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20206208 No.20206208 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20206211

turkey belongs in C

>> No.20206213

>chicken - s

>> No.20206219

turkey and chicken way way too high

>> No.20206304

>chicken s tier
>turkey b tier
>putting any other meat near beef
this is such a shit list. heres the reality
beef>>>>lamb>crustaceans>pork=fish>>chicken>>very shit cut of lean beef>>>>>turkey
every game meat costs 5x more than its worth so dont eat it unless you killed it with your own hands or car or gun

>> No.20206346

where is alligator/crocodile? they don't belong in game imo. also fish is too broad to fit under one category, you could do an entire other tier list of different fish.

>> No.20206348

Pork and seafood/lakefood/riverfood belong in S.
Beef and chicken belong in C, as does turkey.

>> No.20206351

S and A should be reversed

>> No.20206353

>crustaceans lumped all together
>no shellfish at all, scallops and mussels nowhere to be seen
>octopi and squid lumped in with fish
>game is too generalized, hare and elk are both at least B tier

>> No.20206375


>> No.20206381

>B tier
I find it tough and unpleasant. I much prefer farmed bunnies to hare. Even wild bunnies are better.

>> No.20206382
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>> No.20206388

I can accept that. That's a fair compromise.
Alligator is a meme meat. They're raised in captivity for the sake of skin for fashion and show animals, any gator/croc meat is a byproduct of these narrow uses for them. It tastes like an awkward medium between chicken and low fat cuts of pork.

>> No.20206475

>Pheasant isn't listed as game

>> No.20206503

Beef is heavily overrated

>> No.20206510

What kind of psychopath has actually tried Lion?

>> No.20206533


>> No.20206534

I can't be the only one who likes turkey more than chicken

>> No.20206538

>deer gets a D

>> No.20206591

S: Duck, Lamb, Beef
A: Veal, Mutton, Goat, Venison, Emu
B: Chicken, Turkey, Kangaroo, Buffalo, Crocodile
C: Pork
DEF: idk
I haven't tried Camel yet but it's gonna happen eventually.

>> No.20206598

For an E-tier meat OP chows down an awful lot of man meat on the daily haha

>> No.20206776

>not s tier
jewish hands wrote the OP

>> No.20206787

Greetings, fellow hunter.
t.northern minnesotan

>> No.20206822

I like prok and not jewish but cant go higher than A tier imo. Maybe prok belly which I aint got access to. Also plenty of kikes eat pork

>> No.20206849

pork belly is actually the worst cut of pork unless it's turned into bacon.

>> No.20206858

Evening sir, Northern Missouri here.

>> No.20206886

>putting chicken in S tier
>putting game meats in bottom tiers
You're retarded.

>> No.20206900

>chicken S tier
>lamb anything but S tier

nonwhite detected

>> No.20207020

>I haven't tried Camel yet
A local store started carrying camel milk recently. I was surprised but didn't bother checking the office. It was some in old school glass milk bottles. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they carry the meat, too.

>> No.20207022

I'm phone posting, up an hour early and trying to waste time before my run.

>> No.20207037

Are we talking about taste or efficiency (cost to buy or raise)?
Of course chickens are the cheapest and easiest to raise but duck tastes better
Also, why is Fish an entire category? That would be like putting 6 things on that list under "poultry"

>> No.20207060

>nonwhite detected

LMAO what the hell are you talking about. OP is white as the driven snow, retard. It's American whites who hate lamb, and nonwhites who love it. It's a neutral protein that can be eaten by all religions and cultures, and of course it tastes good. But Amerimutts claim it tastes heckin gamey, and it's unironically too spicy for wipipo. I was shocked when I went to a Chinese restaurant with some white friends a few years ago and discovered not a single one has ever tried lamb even once. Their reasoning was that it was a dirty animal/they didn't like the taste (despite again all of them saying they've never even tried it once). Of course they have no problems with pigs, who roll around in their own shit all day.

>t. Knower

>> No.20207068

>eaten by all religions
Not Jains or Rastafarians.

>> No.20207095

What's with turkey hate? I always thought of it as better chicken

>> No.20207099

For me S tier is chicken, fish, duck, turkey and Japanese wagyu.
A is pork and crustaceans and normal beef.
Everything else is B and all game is same as OP.

