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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20220107 No.20220107 [Reply] [Original]

Best food to eat when baked/high as a kite?

Preferably low effort to prepare so that you can actually cook it while BAKED.

>> No.20220114

Buy a bag of cubed mango from the freezer section.
Get high
Eat mango.
If that's not enough put some tajin on it

>> No.20220128

this! mango gets you higher
for me it's icecream though

>> No.20220129


>> No.20220130

I find it easier to simply decarboxylate the Marijuana by baking it at 230F for about 45 minutes. That strips the extra carbon bound to it making the psychoactive ingredients and cannabinoids more bioavailable.
This way you do not need to bake it into things. You eat it and then eat other tasty things by themselves.
Choices. Lol.

>> No.20220135

a bullet

>> No.20220136

*To add to this, sandwich cookies in a bowl of milk are best to eat for flavor, sober or not.

>> No.20220167

carrot or celery sticks with some peanut butter or hummus

>> No.20220177

Hopefully you own vomit while you're choking to death.

>> No.20220194

Does this work? Id try it and would steeping the weed in hot water after make weed tea?

>> No.20220231

Ice cream and potato chips are the GOAT, every mouthful is an adventure

>> No.20220233

It does. Technically you need only bake the Marijuana above waters' boiling point (212F) but I find a little higher works better.
Only do this in small batches since the decarboxylated Marijuana loses potency after a few weeks.
>would steeping the weed in hot water after make weed tea?
It would, but at that point you could boil water and put the weed in a tea colander, then soak it. No decarbing necessary.
There are guides online, if you search, but yeah. That should work either way.
The boiling water *should* create the same effect though, and make the active ingredients more bioavailable.

>> No.20220243


>> No.20220265

>>20220177 Digits checked
it's interesting how reactionary you lot are to someone making choices for themself
it's like you're a religious movement

>> No.20220284
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have a handy chart my negros.

>Only do this in small batches since the decarboxylated Marijuana loses potency after a few weeks

Important note: the age of your weed in the start matters too. Decarbing is a natural process that we speed up with heat. THCA degrades to THC (yummy) but THC degrades to CBN (less yummy more sleepy narco). Some potheads mitigate this by pulling out half of the weed halfway through the decarb, so you get a healthy mix of cannabinoids

>> No.20220302

Enjoy your weed addiction, "dude"

>> No.20220310

A one-word post got you to seethe this much?

>> No.20220318

anon, you must be 18 or older to post here
and I haven't used weed in some time now
cope moar
>replying to b8 meant to b8 b8ters
you lost the game :^)

>> No.20220388

am i the only person who doesnt get munchies while high?

>> No.20220407

>>20220388 [88]
It depends on the strain and the active ingredients in it, as well as your own individual reaction to them.
Sometimes I don't get hungry at all or feel less hungry. Sometimes I get so hungry I could eat everything in the house.
It's variable, yeah. You're not alone, anon.

>> No.20220437

Mango gets you higher?

>> No.20220455

yeah man my tolerance is fucked. I've been smoking for 10 years and I'm pretty sure the last time I got munchies I still lived at my parents house. Even a one month break doesn't bring it back, and I sure as hell aren't smoking thcv strains lol

>> No.20220460



LMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOO i am so fucking HIGH on WEED right now XD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED holla my DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST.........ROLL..........MY.............JOINT.........UP...................AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DANK DANK DANK WEED



>> No.20220462

Oh man, I've been high several times. I'd just stick with snacks (cookies, potato chips) maybe a pizza if you're feeling adventurous. Last time I was high, I made a whole lasagna, it was good, but it was very sour for my "high tastebuds"...

>> No.20220465

At my gf's request I made custard-based lavender and hibiscus ice cream, then shaved some potent homemade lemon italian ice over that. We did after eating some edibles the other night, very tasty.

>> No.20220468


>> No.20220473

Doesn't work because THC isn't water soluble but you can boil it in milk to make something like chai. Make sure it's whole milk.

>> No.20220474

the myrcene content is *alleged* to have modulating/potentiating effects on thc but reports are all anecdotal afaik, never tried it myself.

>> No.20220481

it works dummy. I don't know the exact chemistry but the boiling water causes the oils to separate from the buds into the water. No they aren't miscible but they're still floating around in there.

>> No.20220484


>> No.20220500

Cold grapes

>> No.20220510
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any TRAD dopeheads on here making oldschool edibles like bhang or majoun? I made bhang once, it was delicious and the most potent edible I ever tried. I normally have a high tolerance for edibles but that shit is dank af, sips off a shot glass were more than enough to get me really buzzed. Here's the recipe I used (the first one)


>> No.20220511

It does work. I have made it before. Marijuana tea has been made since times before historical accountings.
You can make Marijuana tea with cold water too, but hot water is probably best.

