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20208338 No.20208338 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20192339

>> No.20208347
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There are people posting in /tea/ right now that don't buy korean red ginseng that's been certified the government ginseng cartel.

>> No.20208349

Where does one get worthwhile ginseng? Does it have to be pricy?

>> No.20208357
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Or if you prefer American ginseng then buying medium or small prongs is the way to go. Best price, most ginsenosides by weight. Its usually cheapest to buy direct from the wisconsin farms.

>> No.20208363

I still need to try ginseng tea.
Is ginseng lightweight? I saw on one of the sites that it's $35 for 4 oz (113 g).

>> No.20208371

Luckily because of the heavy influence of Chinese traditional medicine practices on the ginseng market the most expensive ginseng is the largest and oldest roots possible. Testing has shown that young ginseng roots and the small side fibres tend to have the highest ginsenoside content and those are the cheapest forms of ginseng you can buy.
If you are in the US you can get Wisconsin ginseng at very reasonable prices.
Im not directly endorsing this shop but this is what i suggest looking for 8oz of medium prongs for $25.

>> No.20208376

There's a video of an old granny making ginseng tea and she steams them in a wok so it's easier to slice. Ginseng is hard and flies everywhere otherwise.

>> No.20208385

Is it actually valuable or is it a meme?
How's it taste?

>> No.20208390
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What i would generally suggest avoiding is mystery Chinese red ginseng. Its very hard to tell the quality so if you want asian ginseng with the red processing it's easiest to just get ginseng that's certified by the korean ginseng cartel. The cartel ginseng will feature a label like pic related. Sometimes you will find it being sold by some of the Korean brands in the US but it's usually cheapest to just buy it from korean sellers on ebay.
This is a fairly reasonable priced listing

>> No.20208395

It tastes like you made tea with a dried root, has a stong herbal/Chinese medicine flavor.
I have found the effects of ginseng tea made with whole roots quite potent, very stimulating.
I usually chop it up with pruning shears. Once its been brewed once it becomes very soft and it's easy to mince on a cutting board so you can either brew it again or eat the root.

>> No.20208398

Does it taste similar to ginger?

>> No.20208435

No not really
More Woody herbal slightly bitter. Lots of people add honey to it.

>> No.20208439

If you are into TCM red ginseng is considered more "warming" while American ginseng is tought of as slightly "cooler".

>> No.20208574

can I make tea from a thyme plant?

>> No.20208606
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>can I make tea from a thyme plant?

>> No.20208616

i never felt like paying up for them but i'd ought to just go for it

>> No.20208661

If you feel like indulging in austim check out

>> No.20208726

How do we feel about hibiscus tea? I've been developing an addiction to it lately.

>> No.20208735

Its good, i really need to dig into how to source good fresh hibiscus

>> No.20208740
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Some more cheap ginseng prongs

>> No.20208929

rich source of precious antioxidants

>> No.20209059

I just go outside and go for a walk until I find some to dig out, but I would not recommend anyone do that if they're not familiar with their local flora and fauna. (Always leave some left so it can grow again and you can come back for more.)

Has anyone here ever made tea from sassafras root? I know it's been technically classified as a carcinogen, but I grew up drinking it so I'll take my chances for the summer nostalgia.

>> No.20209073

Sassafras root is awesome.
You can find guys on ebay that sell super fresh sasafrash root bark (or whole roots), they basically go dig some up when you order.

>> No.20209094
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Currently drinking the Giang Pang Autumn 2023 Raw Puerh. Sweet and floral. Also some melon taste. Not punchy at all for a raw.

Also had the Ta Cu Ty awhile back. Tasted like a decent but average raw. Okay but nothing to write home about.

>> No.20209095
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Giang Pang leaves out of the package.

>> No.20209099
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love that organ failure tea.

>> No.20209108

>According to a 1977 study of the metabolites of safrole in both rats and humans, two carcinogenic metabolites of safrole found in the urine of rats, 1′-hydroxysafrole and 3′-hydroxyisosafrole, were not found in human urine.[38]

>> No.20209132

reading comprehension is a lost art in this day and age. don't worry too much anon, leave their illiterate asses to fend for themselves.

>> No.20209140

>higher doses in rats and mice
Okay so dont consume 1 gram of pure safrole per kilogram of bodyweight daily and its fine.
They did a lot of bad cancer science in the 60s and there were political reasons to want to ban safrole because its a chemical precursor to some street drug.

>> No.20209152

I read that, it's literally why I posted it. Safrole is banned anyway. Don't impute my motive with your weak inability to meme

>> No.20209202

what the FUCK is pu-erh

>> No.20209220

It's the opposite of being rich.

>> No.20209227

>the FDA says so so I'll stop
so... did you stop using cinnamon, nutmeg, basil too?

>> No.20209240
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Bruh, please, reading comprehension.

>> No.20209247

>It occurs naturally in a variety of spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and black pepper, and herbs such as basil.
so you're saying you either
A. Willfully choose to use these (thereby making your 'love that organ failure tea' original post superfluous, because you're imbibing in the organ failure as well)
B. Cut out many major day-to-day spices and herbs because a weak association in the 70s got reported and the FDA published words.

i expect you to retract everything and pretend to be retarded now :)

>> No.20209253

C) I posted it as a meme, next to the post: AND I QUOTE.

> love that organ failure tea.

lighten up janet.

>> No.20209258

there you go (:

>> No.20209352

whered you get your teaware? its amazing.

>> No.20209378

>i...le won this internet argument
ok, now stop the drama

>> No.20209383

it was stopped until you decided to be butthurt an hour later about it :)))

>> No.20209402

get a room and then record yourselves having erotic gay sex and post it here. or erm just like maybe start posting tea i guess.

>> No.20209454
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Any of you fags that are into cha qi should definitely buy some ginseng root and make some srrong ass decoction. Start with maybe 3 grams the first time. I think something like 5-7 grams is a standard dose in TCM terms.
Its pretty potent stuff, i need to experiment more with drinking ginseng to potentiate cha qi but it seems interesting. Dont forget to eat the roots after you brew them. Again if you run hot (in the tcm sense) get American ginseng if you run cold try red asian ginseng.

