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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1125, healthy snack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20210547 No.20210547 [Reply] [Original]

You like cheese right?

>> No.20210555

No. Can't digest it.

>> No.20210556

I like you mom's cheese
Her dick cheese

>> No.20210559

What color is your skin and eye?

>> No.20210566

Seek help

>> No.20210582

Pretending to enjoy rotten milk is as try hard as pretending to enjoy drinking rotten grain.

>> No.20210584

Don't like blue cheese. Jarlsberg is nice for snacking.

>> No.20210597

all blue cheeses?

>> No.20210655

Yes, but it's gotten damn expensive. $8 for 250g of green-and-white mold cheese

>> No.20210793

jarlsberg isn't nice for anything. see also: the entirety of norwegian cuisine.

>> No.20210802

Yup. The stinkier the better.

>> No.20210817

Soft cheeses - based
Hard cheeses - moldy cringe
Mascarpone is king

>> No.20210860

Yeah but I don't eat any specialty quality cheese because I don't know how.

>> No.20210863

Might as well eat butter lardboy

>> No.20210864
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>> No.20210867

Pack it up lads, liking cheese is s0y now.

>> No.20211134
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for me, it's munster

>> No.20211137
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for me, it's saint-marcellin

>> No.20211140
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for me, it's delice de bourgogne

>> No.20211145
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dinner is served

>> No.20211320
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depends what constitutes cheese

>> No.20211518

>dinner is served

>> No.20211530
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I like a nice baked bree with fruit

>> No.20211950

try baked brie with salad

>> No.20211957

no, I love it.

>> No.20212019

>You like cheese right?
cheese is high fat junk food.

>> No.20212501

Yes. I like cheese.

>> No.20213416


>> No.20213793

Would marry a great cheese. Can't say I would remain faithful though. I am a cheese slut and love them so.

>> No.20213850

aged gouda pour moi

>> No.20215095


>> No.20215102
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I'm White, yea.

>> No.20215105

Yes. Once had an italian cheese that smelled like actual horseshit but it was mad fire loco. I wanna try all kinds of blue cheeses now, loved roquefort and cabrales, bit nicer than blue danish but that was also good.

>> No.20215118

I like blue cheese cause the flavor is good but it’s also like… intense
its like getting a blowjob with a little bit of teeth

>> No.20215121

Honestly can't eat enough.
I have a whole container of cottage cheese before bed, put cheese on my food and snack on cheese during the day.

God damnit cheese is the best

>> No.20215134
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>brown people can't eat cheese
this is what happens when covid closes the schools and an entire generation of now adults were socialized by incel memes on /r9k/

>> No.20215137

This, it's
>Brown people can't eat cheese (without shitting themselves)
They are fine if they have a lactaid or just change their undies.

>> No.20215142


Angry Mestizo detected. Horses and cattle didn't exist until Conquistadors brought them over. Cheese isn't part of your brown ancestors diet.

>> No.20215143

it's more like cheese and yogurt burn off most of the stuff that bothers people with lactose sensitivity, which is why they're much more popular than liquid milk

also the real lactose intolerance is in east asia or what you might call "yellow people", brown people as such are only a little bit more prone to issues than europeans

>> No.20215153
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is this a bot from 10 years ago? the fashionable thing to screech about is indians, or failing that, trannies. perhaps you might imagine me to be both ;-) does this enrage you?

>> No.20215159
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for me, it's bleu de bresse. careful with imitations, you want the real one.

>> No.20215164

I know but tomatoe tomato at that point. Just used brown as a term because you used it. My Caribbean friend loves cheese but usually only eats old gouda in small amounts to prevent the tummy rumbles.

>> No.20215168

Looks really nice. Like a nice balance between firm and gooey and soft yet sharp.

>> No.20215211


None of your babbling negates the fact cheese making didn't exist where your grandparents are from, until the 16th century.