>> No.20220512

i dont necessarily get hungry, but my enjoyment of thing sis amped up, so if i eat something its like
this ; >>20220460

lol but about whatever im eating
bout ta go smoke a bowl and have a scotch n chill the fuck out

>> No.20220528

>I haven't used weed in some time now
And here you are asking for suggestions. You need to get a grip on your life, anon.

>> No.20220550

you're confused anon
and it's priceless
do you think i'm op or something?
lurk moar
newguy :^)

>> No.20220590

dude... WEED? HAHA LOL

>> No.20220597

Lots of ice cold water.

>> No.20220611

So you opened a thread specifically for suggestions on what to cook while high, but only to get offended when someone makes fun of OP for being a disgusting burnout?
I'd tell you to seek help, but you're fried. It's been over for you for a long time.

>> No.20220620
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numbers checked
but I like this threads subject matter and was lurking it
it's interesting
>get offended
>seek help
projecting lol
you're the one who entered a thread he didn't like just to whine about it
pic related
it's (You)

>> No.20220629

>but I like this threads subject matter
I know you do, champ. I know.

>> No.20220630 [DELETED] 

Request and trojan horse off topic threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/16 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of lawless subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.20220641

>implying that's a bad thing
>ignoring the fact he's the one going out of the way to whine about it
cope moar

>> No.20220644

All I said was "I know". Not sure what you found so offensive about that.

>> No.20220651

digits checkered
and no
you're being a snide little whiner
you go out of your way to moan about the interests of others
that says a lot about you
cry moar?

>> No.20220657

Woah, chill out bud. Stop projecting.

>> No.20220666

pure cope and you have no argument
you entered a thread you dont like just to complain about it
going to stop replying now

>> No.20220668

If that makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead.

>> No.20220679

I'd say cereals or yogurts can be good. A little cinnamon on either is top notch for taste.

>> No.20221099
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>230f for 45min

>> No.20221105

Digits checked, but it still works, and since you took your time to help educate me, allow me to educate you about social graces:
It's better to say
>this method is more efficient
>that works but slightly higher temperatures are better
Instead you speak towards a more rude negative. Then again, look where I am lol. Lmao.
Thanks though.

>> No.20221127

no point trying to make sense of drug addict babblings

>> No.20221130

This nigga, this nigga right here.
Celery and peanut butter.

>> No.20221285

so 250F for 30min is best? in terms of
>hard to fuck up

>> No.20221295

seems like it

>> No.20221308

whats 10th grade like

>> No.20221419
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im high as fuck and im eating choccy snakes and roAST peanuts in the shell, bout to break out the cheesecake icecream.

>> No.20221450

Did she peg you afterwards?

>> No.20221477


>> No.20221493

I've not used weed for years now (too much anxiety, I prefer ketamine). Do people still make firecrackers? i.e., bake weed mixed with peanut butter between two graham crackers/digestive biscuits? You do it at the right temp to decarb the weed, and it then mixes with the oils in the PB to make a pretty low-effort edible.

>> No.20221506

Yes it's a classic

>> No.20221726
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Fruits are usually my go to. Apples, strawberries, mango, grapes

>> No.20221769

>can't go a day without getting high or talking about getting high
>i'm totally not addicted though

>> No.20221770

I used to do this until edibles became freely available to anyone with a drivers license

anyway, fresh seasonal produce is the way to go here. meat while high just reminds you you're eating a corpse. leave that stuff for eating while drunk, because you'll need the alcohol

speaking of which, fine wine while high is really fun. it's probably a waste but the individual flavors get boosted to hyperreal, you're basically chewing on blackberries and pencil shavings and prunes, or whatever depending on the wine. it's like HDR wine tasting, it gets old quick but if you've never done it before the effect is impressive

>> No.20221878

Scarin the hoes

>> No.20221900

opiates > weed

opiates are for the tortured genius. weed is for trashy retards.

>> No.20223177

shut the fuck up at least i cant die like a damn retard on your dumb opiates

>> No.20223222

I aint smoked weed in years now and I feel fine. You can't become physically addicted to weed however the weeds these days have all sorts of chemicals and shit in them best not to smok it desu, pretty retarded for people to be so judgmental of weed users though, practically everyone smokes it at least a bit and if you never tried it out of fear that you would become addicted or brain damage or whatever your a retard

>> No.20223405

I disagree, meat is a favorite of mine when high

>> No.20223420


I do what I call "ghetto firecrackers".

I take a piece of bread, put some all natural PB on half of it, and blast the other half with weed oil.

Fold it over and you have a PB taco, except this taco will get you fucking high (depending on dosage).

Garlic bread works well too due to the butter. Just blast and eat.

