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File: 70 KB, 500x500, WHITE-CLAW-MANGO-19-2-500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20195640 No.20195640 [Reply] [Original]

>male college kids will buy this instead of beer and not have even an ounce of shame

Another reason to hate zoomers

>> No.20195645

I have an allergy to being an insecure retard, sorry

>> No.20195648

Alcohol is alcohol. Who cares what form it comes in?
t. alcoholic zoomer who drinks nearly 750ml of whiskey a day

>> No.20195657
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I buy this and do this.

>> No.20195665

wow you like girl drinks and don't care that makes you so stunning and brave

>> No.20195668

No male drinks this, I refuse to believe that

>> No.20195670

>Scrambling to find reasons to hate younguns
Go find a wife you can take to disney and harry potter world fatso.

>> No.20195675

>you should feel bad

>> No.20195678

wow you like boy drinks and care that makes you so masculent and strong

>> No.20195706
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I wish I had a wife to take to disney and harry potter world

>> No.20195708

I'm sorry, harry potter world might be nice honestly.

>> No.20195718

There’s a youtube channel called Jack on the Go and he goes to the Harry Potter magic night with his wife. It looks very comfy.

>> No.20195721


>> No.20195734

Newsflash faggot most girls dont like beer. Seltzers are something everyone can enjoy, but I’m guessing you spent your time in college drinking warm guinness with the DND club right

>> No.20195741

it just tastes good. projecting your identity onto brands is so fucking retarded and consoomer brained

>> No.20195745

Bet you think you're special for hating cocktails too.

>> No.20195784


>> No.20196001

Seltzers are mostly a niche product, I find. At the bars, people will get beer because it's better and costs about the same.
Haven't looked too much at the prices of seltzers, but I'd imagine people get them because they're cheap and taste better than the bottom-end cheap beers.

>Newsflash faggot most girls dont like beer
Girls don't really drink seltzers, either. They tend to stick to light wines like Moscato or mixed drinks.
>you spent your time in college drinking warm guinness with the DND club right
That sounds comfy, though cold guinness is better.

>> No.20196021

Why are alcoholics such weird freaks? Why do they arbitrarily categorize drinks into being for certain "kinds" of people?

>> No.20196039

Actually, alcoholics fucking love seltzers because they go down real smooth and they pair great with cocaine. They don’t make you feel all heavy and bloated like drinking a lot of beer does and they won’t make you blackout like liquor. You can pound a case and barely notice. It’s the snobbish craft beer types who look down on seltzer, not actual alcoholics.

>> No.20196054

This man would unironically utter the phrase "pink is a girl colour"

>> No.20196165

When I was young we would buy beer for the men and shit like mikes hard and wine coolers for women. But now we live in a androgynous hell society where there is no difference between men and women.

>> No.20196172


>> No.20196185

Men and women are different and enjoy different things. Men have drank beer together for millenia and now zoomers just go hurrrr I want da girl drinks and that's HECKIN VALID shut up boomer and throw all that away. Girl drinks being normalized for men is just another win for globohomo

>> No.20196193

>t. insecure closet case

>> No.20196201

okay fine anon I'll let you suck my cock
and you can wash it down with beer so you still feel like a big boy

>> No.20196203

can't imagine how exhausting it must be to think like this

>> No.20196213

Very exhausting, the type to worry about buying a pink thingamajig for his daughter.

>> No.20196217
File: 46 KB, 800x800, Hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male adults will drink 3 of these 12oz tall boys a night to feel nothing
Born in 1995

>> No.20196219

Beer was a girl drink

>> No.20196228

>What's wrong with men wearing dresses? It's comfy omg what's the problem

>> No.20196233

Hello tranny, are you gonna wear heels since they were originally for men?

>> No.20196236

>xe’s never worn a sundress without underwear on a hot summer day
Anon, I shave my legs, as a cis white male, in order to mog women in my sundress. A gentle breeze on my balls is a wondrous feeling.

>> No.20196238

johnny was right. white claw is a badass name. i've never tried one

>> No.20196258

I'm 40 and I feel no shame.
>oh nooo you must consoom ze empty beer calories for no reason
fack off

>> No.20196265

who are you quoting?