>> No.20209472

upton tea good or grown in leaded soil?

>> No.20209528

tired of election tourists who can't differentiate between posters

>> No.20209537

Those were my thoughts pretty much exactly. If I were to choose between them I would gladly spend the extra 2$ and go for the Giang Pang myself. I really liked the melon taste, came out really well when brewed on the light side and worked very well with the sweetness.

>> No.20209539

Lead-enriched tea is great though

>> No.20209575

>i must avoid le lead
stay irradiated retard

>> No.20209583

Being Dick?

>> No.20209607

Thank you. It took me awhile to compile it all together.

Yinchen Studio

>teacup coaster

Umi Tea Sets

Dragon Tea House


>> No.20209717
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>> No.20209886
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Here's the haul lads. Tried the Darjeeling cold brew as per recommendation of the anon in previous thread and it was really tasty. Might have to do my cold brews with cheaper stuff though from now on since I've been drinking a pitcher a day and that could get pretty expensive for me.

>> No.20209901

For ginseng, just go to a chinese supermarket.

>> No.20209917

Can I get a qrd of hot vs cold in Chinese medicine. More interested than worried about the ginseng to buy.

>> No.20209929

does that gyokuro bag say 70c?

>> No.20209938

Yeah, it says 70c, 1-3mins. Is that too hot??

>> No.20209953

i've never had it myself but that's hotter than i've ever seen recommended, maybe someone more experienced could comment

>> No.20209958
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No idea what he did to make it this way but it really is 'dabang'. It's the closest I've ever found to drinking hot chocolate via tea - but not like, cheap powdered hot chocolate, like melting down quality dark chocolate in cream. It's kind of astounding how leaf and water can even produce those flavors.

>> No.20209983

So the simple version is someone who feels cold often, chills, cold hands is cold, someone who feels too hot all the time, turns down the heat, wears tshirts in cold weather would be considered hot. Its basically describing the actual perception somone has of the temperature of their body, organs etc.
If somone is excessively hot or cold it's considered an imbalance and the person would prescribed herbs or whatever else to correct that. Herbs and other things are considered to have inate warming or cooling properties and so someone who is excessively cold would be told to take warming herbs and vice versa.
Im not really deep into the subject but ive always found that interesting because i notice that i generally run cold and western medicine doesn't really have concepts like that outside of things like hypothermia, fevers etc.
There are many other concepts in tcm like dampness and drying that i don't find particularly interesting.

>> No.20209987

Sounds great

>> No.20210097

Very interesting, given what you said and what a cursory search said, I run hot. But again I'm more interested in it as a novelty rather than something to prescribe to.

>> No.20210219
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It is so over
Wonder what else is worth growing for tea.

>> No.20210340

lemme ask again
how do I make tea from a thyme plant?

>> No.20210420

put leaf in boil water
wait five minute

>> No.20210422

>black tea
>it's blue
What site is that btw?

>> No.20210673
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getting a real burnt caramel chocolate milk vibe from this 7562 today

>> No.20210683

Does only pu-erh have those flavors?

>> No.20210686

I find black tea and roasted oolong can be caramelly-chocolaty too. but the creamy milky element common in ripe pu-erh is more rare in other teas I think

>> No.20210751

Don't listen to carpet lickers.
All the tempting flavors are under the blanket of garbage.
You have to do bunch of mental gymnastics to get over it and then to start "enjoying" ripes.

>> No.20210825

What about the other kind raw or whatever?

>> No.20210874

The milkiest I've ever had were a couple of hojichas, one was stem only, the other a kyobancha. Associated them both with milk chocolate a little.

>> No.20210882

Raw is very different to ripe.
I'm guessing you are new, I'm gonna drink few more raw samples and then post my impressions from pov of puer newbie.

>> No.20210883

Raw (sheng) is something else entirely. Even aged, it still way more vegetal and punchy.

>> No.20210969

one leaf?

>> No.20211013

Raw tastes more like a really intense green tea. Often kind of tart and fruity with a bit of bitterness.

>> No.20211039
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Someone in the last thread told me to post the tea tuners on the guitar once it was mounted, so here.
still got more work, getting an ivory nut carved (legal) and those cover screws didn't line up so need to fix that. But yeah here's the tea-caster
Only thread on the site outside of /int/ that might know what this even says

>> No.20211088

Super fucking rad. Looks great!

>> No.20211248

Now write us a tea anthem

>> No.20211326

>ivory nut carved (legal)
That's not in proper Chinese spirit, anonkun! You need ivory nut carved (illegally obtained by Chinese poachers). Cool tea guitar though!

>> No.20211456

It's close enough, it's illegal in several states. I'm just using extinct mammoth ivory which makes it dragon ivory. Very chinese. Will enhance my tea drinking experience

>> No.20211463

Put it in the rentry.

>> No.20211548
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any reccs from Dragon Tea House? interested in pu-erh, hei cha, black tea and maybe a moonlight white

>> No.20211602

When will there be a TeaGPT that will tell me the flavor of teas so that I don't have to drink them myself?

>> No.20211605

These are not teas ive tried personally but they are from factories i like or know make good products
Liu an
Liu bao
For puer DTH seems to have high prices, health tea house might be a better choice

>> No.20211721

Why is real tea so fucking expensive in South America? I have to pay like 5x more than my super premium best-in-the-world coffee for SHITTY SENCHA, it's insane. Don't even get me started on matcha.

>> No.20211747

Not a lot of people importing speciality Japanese teas to south America, small market means high prices.
Don't they grow black tea in Colomba these days? See if that's any good. Or just drink yerba mate.
If you live somewhere with an asian or middle easten population their specialty grocery stores might have cheap tea.
Depending on where you live and your import duties is probably cheaper to import sencha and matcha from japan yourself.

>> No.20211763

There are many local black tea options but unfortunately I'm a weeb and only interested in Japanese tea. Being in South America is suffering. At least the coffee is godtier.

