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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20215401 No.20215401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are chuds so insistent on eating raw eggs? It's like a form of toxic masculinity or something.

>> No.20215409

Given how few people on /ck/ can good, I'm surprised this board isn't constantly eating raw eggs.

>> No.20215412

I swallow eggs whole without breaking the shell.

>> No.20215419

Everyone in my country eats eggs raw from time to time. It's not a masculinity thing. It's just a different way to enjoy something.

>> No.20215422

Are the raw egg eating chuds with us in the room now, mister?

>> No.20215435

If you do good can eat raw egg no sometimes, its all the problem for mostly being

>> No.20215442

it's not something that a woman could ever understand.


>> No.20215466

>raw egg white
>raw egg yolk

>> No.20215472

this entire board will die at 40 because people here only eat eggs every day. 6 eggs a day

>> No.20215477

Ask the clown college for a refund. This is just awful.

>> No.20215492

how do you type without hands mr snake

>> No.20215493

six eggs is not a lot
and eggs are good for you

>> No.20215505

You sound like somebody who would easily get their fucking ass kicked.

>> No.20215512

>It's like a form of toxic masculinity or something

>> No.20215527

what a strange response to a very mundane comment

>> No.20215535

No, a strange response is eating eggs at all. How insecure in your own masculinity do you have to be to act like you're a badass for eating raw eggs instead of some incel chud living out a fantasy.

>> No.20215548

Enjoy your Saturday mister

>> No.20215551

i dont eat raw eggs, maybe you should have something to eat, you always get like this when your blood sugar is low pookie

>> No.20215554 [DELETED] 

Imagine a fit black man gripping you both up by your throats and slamming you down into the pavement, snapping your necks. I am giddy just from the thought of it. Why don't you go back to /pol/, losers.

>> No.20215561

>he thinks he's "fit" while eating a vegan diet

>> No.20215562

Mutt's law, epic. Get new material anon and consider engaging honestly from time to time.

>> No.20215565

I really hate you election tourists. 2016 and Stormfront ruined this place.

>> No.20215567

Enjoy it anon, it's my last one. Have a good weekend.

>> No.20215578

oh its you again

>> No.20216249

I am here

>> No.20216282

I am also here. Beef tartar with garlic and raw egg yolk is based. I wash it down with whole milk, the flavor of garlic mixed with fresh milk is quite striking.

>> No.20216292

one of my favorite ground beef dishes, unironically, is ground beef chopped up, and a bit of tomato paste added later to make it seperate easier, and then i cover it with a mixture of raw eggs(whites and yolks) and wagyu tallow(the mixture is heated up to be warm & for the tallow to slightly melt but not enough to cook the eggs at all). it is delicious.
the only issue with raw eggs is the texture and that people usually don't salt them before eating

>> No.20216337

It's funny because only a newfag would actually fall for the
>4chan wasn't a racist right wing site before 2016
nonsense. 4chan loved Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012, for example. The only thing that changed with consecutive waves of newfags is that the site became less libertarian/fascist right wing and more generic american conservative right wing.

Why did moot delete /new/, and why did he bring it back? The answer to those two questions should tell you all you need to know, but you've never seen a /new/ board on this site, have you?

>> No.20216350

>not newfag
you never belonged here

>> No.20216381

More nutrients less toxins.

>> No.20216386

Keep working on that reading comprehension, anon. I'm sure you'll improve if you keep practicing. Here's a question to help you do better in the future: did I say anything about how long I've been here?

Funny again though because you're just outing yourself as a newfag again. When did we first get a /new/ board and when was it deleted? Hint: it was before 2008.

>> No.20216395

pre-2008 it was called /n/ you actual newfag, consider suicide LOL

>> No.20216397

/n/ was the trains board, first.

>> No.20216401

and now you're coping. you were never even here in 2008. by virtue of bringing up /new/ you outed yourself to post-2010 but i suspect you're an election tourist frantically googling for deets
consider suicide LOL

>> No.20216416

I would say that you're embarrassing yourself but I doubt anyone else here would even understand what I was referencing if I started explaining how you're wrong. And since this is just between us, and we both know that you're just bullshitting, then I'll be the bigger man and accept your concession.

If you wanted to larp as an oldfag then the way to do it would be answering the questions I asked in >>20216337, not running to google for 4chan board history or wherever you're getting that shit from.

>> No.20216421
File: 490 KB, 1957x1579, 1613421446641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy and i've been here since it was a .net domain.
just saying, it was /n/ - trains, then /n/ - nature and wildlife, then /n/ - news, and now /n/ - transportation again.

>> No.20216422

>been on 4chan for decades
>still hasn't learned to tell anons about by posting style
how embarrassing for you

>> No.20216424

>i don't even have to explain myself, i'm so old LMAO
holy shit you are a massive faggot and guaranteed post-2016 now

>> No.20216428


>implying I don't change my 'posting style' with every thread
You'll never find me, anon.

>> No.20216438

>he still can't answer two simple questions to prove that he's been around as long as he claims he has
Every time you post, you make it worse for yourself.

>> No.20216473
File: 537 KB, 792x569, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play my game or else
i'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me. newfag.

>> No.20216489

I heard from my mom that my brother used to eat a dozen eggs a day.

>> No.20216578

asians eat eggs raw all the time

>> No.20217217

I microwave my eggs

>> No.20217227
File: 42 KB, 569x802, enab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.20217245


>> No.20217346
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x1326, 1707856123320332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raw egg yolks are delicious
I put them on rice and toast

>> No.20217370

what a strange response to a very mundane comment

>> No.20217371

you’re a seething liberal crybaby npc retard
dime a dozen tranny idiot

>> No.20217721

Newfag here
I regularly started coming here in 2019

>> No.20218267
File: 291 KB, 360x720, Typing_Flats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up eating eggs (cooked obviously) as did many others: they're healthy and have good macros. Plus I could probably kick your butt

>> No.20218271

don’t do things that threaten me or else i’ll tell on you
i’m scared of boys who eat eggs differently because a tranny told me
to be! that means i’m smart!

>> No.20218459

I thought you had a vendetta against eggs as a whole wtf is your stance you lunatic weirdo also I WILL kick your butt

>> No.20218574

Tastes good man but all eggs are good. I insist on eating eggs the way you want to. Poached, scrambled, soft boiled, deviled, they're all fantastic.

>> No.20218577

blessed egg eater
sometimes I scramble them up in a coffee cup, a splash of milk or sharp cheddar, cook for 30 seconds, stir, and then 30 more. eggs are gods gift to man

>> No.20218583

I have some reservations with including cheese but I know this is more of a me problem because most people like it.

>> No.20218835

Cooking eggs is so fucking easy though.
>pam small skillet
>crack two eggs
>salt and pepper
>6.5 heat and cover
>4 minutes later you literally slide the eggs onto a plate
>run under faucet for 10 seconds to cool and clean
It is the simplest fucking cook on the planet. It is a fire and forget meal.

>> No.20219213

You will destroy your pan if you take it off heat and put it in water. You need to let the pan cool off before hand

>> No.20220693

It is a small 6 inch skillet I got in a 10 piece set of for $15 that I use exclusively to make two eggs at a time with. I've been using it for over 2 years. I got my money's worth if it someone fails to contain eggs and absorb heat.

>> No.20221039

was this revealed to you in a dream?

>> No.20221057

I believe there are people who believe that the egg nutrition is more "intact" if they eat it raw. But the other day I read that it is actually more bio-available if it is cooked. Hmmm

>> No.20221061

>more bio-available if it is cooked
many such cases