>> No.20215234

really, that long ago? I thought wisconsin was mostly just native people back then

>> No.20215240

yeah it looks like early 19th century


>> No.20215247

>t. shits himself when eating dairy

>> No.20215249

I like you guys' little cheesehats.

>> No.20215250

t. pisses himself at the sight of his own shadow

>> No.20215265


Please stop pretending to be White,
Jalesco indionigger. Thank you.

>> No.20215269

pretty sure it's spelled jalisco, and I never said I was?

>> No.20215272


Please understand cheese isn't part of your people's natural diet. Thank you.

>> No.20215277

Anons, what is the stinkiest smelliest yet delicious piece of cheese you ever had?

>> No.20215278

mozzarella is the only cheese I like by itself.
any type of aged cheese literally makes me gag.
I can tolerate parmesan if it's mixed with other ingredients in cooked recipes and the taste is not too prevalent.

>> No.20215279

nature fucking sucks. bubonic plague is "natural". cancer is "natural". air conditioning, long distance jet travel, and exogenous feminizing hormones are "artificial". reject nature. embrace modernity.

>> No.20215287

Don't take this the wrong way but do you have a sensitive stomach? Knew a dude who had one and said similar things. He only could have things like Mozarella or May Cheese, anything else makes him sick.

>> No.20215317

Whats the appeal of feta? This shit literally tastes like a block of salt.

>> No.20215322

No, I don't like the process of digesting cheese even though it tastes good. It makes me nauseous and turns my stomach. I ate 2 pieces of pizza last night and felt like I had a hangover this morning. Absolutely cannot do dairy.
White and blue

>> No.20215328

I guess you probably feel the same about pecorino romano? don't feel bad, "good taste" and "bad taste" can only be meaningful if there are people with bad taste, such as yourself

>> No.20215336


Xenoestrogens are naturally occuring, everything is natural, your ancestors diet isn't however, they didn't consume wheat tortillas, or beef, or goats, or cheese, or half of the spices Spaniards brought to the new world with them.

>> No.20215370

my ancestors from dozens of generations ago probably subsisted off lutefisk, mead, and blubber from dead, beached marine mammals, I am sure it was a miserable existence. I'll take chocolate and tomatoes and peppers and vanilla over whatever you think god wants us to eat, please and thank you

>> No.20215385
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I sure do. In fact, I have a decent cheese shop just around the corner from me, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take advantage of it. Picked up some Cotswold the other day.

>> No.20215393

I can smell this pic

>> No.20215402

they probably can't smell because they got covid from lowering the mask, and don't say that word it's derogatory, I'm sure they prefer latinX

>> No.20215415

I was just talking about the cheese shop smell, women over a certain uhhh (insert treshold) don't really register anymore.

>> No.20215431
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for me, it's crottin de chavignol grilled on some bread. heaven.

>> No.20215453
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My mice like cheese, that's how they help to make Swiss cheese.

>> No.20215460
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midwest represent

>> No.20215476

That Maytag is supposed to be pretty good, it's difficult to find in NY, I suspect that everyone buys up what little we get before I have a chance.

>> No.20215488
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mine's better

>> No.20215491

How aged do you like your cheddar?

Nice and tangy, best pizza topping too.

>> No.20215524

I like that orange one in the pic
I've probably broken multiple wires on the cheese board trying to cut a slice. kek

>> No.20215556

bros... why is it so expensive ;_;

>> No.20215568
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I've seen it in NYC but you'll pay through the nose for it

>> No.20215696

I like cottage cheese because it's healthy and high in protein and I need to deadlift 405

>> No.20216162

I just bought three burritos and two tacos from Taco Bell for under $8. And you're saying that I'd have to pay literally 50% more to buy less than half a pound of cheese. That does it, "cooking" is a scam.