>> No.20211814

i think the cheapest option might just be to become vehemently racist like most south americans on here, especially towards east asians.

>> No.20211837

>I'm a weeb and only interested in Japanese tea
Then it's only suffering for you.
Even as a weeb you should realize Japanese tea is inferior to Chinese tea and I say that despite my hatred of the bug men.
Green tea is shit in general but I digress, I tried premium Japanese black tea and even 4x cheaper Chinese one mogged it.

>> No.20211870

>Green tea is shit in general
That's an opinion, I think black tea is shit in general.

>> No.20211895

There's a lot of Japanese people in Brazil isn't there? See where they're getting it.

>> No.20211917
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Teahome and w2t in the same day ooh boy i'm sniffin
Not much experience with either of these vendors so it's gonna be fun.

>> No.20211920

None of my Japanese friends drink Japanese tea or have any Japanese habits at all. As a weeb I am more Japanese than they are.

>> No.20211945

Damn now I want some gingerbreadman.

>> No.20211958

>I'm just using extinct mammoth ivory which makes it dragon ivory.
i have this. should i grind it up and put into my tea? lol.

>> No.20211966
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there's the teahome stuff as it's pretty nondescript. Not expecting miracles from them but I think it's all gonna be very drinkable, it ended up 8c/gram shipped I think.

Is it good? I bought the w2t samples without much consideration after some drinks. I'll brew some up tomorrow morning.

>> No.20211968

>No one can know how many oracle bones, prior to 1899, were ground up by traditional Chinese pharmacies and disappeared into people's stomachs

>> No.20211974

not really, ive tried a few taetea and that chocolate milk flavor is there. I have a few other pu-erhs and they dont have this taste.

>> No.20211981

ok im not sure if its this one, but i have an extinct one too lol. il add it to the pu-erh im steeping right now. 7 mins steep. 5 grams. Taetea. about 150 ml.

>> No.20211999

how did your w2t order already come? didnt they say shipping would resume on the 22nd?

>> No.20212025

Its the cheapest of the halloween 4pack I bought, but its quite tasty.

>> No.20212057

My brother you should consider importing. If you're confident you're describing a supply shortage, there is cash to be made.

>> No.20212062

Checked. I ordered it late January but I guess I must've got in just before the cut off.

Noice. Pretty affordable cake really. And not horrendously ugly wrapper.

>> No.20212067

Yeah man you know I'm waiting to hear your thoughts on Gas.

>> No.20212071

If he lives in Brazil they have a nearly 80% tax on everything they import

>> No.20212072

im going to buy some tea plants soon. i wanted to do it last year and i didn't get around to it but this time i will.

>> No.20212081

What's your growing situation? Where do you intend to pick up plants?

>> No.20212097


i sent them an email about what they'd recommend. i think i'll probably get a few seedlings and then just a variety of seeds. i'm in zone 8 so basically everything grows here.

>> No.20212130

Course. I'm definitely sensitive to bitter so it's pretty exciting really.
I haven't tried any puer at 2-3 years of age either, I've heard that age can be a bit inbetweenish.

>> No.20212133

Based, those guys are awesome
Im growing the sochi selection in just barely zone 6b and it's somehow hanging on.

>> No.20212232

>buy fresh ginger for tea
>it's moldy
Every time. Where do you US anons get ginger?

>> No.20212275
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Sometimes its better quality then others, depends on rhe season. I usually just get it at the market but the Asian grocery stores that sell produce usually have huge horns of it for decent prices.

>> No.20212290

I wish i could get freeze dried ginger cheap
I would suggest buying a bunch when its on sale and not rotten then peeling and throwing it all in the food processor, then freezing cubes of it in an IceCube tray.
Or just peeling it and slicing it and freezing the slices
Then you can just pull some out of the freezer and toss it into a pot of water to simmer up some ginger tea

>> No.20212306

>Asian grocery stores
I think one might be a city over but none are too close. Maybe I'll suck it up and go one day.
Too bad the dried ginger kind of sucks.
>Or just peeling it and slicing it and freezing the slices
I do this but the last 3 purchases or more have all been moldy. It's depressing.

>> No.20212312

from seeds or seedlings? got any pics?

>> No.20212340

From seedlings
No pics sorry
It died back to the ground one winter after a bad frost but it's doing surprisingly well considering i shouldn't be able to grow tea here. Only one bush unfortunately, i need to grab some more.
I think i bought a 3 quart size. Definitely saves some time getting the larger ones but it probably matters less if you are in an appropriate zone for tea.
Its this guy, very bushy

>> No.20212364

I wonder if you could get farmer leaf to send you some seeds if you asked nicely. It would be cool to get seeds from some old ass tea treas on jingmai.

>> No.20212389
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>I wonder if you could get farmer leaf to send you some seeds

>> No.20212393

I know they arent supposed to be imported but its pretty unlikely a handful in an order of tea are gonna get noticed

>> No.20212414

it's wild to think about people who get paid to go to places and find these things. i was looking through a seed catalog and it'll be like "we found this strain of tomato being sold at a farmer's market in rural argentina".

you really have to hunt around online to find cool shit.

>> No.20212419

You'll be insanely horny

>> No.20212442

I'm in Brazil and like anon said the taxes for importing are very high.

>> No.20212444

there are tricks. funnel through other countries, etc.
you could be out there stacking paper, my man.

>> No.20212475

The tricks to avoiding customs in Brazil involve bribing customs agents or being part of organized crime

>> No.20213313

lucky. guess im waiting until march for my order still then....

>> No.20213361

I wouldn't bother unless you have land with elevation in a cool wet climate with warm summers.

>> No.20213619
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>> No.20213621

Not that anon but if I do in fact happen to live in such a location, is there a guide I should know about with regards to growing tea if I ever get ahold of some?