>> No.20207101

Veal is literally inherently superiour to beef.
Pork belongs in D tier.

>> No.20207102
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>> No.20207225

it is, but it's more difficult to prepare (apparently, wet brines are a problem for americans)

>> No.20207246

S tier - Fish, Crustaceans (isn't that just fish? or do you mean fin fish)
A tier - Pork, Veal, Lamb
B tier - Duck, Quail, Chicken, Beef
C tier - Turkey, Goat, Pheasant
D tier - Goose, Mutton, Rabbit, Deer
E/F - Everything else

>> No.20207659

>Bugs in A
Other then that, not bad

>> No.20207703
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>> No.20207715

>Fish in S (A)
>Chicken in A (B)
>Duck in B (A)
Other than that, not bad

>> No.20207734

I never bring my turkey and it's always moist and delicious. I don't like anyone else's turkey.

>> No.20207736

I've had ostrich and it should be B tier. Great meat

>> No.20207785

Minke Whale - S tier
Fin Whale - C tier

>> No.20207787

Turkey in S if it's brined.

>> No.20207797

>(apparently, wet brines are a problem for americans)
No because I always wet brine mine. It's not that hard.

>> No.20207805

Paco pls

>> No.20207824
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Pork is the only S-tier.

Veal, Beef, Lamb, and Crustaceans are A.

Chicken, Duck, Pheasant, Quail. and Deer are B

Goose, Rabbit, Moose and Mutton are C

>> No.20207840

beef-flavored chicken is breddy good, I agree

>> No.20207993

I can guarantee you that my "meat" is S+ tier :^)

>> No.20208104

beef fish crustaceans duck
>i don't care
everything else

>> No.20208405

>avid hunter coworker keeps sending ducks my way because he knows I enjoy cooking them
>Is gonna give me venison and duck sausages next week
We're eating good lads

>> No.20208425

>fish and lamb below chicken
Absolutely insane.

>> No.20208450

Would definitely not lump all herbivorous game animals together. Ungulates are a lot better in general than rodents and rabbits. Elk is legitimately good (I would personally put it above any bird meat).

>> No.20208609

you have been brainwashed by american turkey merchants, best bird will always be duck
also, your tier list is absolutely plebeian

>> No.20208614

>my "meat" is S
for small

>> No.20208615

S: Seafood (raw), beef (raw), duck, lamb
A: Pork, beef, seafood (cooked), beef (cooked)
B: Chicken, turkey
I havent tried any other meats

>> No.20209291

Kangaroo should be a tier pork should be c

>> No.20209850

there's no preparation of chicken that comes remotely close to duck confit

>> No.20209913

Lamb is S

>> No.20209991
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>> No.20210006

Retarded Post
Any meat which can be eaten raw.
Pork belly, Lamb, Shellfish, Duck, Beef (choice cuts), Salmon
The rest of it
White fish, Buffalo, rabbits, venison

>> No.20210007

>S: Beef, Veal
>A: Salmon, Lamb
>B: Duck, Goose, Pheasant, Quail
>C: Crustaceans & Mollusks
>D: Pork, Chicken, Turkey, white fishes, Goat, Mutton
>E: Deer, Rabbit, Elk, squirrel
>F: Alligator, Snake, Frog
>G: rats, cats, roadkill
>H: bugs
>Z: Dogs, Humans

>> No.20210077
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Shit tier list

>> No.20210128


>> No.20210133

I would move goat up to a and fish down to C

>> No.20210151
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Ostrich > all

>> No.20210279

The most versatile poultry meat

>> No.20210293
File: 1.75 MB, 2588x1169, oh deer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>deer gets a D
Yeah, mine.

>> No.20210294

yiff in hell

>> No.20210301


>> No.20211028

Shit take from down under

>> No.20212135

I notice youNA4SJD NA4SJDskipped right over "man".

>> No.20213486

hello /k/ommando

>> No.20213720

every meat is F

>> No.20213723
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I see you haven't had rabbit before.

>> No.20213729
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>> No.20214835

absolutely retarded. goose is like the tastiest poultry you can get