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20191902 No.20191902 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on eating pigeons?
I see a lot of these delicious looking birds around town and I'm pretty confident I could outsmart one and catch it.
To me it seems like a good and much cheaper substitution for chicken especially in this economy.

>> No.20191915
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Some poor local official in Argentina got fired for suggesting this. But yes, pigeons are perfectly edible, with the proviso that urban pigeons often have diseases or toxin accumulation from drinking petrochemical-tainted water.

>Official retracts proposal to feed pigeon meat to poor children

>Provincial wildlife chief said that the birds are an "abundant resource" and emphasized their protein content. After other agencies denied such a plan, he admitted it was a "personal idea."

>Poor kids should eat pigeons and thus combat a plague that has invaded streets and public spaces. This controversial proposal sallied forth from the mouth of an official in Córdoba (Argentina), and was unanimously rejected from several quarters, after which the official qualified his stance as a "personal idea" rather than a completed project.

>It all began quite by chance, during a radio discussion in which the wildlife director of Córdoba province, Oscar de Allende was asked about reducing the sparrow population. He was then asked if any plans were in place to combat the overpopulation of pigeons. Without compunction, Allende stated that there was: "We have spoken to the people at Paicor [a provincial program for impoverished schoolchildren] about doing a project to see if we can finish off this problem using a nutritional approach."


>> No.20191916

>Paicor - whose name stands for 'Córdoba Basic Assistance Program' - states on its website that it is "directed toward all of the needy school-aged children in the province of Córdoba," and that it "works in numerous schools." Including pigeons in the diets of these children was the proposal offered by Allende during his chat on Channel 3 [100.5 FM Córdoba].

>"We're looking for a way to create a solution to this issue, and change a bit the notion that the pigeon is a plague; a symbol of death. We look at it another way: we call it an abundant, protein-rich resource, and we're looking for ways to take advantage of this fact," stated Allende, who specified that his province had 600 million pigeons.

>After the initiative was presented, an implementation was suggested: "We trap them in their roosts, grab them, and move them to a refrigerated facility, where sanitation checks are done. From there, they are consumed locally or exported." Allende based his exportation hopes on the experience of La Pampa province, which once sold mounds of pigeons to America and Europe.

>Allende's plan spread quickly throughout Córdoba, and the rejections arrived just as quickly. "Paicor has never heard of this by any means, nor have I been contacted about it," stated its director, Verónica Bruera, who also appeared on Channel 3. "We are not undertaking any studies about replacing Paicor's current menus, which are based on beef, chicken, and eventually pork," she emphasized.

>> No.20191918

Dont they eat some wierd ass crap, seems like they would be pretty filthy and plus they're small not enough meat in them

>> No.20191921

>Allende's idea was also rejected by his boss, the Environment Secretary of Córdoba province, Federico Bocco, who labeled the comments "unfortunate" and "unfounded." "I categorically deny this. This has not been an item of discussion. If he made those comments in the way I've been told, they aren't serious proposals," he stated in comments reported by Córdoba's La Voz newspaper. And if anyone still took Allende's idea seriously, Córdoba's chief cabinet minister affirmed: "We are not thinking about this. We've never studied giving pigeons to Paicor."

>Following this trail of rejections, Allende had no option but to rethink, walk back his comments and clarify the nature of the "project": "It's just a personal idea. An idea more than a proposal," he told Radio Mitre. "We're not going to start giving kids pigeons to eat," he confirmed, but then added: "I talked about the possibility of seeing this plan used by public agencies." Regardless, he considers it "a good project," although "it was distorted a bit."

>In short - for good or ill - the idea has not 'taken flight' at the moment.


So yes, pigeons are good to eat (basically similar to small ducks), but social stigma keeps them off the menu in a lot of places.

>> No.20191926
File: 149 KB, 950x625, pigeon holes iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIgeons are man's lesser known best friend. With the creation of telephraphs, phones, and then the internet, we forgot this. Some places like Iran still remember though.

>> No.20191929

Pigeons are cute and koo around a lot but those city pigeons are not the ones you want to eat, those city ones are nasty and filled with parasites and stuff.

>> No.20191933

yeah well now their useless so lets eat them.

>> No.20191935

>yeah well now their useless
They aren't though, especially now that drones have emerged, total electrical jamming lockdowns are the future, pigeons won't care though.

