nail medium rare every time.

>> No.20221070

I feel like people are way too cautious about food these days. So you might get poisoned and spend the day shitting water, who fucking cares? We need to get sick occasionally to improve our immune system instead of relying on fauci-ouchie

>> No.20221076

the world would be a better place without you in it.

>> No.20221097
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I prefer raw burgers.

>> No.20221118

They can

>> No.20221157

In my country it is illegal to serve burgers anything but well-done

>> No.20221248

Hello English teacher

>> No.20221343

They're not going to process one animal at a time. They put a bunch through and the ground meat keeps flowing. Unless you get it from a butcher.

>> No.20221349

If you're unlucky you might get a lethal dose. The immune system can deal with most but not all bacteria.

>> No.20221352

i think you mean overcooked. you could steam a burger to 160F internal temp and you could say it's overcooked but it wouldn't make sense to say it's burnt.

>> No.20221356

I got salmonella and shit foul water every few hours for a week. I wasn't really at risk of dying or anything, but for a child or old person or someone who is already sick, that could kill them.

Getting food poisoning doesn't improve anything. Your body tries hard to flush everything out, which means you end up losing good bacteria too. People will regularly have problems for a long time after "recovering" from food poisoning because they lost too much good bacteria in their digestive system. It can also trigger long-term problems that don't go away in some people. There is no benefit to food poisoning.

>> No.20221362

>I am a man!
>I eat nearly raw meat!
>I need you to know I eat nearly raw meat!
>I need you to think I am a man!
>Anyone who doesn't eat nearly raw meat cannot be a man like me!
>I am a man!
Absolutely pathetic and screams loudly what a soy boy you are.

>> No.20221370
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No, because if they did, they wouldn't be obsessed with convincing everyone else that eating it that way makes them manly. They'd just eat their burger and not say anything. It's the whole "if you don't eat rare meat, you're gay" crap that exposes them as insecure losers desperately searching for anything that will make others see them as desirable.

>> No.20221372

have you ever considered that they genuinely just like it that way? good luck with your social development.

>> No.20221380

>run the gambit
Would you retards please learn English, it’s not “run the gambit” it’s “run the gamut “

>> No.20221384

I don't think there's a problem with liking it that way. Going around telling everyone else they're wrong for liking it a different way is different though.

>> No.20221510

>Gee Bill, how come mom let you have five patties??

>> No.20221516

Have you ever considered that they'd just eat their food if they genuinely liked it that way instead of name calling anyone who likes something different?
No, of course you haven't because you lack empathy and intelligence. And no one thinks you're manly for eating raw ground beef. They think you're an idiot and insecure.

>> No.20221610
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>minimum safe temperature

>> No.20221613
File: 1.41 MB, 288x198, laugh harder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one thinks you're manly for eating raw ground beef.
he thinks that's why people eat rare meat.

>> No.20221621

typical liberal thinks everything revolves around the one thing they lack.


>> No.20221629

lol, cowboy larpers seething over "raw" egg when the weebs post egg rice or Frenchies post real scrambled egg but eating undercooked ground beef, wondering why they have tapeworms

>> No.20221659

Good seething I like it, seethe is best served like meat raw

>> No.20221664

rareniggers are the ones endlessly seething

>> No.20221673

>Nooooooooooooo you can't enjoy optimal flavor in your food, it has to be a burnt puck of shit like my boomer parents like

>> No.20221685

Burgers are smashed and thus well done
thick burgers are trash

>> No.20221686

This post smells awful European/homsexual

>> No.20221689

Don’t judge them because they want a tape worm for a pet.

>> No.20221701

just don't like thick burgers
plus I only eat burgers with cheese, bacon, ketchup, and pickles

>> No.20221716

>he uses inaccurate methods of measurement
it's about 4 football field lengths and one width per side.
that's how you cook a perfect burger.

>> No.20221719

>the word "airborne" doesn't exist

>> No.20221721

a hamburger is not a steak.

>> No.20221722

What do paratroopers have to do with anything?

>> No.20221725

that's pork, not burger.

>> No.20221727

It's a hamburg steak

>> No.20221734

pair of tooters.

>> No.20221736

that's called cube steak.

>> No.20221738

No it's a Salisbury steak

>> No.20221745

salisbury requires gravy.

>> No.20221749

Make gravy then

>> No.20221755

lmao you think that glob of ground worms is all from one cow

i bet you believe biden won the election

>> No.20221811

medium master race reporting in

motherfucker ain't a steak

>> No.20221813


>> No.20221818

>ground beef is significantly more dangerous
I grind my own.

>> No.20221918

Figures the crusties here would like their meat burnt and crusty.

>> No.20221978
File: 21 KB, 361x358, butt hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 57 years on this planet, I have never heard anyone say that if you don't eat food a certain way you are not manly. nor do I know of anyone who eats food a certain way to appear manly.

however there are a lot of "men" who get butthurt because other people enjoy foods that they cannot or will not eat.

>> No.20221989
File: 58 KB, 870x729, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20222005

Cows are unironically safe animals. They don't suffer from the same risk of parasites like other animals do. According to God, it's because they part the hoof, has the hoof split in two and chew the chud. Being American raised, grass fed cattle helps too. You don't want any beef from anywhere else.

>> No.20222014

Pretty spot on. People used to die from dysentery all the time. It was honestly ridiculous. As soon as we lose 1st world standards for any length if time, people are going to shit their guts out in droves.

>> No.20222024
File: 82 KB, 780x438, pipe-weed-seems-a-lot-like-marijuana-1508529821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer a good chicken burger over a beef one, but you do you. A steak burger would be nice right now honestly.

>> No.20222048 [DELETED] 

Lying faggot AND decrepit oldfag with one foot in the grave. This post was typed by Jewish fingers

>> No.20222083

It's probably OP butthurt that he got called out for being a faggot instead of the praise he envisioned he'd get for being so manly eating raw ground beef.

>> No.20222170
File: 335 KB, 483x407, retardctl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, because if they did, they wouldn't be obsessed with convincing everyone else that eating it that way makes them manly. They'd just eat their burger and not say anything. It's the whole "if you don't eat rare meat, you're gay" crap that exposes them as insecure losers desperately searching for anything that will make others see them as desirable.

>> No.20222172
File: 70 KB, 499x281, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20223551

That wasn't me homie. I was at work.

>> No.20223576

How do I cook a steak so it isn’t chewy? I only like when I can chew it enough that it melts in my mouth

>> No.20223599

usually people go for 20% fat meat for preferred texture
also cook it medium rare because well done patties kinda suck even if people pretend to freak out over...beef pathogens whatever they are

>> No.20223641

Buy good steak and don't overcook it
Learn to do a reverse sear
Salt and dry on rack in fridge overnight