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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 924x853, 41B116EB-5AFE-479B-A92C-41C7225C4A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20210749 No.20210749 [Reply] [Original]

When’s the last time you went out for pizza with friends? Is there a good local place that you have for that?

>> No.20210756

Last summer. Place at my corner is supposed to be the best pizza place in the state. We got three pizzas, a margherita, a tuna and onion and I don't remember the third. They're cooked by beechwood.

>> No.20210776

probably around 6 years ago
the pizza was bad

>> No.20210789

I don't typically go out for pizza, it's always been more of delivery/carry out thing

>> No.20210794
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It's all the same characters.

>> No.20210795

Is that Daria? God I want to rape the shit out of darias butthole. I want to make her scream

>> No.20210803

What about her Aunt?

>> No.20210816

Rape. Butt rape

>> No.20210838

Which aunt, though? Rita or Amy?

>> No.20210892
File: 464 KB, 1379x1960, Pizza Hut 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a week ago I time traveled to 1988 to see Michael Jackson in concert and ate at Pizza Hut with some kids my age I met at the show. I hooked up with a cute blonde girl who I later found out is my grandma. Now my body is getting translucent. Why would Pizza Hut do this to me?

>> No.20210905

Never. Its too overpriced and I dont have friends

>> No.20210933

Not having friends makes taking the entire gang out much less expensive.

>> No.20210939

>too overpriced
I miss the days when I could get a large pizza with any three toppings, hand over a 10 and get change back.

>> No.20210941
File: 1.12 MB, 1439x1430, 54add988694b7ad22ca71cc50e3403b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my last night in phuket about a year ago I made my Chinese friend go to The Pizza Company with me because I had seen it around and wanted to try it. we got a stuffed crust or something and it was pretty good, nothing to write home about.
I rarely go and get pizza with friends back home, it's something I eat at home.

>> No.20210946

You can still do that at the chain restaurants..

Pretty much all of them have some kind of carry out deal.

Pizza is the most calorie/$ food you can get out.. Like if it's one thing you shouldn't feel bad about eating out on, it's pizza.

>> No.20210948

>Pizza is the most calorie/$ food you can get out
How do you figure?

>> No.20210954

I could get a large with two non-meat toppings for $11 from the Mexican owned joint at the opposite corner from the $24 per Neapolitan-sized pizza place I described in >>20210756 (they also sell iced tea for $7 per glass lmao).
One meat, one non is $12. Two meat is $14. The meat toppings don't include the Mexican shit they do like pizza al pastor ($18), pizza barbacoa de chivo ($20) or pizza tejano (taco pizza with taco-spiced ground beef etc; $16).
It's not so bad and I really like the Mexican stuff.

>> No.20210955
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I usually do takeout with my friends because we get together weekly to hang out and watch cartoons and shit in my friend's basement. If we ever go out to a movie (which rarely happens because movies are overpriced and turbo-shit these days) there's a little pizza place across the road from the mall that we usually visit. Going to a place up the road tonight with my wife because neither of us wants to cook.

I was shocked to find that the rest of the country apparently doesn't have Greek-style pan pizza; it's fairly ubiquitous in the New England area when it comes to mom and pop pizzerias. It's definitely got a sharper difficulty curve to do right compared to other styles of pizza, but the trade-off is that when it IS done right, it's absolutely in a class of its own.

>chain restaurants
I'd rather overpay, I think.

>> No.20210957


In terms of fast food, a large chain pizza is like ~3k calories. And that can be like $8-$12 (depending on coupon/topping). That's pretty much the best deal you can get when eating out.

Non-chains might be 2x the price at most, but that's still really cheap for the amount of calories compared to other kind of meals/restaurants.

>> No.20210962

I guessed she meant something like those Little Caesars ones. I've never had one and I've no idea if they're still $5 but they're definitely over 1200 calories per pizza, no?