>> No.20214018


>> No.20214642

I recently bought some Gyokuro, I have had it a number of time and like it, and I am pretty familiar with other Japanese teas - sencha, hojicha, shincha, kukicha etc..
It seems gyokuro is meant to be brewed very differently like described here
But frankly I don't really find brewing this way satisfying or pleasurable. Yeah, the tea taste good, but I don't know, something about the process is annoying to me and the small amount of tea I have isn't worth it.
For reference I mainly drink chinese tea and drink it gongfu style every single day so its not like ceremony and whatnot bothers me, in fact I enjoy it, but just not for Gyokuro.
I even bought a houhin and everything.
So I gues my question is - is it possible/a waste to just brew Gyokuro more like a sencha? Meaning with more water, maybe a higher temp?
How do people here brew their Gyokuro? Or should I just accept I need to brew it the way described in the website I linked.

>> No.20214684

From the same site

>> No.20214696

Totally missed that. I legit browsed like 10 websites and they all had that same first method I posted.... Thanks anon. Sorry I'm dumb.

>> No.20214712

No worries i know absolutely nothing about brewing Japanese greens.
I don't see why you couldn't just brew it like sencha too if you find that less of a hassle.
But basically there are no rules, just guidelines and suggestions, so feel free to experiment and drink it however you enjoy it

>> No.20214718

I wonder how Gas would compare to the FL Autumn Lao Man E I'm drinking right now, in the "bitter and not too expensive" category

>> No.20214723

I bought a gyokuro mislabeled as sencha some time ago and it came out nicely brewed as sencha honestly. Just sweeter and sort of fruitier.

>> No.20214733

Anyone ever buy some billy Corgan tea?

>> No.20214741

>exclusively flavored teas
Nah im good

>> No.20214812

Thanks. I want to give Japanes teas another chance. I drank a lot when I lived in Japan, but since I'm back home I returned to my habit of only chinese for years now.
I have noticed with Japanes green teas they are very fussy/sensitive and to me, and have less leeway in the brewing because they can get get extremely bitter very fast when prepared wrong.
Sounds reassuring!

>> No.20215289
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that's some tasty mineral leather. nice texture too

>> No.20215345

He's got regular ones too

>> No.20215448

Am I missing out if I brew young Shengs at 80°C?

>> No.20215449

thats for you to find out, steep at other temps and see what you like

>> No.20215475

I just don't know how much of that bitterness is intended. Is sheng supposed to taste more bitter than, say, a Chinese green?

>> No.20215481

>Is sheng supposed to taste more bitter than, say, a Chinese green?
Almost always, yes. But it shouldn't taste like straight up bitter medicine. I'd say tonic water level bitterness is a good target. Which sheng have you got?
Remember you can always brew with 100 degrees and lower brew times / leaf amount. I prefer that to lowering temperature myself.

>> No.20215490

Also, I guess there isn't really a "supposed to" because for some time most of the Sheng conneiseur culture was all about ageing out the bitterness. But nowadays many people like em young. Though some raws are generally considered better with some age on them, if you have some more old school rough stuff meant to be aged then it might be kind of hardcore when young.

>> No.20215503

>Which sheng have you got?
Currently I'm drinking a 2022 Xiaguan TeTuo from Taobao and considering what temperature to brew with.
Another one I have is the 2023 snoozefest.

>> No.20215509

Yeah the Xiaguan tuos are of the rough old school variety. I think they adjusted them over the years but they can still be tricky to brew when young.
Snoozefest should be much less tricky. Mine is not too bitter and totally drinkable now.

>> No.20215842

I just got my lucky yancha box from OWT. Must have gotten lucky since I only got three duplicates. I'll take pictures when I get home, but the one I'm trying right now is excellent.

>> No.20215894

Xiaguan tuos can have some bitterness, they should also have a decent amount of sweetness, usually the leaves are chopped up so they will infuse faster/stronger then a fancy light compression boutique teas.

>> No.20215897

Nice, i wish i saw that in time to grab one, seems fun

>> No.20216005

It's 'black tea' but processed and rolled like an oolong.



>> No.20216565

generally yes, but aged sheng can be very smooth. some things like bulang it's intentional, some thing it's not been aged enough..

>> No.20216968

Sorry for the retarded question but is sheng and shengtai the same thing?

>> No.20217137
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>> No.20217139
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>> No.20217475

no, Sheng (raw pu-erh) is a type of tea that's processed in a certain way
shengtai is a type of tea plantation that's organic and less intensively managed than normal plantations, with the hope of making better tasting tea
so you can have a Sheng from shengtai plantations or from elswhere. you can also process shengtai material into something other than Sheng, say a black or white tea

>> No.20217635

So all raws are sheng?

>> No.20217645

yes, sheng literally translates to raw / alive, use the babelcarp website for chinese tea translatation https://babelcarp.org/babelcarp/

>> No.20217647


>> No.20217679

I just had some Earl Grey, we are so fucking back

>> No.20217718
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>> No.20217739

Anyone tried Indonesian tea? What types of tea do they make?

>> No.20217750

is it tea?

>> No.20217820

While new level of tea pet

>> No.20218083

That's so nice, I don't know how warm the water can be, maybe green tea rinse wouldn't be too hot if you wait a bit?

>> No.20218086

What kind of dog is this

>> No.20218104


>> No.20218117

Swamp puppy

>> No.20218409

When will be new FL releases? April?

>> No.20218527

usually around early summer

>> No.20218538

Damn that's a quite a while from now.
Any idea if there will be any discounts till then?

>> No.20218934

been sucking down the 23 spring naka small trees and 23 fall lao man e from farmer leaf. Both are good. The lao man e is more punchy, got some kick to it. Tha naka has its own bitterness that hits a bit differently, there is also some smoke in there, not a ton but its noticeable.
Both are solid teas for the $.
The naka has average endurance, the lao man e has average + endurance, partially due to shorter brew times but also maybe a bit less rolling during processing.

