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20199958 No.20199958 [Reply] [Original]

*turns your food orange*
*does nothing else*

>> No.20199965
File: 170 KB, 500x628, 1509065459867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange food bad!
Orange food matters!

>> No.20199970 [DELETED] 

Based local board MIGApede

>> No.20199974

>he prefers cold food

>> No.20199976

>""does nothing but turn your food orange""
that just means you're not putting enough in, especially if you're using good stuff from hungary

>> No.20199982

Are there any hungarian recipes that call for using spicy paprika? I got both kinds but it seems like most recipes just call for the sweet stuff. Should I just sub some of it if I like my food spicy?

>> No.20199986

Growing up my parents would never use anything except paprika to season pork chops and would always use paprika to season pork chops.
I'm sick of seeing orange pork chops.

>> No.20199997
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you need the smoked variety

>> No.20200038

They often call for rose paprika powder or paste too or aren't specific at all.

>> No.20200049

Shitty paprika like from McCormick has no flavor but real deal Hungarian paprika has a lot of flavor

>> No.20200082

There is literally nothing wrong with McCormick. Take your head out of your ass and stop sniffing your own farts.

>> No.20200094

McCormick is fine but their paprika sucks

>> No.20200119
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*turns your orange foolish*
*is not insinuating anything else*

>> No.20200136

>He doesn't sub 3 tbs of sweet paprika for a blend of smoked, bittersweet and hot paprika

>> No.20200166
File: 203 KB, 704x396, main-qimg-024b359517a272d10b26f703c37e5c28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy dogshit paprika
>wtf paprika sucks!
>buy dogshit vanilla
>wtf vanilla is boring!

>> No.20200171

>>wtf vanilla is boring!
Literally no one in the history of cooking has ever once said this. Natural vanilla is agreed upon by everyone in the entire world to be extremely flavorful.

>> No.20200173

>Drop 3000$ on premium gmo-free craft paprika
>It tastes the same
>But i already spent all this money so i must pretend this tastes good.

>> No.20200174

Imagine adding so little that all it does is turn orange lmao
Are you too poor to use proper amounts or something?

>> No.20200179

Paprika flavored Pringles and other chips are very tasty, which led me down to the path of buying actual paprika to use in cooking, only to be extremely disappointed every time

>> No.20200203

Threadly reminder that all spice / herb complaints are due entirely to shit sourcing (you buying the $2.99 shaker of year-old low quality spice from Zogmart)

>> No.20200225

buddy, vanilla is synonymous with plain or uninteresting


>> No.20200233

That's the colloquial usage of the term "vanilla". Nobody saying that is referring to the actual literal flavor profile of the vanilla spice.

>> No.20200235

>vanilla is synonymous with plain or uninteresting
This is due to popular adoption of the LGBT slang term vanilla meaning "not shamefully degenerate" and not an indictment of vanilla as a flavor

>> No.20200237

>have dysfunctional tastebuds
>simply cannot fathom a world where paprika has flavor in the same way that no human can imagine perceiving another color

>> No.20200271

Shitty vanilla is literally MORE flavourful than real vanilla.
>b-but artificial vanilla isn't real vanilla
Even the cheapest no-name artificial vanilla from the sketchiest corner store is genuine vanilla flavour, as in it is literally the flavour compound that makes vanilla vanilla, but created in a factory instead of extracted from the bean. Vanilla flavouring is as broken open and freely available as the super mario 64 source code. Frankly the term "artificial" is a misnomer at this point, like with fake/artificial gemstones that are objectively so real and high quality that "real" gems are identified by being shittier than the """fake""" ones.

>> No.20200273

That's not a picture of saffron.

>> No.20200305

Chicken Paprikash usually does.
Also, I use it on eggs ever since Hot Shot was discontinued.

>> No.20200347


>> No.20200365

>Shitty vanilla is literally MORE flavourful than real vanilla.
You've only had very poor quality vanilla. I thought the same until a baker/chocolatier/candy maker I know showed me his quality stuff. I've never bought any, to be honest, but according to her, if it's some in a supermarket, it's not going to be very good quality (and will also be overpriced; she told me that the vanilla she buys for the various shit at her shop is actually far, far cheaper than anything did at supermarkets). She gave me a couple beans and it's like night and fucking day.
But yeah; maybe imitation is better than poor quality stuff. I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.20200375

I like getting the real vanilla extract to do shots with. The government doesn't want you to know that it's made with vodka and you don't get carded to buy vanilla extract.

>> No.20200382

Unlike the vanilla post in >>20200365, this is something I CAN speak to in personal terms. I'm from yurp. My mum is Swisstalian but my great^2 grandmother moved to Northeast Italy from Hungary in the 1800s. We use a fucktonne of paprika. Any any any any any time I go back home, I bring back paprika. Like the vanilla I mentioned in the other post, it's actually cheaper and better quality than the "good" quality paprika sold in the US. weirdly, Aldi and Lidl both have decent cheap paprika so if you're finding the pricy stuff isn't up to snuff, try one of those. The difference isn't AS drastic as it is with the vanilla, but it's still noticeable.