>> No.20210966


Little Caesars plain is specifically like 2300 calories

>> No.20210972

>Non-chains might be 2x the price at most,
Nonchains are typically at parity with chains in my area. They're often cheaper, likely because we're absolutely riddled with pizza places so they need to reduce the price to entice customers. Within a half mile of me, there are at least twelve pizza spots, only one if which is a chain (LC) and that's on the absolute edge of that radius.

>> No.20210973

Holy fuck, really? For the $5 ones? Criminy. Yeah, that deffo beats out any other option, then.

>> No.20210980


You have to consider the coupons from chain places. Never buy chain pizza (papa johns, hut, dominos) without a coupon, that's like 30%+ discount you're missing out on.

>> No.20210981

>implying anyone on this board has friends who want to be seen in public with them

>> No.20210990

Maybe. Every chain that tried to open here (first Domino's, then Pizza Hut and Poopy John's) closed within a year or two. The Domino's even became a the PH after laying empty two years. The PJs one has been empty for six years now, which is weird because it's on the first floor of a luxury apartment building and across the street from another two luxury apartment buildings lmao

>> No.20210993

All women should be subject to brutal rape at any given time.

>> No.20210996

4chan is the only place on the internet where "I'm a disgusting reject, so everyone else here must be a disgusting reject, too!" is an actual sentiment.

>Never buy chain pizza (papa johns, hut, dominos) without a coupon,
Or just never buy chain pizza. If you have time to open your phone and search for coupons, you have time to search for a better pizza place.

>> No.20211021

Opposite problem for me.
My friends complain that we don't go out with them often enough and wr don't wanna make friends with my kid's friends parents because they suck.
My babymomma only really has one friend but she's ugly and I don't want us to be seen in public with her or her ugly, bald, fat, gigantic, lazy-eyed husband.

>> No.20211038

Is your wife aware that she married a sociopath? Or, at least, someone that’s severely unbalanced?

>> No.20211045

It's a valid sentiment. It's our place. You wouldn't be here if I weren't here, and you're not welcome.

>> No.20211046

Bullshit, Fry didn't disappear. Unless you didn't get Granny pregnant. You did go all the way, didn't you snakefucker?

>> No.20211052
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Different cultural references have different timeline rules with many ways to violate them.

>> No.20211060

She has no idea and we're unmarried.

>> No.20211062

Late 2015

>> No.20211070

before covid, maybe like 2019 idk. and no.

>> No.20211183

Spoken like someone who showed up here in 2016.

>> No.20211217

>Greek-style pan pizza
My nigga. I moved away from New England and I can't get this shit anywhere anymore. I didn't realize how much I took it for granted. Feels bad.

I also miss chourico and coffee milk :,^(

>> No.20211356

the only local place that isnt a dominos or something is so jam packed with tourists that you cant even get a seat unless you go at like 3pm on a Monday or something

>> No.20211358

last week

>> No.20211359

Yeah I miss last year as well.
Dominos jacking up the price of their $5 large pizzas really hurt the fast food economy.

>> No.20211369

that sentiment was expressed in the mid 2000s

>> No.20211404

Spoken like someone who showed up here in 2020.

>> No.20211410

Spoken like someone who showed up here in 2030

>> No.20211417

That's not pizza, I'm afraid.

>> No.20211497
File: 88 KB, 960x808, mall pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When’s the last time you went out for pizza with friends?
Does the mall food court count? It's so quiet and intimate there and no one is around to bother you and nobody complains how long you stay

>> No.20211577

Damned time travelers. Using our websites. Oughta be a law!

>> No.20211587

dude I swear pizza sucks ass outside of the northeast (not counting memes like chicago deep dish and that detroit style)
everything outside of jew york is some undercooked slop that you're better off eating with a fork and knife.

>> No.20211628

Spoken like someone who showed up here in 2040

>> No.20212754

in most of the world, its literally all you have
>Pizza Hut (no-one's even been inside one since the 90s)
>Locally owned places that charge $50 for a 1 topping pizza. The decor is exposed brickwork and the guy serving you has a beard and is covered in tattoos.

