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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20211213 No.20211213 [Reply] [Original]

Last night was pic related

>> No.20211231

wait what the fuck, I dont think Ive ever eaten anything in a dream
Ive read things, which people always say you cant but i cant remember any food dreams

>> No.20211233

I have literally never once dreamed about food, which is weird because honestly I'm a total fatass.

I also like fat chicks, though, and I never dream about them, either.

>> No.20211273
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I keep losing my teeth in my dreams bro

>> No.20211279

A prophetic vision - heed it.

>> No.20211286
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Dreams are your brain dumping useless information. Like reformatting an SSD. Only women see dreams as prophetic, and meaning in the stars and their position in relation to them.

>> No.20211294

I'm glad I'm not the only dude that has dreams about eating cream pies.

>> No.20211296

this means you feel emasculated, akin to being castrated
get some goddamn control over your life, pushover bitch

>> No.20211384

Dreams are hallucinations, which are always contextual. There's a reason sober alcoholics dream about drinking, anxious people have the same can't run/teeth falling out/naked in class dreams, etc. It's not "the stars", not sure what retarded shit you've been reading.

>> No.20211480

>can't run/teeth falling out
I used to gaslight myself that I didn't have anxiety when I basically went around for my entire teenage years with eternally sweaty palms and having those dreams almost every night.

>> No.20211493



Those are women's words. Dreams mean nothing. Same goes for your astrological sign. Painful, I know.

>> No.20211499

I had tea in a dream recently. I think my brain wants it because it's soothing. I felt myself inhaling in my sleep because I could smell and taste it.

I had a dream of eating a salad after eating mostly meat and bread for a few days.

Sometimes I have anxious dreams that I ate something with wheat after learning I have Celiac disease, and feeling how sick it made me when eating it after giving it up for a few weeks.

>> No.20211506

Last time I saw a dream with food in it, there was some pasta dishes where the penne pasta and the topokki pieces were exceedingly large (something in between 20 and 30 centimeters) and the sauce was not on top, but next to the pasta. The pasta was sort of like canneloni, but penne shape and they were thick. I can't remember if I ate it, but I just remember that my father in law complained about the small amount of pasta (number of the pieces, the amount of pasta in weight was more than normally you would get in restaurant) and said that this would be the last time we come here.
It's interesting because it was a restaurant I have been before in my dreams, so I want to find out if I ever return to that particular restaurant in the future dreams.

>> No.20211519

Why do you keep bringing up random nonsense? Maybe you're confused.

>> No.20211524

>It's another knife fight dream
These are fucking scary, I really don't like them. I don't know why my brain makes me have them, if it's anxiety I don't know why I can't just run slow or whatever. It's always a fucking knife fight, they're gonna fucking get me, god damn it.

>> No.20211526

>t. br*tish

>> No.20211533

ur mums minge innit

>> No.20211540

That's a sign of social pressure/insecurity. It used to happen to me too when I was younger.

>> No.20211562

you're clueless about both men and women

>> No.20211976

Dreams do have meaning but they're very mundane ones.
There are specific ones, like when inexperienced drivers dream about causing accidents, or when students dream about forgetting to attend a class and waking up on exam day. I see these as warnings, the root fear is very obvious.
Nonspecific ones like teeth falling out or appearing nude in front of peers are about general shame and inadequacy in society. I see these as your mind lamenting the state of you (or at least how you see yourself).

People who feel at ease, prepared in life, and good about themselves don't have dreams like these.

>> No.20211983
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I dream of eating my ex's ass in my sleep

>> No.20212078

The fact that I can taste it just looking at the box

>> No.20212088


>> No.20212150

I had a dream i was sitting in a bush watching myself walk back home from the store with my groceries.
I watched myself put in the combination to the appartment building door and enter.
I put in the code too and tailed myself into the building.
The other me took the elevator and i walked up on stairs.
I arrived before the other me in the elevator did.
I waited patiently for him to take out his keys and open the door.
I then snapped my clones neck with my hands and quickly pushed his dead body through the door.
I butchered the other me.
Took off his skin and bones.
I deepfried some parts,i made some parts into a soup,i slow cooked some and made pulled pork sandwiches,i turned the bones into ramen etc. out of my clone.
By the time i finished cooking it was morning and i noticed there was no toilet paper so i put on the clothes the other me was wearing and went to get some toilet paper but i felt a chill run down my spine i felt i was being watched.
There was noone on the street even thought it was already bright outside.
Whatever i went to the store.
There was noone there at the store not even the cashiers so i had to use self checkout.
Instead of going back home i changed my mind and went on the bus and there was noone there on the bus jist me but the bus was driving araund by itself.
It drove and drove and drove it felt like hours went by and it never got anywhere.
And then i woke up.

>> No.20212161


What a horrible nightmare. Poor guy.


I never heard of teeth falling out as common dream theme. The classics like being unable to move or falling, but that one is new to me.

>> No.20212199

teeth falling is fairly common

it usually deal with stress

>> No.20212222

ignore the other retards who don't know how to divine messages from dreams, it's actually a sign that I'm coming for your teeth and that I'm getting closer

>> No.20212879

Did you at least taste good?

>> No.20212954
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holy shit quads confirm

>> No.20212974
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I ate plain sbugatti in while watching over the surgeons' shoulders in an operating theater once

>> No.20213072
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I have a gun

>> No.20213122

You have to sleep sometime

>> No.20213673

I have an eating disorder at the moment so my food dreams are quite frequent. Last night was strawberry milk and I kept drinking it over and over again. Either that or it's hot foods. Oddly feels realistic. I imagine this is what actual starving people must dream of.

>> No.20213682

I know that this is silly, but a simple cheese burger or two from Wendy's with a side of fries then I wake up and there's nothing there. It happens from time to time and while I can to a close Wendy's it's usually closed when I think of it... it's either too early or too late.

>> No.20213685

The only dreams I remember is peeing because I end up peeing in my bed haha

>> No.20213686
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>> No.20213699

I guess Carl Jung was a woman…tsk tsk

>> No.20213708

You pissed off the tooth fairy.

>> No.20213717
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Last night it was this and I decided to go with my family to a metal concert faraway using my parents’ kitchen table as transportation, but not before checking out automobile websites on an old Macintosh computer and visiting a mechanic shop.

>> No.20213758

Those dreams are the worst. Thankfully I haven't had one for 5 years or so.

>> No.20214126


Well did it work?
Did you sit on the table and it flew you there?
Or teleport you in the blink of an eye?