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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20207345 No.20207345 [Reply] [Original]

This shit makes me so sick, what the hell.
>According to USDA.gov, one packet of ramen noodles (81g) contains 14g of total fat and 6.58 g of total saturated fat, which is around 33% of your daily recommended intake. Ramen noodles are low in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein. They are very filling, but ramen noodles offer almost no nutrition but many calories. To preserve ramen in its storage condition, it is preserved with tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ). It is a petroleum-based product that is hard to digest and is also found in pesticides and lacquers. It makes the noodles hard to digest, therefore allowing the body to be exposed to this chemical for a longer period of time than normal. It will also impede your body from taking in other nutrients. You may experience nausea and vomiting if exposed to it for too long.

>> No.20207358

You have a brain. You have freedom. Put them together and make a choice for yourself.

>> No.20207367

I have freedom?

>> No.20207377

Is there someone forcing you to buy ramen noodle packets?

>> No.20207396

Love the Carbo flavour. Absolutely fucking lush.

>> No.20207490

These fucking meme noodle are gross. If you are spending health points on ramen, why not eat one of the superior ones.
Do zoomers know that tiktoks are just commercials?

>> No.20207556

Note, they mean instant cup noodles. If you make a bowl of noodles from good ramen (97% wheat, 2% salt, water), a stock cube that isn't overly salty, a splash of soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil you end up with something around 12g protein, 2g fat, 75g carbs, 3g salt. Instant noodles are stuffed with completely unnecessary oil & sugars that can be as much as 20x the fat level and even higher salt levels.

>> No.20207597

Weak ass nigga is afraid of pasta

>> No.20207615

If you can't handle instant ramen you're weak.
All the "healthy" ones I've tried are nasty, it's like actual hard pasta noodles and soy sauce flavor pack. Maruchan or Top Ramen with some of my own additions is vastly superior.

>> No.20207686

Tell me some superior ones, all my stock is years old and needs to be tossed anyways alot of its starting to taste funky

>> No.20207723

You're supposed to add almond butter, spring onion and two eggs to ramen. Then it's healthy.

>> No.20207725

>According to USDA.gov
stopped reading right there

>> No.20208231

Add an egg to it, there you have your proteins and minerals.

> ramen noodles offer almost no nutrition but many calories
Ah, calories, so in other words: NUTRITION! The no 1 reason why you eat food int the first place!
Fuck off, retards.

>> No.20208237

I really don't get those big cups. They always taste and smell like utter ass. Something about the spices they use, they are the stinkiest, nastiest thing ever. Especially the spicy ones. It's like clownshit too, the flavors are so overblown and crazy. You could eat nothing but onions and garlic for days and you still wouldn't be as smelly. The taste they leave in your mouth too!

>> No.20208281

I dont think anyone ever implied ramen is healthy.

>> No.20208681
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1. Quattro Cheese
1. Carbonara
3. Regular artificial chicken flavor
4. Cheese
5. Jjajang
6. Habanero Lime
7. Kimchi

I want to try the curry flavor, but I haven't seen it in stock at my local markets yet.
Kimchi flavor is probably the only one I wouldn't get again. It's alright with some fresh kimchi thrown in, but kind of boring.

>> No.20208692

kimchi version is literally just the regular but comes with a small packet of dried kimchi bits, the laziest spicy gook noodle version so far in my opinion.

>> No.20208729

I disagree because the artificial kimchi flavor is a significant downgrade from the regular sauce.
If you add fresh kimchi it's almost like eating a huge bowl of kimchi, which is fine, but I'd rather just eat an actual huge bowl of kimchi.

>> No.20209802

Many of the nongshim ones are good. Shin ramyun is classic

>> No.20209813
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>> No.20209822
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>> No.20209832
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>> No.20209841

can we get ai to airstrike muck bangers yet?

>> No.20209842
File: 42 KB, 185x272, images(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bramd has some of my favorite i ever had but i cant find them in my city anymore

>> No.20209851

I was eating four bowls of those in ops pic a day then my leg swelled up so much it literally sprang a leak and for a few months until i got into a wound dr if i sat anywhere too long i would have puddles of lymph fluid under me. Big puddles. It was disgusting.

>> No.20210082

I hate gamer leg

>> No.20210098

And somehow east asian countries have among the highest life expectancies in the world..

>> No.20210426

you must be very overweight, anon. maybe you should eat less noodles.

>> No.20210451

What is wrong with you?

>> No.20210519
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"Fresh" ramen. Spicy Sesame is great, they also make Soba, and seasonal Hiyashi Chuka, aka cold ramen

>> No.20211578

The saturated fat is not a health concern.
It's the ones fried in soybean oil you should worried about regarding atherosclerosis.

>> No.20211588

Does anyone else not drink the broth?

>> No.20212439

>$3 extra for a little bit of soy sauce mixed in water

>> No.20212543

I make it with only enough water to make the noodles soft. No extra.

>> No.20212650

Tried the spicy ones and they were pretty boring.

>> No.20213176

change the water.

boil em in a pot, strain, and when you make the sººp use fresh hot water from a kettle.

the noodre are deep fried in oil and all that fat and cholesterol and excess starch gets boiled out. if you change the water it's way way healthier, and frankly I think it tastes better, you get a nice clear broth.

now obviously all the other mystery chingchong ingredients are really bad for you in terms of salt and lead dust and MSG, but at least changing the water is a good starting point.

>> No.20213438

I just make my own with udon and scratch-made seasoning

>> No.20213465

As opposed to all the other slop that you eat?

>> No.20213468

I figured that instant noodles would use as much unsaturated fat as they possibly could

>> No.20213551

what's your sæsoning secret anon?

>> No.20213597

People have been sacrificing their bodies for our entertainment since before gladiators

>> No.20214098

Nobody has ever though ramen noodles were healthy ever.

>> No.20214185

>built up a tolerance and was able to eat the 2x spicy no problem
>took a break for a while
>tried the pink labeled curry one
>it knocked me down on my ass
>still have tons of it left and don't want to eat it anymore

>> No.20214191

oh anon, for over a hundred years chinamen have been spouting nonsense about how you should eat asian food because of how much healthier it is. this is almost entirely dishes that are 30% oil including nooder. and of course the fetishists buy ever word of it and propagate this shit for decades on end.

>tl:dr; lots of people think this

>> No.20214192

what a hideous bug

>> No.20214193

>Do zoomers know that tiktoks are just commercials?
people watch the superbowl for the commercials

>> No.20214288

I usually just buy the Kaedema and make my own broth.

>> No.20214342

Patrician taste

>> No.20214345

How does this happen?