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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20219576 No.20219576 [Reply] [Original]

>just eat flour bro its good for you

>> No.20219584
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>> No.20219587

Shut up and eat your 10-12 servings.
We got subsidies to think about, commie.

>> No.20219591
File: 183 KB, 700x3287, Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies are all about bread though

>> No.20219616
File: 81 KB, 800x800, shutterstock_480863059[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white bread
Flavorless. Soulless. Childish.
>dark bread
Robust. Sovlful. Nourishing.

>> No.20219619

Go back to LA libshit

>> No.20219636

Dark bread is conservative. This is established.

>> No.20219664

i think dark bread should just go back to where it came from

>> No.20219696

Bread is bread. Good bread is good bread. Bad bread is bad bread. I've had both good and bad brown bread. I've had both good and bad white bread. It's as if whether bread is good doesn't depend on the color of the flour.

>> No.20219703

sourdough only, or die (I will kill you)

>> No.20219709

I love bread so much.

>> No.20219730

Sourdough > All others

>> No.20219732

homemade white bread is delicious

>> No.20219741


I love bread so much it hurts me to think of a world with no wheat.

>> No.20219756


>> No.20221032
File: 95 KB, 830x553, All-about-grain-flours-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shouldn't be consumed. simple as.

>> No.20221055

I will consume all of it for your sins

>> No.20221096

hunter-gatherers made bread from wild grains before humans even began farming. there are reasons modern grains and processing methods could be unhealthy. i don't think that means it's inherently bad and needs to be completely abandoned though.

>> No.20221101

Kek sounds about roight

>> No.20221213
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Will do chief.

>> No.20221225

im gonna be honest im gonna bake banana nut bread tomorrow and theres nothing you can do to stop me
should i add chocolate chips or not

>> No.20221249

chocolate would be good. and/or cinnamon.

>> No.20221261

Anons really are special needs

>> No.20221293

Never fucking disrespect bread. Do you even realise what an achievement bread is? How hard is it?
Hunter-gatherer retard goes innawoods, kills an animal or gathers his berries, and he's done. It's easy, any nigger can do it.
Farmchad has to tend to his soil, plow it, fertilize it, sow his seeds, guard it from insects, fires, and invaders for a year, then harvest it, then use sophisticated wind-powered machinery to grind it, then use special bacteria, knead it, and bake it in the ovens of his own making at a specific temperature for a specific time, just to get his bread.
Bread is the food of warriors, meat is the food of animals.

>> No.20221328

>10-12 servings
i never understood the food pyramid. who is eating that much bread/grain a day? same with vegetables, who is eating more than one serving of vegetables a day? a healthy diet is not complicated, you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one meal for each. one healthy meal. everyone knows what a healthy meal looks like. god americans are so stupid

>> No.20221339

It said 6-11 servings. That means eating two pieces of whole grain bread with each meal would fall within the guidelines. You could eat more if you needed more. Physically active people usually consume more carbs for energy.

>> No.20221342

>it's another episode of Americans getting mad at a food group
Why can't you just be normal? Why is it always fat free this, keto that, sugar free this?

>> No.20221346

you're retards

>> No.20221367

I don't understand the fuss about sourdough. It's nothing special.

>> No.20221383

Fermented food became popular in haute cuisine and this filtered down so sourdough became popular with hipsters

>> No.20221393

good spam post, NiggerMan

>> No.20222614

half a moon

>> No.20222668

make sure to put extra nut in it, just how you like it

>> No.20222686
File: 128 KB, 1322x1200, shitty wok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warrior to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook. Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones.

>> No.20222759
File: 50 KB, 708x800, eca-2712057993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b b but ketoschizo!!!

>> No.20222779

bread is for slaves who have a set time for their activities

>> No.20222800
File: 40 KB, 400x450, 1702594674538337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating grains
What are you cattle, you vote democrat and got vaxxed too? lmao
Only eat meat, eggs and dairy (You) don't need more.