>> No.20200389
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Oof! Too spicy for me.

>> No.20200391
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Show me where the paprika touched you

>> No.20200456

It goes so nicely on fried eggs though. They definitely improve the taste of eggs.

>> No.20200491

Use more.
Buy better paprika.
Stop being bad.

>> No.20200636

I remember that, then he did a whole episode ranting up and down that he isn't political and it was by accident blahblah, which made it worse. I lost a lot of respect for him after that. Sure he seems like the type that would get Trump deragement syndrome, but the fact that he'd bold-faced deny being butthurt makes him also a deceitful coward. Shame.

>> No.20200666

You're a girl.

>> No.20200697

Vanilla is in literally every sweet thing to the point that people are completely numb to it and consider it a non-flavor. I know people who think vanilla ice cream is just plain ice cream and all other flavors are made by adding something to vanilla ice cream. And you know what? They're actually kind of right, because even chocolate ice cream contains vanilla. I like vanilla as a flavor, but to deny that most people consider it plain and uninteresting just shows that you're very out of touch with most people.

>> No.20200703

>add paprika to my gruel
>it now looks comfy
thank you magyars

>> No.20200710
File: 63 KB, 1100x734, turmeric-root-and-powder[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*stains everything in your kitchen yellow*
*does nothing else*

>> No.20200721

What the fuck this is a ginger asset rip. Who's the lazy cunt that plagiarized this.

>> No.20200819

Hungarian paprika is a meme and you are a gullible fucking retard.

>> No.20200831

Nobody cares about your backstory. Not your personal blog. Hungarian food is dog shit. You have fond memories of low quality seasoning. Sad.

>> No.20200872

Used roasted paprika only. thats the kind you can taste.

>> No.20200884
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Oh hey is this the thread for me?

>> No.20200942

I thought smoked was spanish though, not hungarian? I've never heard of bittersweet paprika either.
This is what I mean, all the english-speaking recipes are vague about which paprika to use (at most saying to get a 'good' hungarian paprika like OP), and often say to use too little of it. Maybe I need to find a hungarian recipe or something.

>> No.20201131

Ah, that is the MSG you enjoyed most likely. Just add MSG to things, it will save you a lot of trouble.

>> No.20201154


>> No.20201210

MSG is quite possibly the biggest psy-op in the history of cooking. It tastes like trash when you add it to random things, and salt provides an infinitely greater flavor profile. There's a reason salt is a billion dollar industry and MSG isn't.

>> No.20201221

I get smoked paprika, it's delicious.

>> No.20201282

it depends on the dish you are making

>> No.20201299 [DELETED] 

MSG 100% makes broth taste better, and less intense than sodium. Add MSG to any soup and it will make it better immediately.

>> No.20201300

>makes everything taste like pizza and bbq pringles

>> No.20201309

MSG 100% makes broth taste better, and less intense than salt. Add MSG to any soup and it will make it better immediately.

Biggest psy-op I would say would have to be Cumin.

>> No.20201384

dude people were saying vanilla to mean boring decades before lgbt was even a thing, you need to get offline for a bit my guy

>> No.20201393

Cumin is great. All spices are great as long as it's fresh and good quality. (MGS is not a spice)

>> No.20201415

it's a figure of speech for normality

High quality vanilla items are farther in between regardless.

>> No.20201421

It tastes like dirt. MSG at least has a savory taste.

>> No.20201553

>Sure he seems like the type that would get Trump deragement syndrome
I wouldn't think so, considering he runs a channel dedicated to promoting American heritage and culinary history. Trump is the only Presidential candidate who even tries to maintain the American identity.

>> No.20201570

>people were saying vanilla to mean boring decades before people were gay
Well, let's just say I disagree with that

>> No.20201594

Smoked paprika makes it different

>> No.20201714

Yes and the colloquialism came from the fact that vanilla is not as impactful as almost ever other type of flavour modifier.

>> No.20201722



>> No.20201738

>literally just powdered red bell pepper
animals using onion powder and garlic powder and bell pepper powder and celery salt in their food when they could just use onions and garlic and bell pepper and celery and actually get some fucking vegetables for once

>> No.20201850

You are not very smart.

>> No.20201853

I fucks with achiote, tho.
There are dozens of Hungarian varieties, including smoked ones. There are even other colours besides red.

>> No.20201854

>she's never had Hungarian food
You poor, poor girl.

>> No.20201864

That's not anatto.

>> No.20201870

First bay leaf and now paprika? Anons need to get fresher spices that aren't tasteless.

>> No.20201878

Reminder it was proven he was outright paid to shill by the democratic party's spooks.

>> No.20202094

Everything reminds me of her...

>> No.20202108

You’re right. The Japanese invented powdered MSG as a way to sell their excess kombu harvest. Kombu is the seaweed used to make dashi, which is the super umami broth that forms the backbone of Japanese cooking.