>> No.20216181
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mohant is good on bread if you can stand the smell

>> No.20216184
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How does one get into cheese as a hobby? How important are pairings and such? I've just been buying blocks of cheese from the food lion deli and been eating them by the slice, can you just snack on all cheeses? I wouldn't mind trying some with some olives or meat, maybe mustard or jelly but that's about it. Also how does one get into creamy cheeses, they scare the fuck out of me and I can't explain it. I plan to order some cheese from an online shop and get what ever pairings they recommend but I wanted to look into it in the mean time.

>> No.20216332
File: 49 KB, 640x366, Pinconning Cheese Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20216383

>Raw's Cow's Milk

So the milk of a raw cow? Not a cooked one.

>> No.20216391

I remember my brother in law got everyone a big fucking wheel of cheese last year for Christmas (his family owns a dairy farm). I really should send him a thank you card.

>> No.20216435

your little un-evolved brown tummy simply can't handle dairy, but that's okay :)

>> No.20216509

What cheese can I feed my girlfriend to give her the nastiest, creamiest farts imaginable? Them being creamy is very very important, even more so than being nasty.

>> No.20216558


>> No.20216570

>What cheese can I feed my girlfriend to give her the nastiest, creamiest farts imaginable? Them being creamy is very very important, even more so than being nasty.
Cream cheese

>> No.20216582

I just had some Bresse bleu and aged very old mimolette, love me some cheese. Wish I could try American blues.

>> No.20216597

Washed rind cheeses

>> No.20216662

Yeah my favorite meals are lasagna, pizza, cheese and crackers, enchiladas, beefy cheese nachos, chunky blue cheese, ham/turkey/chicken and cheese sandwiches, grilled cheese, hamburger helper alfredo.

cheese is always in my meals. next I want to try some tortellinis

>> No.20216673
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do you ever stop and think about how gay you look when you do this?

>> No.20216684

>pay through the nose
is that a jew joke you fucking racist?

>> No.20216818

That's gotta be like $100 of cheese there

>> No.20216833

fuck off back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.20216862

>I've just been buying blocks of cheese from the food lion deli and been eating them by the slice, can you just snack on all cheeses?
You answered yourself right here anon. Just try shit, and if you think something would go good with the cheese, do it. Or just eat it on its own. You really can't do cheese as a hobby wrong unless you start snacking on kraft singles.
Personally, i prefer sweeter fruits like figs or grapes when i do eat them with my cheese. Ham is my preferred meat. Hell, i just finished off a brick of taleggio by microwaving it on crackers. You can even mix cheeses! Monterrey jack and cotija go great together imo.

>> No.20217435


>> No.20217451
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Of course. I get this from Waitrose every now and then, my favourite cheese. Its really soft and whilst and whilst you don't notice the cider rind thing much... its really soft.

>> No.20217568
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for me, it's tomme de chèvre

>> No.20217622
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>>You really can't do cheese as a hobby wrong unless you start snacking on kraft singles.
Whats wrong with american cheese?

>> No.20217630
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Love it.

My personal top 5:
#1 Emmenthal - good on its own cold, melted on sandwiches, with meats
#2 Parmasan - fresh and real thing can't be beat
#3 Old Cheddar - pow!
#4 Havarti - soft and buttery and salty, under-rated melt cheese
#5 Feta - on pizzas is worth every penny of extra topping charge

>> No.20217705

I want to make ricotta gnocchi, the ricotta was moldy. I scooped off the top two inches, odds of diarrhea??

>> No.20217706
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Forgot pic (captcha RMK4, it’s gonna be a melt down)

>> No.20217709
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for me it's huntsman, a combination of double gloucester and stilton in layers
thanks bongs

>> No.20217714

Good for melting things if you don't have the time to make real cheese sauce.

>> No.20217759
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For me it's Soignon.

>> No.20217764

I just don't understand cheese
Like I don't understand what it is and why so many different ones

>> No.20217811

>cheese is high fat junk food.
Just food tends to be rich in carbs, not fat. Fat is expensive, carbs are cheap.