>> No.20196266

mfer the "grrr tuff no fun allowed masculinity" you swear by was invented by the military-industrial complex in the 1940s to win ww2 bc it makes for obedient soldiers who won't question orders, and it persists because corpos take advantage of it by selling shitty "FOR MEN" products to insecure dumbasses like you who fall for their marketing
you're a sheep and a drone

>> No.20196274

White claw is the zyn of alcohol. I really like zyn, but I will pass on the claw.

>> No.20196276

i guarantee he thinks drinking wine is for women too

>> No.20196278

>Umm it's actually a good thing that men are pussies now

>> No.20196283

Idk, what did millennial manliness icon Ron Swanson say on it?

>> No.20196294

>he says while angrily bashing on his keyboard on 4channel.org

>> No.20196396

maybe you should stop focusing on the "girl" drink in someone else's hand and focus on the "girl"dick in your hand instead, faggot OP

>> No.20196401

it's telling that you have to resort to outlandish strawmen to argue because you have nothing else to stand on

>> No.20196404
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>> No.20196408

Yes yes now go buy another overpriced bar of soap that smells like whisky and ashes from homosexual lumberjacks on the internet, I'm sure your friends down at the barcade+axe throwing venue will be super impressed

>> No.20196430

I wear Tactical Soap. Chixdiggit

>> No.20196438

beer is for queers
real men drink homemade mead

>> No.20196456

That shit never fails to give me a headache.

>> No.20196465

For me it’s Fleshmans vodka

>> No.20196466

You go to the barcade + axe throwing gimmick venue to feel like a man, I go because it's an easy gimmick first date to get tinder thots to fuck you. We are not the same.

>> No.20196473

i don't avoid white claw because it's "girly", but because it tastes like shit, even for a seltzer

>> No.20196606

When I had really bad heartburn from my alcoholism this was the only thing besides vitamin water and vodka that I could swallow without gagging

>> No.20196616

you retards itt just don't understand what I'm saying. men getting beers together is sacred. you can laugh and call me a faggot all you want but if I'm out with some guys after a long day of work and I order us beers and some dude asks for a whiteclaw that's fucking gay and defending it or normalizing it even gayer.

>> No.20196618

Sounds like you're bowing to peer pressure anon. You know your mom would be disappointed in that.

>> No.20196641

>I have no agency
>I fear being seen as gay

>> No.20196668

>equal abv, less hangover
Problem beerqueer? Kids these days not drinking their estrogen enough for you?

>> No.20196683

wow you ignore all social traditions that's so cool bro you're so above it all man

>> No.20196687

Tradition is the corpse of wisdom anon.

>> No.20196694
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>people have the option to drink something other than beer
get off this site. it's completely rotted your brain

>> No.20196698

Men have always drank sweet and fruity alcoholic beverages. Lots of ancient wines are very sweet.

>> No.20196703

Not exhausting, they do it because it reduces their cognitive load by outsourcing independent analytical thinking to crude categorization and living strictly according to those guidelines. Beer for men, fruit for fruits and you don't have to think any more than that.

>> No.20196713

Like I said before, wear heels since men wore them and don't drink beer since it used to be a woman's drink. You seem awfully selective when it comes to tradition.

>> No.20196717

There's definitely a new breed of perfomatively masculine losers who tie themselves into knots worrying about if something is masculine or not but the anons in this thread aren't one of them. You know the type, the kind of people with twitter pfps of greek statues playong pretend stoic who are like "um actually, liking women in bikinis is gay".

>> No.20196723

You can't fall for the new marketing tricks anon you have to fall for the marketing tricks from 1940 to 1960 otherwise your gay

>> No.20196734

True, those guys are running their analytical thinking in overdrive trying to objectively assess what is manly or not based on historical precedent etc. What they fail to realize is that whatever real men do is automatically manly. If you're looking to other dudes to show you how to act right it means you don't have it within yourself by nature and you failed before you even began.

>> No.20196737

beer is for queers THOUGH

>> No.20196748

this is the most insecure shit i've ever read

>> No.20196752

>same price as most beer
>more alcohol than most beer
>doesn't fill you up like beer so you can drink more
>has flavors that actually taste good
keep being an insecure retard

>> No.20196754

Absolutely loving all of the alt-right terminally online tards who have circled all the way around to "um actually hot girls, beer, football, and cookouts are super cringe" and totally lost the plot with "I just want to grill for god's sake!" Conservatives.

