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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20194048 No.20194048 [Reply] [Original]

How much all of this must kill the simple joy of eating

>> No.20194053

this shit is all fake to go viral on facebook with retarded boomers such as yourself

>> No.20194059

I think you’re just triggered

>> No.20194060

yeah thats so true just like little boy pee eggs and babyshit vodka

>> No.20194178
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>> No.20194252

>in china
imagine my shock, there's a """chinese""" restaurant in my town, they serve the exact same menu since 18 years whatever the season.

>> No.20194280

Yeah, it's called the global supply chains, ESL-kun. Why do you think you can have tomatoes and apples year-round?

>> No.20194298

>Why do you think you can have tomatoes and apples year-round?
We don't.
Not everyone lives in mega cities, no supermarket here, but there is that one chink restaurant.

>> No.20194316

Unless you're completely cut off from the outside world, a trip to the nearest supermarket, even if it's 50 miles away, is still far more likely than whatever nefarious retardation your hillbilly mind came up with.

>> No.20194373

that's why I never buy anything from china and I am extra carefull to not fall for PRC tricks.

>> No.20194378

jesus christ dude you must have never left your shack if you think only "mega cities" have grocery stores with tomatoes in winter

>> No.20194668

This seems retarded.

>> No.20194677

It is. The original is from some clickbait twitter account then some faggot added the >american food
, just in case the bait was too subtle.

>> No.20194823

>Duck meat
Duck is hella expensive in the US. So is lamb.

>> No.20194843

seething chink

>> No.20196184

Based hellaposter.

>> No.20196260
File: 60 KB, 722x720, 1705887093223811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can cheat, then cheat.
Saw some webm on /gif/ of Chinese spraying Chile de árbol peppers with red paint so they can sell them at a higher price. Never buy anything edible from China. My local Mexican grocery store is selling Chinese shit most of the time. And when it's not Chinese it's Indian origin. It's a bit better but, it's India..
I don't know anymore, man. I just wanna eat healthy and cook.

>> No.20196353

At least it's not dog.
Those videos are disturbing as fuck.

>> No.20196711

>must kill the simple joy of eating
But they buy even more and are happy its cheap and the government isnt shutting them down so its safe and western propganda. As is the myth the CCP has its own food system where if you scam/edit/do not follow protocall you will be jailed for at least 8 years. Everything is grown/farmed by special farmers on special farms with cameras everywhere because they still try to scam the CCP thinking they can get away with it. People constantly randomly check up on the place hiring people to snitch if anything is going wrong. The fucking trucks every box is numbered and locked the door of the truck is full of special seals if anything is fucked with the driver will get beaten and jailed. If you scam the CCP food system they will fuck your shit up. If its gutter oil or fake meat you get the death sentance as does everyone else involved.

Fun fact China says cancer rates are 3-5X America its at least 12X Chinks are getting colon stockom etc cancer enmasse due to the past 20 years. The government is allowing all this fake food to happen because Xilter is a fucking retarded nigger, if it was the 90's the police would beat you to death gathering gutter oil in public, now they ask for a bribe. Its so bad that gutter oil iis used in most medicine and other goods. Plastic recycled rice is also skyrocketiing due to the economy being completely fucked.
Restraunt are now buying bulk frozen meals made with the worst shit possible and charging 15-25X what it costs them to buy selling it to people claiming its fresh&real.
Its unreal how these subhumans kill each other for a few pennies like literally a few pennies thats all they save. (((Communism))) not even once.

The CCP is going to impoloid into mass violence by 2030 finally people are so poor having to work at least 60 hour weeks and are making 1/4th the pay of precovid. The middle class ironically are getting fucked the most bitching and getting all their money/proporty seized

>> No.20196823
File: 93 KB, 591x688, fake beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meatless "beef" made of egg, starch, and plant protein that closely resembles beef in appearance and texture
How do Chinese counterfeiters make better fake meats than the best western food companies? I'd buy this

>> No.20196852

It’s all chemical tinkering

>> No.20196887

Did you live in China or something?