>> No.20217924

Like almost all cheeses.

Specifically my favourites are blue cheeses(gorgonzola, roquefort, danish blue cheese, stilton are my particular favourites), havarti, vintage preferably but also mature cheddar, mozzarella, applewood smoked cheese, parmiggiano reggiano, kefalotyri(like it both as a cheese on its own and grated as a condiment), feta, chevrette, brie, gouda, cheddar with cranberries, pepato, red leicester and i think quite a few more i don't remember at this moment.

>> No.20217930


And now another cheese to add to the list after tasting... what have you done anon?

>> No.20217945

you'll like it, don't worry

>> No.20218131

cyanide cheese, just make sure to test it out on yourself first to make sure its safe to eat

>> No.20218141

Think of it like "snack food" but not completely cancerous to you and you can also turn it into a complete meal with bread and soup or cook entire dishes with it melted. Why so many different types of candy? Why so many different types of chips?

>> No.20218147

American cheese is good.
Kraft singles are not good and not cheese.
The difference is that real American cheese comes from the deli (boars head) and actually has a pleasant milkiness to it.
Kraft singles have a plasticky texture and taste like they were made by somebody who has never heard of cheese before, then added sugar and sawdust.

>> No.20218155

odds are low
worst that will happen is you'll crap out all your poop within a few hours of eating, but 2 inches is plenty safe

>> No.20218214

It's milk that's been curdled in a very controlled manner, and not sour (except for goat cheese). Aged cheese is just dried cheese.

>> No.20218232

Tried it. Would rather just have both cheeses separate not together. Way overrated but OK you do you.

>> No.20218416
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sbrinz for me it is

>> No.20218449

just ate some appenzeller on crackers

>> No.20218754
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>> No.20218838

I miss these retards so much.

>> No.20218983
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my favorite cheese is a coffee crusted parmesan. I get it from my deli. It's a bit on the softer side of parmesan cheeses, but it's divine. the bitterness and aroma from the coffee neatly compliments the cheese.
pic related, but i buy a local brand.

I also enjoy brie, my mum used to make baked brie bread bowls, shit was cash fr fr. smoked gouda is also great, it's still kind of middle of the road. I also love goat cheese with this raspberry chipotle sauce I get from the grocery

>> No.20219131
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>> No.20219408
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the dough was a bitch to work with but finally, glorious boiled cheese balls

>> No.20220320

do americans really

>> No.20220338

Oh hey, I love that kinda stuff.

>> No.20221104
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For me, it's bleu d'auvergne

>> No.20221494

Careful anon you have cheese on your mold.

>> No.20221968

No love for Bergkäse, anyone?
i eat blocks of that as is.
Alpine cheese made with raw milk, pungent stank and rich taste.

my other go-tos are Parmigiano-Reggiano and Brie

>> No.20221977

half the words ITT are made up
Sure, my favourite cheeses are smegmalioli and pisshituirino mammamia

>> No.20222237
File: 357 KB, 1340x874, SandwichCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best cheese for putting on a grilled sandwich that you can actually buy a piece and that isnt american overprocessed plastic?
So far I'm using Gouda.
The meltier the better, I like it when it acts as the glue keeping everything else together.

>> No.20222249

Goat cheese is yummy

>> No.20222282
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Does cheese ever go bad?
or does it merely turn into another kind of cheese?

>> No.20222322

no, Raw's Cow's Milk
ergo, the milk of A cow belonging to someone (or something) named Raw

>> No.20222638
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>> No.20223056

actual american cheese

>> No.20224188

love it hard, sharp and strong. was nibbling on some pecorino romano and sharp cheddar.

>> No.20224190


>> No.20224789
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For me it's the humble Gamoneu

>> No.20224798
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>> No.20224804

Put it in a boigah. Trust me, I'm a retard.