>> No.20196763

>but the anons in this thread aren't one of them.
No they are the previous iteration's breed, the lumbersexual ron swanson epic mealtime watchers.

>> No.20196768

Nah those guys are all about whiskey and bourbon and placing a huge emphasis on how much of it they can drink without getting drunk. Guys who just want to drink beer and think you're gay if you drink non-beer are classic lowbrow blue collar redneck types.

>> No.20196771

european aristocrats got it right desu. if you think about it, in the animal kingdom the males are generally more flashy than the females. it's been reversed in the modern world for humans though

>> No.20196785

the females are often the protector and provider in the wild as well

>> No.20196788

>classic lowbrow blue collar redneck types.
These guys fucking love White Claw. It’s refreshing on a hot day and you can drink a shit ton of them. The only people who talk about the stuff ITT are weird internet losers. No one IRL gives a fuck.

>> No.20196848

Okay okay, lumbersexual 1.6 just before these hipsters branched off into liking IPA's

>> No.20196861

I’m a millenial and changed from beer to this.

>> No.20196865
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>College kids are retards
Not shocking. I went to college and met some of the dumbest people of my life.

Pic related or Busch light is coming back hard though. Anyone can screenshot this

>> No.20196896

I'm 44 and I'll get the occasional surge blood orange tall boy because it's 8% and goes better with a meal than my usual steelie. But usually I drink seagrams 100 vodka plus mixer, 4 shots at a time.
There is no accounting for taste, people drink what they're gonna drink and at least it's better than being a straight edger. Except for the Mormons, they're alright.

>> No.20196965

>surge blood orange tall boy because it's 8% and goes better with a meal than my usual steelie

>> No.20197077

this but unironically

>> No.20197101

I mean we still call them fags for drinking seltzers but it's kinda like people who call people drinking IPA's hipster californians. At the end of the day everyone drinks what they want, it's just banter.

>> No.20197135

It's not banter for these people though.

>> No.20197156
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>> No.20197161

shame is for conservatives

>> No.20197650

>he didn't drink steel reserve in college

>> No.20197669

Correct. I wasn't poor and white trash.

>> No.20197684

In leafland hard selzters are actually some of the most overpriced shit you can drink, easily more expensive than even the most overpriced anheuser busch piss

It's cringe and is for goys that hate money, just buy a pint of cheap vodka and a bottle of flavored sparkling water from the grocery store

>> No.20197685
File: 104 KB, 1079x1212, say no to girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fag

>> No.20197690

I think you mean
>just buy a 2 6 of flyte and down it all in 2 hours

>> No.20197691


>> No.20198086

It's reversed for people because we have actual personality and skills that can be evaluated through verbal communication rather than shaking a brightly colored ass. There's a reason why women have a much larger percentage of pop who are complete voids of any talent or insight.

>> No.20198562

when I was in college we would sit on the porch drinking cheap whiskey and taking turns trying to shoot pinecones with a bb gun.

>> No.20198566

Unimaginably based

>> No.20198572

the only reason why you spergs spend so much time fussing over symbols of masculinity is roleplaying with each other is as close you screen tanned noodle armed fonts of parental disappointment is as close as you'll get to being a real man

>> No.20198577

>Fag on 4chan calls a bunch of fags fags, more at 11

Feel better? How'd that call with your dad go?

>> No.20198581

trying way too hard to sound condescending is only going to confirm I'm correct about you

>> No.20198899
File: 36 KB, 512x512, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These get me almost as drunk as malt liquor while being only slightly more pricey.
I do enjoy dark beers on occasion.

>> No.20198950

i mix a little gin with a sparkling drink. if you use alcohol for its intended purpose, fizzy alkie affects you instantly, odorless in public, and goes down real easy

>> No.20199020
File: 37 KB, 600x400, the-timeless-wisdom-of-al-bundy-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ron Swanson
Who? Im a millenial and i grew up watching pic related

>> No.20199425
File: 162 KB, 512x700, voodoo-ranger-ipa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about picking up one of these. juice or fruit?

>> No.20199432

Skip the middle man and get a four loko. Higher abv and tastes the same. You're just trying to get drunk anyway

>> No.20199442

>uuuuggghhhh aw geez NO
This show was weird.

