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20194478 No.20194478 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of fucking retard heaps a load of dry noodles onto a plate and then drops the sauce on top of them? If you don't mix them in the pot beforehand you are literally a moron. Enjoy your mouthfuls of sauce with a bunch of leftover dry noodles at the end of the meal. Dumbass.

>> No.20194479

Hypothetically couldnt you mix them in the bowl?

>> No.20194481

Presentation. Quit playing dumb

>> No.20194624
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>What kind of fucking retard heaps a load of dry noodles onto a plate and then drops the sauce on top of them?
It's the mitteleuropa way

>> No.20194649
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It's just how eurotoards do things.

>> No.20194741

just mix them in the bowl..? are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.20194755

some people like to stir their own skett

>> No.20194803

Who thinks that is an acceptable presentation? No Italian would ever serve pasta like that. It is always tossed in the sauce before serving.

>> No.20194805

actually now that you mention it this would solve my problem of not having enough sauce or noodles

>> No.20194807

And it looks like shit, I don’t care how the Italians do it.

>> No.20194808

That looks like some kind of space alien creature that wants to eat people's faces, like from Dark Vault of Public Domain.

>> No.20194814

i suspect some people would rather see the sauce, maybe because they fear there's not enough meat and dont want to get scammed. not sure if true, and it would be dumb anyway since the more time you wait to mix sauce and spaghetti the worse it is: cold spaghetti wont absorb the sauce and gonna glue themselves together.

>> No.20194815

What do Italians know about food? It took the British to perfect pasta by adding enough sauce on top to make it tasty, and Canadians to perfect pizza by putting bacon and pineapple on it.

>> No.20194818

The proper way to make pasta is to take it out of the water before it's fully cooked and finish cooking it in the sauce over high heat for a minute or two so it absorbs some of it.

>> No.20194819

My grandma always used to say: "it all gets mixed up in the stomach"

>> No.20194820
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For me I'd toss some chili on top then mix it all together. That would be enough to share.

>> No.20194822

Maybe we had the same grandma, mine also used to say that.

>> No.20194825

that's the perfect way, yeah. i never do it because i'm too lazy.

>> No.20194826

my mom said "it all looks the same in the end"

>> No.20194829

Hahaha, yeah. Mom's and grandmoms do have a dark sense of humor.

>> No.20194853

What did your ESL teacher tell you the definition of "dry" is?

>> No.20194855

It would not be incorrect to describe unsauced cooked spaghetti as dry

>> No.20194863

Yes it fucking would you illiterate scum.

>> No.20194916

It lacks moisture
Hence dry

>> No.20194918

Sorry, my mistake. Diabetic illiterate scum.

>> No.20194968

Its all the same at the end of the day.

>> No.20194971
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It was just Fucking Boiled, not dry.

>> No.20194974

I can't stand plain spaghetti pasta. I turn the plain pasta into Aglio e Olio before I add in the sauces and meat.

>> No.20195193

>mix the pasta in the bowl with the sauce
You literally can't do this. Where do you put the sauce? After you hear up the pasta, it's full of water and noodles. You can't dump the sauce in there. You need a second container to heat the sauce. So you're already using extra dishes.

>> No.20195197

Texture is better for both the sauce age the pasta when you mix it on the plate.

>> No.20196087

it is stirred on the plate before eating, retard

>> No.20196570

my grandma used to say "everyone has to eat seven barrels of shit before they die"

>> No.20197032

>he eats wrong and blames others for his inability to adapt

>> No.20197055

>bunch of leftover dry noodles at the end of the meal
You're supposed to fucking cook the noodles, you mong.

>> No.20197084

Me. I don't always eat all of the pasta but I do want all of the sauce. I'd rather mix the sauce with noodles as I eat so each bite has as much sauce as I want instead of the sauce being spread out onto noodles I may not even eat.

>> No.20197107

It doesn't really work that well without a bit of pasta water to emulsify.

>> No.20197181

so add a spoonful of pasta water to the bowl too then.
I mean, do it whatever way you want, it's just normally I cook enough sauce for multiple meals and pasta for one, and so I prefer to mix in the bowl and save the sauce for leftovers. and it works fine

>> No.20197221

Americans are so fucking retarded they can't even cook a single pasta dish it's embarrassing, not to mention they refuse to actually cook the sauce they always buy pre-made dogshit sugar shit

>> No.20197306

My mom probably did something like this growing up. Always hated eating her spaghetti and meatballs.

>> No.20197323

It might be some restaurant shit where people go around to yammer about a bunch of nothing on expense accounts.

>> No.20197337
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I got 8 cans of san marazano tomatos today cuz they were 50% off at $1.50 a can.

>> No.20197420

You’re autistic. Quit hyper focusing on meaningless bullshit and pay attention to what people are saying you stupid fucking brain damaged retard.

>> No.20197511

I prefer it separate until served, but I do save the pasta water to add to my sauce

>> No.20197810

Italians. That's pretty much exactly what you're going to get when you order a pasta al ragu dish.

Stupid, ignorant faggot.

>> No.20198656

>It doesn't really work that well without a bit of pasta water to emulsify.
Honestly, you're just a tool for Big Pasta.

>> No.20199713

OP isn't wrong but one of the best restaurants in bologna serves it like this is well. the noodles aren't dry though. they starts with the oil from the ragu, dump homemade tagliatelle on them and then the ragu. you have to mix it yourself


>> No.20199765
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i used to always mix the sauce with the spaghetti but as i got older i started liking the non-mixed way of eating them. I usually grab some of the sauce with the fork first and then the spaghetti. You get a more intense flavor this way since you grab more sauce, rather than diluting all the sauce with the spaghetti

>> No.20199776

and as you keep eating them the sauce gets more and more mixed up with the spaghetti in the end, so its the best of both worlds really

>> No.20201167

That's because it's fresh pasta. With dry pasta you need to finish cooking it in the sauce.

>> No.20201169
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just recently I started saucing the plate first. it's very effective