>> No.20224833

for me it's the opposite. mozzarela is the only cheese i find bland and uninteresting by itself (like most people i suppose)

>> No.20224843

based! conquérant is also a really bleu cheese, made with goat milk i believe

>> No.20225070
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For me, it's époisses

>> No.20225149

Big fan of Provolone and Gouda and Brie, usually don’t care for Swiss but will eat it.

>> No.20225833 [DELETED] 
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Nơi này bây giờ là nhà vệ sinh của tôi.

>> No.20226544

Some cheeses, yes. Gouda can be very good. So too can a genuine Cheddar. Or a bit of Parmesan. Or even Manchego.

>> No.20226551

>i just finished off a brick of taleggio by microwaving it on crackers
Based and taleggio-pilled.

>> No.20226746

Is a risotto supposed to primarily taste like cheese or did I just put too much

>> No.20226974

Stilton and Gorgonzola for this lad

>> No.20226986

Not a fan. It tastes like if somebody left brie in a dusty attic uncovered for a year.

>> No.20227085

i like st andre or delice de bourgogne if eating it by itself. a nice harder cheese like gruyere or pinconning if putting on a sandwich

>> No.20227112

i was in a bar in florida and some dude pulls out some smoked cottage cheese in tin foil in his pocket and offers me some.
i said fuck it and tried some, it was great

>> No.20227151

>i was in a bar in florida and some dude pulls out his cock from a hole in his pocket and offers me some.
>i said fuck it and tried some, it was great

>> No.20227160

damn lucky anon you dont find cock cheese easily in florida

>> No.20227827

you'd know

>> No.20228084
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For me, it's Queso Fresco

>> No.20228165
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for me it's pic rel in 4 x 4.5 lb format

>> No.20228217

are you allergic? lots of cheese hardly has any lactose

>> No.20228851
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For me, it's strong rocky

>> No.20228951
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This shit is like crack. God bless Wisconsin.

>> No.20229297

>cheese thread!
>immediately brings up eating cock
ok faggot

>> No.20229412
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I just buy whatever firm cow cheses my chessemonger has that look good.
Sometimes i buy humbolt fog if im in the mood for eating lemons.

>> No.20229911

>I just buy whatever firm cow cheses my chessemonger has that look good.
You disappoint me.

>> No.20231096
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>> No.20231557

Sardinians aren't human.

>> No.20231563


>> No.20232308


>> No.20232370

so many tastelets ITT

>> No.20232659


>> No.20232801

monterey jack

>> No.20232868
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>> No.20233977

It's moving anon

>> No.20234459
File: 2.34 MB, 1843x1220, cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever blend cheeses? For me it's chavroux resting on it's gruyère bed.

>> No.20234460

ONLY washed rind cheeses or fresh curds. Miss me with the moldy stuff.

>> No.20234461

casu martzu is a crime against humanity

>> No.20234464

ruined :O

>> No.20234475

Not him but pic is too cold, it becomes visibly creamier and better at room temp.

>> No.20234483

Every week I try to buy new cheeses to bring to my colleagues, I think this one's next.

>> No.20234490

Great thread.

>> No.20234509

>room temp
in the hotter months yeah. room temp is a cool 19c
cheese was out of the fridge at least for 20mins.

>> No.20234525

Which bar?

>> No.20234537

DrYnk in Ft. Lauderdale

>> No.20234882
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>> No.20234946

For me it's alehouse cheddar (extra sharp yellow).

>> No.20234959

picada basada

>> No.20234962


>> No.20235016

I love all cheeses except that Italian fly maggot cheese. Serious question: have you ever craved cheese so much that it appears in your dreams? I often do, and I have cheese allergy. Once a week, I endure the pain and discomfort just for a few minutes of pleasure of eating some cheese. I often stand long minutes in the grocery in front of the cheese section, tortured by the sight of all the cheese from different countries in front of me, but I could only buy a small amount of one kind at a time. Life is so fucking unfair.