For anyone curious, just blasting the oil down your throat barely does anything. I think the lipids from the PB or butter make the THC way more bioavailable (even though the base of the weed oil is MCT oil).

>> No.20223710


>> No.20223762
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Either this or spicy cheez-its for me

>> No.20223784

Gonna get one of these

>> No.20223787

melty cheese
microwave ~7 seconds per cracker

>> No.20223790


>> No.20223799

I love making bhang. My go to is just a vinaigrette now. If you don't absolutely fry the plant when decarbing it works really well in an herbal dressing

>> No.20223840

jesus shut the fuck up

>> No.20223850


>> No.20223891

Cannabinoids are hydrophilic so they don't readily dissolve in water, steep it in hot fat like butter or canola oil instead. You should pre-bake in the oven so look up decarboxylation for times and temperatures otherwise you'll be wasting a bunch of weed that's not fully potent. Grind it up and put it in an enclosed oven proof container, or fold up a pouch of foil to put it in and fold it shut tightly, then let the pouch cool completely after taking it out of oven before opening. You should notice a residue on the foil, done correctly there should be as little residue as possible but still noticeable. Take the grounds and steep in hot fat. Supposedly you can skip the pre-baking step and decarboxylize in hot fat but I have never tried this, oh and it will stink up your kitchen and vent horribly.

>> No.20223893

lipophilic not hydrophilic*

>> No.20223913

t. Rapper Viper.

>> No.20223924
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>> No.20223949

I agree with this but I can eat half a bag without noticing it if I'm not careful. Love a snack that keeps me busy while high

>> No.20224712
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this stuff tastes other worldly even when not high...

>> No.20224792

can someone please explain how to make canna~butter?

>> No.20224838

Put weed in butter or oil and simmer it for a little while, then strain the weed out. I prefer to use hash or keif so that I don't have to strain it out because it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.20224873

buttery cornbread

>> No.20225039

thank you anon

>> No.20225064

Don't do what he says it creates mustard gas

>> No.20225636

Nothing beats a nice piece of cold fruit to cure the post smoking cotton mouth
I like apples or sliced canteloupe

>> No.20225838

typically fun foods that require some peeling or motor skill to eat. fruit, nuts, dates, I love coconut date rolls.
but if you're making edibles, just make canna-butter and keep it in the fridge as needed.

>> No.20225949

good fresh fruit is by far my favorite, sour candy a close second
there's very little that doesn't taste better honestly
>Preferably low effort to prepare so that you can actually cook it while BAKED.
prep your food beforehand, I do this regardless of if I'm getting high or getting drunk. no point risking some fuckup while I'm impaired like so many druk horror stories you read
this is contrarian central and now that weed is near universally accepted you shouldn't be surprised pretend straight edged fags shitpost about it
I would disagree about addiction though, sure it's not addictive in the same way as tobacco or other harder drugs but plenty of people develop a mental dependency almost as bad but handwave it away because it's weed.

>> No.20225991
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I find that a slow cooker on low and a sealed mason jar get the job done just fine for decarbing pot. Also I got this recipe from /b/ well over a decade ago and have made both THC and non-THC batches in the many years since, they are delicious and fun. If you make pot variants, make the squares small because they will be quite potent, the batch amount is fairly small compared to how much butter is used to be advised.

>> No.20226502
File: 93 KB, 800x800, large_33455654-51da-40a4-abba-0507a1e34b8f-908786509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raw cream
Pour raw cream into a shot glass, take a spoonful of honeycomb and dip it in the raw cream. Same can be done with fruit. Literally feels at taste's like a mini orgasm every bite. I Don't smoke anymore because I get drug tested for work, but whenever I get to again this will be the first thing while stoned.

>> No.20226601

Sounds disgusting, what the fuck

>> No.20226667

Smoking is part of the cooking process, I just made some hot and sour soup that I am enjoying a lot.

>> No.20226673

>literally milk and honey

>> No.20226681

>Literally rejecting the holy land of of the Levant
Enjoy your afterlife in hell

>> No.20226690

Grapes are great for occassion, especially the red kind

>> No.20226897

>dont drink product
>get sent to hell
not the anon you replied to but if this is the case I may already be in Hell

>> No.20226898


>> No.20226955

tostitos and orange juice

>> No.20227061

I didn't get ***freaking stoned*** until I was 29 (30 now), and it was very severe. I ate a delta-8 gummy with a moderate concentration, but it still floored my ass and made me see sinking textures in stuff. Ig I looked pretty overwhelmed, so I was given cold white grapes. It was horrible. I could feel the rubbery shreds of grape skin in my teeth squelching as I chewed, and the flesh was slimy. I realized THC was basically making me hyper-focus on whatever stimuli happened to be upon me. I was sat down on a sofa in front of a huge TV, where I was terrorized by "Somebody Feed Phil" for an indeterminate amount of time before I was driven home. For a while, I was actually grossed out by the thought of eating while high.