>> No.20218937

>Any idea if there will be any discounts till then?
Probably not till he stocks the store. He doesn't do a ton of sales, i think he did 3 last year

>> No.20218999

yeah the 23 Fall Lao Man E is pretty fun to drink, got some of that bitterness along with leather / gasoline vibes and strong minerality, it's almost salty. pretty much none of the usual fruity and floral facets I usually get from raws. low astringency and an active mouthfeel. very characteristic stuff.
the Naka I don't have, but I've enjoyed the Chen Sheng Hao Naka a lot lately. the bitterness in that one is short and sharp and it has a great aroma, very sweet. more of a balanced experience. didn't get any smoke from the CSH tea

>> No.20219045

Yeah i do get some of the gasoline leather vibe as well. Fun stuff
I wouldn't expect the csh to have smoke. It sounds like the farmer leaf one does because he bought some of the farmers spring crop in the fall. I guess the smoke is from the farners storing the maocha in the loft of their house and it picks up some smoke from the fireplace. Ive always wondered ehat kind of setup the big factories like xiaguan have to smoke their teas. They must have some kind of industrial smoking system.

>> No.20219120

i have the naka small trees but havent tried it yet. i have been drinking the naka ripe and its been amazing, ive had a liter or so of it just this morning. this is my first ever experience with pu erh and ripe pu erh btw. the only other pu erh ive had was the yellow flakes which i had two days ago.

>> No.20219126

Damn good place to start

>> No.20219141
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This isnt ginseng related, but this tea is really good with brown sugar and evaporated milk. Anyone else ever get to try this?

>> No.20219158

yeah sounds like great picks for first pu-erh.

>> No.20219162
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They also sell a special tea for 60 a jar or something like that.

>> No.20219323

Samsung phones really put watermarks on their photos now?

>> No.20219330

I think just about anything will taste good with sugar and evaporated milk, but vanilla flavoring is probably a nice addition.
Where did you buy it?

>> No.20219338
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You can find a bunch of pictures of the factory and tea plantation online

>> No.20219346

they love to grift any way they can, what'd you expect friend?

>> No.20219351
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>> No.20219595
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Drink ginseng

>> No.20219628

a friend went there to visit family and asked me what i wanted from yhere and saud a bunch of vanilla tea

>> No.20219860

Anyone else remember when ginseng was cheap?
Wish I could grow it without destroying the land for 50 years.

>> No.20219949

The American stuff isn't awful if you buy it from the farms. You can get 8oz of prongs for like $30.

>> No.20219966

The supermarket. Wtf do u live lol.

>> No.20219971
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I linked some other listings earlier in the thread

>> No.20220583

I grew up Mormon and have literally never had real tea in my life. The only tea products I've ever consumed were cans of Arizona. Where should I start?

>> No.20220742
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Verdant tea still does a $5 sample pack. That way you will get to try some different nice teas and figure out if you want to explore further.
Get that, get a tea brew basket like pic related on Amazon or ebay or something. Brew in a mug
Brewing times and temperatures and brewing instructions are in the rentry in the OP.
Come back and tell us what you liked and we can suggest things to try next or where to buy more.

>> No.20221119

Didn't know about that sample pack. Seems like great value for Americans

>> No.20221917


>> No.20221949

I'll check that out, thanks.

>> No.20221973
File: 294 KB, 886x1920, FaZhanHe Farmer Leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me sharing impressions on my first real Gong Fu experiences as a western style drinker.

Farmer Leaf - 2023 Fa Zhan He 8g. 95°C ~160ml mug. Started 10s +5s each steep as suggested in the rentry.
Dry leaves smells like plum, very nice and unlike anything I've seen before. Unfortunately not much of that transfers to the brew.
I would describe the taste as very "clean", it does not have the body of a black or green tea. Yet it's still strong with mid astringency and some pleasant bitterness here and there. I like it. Closest to that taste is a low oxidization Darjeeling first flush flight tea I have.
First steeps had a soapy note, which went away later.
I'd say it peaked around steep 4 or 5 and then lost body and faded.
It was interesting to see that Gong Fu seems to be more efficient than single steep western, measured by the total amount of brew I got out of the 8g. It was about 1.2l in 8 steeps.
Excited to compare it to the 2023 Bang Wai Small Trees and the samples that I got.

>> No.20222145

Nice, enjoy some gongfu fun

>> No.20222211

Puerh has an interesting trait in that what you smell in the gaiwan isn't necessarily what you taste in the cup. Dry leaves can be hard to discern overall. Did you notice a citrus note?
Bangwai Small Trees will be a good follow up. Expect a meatier mouth feel and more obvious huigan.
Thanks for the writeup. Btw, what did you use two neatly stack and frame two photos like that?

>> No.20222241

>Did you notice a citrus note?
Not him but I've tried both fa zhan he and dong guo, which both are supposed to have citrus notes and tasted nothing.
Do people know what citruses are like or whats happening here?
All the reviews saying it's sweet and citrusy... like is this psychop or what?

>> No.20222276

>Did you notice a citrus note?
no, I'll look for that next time

>Bangwai Small Trees will be a good follow up. Expect a meatier mouth feel and more obvious huigan.
So far the dry leaf smell goes in the same direction of Fa Zhan He but little less plum and more earthy notes.

>Btw, what did you use two neatly stack and frame two photos like that?
GridArt Photo Editor on Play Store. It's zoomer cancer but does the job quickly.

>> No.20222287
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Im going to a big asian shopping market this weekend that i know has a few chinese medicine shops. What should i buy other then ginseng and reindeer antler velvet?

>> No.20222292

I drank a cake of the fa zhan he last spring, definite citrus notes, it's not the same kind of intensity as sniffing an orange peel or something but its there.

>> No.20222294

Red deer penis
Dried Cicada skin

>> No.20222304

>reindeer antler velvet
What's it for?

>> No.20222307
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>red deer penis
Oh that's a good point i wonder if they have deer musk grains.

>> No.20222352

People often disagree on taste notes so I wouldn't worry about it. Putting words to tastes aint easy.
Personally I noticed it in the dong guo but not really the fa zhan he.

>> No.20222380

Ku ding.

>> No.20222388

Please do a comparative tasting of the various benises
Try out chrysanthemum too thats one thing I've been meaning to get to.

>> No.20222489

>Telling anon to eat a cock

>> No.20222497

What goes well with milk?