>> No.20235371

I'm not well sbrinzvested i buy it every now and then when it's in action

>> No.20235405
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That is excusable.
But, Sbrinz really shines in thin layers.

It is totally worth to buy such machinery, ask me again in ten years.

...Not kidding, like 0,2mm cut Sbrinz is one of the better things you will experience in life.

>> No.20235875

Will look into it.
Thanks fren.

>> No.20236000

Cheese was produced so people could consume dairy

>> No.20236335
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>> No.20236568

no way in hell i'm giving out that info. and no it wasnt the previously mentioned homo hangout

>> No.20236581

Ha ha good. Fuck you.

>> No.20236646

Any time I'm melting cheese between bread I'm going with either a dill havarti or a horse radish cheddar.

>> No.20237818
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For me, it's carré d'aurillac

>> No.20237829
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'Course, wrapped my lips around Alex James' cheese earlier, with some fine tokaji. Have stock image.

>> No.20238258


>> No.20238283

I use colby jack.

>> No.20238433
File: 2.01 MB, 1597x966, puant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camembert pour moi

>> No.20238481

I'm on a keto diet and like half my diet is dairy, I feel kino

>> No.20238624

Actually, liking anything is soy. If you're anything but empty joyless husk of a human you're a consoomer soyjak globohomo cuck.

>> No.20238772

Yeah, sure

>> No.20238803

>back in like 2021 lost my sense of taste
>came back a month later but muted
Now I don't taste things very well and only the strongest of cheeses have any flavor, but they're too strong and I don't like them
food offers me little joy now

>> No.20238843

Yeah, but that is just the caesomorphins talking

>> No.20239018

Love cheese. Love being white. Wish death upon all mutts and odious darkies.

>> No.20239043

prove it

>> No.20239135

lmfao digestionlet btfo

>> No.20239202
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>> No.20239307

You can't post gore on a blue board

>> No.20239440
File: 321 KB, 1914x1842, AA677EB2-4E29-4F4A-B995-149AB0444138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up some Humboldt Fog today. Never had it before. Hope it’s good!

>> No.20239451

>that message on it

cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe

>> No.20239458

Either this one or Taleggio.

Washed rind cheeses are a great choice for cheeseburgers btw. The flavor really complements the beef and it melts very easily.

>> No.20239460

It told me things about the cheese that I didn’t know. I don’t have a problem with it.

>> No.20239466

it doesn't need to tell you these informations like it was a 16yo redditor trying to sound cool, that's cringe as fuck, also you're american

>> No.20239569

Eh who cares. The cheese is great

>> No.20240697

for the price it bette be.

>> No.20241531


>> No.20241553

>You like cheese right?
Cheese is one food I refuse to eat
It is Junk food. Cheese is one of the worst foods a human bean could possibly eat in the current year.
So far, avoiding cheese has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.

>> No.20241558

Casein is apparently similar to gluten and gluten fucks me up.

>> No.20241906

Do you eat crickets instead?

>> No.20241929

a nice vintage meme

>> No.20242142
File: 1.33 MB, 720x576, Cracking waifus ey lad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20242163

luv me some homemade swiss

>> No.20242494
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i like cheesenuts

>> No.20242606

the red one in the bottom left corner looks like dried earwax

>> No.20242616
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Hahahha get a load of this nigger

>> No.20242749

my dad eats this shit by the spoonful..straight out of the container

>> No.20242867
File: 822 KB, 847x579, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 19-04-28 Ft. Liquordale - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ft. Liquordale
been there, bought some hash off a guy at a bar and tried to smoke it in the ally but it wouldn't burn...turns out it was a hash cookie

>> No.20242946

Hey, this guy like nut cheese! Haha
Fucking nasty fella over here! Haha

>> No.20243047

how do they get the nuts to grow in the cheese like that?

>> No.20243699

>digestion issue
are you a jew?