Now I really love having a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles when I decide to smoke after work. Grapes are okay, too :^)

>> No.20227072


>> No.20227162


>> No.20227768

the only time i had bhang i laid down on a country road in India in the dark and almost got run over. the asphalt, still warm from the day, felt so good and soft against my cheek. i thought i could feel the earth rotating

had some majoun in morocco last year but it was just the stuff they give tourists and wasn't that strong. still made walking around in the tangier casbah maze fun though

>> No.20227774

excellent choices but i would add, melon

>> No.20227844

Potheads should be executed and every single known plant and seed of marijuana should be destroyed
Prove me wrong

>> No.20227854

Fucking pathetic. I ate a 50mg delta8 gummy as my first interaction with THC when I was 27 and all it did was make me slightly sleepy for a half hour. Thought maybe it was just delta8 being a meme so convinced a friend to let me hit their J a few weeks later and all it did was give me mild cottonmouth after 5 hits

Weed sucks, it's a waste of time and money.

>> No.20227871
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Came here for this post, thanks

>> No.20227879


>> No.20228124
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This, but unironically.

>> No.20228216

Why is /ck/ full of prudes? Even in /v/ a weed thread gets little to no retaliation anymore

>> No.20228717
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>> No.20228734

Only grapefruit has that ability on some drugs because its a MAOI.

>> No.20228737
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>> No.20228754

top tier post

>> No.20228756

baked potato
shred cheddar onto it dont buy that starch pre shredded lazy ass cheese in a bag. ill fucking kill you with my hands on your neck runt
add bacon
use a pair of shears or whatever to chop up some green onions then stab yourself in the eyes with the sheers you worthless swine
a dollop of fresh, light sour cream brings it all together. now you can truly enjoy this dish. feel free to season with pepper or maybe a little garlic powder. butter can be added too
if you're a lardass

>> No.20228757




>> No.20228761

potheads are so fucking disgusting
even alcoholics are better than you fags

>> No.20228770

shut the fuck up loser or slam 9 grams of mexican black tar heroin in your dick vein. i dont care what you think about me smoking a few hits off my bong. if you're sober, you're not traversing life through any transcendental path. you're living like an animal. even an alcoholic would understand the journey one must undertake when consuming mind altering drugs. how about you hold your breath for a minute and get back to me when your head isnt so full of oxygenated blood

>> No.20228771

your bait makes you look like a crybaby

>> No.20228774

waaaa im sick of people whose doctor prescribes them speed and painkillers judging me for enjoying burnt flower buds. life is not fair, anon

>> No.20228785

read your post again, then mine

>> No.20228792
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WEED lmao

>> No.20228793

Pretty interesting. look at the ceiling in your room, I wrote something up there for you.

>> No.20228799

what's the thing covering the brownie?

>> No.20228807

looks like nutella or something similar

>> No.20229514

Straight edge queers are just as insufferable imo. Two sides of the exact same coin. Both of you need to put in a cage so you can solve your issues without making the rest of suffer.

>> No.20230296

it's underage contrarians that are very upset that everyone is having fun. they have nothing in their lives so they lash out at what's popular, like getting high, and turning into prudes. it's funny because ten years ago that same mindset made them into weed smoking edgy athiests, but after 2016 they became straight edge christians that demand a trad wife even though they no capability to be a breadwinner.

>> No.20230511

mcdonalds nuggies and fries
make sure to get every sauce available, the nuggies will taste delicious with every sauce but also completely unique and different from each other

>> No.20230603

took you long enough

>> No.20232641
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sunflower seeds

>> No.20232730

Get a nice meal ready, smoke (in my case some premium pollum hashish) just as you serve.

Frozen mango smells like fish. Please go back to /b/, you filthy underage imbecile.

>> No.20232738

Yup. Cock meat. Just like everyone in this thread who can't operate a pipe.

>> No.20232750
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>> No.20232757

Yeah man I have an addictive personality. It helps me stay off the booze.

>> No.20232810

This bitch is just mad that no one ever invited him to the smoke sesh and that's why he posts on 4chan

>> No.20232822

i bet you can operate a pipe lmaoo

>> No.20232998
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>> No.20233585
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Public service announcement that THCa is just regular weed that's been sent fir lab testing slightly before dispensary THC is and is thus federally legal.

Weed is federally legal because of a loophole in the 2018 federal farm bill. Usps delivers me weed regularly.

>> No.20234343

>Federally legal
Federally restricted, schedule 1. Specifically annotated in the restriction and not generalized as it is not "hemp", which is a genetically and chemically distinct material.