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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 809x607, chenkinsalts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20210894 No.20210894 [Reply] [Original]

When we are done here, none of you will be beholden to big chicken salt ever again. They can no longer keep us in the dark.
First we must gather ingredients

>> No.20211434

Do you want to say what we are looking at? Fried chicken skin? Are you ok, retard?

>> No.20211445
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, 1707502431214355m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is chicken salt?

>> No.20211551

big chicken salt got op, rip

>> No.20211671


>> No.20211686

how do weebs post this kind of shit and not feel extremely embarrassed?

>> No.20211692

OP here, I passed away

>> No.20211818

OP tried to make chicken salad but without taking the proper precautions he accidentally created ketchup gas. Many such cases!

>> No.20211828

They aren't as insecure as you

>> No.20211832

they would be if they had any self awareness

>> No.20212247
File: 300 KB, 1200x1133, 1200px-Evil_Chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can no longer keep us in the dark.
>is never seen or heard from, again

Big Chicken Salt killed OP because he knew too much.

>> No.20212263

They are no doubt incredibly insecure. Some of the most pathetic and self deprecating posts on this website come from the anime avatarposters.

>> No.20212291

lack of shame and interaction with anyone who would make them feel it

>> No.20212298

op here, i apologize But somethInG unexpeCted Has come up and I am unable to Continue. i beg you to please respeKt my privacy in thEse troubliNg timeS. i cAn ensure you that i am not being coerced or threatened by anyone. there is no such thing as big chicken saLT

>> No.20213125

Keep going

>> No.20213151

Chicken salt costs like 5 dollars. I just buy in on amazon.

>> No.20213185
File: 18 KB, 300x300, img-thing_mais_oui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20214393
File: 111 KB, 1024x685, bigchickenergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just buy in on amazon

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.20215141

When the girl at the milk bar asks what salt I want on my chips, I say plain and offer no explanation. I intrigue her.

>> No.20215147

>I am a vampire and...and what? I am a vampire and here is a million dollars? I am a vam- oh no I get it. They got him! Oh they came and got him with a stake through the heart

>> No.20215149

the fact that she asks every time means you've left no impression on her at all

>> No.20215197

You being unwilling to make fun of your own flaws is not a mark of security.

>> No.20215586

You never had any chicken salt?

>> No.20215596

I train people to not anticipate my wishes. Whenever they make an assumption I say I wanted the opposite this time. It doesn't take long for them to stop.

>> No.20215604

You are also training people not to enjoy your presence

>> No.20215973

I dont understand the connection to chicken salt

>> No.20216041

I was actually this close to explaining, but then I decided that you don't deserve to understand

>> No.20216194
File: 89 KB, 1705x959, OkayGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20216222

based schizoposting

>> No.20216635

anon blink twice if you need help

>> No.20216651

Op here
Bunch of salt
Fried chicken skins
Ground up bullion is also acceptable
That's it. Thread over

>> No.20216692

>make fun
They aren't making fun of their own flaws or insecurities. They're wallowing in them.

>> No.20216719

You are so obviously jealous of the hold I have over the girl at the milk bar.

>> No.20216726

Look all I'm saying is seeing ads for whores on a food and cooking board is not appropriate

>> No.20217895


>> No.20217935

This thread is gunna be up for 6 months because this board is full of retarded redditors that don't know when the joke is over and want 24/7 clown hours

>> No.20218280

op is too fat and started eating it right away
probably some kike making schmaltz

>> No.20219080

It's basically MSG. There's a bit of dehydrated chicken stock and probably some sort of spice in there, but the only reason people think it's great is the MSG.

>> No.20219776

>24/7 clown hours
sounds like someone has a case of the mondays

>> No.20221575

Please do not use racial slurs , they are not needed here

>> No.20222146

circle is not a slur retard

>> No.20222149

10 seconds of googling whether chicken salt is a real thing could have save you some embarrassment.