>> No.20243706

>cheese, high fat
>junk food
lol retard
>he doesn't know
hahahaha i feel bad for you retard

>> No.20243716

what did they mean by this?

>> No.20244002

Whenever I eat cheese I close my eyes and imagine I'm eating my waifu's feet calluses

>> No.20244005

thats not really the texture youd get, youd probably do better if you add a slice of pepperoni or something

>> No.20244257
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, _b1b798f7-e2e4-4c54-9d82-c8bb16f853dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesed to meet you.

>> No.20244264

You make it part of a cow's diet

>> No.20244890
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>> No.20244897
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just a reminder that this is the best american cheese in existence and if your store carries it you should consider yourself lucky

>> No.20244936

this first then boarshead

>> No.20245087

That only works with tilset.

>> No.20245977

Let's cheddar light on this matter.

>> No.20245987

maybe you should muenster the courage to face the issues

>> No.20246158
File: 6 KB, 275x183, godminster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true britchads know
these guys also fuck

>> No.20246166


>> No.20247315

this is such a classic

>> No.20247756

It's really gouda to have you here.

>> No.20247784

Yes, as would any sane man. Never buy it though, the vendors of it are price gouging and naked profiteering and I refuse to enable such behaviour.

I can live without it.

>> No.20249080

>I can live without it.
the website is anonymous no need to lie

>> No.20250999


>> No.20251010

Japan is cool and all but the cheese situation here is dysmal.

>> No.20251780
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For me, it's brie de meaux.

>> No.20251793


>> No.20251827

he likes getting his cock bitten what dont you understand

>> No.20252043
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Yes, cheese is one of the best human inventions.

For me, it's blue cheese, any type. But I like other cheese as well.

>> No.20252074

It's better in a risotto than in rebibes.

>> No.20252080

I realized I don't know anything about French cheeses.
what are some my local Safeway would stock?

>> No.20252331

Try stilton

>> No.20252860

are you me
my parents sent me a kilo of cheese in the post for my last birthday and i absolutely blew my jp friends' minds with how varied and tasty cheese can be

>> No.20252869


>> No.20253048

>cheese as a hobby
Cheese is not a hobby. Not everything is a fucking hobby. You're literally just buying something and consuming it.
>How do I get into the paying my electricity bill hobby
Get a grip

>> No.20253057

that just means he likes what I like

>> No.20253069
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>> No.20253093

tastes good

>> No.20253145
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well /ck/?

>> No.20253264

purple and orange

>> No.20253994
File: 181 KB, 432x240, nip ches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEEDS Co. (Hokkaido)

>> No.20254717


>> No.20254721

you ate good that day

>> No.20254739

i never understood how people can say 'it smells really bad but tastes good', for me it's the same if not worse. thus i don't like moldy cheese and i can see why it leads to extremes like this >>20231096

>> No.20254740

should have worn a mask

>> No.20254743

Camembert and Brie all day. Vintage cheddar on occasion.

>> No.20254755
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for me, it's reblochon and dried meat

>> No.20255716

Mozzarella slaps

>> No.20256703
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we did it bros
its coming home

>> No.20256712

by jove, colby was invented there?!
ive had some really good colbys

>> No.20256733

>not cheese
yeah it is, they just add sodium citrate and hexametaphosphate

>> No.20256743

farmers cheese is made by applying heat to milk and adding lemon juice or vinegar

>> No.20256750

you're talking about american cheese in general, kraft singles specifically are not legally allowed to call themselves cheese because they're under 50% cheese by weight (hence why they're called kraft singles)

>> No.20257737

>netflix makes ice cream

>> No.20257776

kek wtf

>> No.20257790

too much Id say, the cheese should enhance the flavor of the whole thing, but not dominate over the rest. Ar you using Parmesan?

>> No.20258737

>bleugh d'auvergne

>> No.20259443
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cheese yum

>> No.20260682
File: 3.84 MB, 2271x1302, 1698511409415415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its le fribourg