>> No.20222525

i've had this vanilla + black tea before and still have some, never thought about having it with milk, thanks for the tip

>> No.20222549
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Bought some cheap pu erhs, so far i have tried the 2014 basmati pu erh xiao tuocha and its actually really nice, so far i have made two steeps.
The large bag was only about 12 american dollars, tastes earthy and a bit fishy, it is lower quality but i don't mind, I'm very happy with it, and i actually really like the flavour.
The oldest one i bought is from 2003, so i am curious as to what it will taste like, I am still relatively new to pu erhs.

>> No.20222589

Jednou jsem dostal něco podobnýho jako ten velký balík a chutnalo to naprosto odporně, ale je pravda, že já nesnáším každý ripe...

>> No.20222619

Those types of things can be a but sus but glad you're enjoying it.
If you want to reduce any fishyness you can rinse it with hot water quickly, basically do a 5 second or so steep and throw it away.
I just cracked open a fresh xiaguan tuo, nice and smokey

>> No.20222645

Glad you are having fun with it. Sometimes doing a quick rinse and discarding that water will help with the fishy taste

>> No.20222658

ja zas mozno mam aj divne chute tak mi to chuti, aj ak je to trochu "rybacie", ja sa moc az tak nevyznam v puerh-och, myslim si ze zatial kazdy puerh co som mala bol ripe, okrem par tuocha. Zeleny 13rocni mi celkom chutil.

What are some good pu erhs for beginners? Is it a good idea to buy a whole cake?

>> No.20222662

thanks, i'll try that next time

>> No.20222672

>Is it a good idea to buy a whole cake?
if you already know you like pu-erh I think it's a good idea. cakes tend to be better quality than these mini tuocha

>> No.20222706
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Ripe 7562 and 7572 are popular.
Young raw FL is usually decent, at least some like the fa zhan he.
> Is it a good idea to buy a whole cake?
I did as a complete beginner bought 4 cakes cause the taobao deal was very tempting.
It was stupid but i don't regret it.

>> No.20222751

anyone know any good german tea forums/boards/discord channels/telegram channels etc

>> No.20222767

Yeah if you know you like ripe generally you can start buying cakes from reputable places, it's mostly all pretty drinkable.
If you're interested in raw it's probably best to get some samples first.

For ripe this cake is generally well-liked, pretty cheap and fullchea have low shipping cost:

>> No.20222783
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Would a foam cooler like this be ok for storing my tea? I've just been keeping my fl order in the plastic bag it came in but I'm worried that it may absorb the chemicals in the plastic (despite the fact each tea is in its own paper bag lined with plastic). I'll probably fill it with those silica gel packs if I get it.

>> No.20222785
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I drank this and went insane
7/10 pretty gud

>> No.20222787

the picture on it is beautiful. what tea is it?

>> No.20222840
File: 1.64 MB, 1600x2048, golden-sail-brand-yunnan-pu-ehr-tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golden sail brand

>> No.20222843

Do these "absorb oxygen" packets that come with some teas remove smells and flavor from tea?

>> No.20222893

Those should work, make sure to air it out when you get it and confirm it doesn't have a smell before you store your tea in it.
>afraid of absorbing plastic
Schizo shit
>silica gel packs
Don't use silica gel, you want to use humidity packs like the boveda ones. I've been using the 58% humidity ones lately.
Slilica gel will dry out the tea. Sometimes modern puers are packed with small silica gel packs but that's to prevent water damage in extremely humid storage conditions.

>> No.20222910

Not that ive noticed. I usually get them in vacuum sealed oolongs.

>> No.20222970

ive been drinking the naka small trees all morning and its making me feel like i have no blood

>> No.20222978

thank you for the inisight. how many do i put in when i get it? this is what youre reffering to right?

>> No.20223004

>Sometimes modern puers are packed with small silica gel packs but that's to prevent water damage in extremely humid storage conditions.
I don't drink puer but maybe it's meant to only stay in during shipping.
It's turning you into a vampire? Maybe eat some rare steak.

>> No.20223023
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>> No.20223032


>> No.20223036

that means the cha qi flows through you. this is good
for real though, Naka material tends to be above average in kick, right?

>> No.20223043

the naka ripe i would say yes, the naka small trees has just made it feel like i have no blood, not really something i would describe as having kick. but both have had a strong effect on me.

>> No.20223047

Okay, grandsire, crawl into your basement casket until the night actually starts.

>> No.20223062

Yeah those things, i would just get one of the medium size packs

>> No.20223063

what if we as a society made one very very giant oxygen absorber

>> No.20223068

perfect, thank you anon

>> No.20223226

> in nyc for the weekend
> decide to look around chinatown for tea bc theres no shops where I live
> mostly meh and some scammy places
> too sperg to talk to shopowners so I don't buy anything
> go into random shop
> nice old chinese man asks me what I like
> I tell him
> he shows me a few things, mostly loose puer, some balls, and some blacks
> buy what he recommends and a few other things. ~25 bucks for a nice array
> it's all really good and has been stored well. everything has been enjoyable
> dont remember the shop and i paid in cash. had no idea where i was.
> will probably never see that kind man again

Thank you chinaman

>> No.20223321

I'm confused about the purple beauty description on yunnansourcing's site. Is the purple bud they contrast purple beauty against typically referred to as purple varietal tea or is that entirely different?

>> No.20223345

you are fucking retarded

>> No.20223346

yep, thats all you need

>> No.20223353

There is an explanation at the top here
Those sun dried buds / Assamica Dehongensis are kind of a meme, don't buy a ton of them.
Outside of that purple teas tend to taste purple lots of them have a kind of citronella vibe.

>> No.20223357

Describe the taste of purple please

>> No.20223358

Man that sounds fun. Did you get anything identifiable?

>> No.20223359

Do you have any pics (of the store and/or the tea)?

>> No.20223361

If you ever used to be a stoner did you notice that all purple weed has the same flavor? its that, sort of.