>> No.20212766

Been years, last great pizza was back on the result coast. Wife and I moved to ca and there is ok pizza, but not as good. Also pissed that I cant get a fucking chicken parm sub out here. These cocksuckers give you eiced chicken in sauce or just tenders.

>> No.20212770

Funny how every single person in this photo is middle eastern, yet Americans would look at them and think it's a bunch of white teens.

>> No.20213007

Won't the basement start to smell up the rest of the house after a while?

>> No.20213011


>> No.20213012

>went out for pizza with friends
Oh. Um. Shit. A long time ago. A very long time ago.

Done plenty of pizza parties with coworkers though. There was one a few months back. It's always shitty delivery tho. Back prior to covid we used to go to the local pizza buffet joint. That za was "better" than delivery, but not that much better.

>> No.20213031

Your fast food pickup/delivery options are:
Papa Johns (dogshit)
Little Cesars (pickup only)
Pizza Hut (maybe)

There are actually some regional pickup only chains that have reasonable pizza:
Mod Pizza (they are in your face libshits though)

And I have a local joint that does a large for $20. Still a ripoff, but actually decent pizza.

>> No.20213906

>Papa Johns (dogshit)
doesnt exist here
>Little Cesars (pickup only)
doesnt exist here
>Pizza Hut (maybe)
no-one goes to pizza hut
>even more obscure literal who local shit
ok dude lol

>> No.20214010

> last time you went out for pizza
About a month ago
2013 or 2014, I had friends in high school but I didn't have any real ones during or after college.
>good local place
Yes, until they moved

>> No.20214056

Cici's pizza. Pretty decent for the price. I bring a little tobasco bottle with me.

>> No.20214116
File: 671 KB, 1632x1224, E668BC5D-127C-4A9C-B958-7A2ACAFFA446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant get a fucking chicken parm sub out here
That would drive me batshit

>> No.20214122

You go out for ...pizza? Even in this shit hole they deliver acceptable quality if I am not making it.

>> No.20214125

The best pizza in town is an Italian restaurant that has RSVPS every slot of the day 2-3 months out, but they offer takeout-only pizza which has the most delicious cheeses and toppings. I often do that when I have family visiting because it's so premium.

When I go out for pizza, it's actually always separate dinners instead. Pizza is the draw, but we don't share one afterall, and go for chicken parm or other moods once the garlic rolls are ordered. If I lived in New Haven, it'd be more often, for sure.

>> No.20214145
File: 618 KB, 1938x1400, Pizza Hut family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Hut? More like Pizza Drunk.

>> No.20214153

that place sounds like a giant pain in the ass. is it little rendezvous in Meriden?

>> No.20214252

whats so great about that. just buy frozen breaded chicken and tomato sauce and have a ball

>> No.20214256

they cook the cutlets on-site. Your frozen shit is trash, and if you can’t tell the difference then die

>> No.20214265

>and if you can’t tell the difference then die
I never tried it so I have nothing to compare it to. but I'm curious what the hype is about so I will eat it the frozen way with a jar of some pasta sauce to see if it has meaning.

>> No.20214276

spring 2008
me and the boys went to some "brooklyn style" slice shop in suburban houston for a couple slices
it was the evening, the mall we were wasting time at had just closed
later we all went to my shitty, barely furnished apartment and played video games and drank too much alcohol

>> No.20214282

She thinks that means "reservations"

>> No.20214356

do you think that pile of batteries are dead ones they carried around with the camera for its flash and they had to cycle through them to find a pair that worked?

>> No.20214539
File: 142 KB, 1400x933, Vintage-Instamatic-style-camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electric flash in the 80s probably required four batteries, so those on the table could simply be the ones the removed when the flash stopped working. Most people kept an extra pack of batteries in their camera bag. The image looks a bit too clear to be a 110 camera but some like pic related had ok lenses so maybe it was one.

>> No.20214577
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, beau jos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in colorado for a bachelor party last year and we went to this place that had "colorado mountain pie"
it was pretty good. you're supposed to put honey on the crust i guess

>> No.20214584
File: 26 KB, 474x379, OIP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most us just used disposable flash cubes
I still have some but God knows if they still work. I take some pics one of these days.

