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20199665 No.20199665 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20199684

Heineken is a beer for the selfish and Stella is a beer for friends

>> No.20199691

Both disgusting. Get a good Pilsener, Czech Lager or Bavarian Helles. French and Dutch Beer sucks BIG TIME. You have to go more East

>> No.20199744

Hertog jan is ok between the standard beers. Grolsch fucking sucks.

>> No.20199763

You realize this is a thread for cheap piss beer right

>> No.20199785

Hertog"OnlyMaltz" Jan

>> No.20199823


>> No.20199925
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Grolsch. Now kys immediately

>> No.20199992

As a belgian I can say that while Stella is shit, drinking Heineken is basically the same as drinking the piss of a Stella drinker.

>> No.20199995

They're both fucking disgusting

>> No.20199998

Sloppa for sportsball fan subhumans.

>> No.20200030

More of a Molson man desu

>> No.20200140

in sweden a stella costs way more than for example a paulaner and most german beers

>> No.20200161

This is because yuropoors don't understand that America has cheap macrobrews, high quality micro and not so micro independent brews. Like what you drink every day we consider trailer trash beer. The culture is not the same, although I'd imagine Krauts have their own favorite local breweries despite them being heavily government regulated.

>> No.20200193

>in sweden, stella is more expensive than better german beers
>that's because you don't understand how beer in america works
besides being completely irrelevant, the beer they drink daily in europe is not considered trailer trash beer by US standards. this has more to do with you not understanding beer in europe than him not understanding beer in america.

>> No.20200196
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>the beer they drink daily in europe is not considered trailer trash beer by US standards
I'm an American and I say it is.

>> No.20200200

that just makes you wrong

>> No.20200210
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>> No.20200218

No, what you are doing is the equivalent of going to a McDonald's and thinking it's "authentic American cuisine". American microbrews absolutely blow away European beer.

>> No.20200226

>But what about america
>Can we please talk about america

>> No.20200228

>I'm an American
Oh well

>> No.20200245
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>american beer
don't reply to my post ever again

>> No.20200251

Why did you post a reddit image

>> No.20200283

anon, i've had plenty of american micros as well as lots of european beers. they both can be excellent and both can be shit. the weird thing is why you brought up american beers in general in a thread discussing european beers, seriously where did that come from >>20200161, you sound needlessly obsessed

>> No.20200300
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>discussing european beers
Stella is an ab inbev beer, are you retarded? Nothing European about it. It's literally owned by brazilians. Heineken is an equally multinational monstrosity.

>> No.20200308

Actually heineken is Brazilian now as well, I just looked it up lmao

>> No.20200310

Heineken for actual alkies, 10 pints then a nice drive home or to town till 7am

Stella for weekend binge drinking wanker who is probably not and has never been a well rounded person.

if its in a bottle then there will be a 12 pack somewhere in the house and they probalby have kids.

Both shit beer, heineken is drinkable.

>> No.20200324

>yuropoors are such npcs theyre drinking sopa de macacao and don't even know it

>> No.20200351

>the plant being owned by Brazilians makes a product Brazilians
Israel must be the most industrially productive country in the world

>> No.20200380



>> No.20200680

Jesus, I'd pick warm tapwater, over either of these crap beers.

>> No.20200853

i decided to switch it up from Busch Light and buy some "nice" beer today and it tastes like shit and costs twice as much!
never again

>> No.20201399

Stella is just skunked Heineken. Now you know.

>> No.20201411

>owned by brazilians
>manufactured by brazilians

>> No.20201419
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Euro trash

>> No.20201456


>> No.20201685

>Owning Euros by posting a beer created by Germans in America

>> No.20201692

Honestly I'm in Europe right now and having Heineken everywhere is a pretty pleasant change compared to dive bars in America only having some pisswater-lite and jefe.

I like Stella for special occasion or when craving a sweet lager, and I enjoy Heineken for a casual beer or even medium heavy drinking in dive bars where beer costs like $1.5 a pint and getting smashed in <$20

This is correct however if you have any taste and aren't a degenerate alcoholic (or you want to pretend not to be one in public)

>> No.20201696
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>I'm an American
i'm so sorry

>> No.20201744

That's not the point, the point is that Americans consider European piss exports to be more avante garde than say bud. They're all piss water, but Americucks think the Europe piss like stella is fancier when it isn't.

>> No.20201745

It's literally a belgium beer that its conglomerate owners now happen to be brazilian. You are genuinely fucking stupid. Seek help.

>> No.20201747


Seriously though, what is the 'best' pissbeer?

>> No.20201750
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>> No.20201751

The thing is anon when you've lived in a mental institution all your life, what you consider sane in insane to other people.

>> No.20202271

These all suck cock

>> No.20202415

Stella the wife beater.

>> No.20202452
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This clears everything
Especially on draft

>> No.20202460

Vinohradsky is the best.

>> No.20202496
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You should drink a proper American beer instead. Can't stand the shitty eur*pean gutter juice

>> No.20202535
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I can't wait to get home to drink a nice la Chouffe and also some Havana Club 7 Years. After that, since I decided to give up Alkohol for Lent, I will be a teetotaler for a while.

>> No.20202536

i like heneken but stella is like an old comfy friend to me. always goes down well no matter how bad the hangover. the only beer i drink in the shower.

>> No.20202950

beer should only be Belgian

>> No.20203421
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Dutch beer still best on the planet
Hertog Jan or fuck off, jews

>> No.20204995

German beer is the best. 2nd are Holland and Belgium. That being said Heineken and Stella are both shit, especially the Stella that has lower alcohol and brewed in England.

>> No.20205204
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Old style

>> No.20205235

Has never had Chimay.