>> No.20223365

ok I've drank 2.5l of tea since the afternoon, how much more can I drink before I die

>> No.20223381

I was drinking 30-35 grams a day for a while before i cut back to 15-20 grams

>> No.20223386

probably a good bit more if youve already gone that far. caffeine doesnt have any effect on me so ive easily drank several liters a day in place of water since it doesnt do anything to me.

>> No.20223390
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this post to ip ratio is insane

>> No.20223395

how so

>> No.20223396

I don't understand why people think treads with 200 posts where everyone posts once is desirable.

>> No.20223403

/tea/ is a very small community of puerh lesbians, trans weeb folks, and yellow fever autistics. They know tea but they’re odd ducks.

>> No.20223411

i agree, ive just never noticed the contrary until now here

>> No.20223417

what? I thought that >>20223390 is complaining about high IP count
is 55IP for 256posts small? I've been to generals with 500/35 and thought it was normal

>> No.20223422
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You went to the tea master pocket dimension. He must have been surpressing his Qi the entire time or merely being in his presence would have killed you. You should be thankful that you lived, do not seek another meeting.

>> No.20223437

Hey now, there are some actual asian people here.

>> No.20223454

I'm gonna drink a ton of Japanese greens this year, anyone know where I can get a decent Kyusu with a ceramic filter? I want something of alright quality, but there's no point splurging for something excellent because I'm probably going to fucking drop it in a year like an idiot. $60-ish is probably what I'd like to pay but I could go a bit higher.

>> No.20223480

Sazen tea, take a look through their selection. Though i should mention some reviews saying the 120ml kyusus tend to be closer to 100ml.
You can also look on ebay and filter by only items shipping from japan.

>> No.20223484

Also here

>> No.20223489

Prove it senpai ;)

>> No.20223492

2018 Menghai "Wu Zi Deng Ke" Ripe Pu-erh Mini Tea Cake
7 grams, 150 ml. 7 mins steep. tastey.
Dark and pretty thick liquid. Plum cherry. kinda tart and slightly astringent. its not chocolatey like the 7572 which i like. I wouldnt buy this again. bought a small cake.

>> No.20223501

I think someone here bought one of those a few years ago and said they wouldn't buy it again. Kind of surprising because you would expect a cake like that to be easy to drink and not astringent

>> No.20223512

>Kind of surprising because you would expect a cake like that to be easy to drink and not astringent
yeah i wouldnt expect that too, however, ignoring the astringent, the tea is good, like its thick and dark and rich and has slight plum or cherry. No reason to get this instead of 7572. but it is slight a little more quality-ish tasting than 7572, ignoring the astringent. like its smoother. but the caffeine kick is pretty strong.

>> No.20223517

>thick and dark and rich and has slight plum or cherry
That's the good stuff

>> No.20223525

yes it is, so this tea is good if you want that plus astringency.

>> No.20223673

>Anon visited the tea vampire's pocket dimension and forgot the directions

>> No.20223907

Better than nothing. If you went that route, I would spill keep your teas in the bags they came in. I'm not a huge fan of the plastic lining either, but it's fine. If you want, you can transfer them to mylar.
As for silica gel packs, are you referring to the Heartfelt beads? Anon and I do recommend those. I've gradually been tossing my Boveda packs as a result.

>> No.20224223
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I think he meant the moisture absorbers not the humidity beads.

>> No.20224534


>> No.20224616

Indeed. I do often note citrus notes in many of my shengs but also not always even on the same tea. I definitivly have tasted citrus notes on the fa zhan he but not in my latest session with that tea.

Sometimes you have a good sessions and sometimes you don't.

>> No.20224620

"Ostfriesentee". Tea they drink in east frisia. It's absolutley perfect with milk and sugar.
An alternative would probably be some form of breakfast tea but imo ostfriesentee is better.

>> No.20224682

just hope the tea isn't cursed

>> No.20224691

atistitic nippon has some pretty ones, although they tend to be a bit big

>> No.20225165

>Dry leaves smells like plum
yeah plum is a common note in sheng. I get it more often from 10 year old sheng than brand new stuff though
I really like the fa zhan he myself. do you get the "fluffy" texture? I thought the citrus was more in the aftertaste
the bangwai is more fruity IIRC

>> No.20225187

That's gorgeous!

>> No.20225368

I wrote a thing about puers but it's too long so I made a paste bin
If you are new and wondering what they are all about, give it a read.
If you are a veteran feel free to disagree or give any suggestions.
Feel free to ask anything of course

>> No.20225372

is this a good time to buy green /tea/ ?

>> No.20225378

It is too early for 2024 greens, I would not expect any significant quantity to be grown, processed, and distributed before April at the very earliest. However you can get 2023 greens at cheaper prices now, taking the risk that they might be too stale.

>> No.20225382

>not rentry

>> No.20225406

You should check out the reviews on mei leaf. You'd think every one of his puers tastes like 10 different kinds of fruit jam and candy all at once.

>> No.20225417

Sorry, I'm not up to date on the latest /g/ meme site.
Just like in wine, there will be bullshit everywhere. I try to be down to earth and call shit out.

>> No.20225425

Thanks for the write up, interesting perspective. I think you are probably right that bitterness / astringency can go understated in reviews of young raw puer, i guess to some extent its expected or taken for granted so it doesn't get mentioned as strongly unless its really pronounced or unique in some way.
That said i have to wonder if your hard water is contributing a bit to the lack of sweetness you are getting. In my own experience my hard water tends to mute flavors some and i can usually tell when its time to change my water filters based on how the tea tastes.

>> No.20225429

I kind of agree with the assessments of FarmerLeaf raws. though ngl, I did get a lot of citrus from the Dong Guo
the yellow flakes is a little more tricky to brew right than I thought it would be. good sweetness though if you get it right
I have a sample of the 2023 Tang Fang Liang Zi and not impressed so far, but maybe it will still click with me

>> No.20225439

also yeah, part of the appeal of young raw for me is the "untamed primal" thing. it's bitter, astringent with often odd flavors and complexities, it doesn't feel as deliberately created as most tea

>> No.20225571

do you have any leads that you remember about where it was? as in any places it was next to or near?
why does pastebin have a button to show you screenshots of night mode in action but no button to switch between them

>> No.20225973

I'm surprised the only yellow tea I could find is this cheapo stuff at fullchea. Anyone know anywhere else that sells it?