>> No.20199443

I dont get the obsession with avoiding good old normal pilsner maybe im just a boomer

>> No.20199452

She is post wall anon its actually simple he remembers her in her youth when he scored 4 touchdowns in a single game for the polk high school panthers winning the championship

>> No.20199458

four loko is the same price per ml of alcohol where I live
not avoiding anything. I get something new almost every week, more fun that way

>> No.20199462

>she is post wall anon
Only in the face, fuck her from behind

>> No.20199489

>t. Based and redpilled chad

>> No.20199499

I had an attractive girlfriend but she was always a bitch and I eventually didn't want to have sex with her anymore because she was such a miserable fucking cunt constantly.

>> No.20199526

i drink ranger but would never drink either of those
only the shitty green pine needle one

>> No.20199531

loko is very too sweet
if you have to get a loko get the blue raspberry one, strongest while not sucking as bad (12 years ago)

>> No.20199547

I drank the White Claw

>> No.20199556

How was it anon?

>> No.20199577

TMDWU toobz

>> No.20199580

That's not true. I always got a raging boner for peg. She was the first thick milf of my life

>> No.20199660

I’m drunk right now

>> No.20199783

*hits pipe*

>> No.20199790
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>> No.20199920

Is this the thread?

>> No.20199934
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what a saddo lol

>> No.20199944

Trannies aren't girls.

>> No.20200096

Animals communicate amongst each other in several ways other than beauty as well. You have to be a complete dumbass to think humans are the only animals with a method of communication. Male beauty/female plainness is not "reversed" for humans, female humans do not come with ornamentation or special attributes to make them beautiful like male birds for example do (and no, enlarged breasts are not an example of beauty, those are caused by high levels of estrogen and human males often have them as well). Instead female humans have to artificially make themselves beautiful through unnatural means such as makeup which suggests an unnatural nature of the setup as females are not meant to be beautiful. If anything male humans are still the more beautiful sex, with thicker hair, longer eyelashes and more striking features, but like in a lot of tournament species, female choice is ignored in a way typical of primates and males that the females would normally choose (pretty boys) are called 'faggots' in order to bully them into conforming to the male pecking order of valuing looking intimidating to other men over looking beautiful for women.

>> No.20200114


>> No.20200353

Is that like girldinner?

>> No.20200361


>> No.20200372

You were fine with the first part. The second is retarded. Of course men and women are going to choose consumer products based on their own gender.Do you want completely gender neutral clothing? What about gender neutral health and beauty products? How about gender neutral books and movies? No more romance novels for women and no more retarded big explosion movies for men.

>> No.20200421

the only people who care so much about the sexual nature of children are old weird boomers who hawkishly watch every action kids take to sort them into "girly" and "manly" and see if they can REEEE over a discrepancy, even when they have absolutely nothing to do with being a girl or a guy.
so you see a guy buy some white claws. how does it hurt you? do you have OCD or some kind of mental problem where suddenly the thought of them having hardcore homosexual sex intrusively jams into your mind and won't leave?
meanwhile the same 65 year old boomer who will hand-wring over this shit and how gay the youths are will put on a pink popped-collar shirt to "go golfing" for 4 hours with his 3 boyfriends to actively escape the influence of women. one of these things is faggy as fuck and it's not buying bubbly booze.

>> No.20200433

>t. so hypersensitive to insinuations of homosexuality that it runs his entire life
i'm actually gay and yet i don't put a tenth of the effort you folks do into trying to determine if random guys in public play with their ass or not. genuinely cannot imagine being so obsessed with men's sexuality that you resort to effectively reading the tea leaves of their purchasing habits to get hints.

>> No.20200448

What do you think of a guy a bar who orders the fruitiest, faggiest cocktail on the menu? I’m straight and often order fag drinks because I like them. This has led to men buying me drinks and hitting on me and two separate guys following me into the bathroom and offering me cocaine.