>> No.20214659

the idea that everyone would have a camera in their pockets, not loaded camera bags, at all times with no film would have been such a strange concept to them

>> No.20214824
File: 91 KB, 1080x569, urbanmatter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my birthday in October of last year.

There is a local pizza chain (not a major chain, but a couple dozen locations in the area and some satellites) that started in my home town, with the original location still operating out of a converted turn-of-the-century bicycle factory. It's a very interesting building, very good pizza, and important to me on a personal level as a favorite place for my family to hold large dinners. So I got a group of my friends who live in the city to all take a field trip to taste a slice of my hometown. It was great.

>> No.20214891

A lot of us carried a camera at all times but we were stupidly careful about "wasting" a frame. Taking a photo cost about as much as a cigarette, developing included, but we still took like 12 pics on a vacation.
It's a shame in a way, but it probably did also make people put more thought into their snaps. I don't know.

>> No.20215411

Is there anything inside the crust? Or is it just a bunch of worthless bread?

>> No.20215438

nah its just crust. but the gimmick there is you put honey on the crust and it's like a sweet end to that slice of pizza i guess. i just skipped the crust cause i didnt wanna put honey on it. pizza itself was good though

>> No.20216887

What was her fucking problem?

>> No.20216948

who, daria? she feels alone because of her +40 IQ stat that makes her think and behave differently than her peers, which makes her insecure, so she acts out by dressing differently and being snarky. probably would have been happier if Trent gave her some attention

>> No.20216957

i wanna go back...

>> No.20216964

We ordered pizza and stayed inside playing videogames, now I make pizza so I havent actually bought one in around 5 years

>> No.20216973

would have been around September it was at some artsy vegan place and cost $60

>> No.20217134

only decent pizza for a fair price i can find is at the grocery stores deli of all fucking places
25 canadian for 2 extra large
it's good pizza but theres no phone to call in and order, so you gotta walk in, order it, and the somehow stand around in a grocery store for 20 minutes for them to actually put the pizza together, 10 for it to cook, and another 5 to wait in line at check out because its now suddenly busy (you can't self check out the pizza because the boxes don't fit in the loading area)

>> No.20217144

>sees a random picture
>immediately thinks about america
God damn it feels good living rent free in the minds of brown shitholers like you. I don't even know or care about whatever irrelevant brown country you come from.

>> No.20217151

Last time i went out with pizza with friends was last november in dallas and ate on the patio. Some homeless dude was around and became increasingly aggressive to the point we had to punch him and the police came. We do have a decent pizza place/bar around the corner that seems to be really popular on the weekend nights. Might have to try it.

>> No.20217931

She was a secret lezzie and Jane wasn’t

>> No.20217943

Never with friends (because I have none). I somehow managed to score a girlfriend (do not ask, I have no fucking clue how myself), and we eat pizza every so often. Last time was about a week ago.

>> No.20219251

>A Domino's on each side of town, only one of them is good
>A Little Ceasers on each side of town, none of them are good
>Local chain that charges $15+ for a personal pizza and $30+ for a large
>Hipster pizza and noodle shop that has the same prices, food is better but super shitty service
>Local chain that's slightly cheaper but that is nasty inside
I occasionally order Domino's. There's a chinese place that my only irl friend and I got to on the rare occasion that our schedules align. I haven't sat down for pizza in years, it's been disappointing for about a decade. I don't like being consistently disappointed.

>> No.20219371

>I somehow managed to score a girlfriend (do not ask, I have no fucking clue how myself)
Clerical error.

>> No.20220707

hello MDbro

>> No.20221340
File: 157 KB, 1280x960, 1513510579510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember

>> No.20221355

well la di da look at mr richie rich over here can afford to eat out

>> No.20221451

I don't have any friends but there are two pizza places next to each other that are both great

>> No.20221576

>back when alcohol wasn't haram