>> No.20226009

I wonder if you could go street view and retrace your route.

>> No.20226061

I bought another cheap one in a lcoal store, under the name Huang Xiao. it's quite good actually, not complex but very sweet, nutty-chocolaty roasted flavor

>> No.20226072

What's the best for a classical English style breakfast tea? is it Ceylon? Or maybe Kenya? Or Chinese like a Keemun?

>> No.20226081

Keemun definitely
the English only stopped using it when they couldn't get it anymore

>> No.20226089

Yeah, been quite some years since I had yellow but I recall enjoying that easy going nutty profile. Maybe I'll just look around the asian supermarkets.
It's a bit odd that guys like YS and KTM don't seem to stock any at all.

>> No.20226110

Yunnan Sourcing (but only the US site)
Dragon Tea House
Mei Leaf

>> No.20226118

Nice DTH are actually selling quite a few different options. Thanks anon.

>> No.20226195

>Anyone know anywhere else that sells it?
Seven cups has the primo luxury yellow tea. Shit's expensive, but its the fancy stuff
There is also these compressed nuggets that are called yellow tea, totally different tea with completely different processing i think.

>> No.20226217
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_hi_yo__0979f01b156c6c2fc71e6737f1fc99a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to trying Da Hong Pao and Shui Jin Gui, subtle differences in the flavor, but for me da hong pao is definitely my favorite. Probably the best tea I've ever had so far, to be honest. I love the earthiness of other oolongs, but there's something about the sweet aroma and smooth, almost sweet taste of the wuyi oolongs that I haven't really tasted anywhere else, yet, but then again there's tons of teas out there I haven't tried. Definitely gonna be ordering more da hong pao and probably hairy crab soon.
Also, how good is ginseng tea? I've heard ginseng is a great herb for its health benefits but how does it taste?

Hong meiling image cuz her theme is shanghai teahouse

>> No.20226256

Those nuggets are pretty tempting, what even is that.
>you have to drink all the tea

>> No.20226293

Wuyi oolongs are some of the best teas out there. I wouldn't drink anything else if i could afford to buy 4 kilos of yancha a year.
>how does ginseng taste?
It tastes like medicinal herbs / a root. I think it tastes fine but not really something i would drink just for the flavor. Lots of people like to add some honey to ginseng teas. You can also brew it with those dried Jujube Red Dates that the Chinese add to a lot of their tea and soup blends.

>> No.20226307

can bunnies eat sheng

>> No.20226316

>Those nuggets are pretty tempting, what even is that.
Its sold as jun shan yin zhen which is what the fancy yellow tea is called. Based on the price im guessing it's tea made in that style but not from the designated island to the the true authentic yellow tea since that stuff is like $50 an oz. Not sure about the compression or how the processing might be different beyond that.

>> No.20226318
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rate my order faggots

>> No.20226325

Its fine, those blooming teas are kind of a meme but at least its just black tea and not those ones with flowers and shit in them. Osmathus oolong is great, at least the one i had a few years ago. Lao cha tu is fun, brew them long with really hot water.

>> No.20226421

I just got my order of this 2022 sampler from Oldwaystea in after some anons recommended me try them since I said I wanted to get more into Wuyi teas and expand my vendor horizons from YS and Verdant Tea.
Nice packaging and got 2 free samples as well.
I am starting with the Da Hong Pao as I also enjoy them.
RIght from the start this is a heavier roast than I have had before.
Smells and tastes suitably rocky/mineral as I was expecting. The roast comes through as an almost okay and smoky/ashy quality. It is very smooth and pretty full bodied and juicy. Some interesting almost berry qualties (blueberry?).
Overall I am looking forward to working my way through this.
NTA but damn, this website is awesome. Why have you shown me this, now I need to constantly stop myself from ordering some of this stuff... The hagi, iga, and bizen ware stuff is calling my name.

>> No.20226433

Don't abuse your bunnies, anon. Post bunny.

>> No.20226454

Any good sources for reading up on the concept of Cha Qi? I see it used a lot these days as a marketing term, but I'm interested in its origin and actual, non-I-made-this-up-to-sell-tea meaning, or, I guess various interpretations of it as is usually the case with these things.

>> No.20226459

Nice, enjoy dat yancha

>> No.20226479

It basically just means the perceived energy of the tea, be it calming, stimulating, relaxing, hot, cold etc.
You can just read about the concept of qi in general or as it pertains to traditional Chinese medicine since i don't think you will find a good explanation of cha qi specifically.
The term certainly does get thrown around a lot without much context.

>> No.20226510

The takeaway is that basically everything in large doses is carcinogenic and our livers filter out or breakdown most of them when taken in normal sized amounts.

>> No.20226646

can i use steel wool on a gaiwan? ive been wanting to clean it for awhile and im not too sure how. i know soap can give it a funky scent, so i wanna avoid that. steel wool did the job for today but id imagine im going rub the glaze off if i do it often enough

>> No.20226647

I forget when it was but to the anon who posted about the sardine/fish porcelain and wanting one, it's back in stock at artistic nippon

>> No.20226724


>> No.20226725

Sure is anon, I've placed my order. I wonder how many they made.

>> No.20226789

Don't use steel wool it could damage the glaze
I use those magic eraser scrubbing sponges and then rinse it thoroughly afterwards

>> No.20226805

magic erasers are essentially very fine grit sandpaper, it's probably mostly fine for this application but i would use it somewhat sparingly. it could affect the finish, mostly just the sheen at first.

>> No.20227984

Glazed or unglazed? If glazed, just use diswashing detergent and whatever sponge you normally use for dishes.
How do we feel about scentless dishwashing detergent for unglazed pots?

>> No.20227996

Your microplastics aversion is taking at least half the value of your tea away.