>> No.20200609

>What do you think of a guy [...] ordering cocktails [...] because I like them
i think that you prefer drinks that taste a certain way and that's it. reading more into it is just alcoholic phrenology or astrology, and about as accurate.
>led to men [doing stuff]
they're as retarded as the "straight" boomers who hawkishly watch what everyone does to determine "gayness", except instead of obsessing over it to decide who they're revulsed by, they do it to decide who they're attracted to.
>men buying me drinks
>hitting on me
>following me into the bathroom
are you sure you're not going to gay bars, though? i'm an actual good-looking gay dude and outside of actually being in gay bars, this kind of attention in a normal bar only comes after a mutual eyefucking at minimum, but usually (on average) a little chat first. unless you're in a really gay-friendly place, that kind of shit is just a recipe to get a straight dude to attack you.

>> No.20200619

That's not gonna last long

>> No.20200868
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>hated beer until i tried picrel
>for the first time i actually got a dopamine hit when I drank this, it tasted good
Anyone know anything similar?

>> No.20200925

no laws when you're drinkin claws.

>> No.20200931

>meaningless and baseless platitude

>> No.20200952

i agree with this devil

>> No.20200958


Given that he is responding to a pointless rage over an ever, ever so slight, I don't know if denouncing a platitude addressing platitudes makes much sense. Generational angst and baiting are the most pointless fucking thing.

>> No.20200962


no you don't and no you are not.

>> No.20200966

The first time i had that stuff it was on the tap when i was visiting Ireland. Smithwick's red Irish ale has been my go to ever since.

>> No.20200970

>making threads bitching what other people drink

>> No.20201084

I been looking get a pack but it's always out of stock

>> No.20201110

This is another reason to hate whatever tranny beast you are.
Who cares what some other man is drinking?
Why don't you go drink his semen if you're so invested you retarded faggot.
People who make alcohol their identity are just like pronounfags
UHH WHADDAYA DRINKING /v/ /tg/ /tv/ /sp/ /fit/ every other fuckign board
who cares you fat virgin?
just drink your chosen pisswater quietly

>> No.20201124

These are ok. I don't like some of the fruit flavors so I just stick with something basic like cherry. I would rather just do something like mix gin with a lime seltzer can and lemon juice or something.

>> No.20201127

i drink pure shit and piss. all other men must bow before me, the piss-shit slurry-drinker, king of all lesser men with their girly scotch and IPAs.

>> No.20201141

i too fixate on what 18 y/o boys are doing

>> No.20201151
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>drink shitloads of sparkling water and not soda
>love beer but want something different and thirst quenching
>drink whiteclaw

Now I just don't drink beer. I was a seltzer man through and through so I just switched to the 8% white claws at the same exact price.

Literally 0 negatives to this.

>> No.20201153
File: 2.87 MB, 406x720, over 80 courics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkling Hydro Homies clapping back hard at OP.

Stop fucking hating on what people drink. Adults literally don't give a shit.

Grow up before getting your first job or they'll catch on that you're a lil shit.

>> No.20201155

regular voodoo ranger is the only decent one
but dont take my word for it, try the juice force and see how bad it is

>> No.20201178

lotta sissy boys who think beer is icky but got away with it thanks to these are fucking seething itt

>> No.20201212

world is a fuck

>> No.20201214
File: 12 KB, 447x445, green lex luthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never sucked down a 12 pack of whiteclaw and went to the public pool to start some bullshit on a wednesday morning? are you even american?

>> No.20201223
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Beer is for trannies. It's either malt liquor or whiskey, faggot. Which is it gonna be?

>> No.20201227

>a fucking drink damages your masculinity
Insecure much?

>> No.20201231

This is 4chan. Everyone who posts here is insecure. Why do you think there's so many rage bait threads and reply wars over the most menial shit?

>> No.20201263

you should be grateful to have bros to drink with at all

>> No.20201317
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>8% white claws

>> No.20201375

I wonder how many "phantom poopers" was actually just a frog

>> No.20201523

holy shit im so glad i dont look like the average queer. i'm gay as shit but with my bread and demeanor i'm basically just another blue-collar looking NPC

>> No.20201525

i meant beard. too much alcohol.

>> No.20201675

beer sucks
don't reply with your cope

>> No.20201676

Based. OP and all the insecure replies absolutely seething.

>> No.20201734

there was a single insecure reply dumbass

>> No.20201762

>offering me cocaine
I'm ordering fruity cocktails only from now on, thanks for the tip

>> No.20201763

dont, seriously not worth it. you will get spiked and not by cocaine.