>> No.20222825
File: 111 KB, 418x418, 1679888722040442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fasted whole day today and walked 15k steps. Gonna go to a pastries shop tomorrow and stuff my face with picrelated

>> No.20222908

Grains are a side dish, of course you should be eating mainly meat and dairy, only some propagandized bozo or some dirt poor third worlder who is trying to cope with their poverty would tell you otherwise. Still, grains taste great, can be paired with basically anything, and can hold you over for a good while if you find yourself unable to acquire meat and dairy.

>> No.20222941

I'm lactose intolerant am I just fucked

>> No.20222950

It's incredible how you managed to be so wrong about being right. Bread IS an incredible human achievement. Hunting is NOT easy and any nigger absolutely cannot do it. There's a reason literally every human civilization on the planet chose agriculture over the hunter gatherer lifestyle as soon as it was made available to them. It's because it was easier than hunting and gathering. It requires FAR less physical exertion than chasing down and fighting wild animals, it's a FAR more consistent method of procuring nutrition, and it comes with FAR less risk of getting killed out in the wild. Subsistence farmers work far less than you realize and can do it well into old age, not to say it's not hard work, but compared to hunting it's a fucking cake walk, we wouldn't do it if it weren't. It DOES require more sophisticated and specialized knowledge and equipment, but once you have it, you'd never go back to hunting on a regular basis because it's just so much harder, which is why once we learned how to farm crops, we replicated it with whichever animals were the easiest to do it with.
>Bread is the food of warriors (implying meat isn't)
This is just a flat out retarded statement.

>> No.20222956

I am too, although I mostly developed it in adulthood and it's not that severe. I just ignore it and eat dairy anyway and just fart like crazy if I drink too much milk. That still doesn't prohibit you from eating meat though, so not really.

>> No.20222958

15k steps burns 300-400 calories

not even half the amount of one of those pastries
gj retard

>> No.20222963

He also fasted you retard

>> No.20222968

Meat is expensive
And lactose gives me worse than facts
I get bad cramps. Really bad. As in I can't even move. And must stay in bed. And I'm constipated for a long time too.

I developed it when I was 21. Its ruined my eating habits

>> No.20222971

Many dairy products are naturally lactose-free or so low in lactose that they might as well be
There's some new info that shows that people who regularly consume kefir restore their ability to process lactose normally
Cottage cheese and ricotta are the two dairy products that are essentially as high in lactose as straight milk, stay away or eat small amounts (and never for breakfast)
Lactose-free milk isn't much more than regular milk but it also keeps longer

>> No.20222981

Lactose free milk creeps me out because it doesn't taste real so I've avoided it.

>> No.20223025

Actually, there is. Good luck tomorrow anon, no hard feelings.

>> No.20223037

I tried to mongolmaxx a few years back and am now suffering from renal failure, please advise :'(

>> No.20223046

Dumb take. What made agriculture superior to hunting wasn't the ease of procuring food, but its storability. In hoonter-gootherer societies most people had to hoont and goother, which limited the creative powers of society. A farmer does far more work than a typical hunter, but he can secure enough calories to feed large number of people (at least his family and his feudal lord who was busy protecting land and patronizing artisans, inventors, and other productive specialists) and can store those calories and brave winters and draughts, which allowed farming civilizations to explore colder regions of the world.

>> No.20223073

see they were so strong because they were selecting for iron clad digestive tracts

>> No.20223093

Fair enough
In cooking you can use cream and water as a milk substitute and cream also lasts a long time
The longer a cheese is aged the less lactose will remain but most of the lactose is in the whey which is discarded in most cheese-making processes

>> No.20223218

based mongorians

>> No.20224909

I mill my own flours from grain berries. My German einkorn bread with all the cracked seeds is nutritional and produces massive poo's.

$325 for a Komo Mio and a lifetime of galactic craps. Totally wirth it.

>> No.20225052

Mongolians had constant diarrhea from the mares milk they drank

>> No.20225200

>mongolians are le strong boned
>had to do hit and run tactics against le weak boned asians
something feels off

>> No.20225221

An essential part of their terror campaign against their enemies.

>> No.20225228

Men aren’t lactose intolerant that’s just for gays and women

>> No.20226378

Based stench warfare