>> No.20201769

My brothers. Used to drink beer and whiskey. Switched it up when I saw the 8% White Claw Surges. Drink 7 or 8 of those and 3 or 4 strong vodka and tonic w/ crans, and I'm set for the night. Also I love the seltzers in the hot ass, muggy summers when I'm fishing. Beer just doesn't hit the spot like it did when I was younger.

>t. 34 y/o alcoholic who is trying to cut way back

>> No.20201919

Caring about other people and what they do is completely normal unless you're a maladjusted deviant retard.

>> No.20201923

>Caring about other people and what they do is completely abnormal unless you're a maladjusted deviant retard.

>> No.20201993

This. Once I manage to let a bottle age for 3+ months. I will get a drinking horn and celebrate the beauty of homemade mead.

>> No.20201996

What would a butcher know about making vodka?

>> No.20202121

How wrecked is your stomach? You’re doing some serious drinking and those surges aren’t exactly gentle on the stomach.

>> No.20202443

>as females are not meant to be beautiful. If anything male humans are still the more beautiful sex, with thicker hair, longer eyelashes and more striking features,

>> No.20202907

Based. I regularly down vodka and gin as one myself

>> No.20203080

Beer is the alcohol equivalent of sewage sludge

>> No.20203087

I just hate the taste along with Twisted Tea.

>> No.20203092

That outfit looks cute

>> No.20203128

What makes females so beautiful? Their saggy tits and baggy eyes and flabby legs and arms and double chins? Females have thinner skin, thinner hair, are genetically predisposed to carrying excess fat, are short and stout, and have saggy faces. Face it everything about female "beauty" is artificial and unnatural - shaving and makeup and plastic surgery. Male beauty is natural. There's no evolutionary impetus for female beauty.

>> No.20203275

>Hydro Homies
>Gaia spacing
you have to go back

>> No.20203291
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>> No.20203301

Beer tastes like shit and is estrogenic. Literally tranny piss water.

>> No.20203472

It's not great I imagine. I go through binge phases. Sometimes I'll drink 2 or 3 days in a row, other times it'll be 7 days in between drinking. Depends on my work schedule. I eat Tums and take anti-diarrheal pills pretty frequently to prevent the runs and an accidental shart or sneeze-shit.

Not proud of it. Had a bottle of wine tonight. Trying to get more into wine so I don't binge as much and get hammered. There's a lot to learn as well, so I hope to become more of a wine drinker than a drinker to sit and get hammered.

>> No.20203477

wtf i hate women now

>> No.20203690

Because I hate my life and I hate my family. They think I'm some kind of evil demon that needs to get exorcised but they don't even realize how bad their own behavior is. Like of course after years of being made to feel like I'm worthless and don't deserve to exist this would be the result.

>> No.20203730

>I’m guessing you spent your time in college drinking warm guinness with the DND club right
That'd be better than mine, drinking vodka and everclear alone and walking around the steam tunnels in the early morning was my experience with uni and alcohol
In retrospect I'm actually quite happy that guards or the police didn't show up to take even that little pleasure away from me

>> No.20203746

>White claw
>4 lokos
simple 'as

>> No.20203747

>You can pound a case and barely notice
this is true. why is that? last year after christmas they had 12 packs of holiday flavored seltzer on sale for like 4.99 so i got a few and drank 16 or 18 of them while playing DnD online with my friends. i didn't even realize. but i was drinking them 2 at a time in a big cup and by the time the game finished there were only 6 or 8 left in my fridge. i was drunk but not even close to blackout, if i had drank 16 or 18 beers in that same timeframe i would have been pissing myself. i wasn't even that hungover the next morning. do seltzers have caffeine in them or something?

not taking that bait sorry

>> No.20203751

damn, are you me? fellow black sheep anon.

>> No.20203771

>fellow black sheep anon
It's only my immediate family. No one else in the extended family or anyone else I've ever met has done this. They want me to feel so worthless and weak and that's why I get so upset and drink. I wish I had nothing to do with them and maybe I would've turned out to be an okay person.

>> No.20203819

>Trying to get more into wine so I don't binge as much and get hammered. There's a lot to learn as well, so I hope to become more of a wine drinker than a drinker to sit and get hammered.
Anon I assure you this is cope and does not work, you can make a 'hobby' of craft beer or whiskey or gin or whatever else too.

>> No.20204001

Since that post I haven’t drank, and I’m feeling much better

>> No.20204034

this is slipperly slope that no one in this thread is understanding

>shut up boomer there's no "girl" drinks
>shut up boomer there's no "girl" clothes
>shut up boomer there's no "girl" genitals

>> No.20204112

0/10 bait attempt on alarmist slippery-slope catastrophizing
amorphous liquids that slide down the throat regardless of physiology. gendering them is retarded.
required to be tailored to specific features of physiological traits of a gender, either sits well or doesn't on male vs female. gendering them is rational.
definitionally connected to the relevant physiology. gendering them is mandatory.

>> No.20204125

It’s literally a drink. Isn’t all that matters is the taste. If someone likes the taste of white claw or wine how does that make them feminine? Especially because wine is a traditional drink everyone drank back then.

>> No.20204139
File: 2.05 MB, 480x848, 1684931425099873.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Drunk is drunk. Only faggots who aren't serious about getting drunk fuss about it.

>> No.20204147

Which way, white man?

>> No.20204178

beer is an acquired taste that signifies your maturity as a man to not just go "ew icky" at everything. Girl's are not put to the same standard of maturity and that's it ok for them to have sweet drinks like children. It's not a hard concept to understand. this has been established for centuries. there are girl and boy drinks, but your a zoomer that's been brainwashed since birth that boys and girls are NEVER differen't. when you drink a whiteclaw instead of a beer you are complacent in this genderless/homo agenda. I'm sorry if it offends you but it's needs to be known. It's not too late to take back your manhood.

>> No.20204266
File: 571 KB, 1347x1123, 1704437446053882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grain swill that tastes like fruit
>grain swill that tastes like grandpa

>> No.20204277

it's not about genders being the same or different or alcohol being masculine or feminine
alcohol is a (potent) drug and any squabbles about the sugar content and/or labeling of the drug is irrelevant and noob shit. Oh wow anon's alcohol has some sugar in it

>> No.20205540
File: 2.57 MB, 3334x3334, HealingEarth-social_16oz-01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't drink the seltzer slop
>instead drink the Healing Earth Hazy Psychedelic IPA™ Slop
all boomers shall be gassed, all surviving boomers shall be gassed again

>> No.20206059

Yep, I know. Definitely a cope, but it's what I'm doing for now. I got prescribed Naltroxene a while back but am not taking it like I used to. It did seem to work and even if I drank, I would lose interest as I didn't really get "drunk." I would feel it physically, but the high that I got and the dopamine rush I got wasn't there so I would just stop. I obviously have an issue, but fallaciously believe that booze is the one thing that kind of keeps me sane and forget for a night that I'm living in what I consider to be a country and society that is in rapid decline. Again, cope... but that's what I'm going with for now.

I used to be WAY heavier of a drinker and would drink that basically every night when I lived in a more metropolitan area and was right around the corner from my local watering hole. Rural living helps some, but I still drink alone a lot, just not as much. Little victories, I guess.

>> No.20206063

I'm glad i got sober before seltzers blew up

i'd be spiking these with vodka nonstop

fuck i miss the ghetto store i would go to that sold styrofoam cups with crushed ice... pint of popov and pink minute made lemonade please

>> No.20206141
File: 38 KB, 680x506, 1650330484254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surges are fucking nasty, I'm sorry. I either go with the normal ones or neat hard liquor. The fun of white claws is that you don't taste the alcohol, all those canned premade drinks always reek of shitty industrial grain alcohol

>> No.20206511

>fallaciously believe that booze is the one thing that kind of keeps me sane and forget for a night
This isn't even wrong, despite what they might tell you in AA. The heart of the issue is that it does this stuff but also has such heavy consequences to long term physical and mental health and maybe other life factors like job, legal issues, etc that it's not worth it. I wish you luck though, I used to drink about 750ml of jameson a day and took about 2 years off entirely before I cracked. Now I've more or less stabilized but I still go for a proper binge about once a month. Really hard to let it go entirely, when I took those years off I lapsed into other things to compensate like high risk sexual behavior, other drugs, etc...

>> No.20206536

When I was in college I would just drink Popov and peach Snapple

>> No.20206627

tell that to Zima