>> No.20191940

Find a nest and steal some eggs, I think you want to farm them, i watch them bathe in the street.

>> No.20191941

>Pigeons are cute and koo around a lot
buddy have you ever have to deal with pigeons squatting on your balcony and shitting all around the place?
at lest their kooing alarm me when they are there so I can chase them off
I was gone for two weeks from my apartment last summer and the fuckers literally built a nest and laid eggs there
not cute at all

>> No.20191943

Look up HAARP, that fucks up birdos.

>> No.20191945

In fact living in NYC and other places yes, but I don't go around killing birds, that would be goofy and freaky.

>> No.20191947

There are sparrows that live on my window sill and air conditioner, they're more than welcome to chill out where they can.

>> No.20191950

It will also fuck up your friendly soldiers and future/current slaves if you use energy weapons to fry living beings in an area. It's also obviously being used right now and we can see how much they are willing to tune it.

>> No.20191952

Friendly birdos is one thing, I don't need or want slaves.

>> No.20191962

Bloody savage!

>> No.20191966

Militaries and governments certainly do, that's the main reason they would use HAARP, to further their goals of enslavement for taxes and mining resources. It's just not useful when a population is desired for enslavement, pigeons will thrive in such places, as I said, they are man's secret best friend, even to this very day.

>> No.20192021

I go for sparrows myself, they're pretty friendly.

>> No.20192034
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Not many calories to a sparrow, unless you factor in the coconut.

>> No.20192038

Whatever works, we will all soon know what works best for us.

>> No.20192083

I've had farmed dove and it was delicious. Fairly dark meat, very tender with a nice flavor. But I'd think twice before eating a city pigeon.

>> No.20192094

Ducks are tastier and arguably just as easy to catch.

>> No.20192605
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This. Start feeding your local crows today.
When the black helicopters come from you, your bird friends will valiantly sacrifice their lives for you by flying into the intakes, crashing the helis.

>> No.20192635

Target spotted.

>> No.20192694
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Can't believe no one's posted this yet, so here it is
>eating urban animals that subsist on trash

>> No.20192710

imagine the smell

>> No.20192728
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They even still have towers built so no other animal can enter but pigeons, they used to hang up corpses of large predators to scare off birds of prey they would kill them. Smart, they may be useful soon. I would not eat such creatures.

>> No.20192825

>We are not undertaking any studies about replacing Paicor's current menus, which are based on beef, chicken, and eventually pork," she emphasized
>eventually pork
Is pork the final form?

>> No.20192832

Feathers on???

>> No.20192834

aren't carrier pigeons extinct and the ones we have now a completely different species

>> No.20192845

Yes but you can train other breeds of pigeon to do this

>> No.20192896

>Start eating pigeons
>They begin avoiding people and fly away from cities
>They all die of starvation in the wilderness and begin destroying crop

>> No.20192904

No ones eating this. The heads are on, the feet are on, the feathers are on. This was for clicks.

>> No.20193686

I spent over a year unhoused immediately after college. Yes you can eat adult pigeons but you need to stew the meat somehow. The way I would get them is using an old piece of a fishing rod with a sinker glued on it. Any flexible pole with a weight attached will work. You whip the weight on the pigeon's head and usually they drop instantly, if you do it right it won't even disturb nearby birds. Grab a couple and gtfo before normies catch on. It's better to find fledglings though, look on ledges. Sometimes they aren't too high up, you want to wait until the babies have just got their feathers and are about the size of the parents. The pigeons are just eating the food people throw away, but they do that anywhere. The ones you see in cities aren't really like wild ones that are illegal to get without a license anyway. All birds get parasites that's why you need to cook them.

If you can it's much better raising your own. The eggs are useless but the meat is good. They used to be more common than chickens as backyard meat birds until WW1.

>> No.20193732

Feathers were roasted off and scrapped off. Brown hands made that video, you can be sure those brown hands ate that meat.

>> No.20193740

Pickey eaters that dont like eating feathers, they can fuck off.

>> No.20193794

>The drugs on the counter

>> No.20193810

>illegal to get without a license anyway
Fun fact - most hunting laws usually have a "starving" clause that prevents the state from charging people with a crime/citation if the game was eaten under survival conditions, like this post. This doesn't apply to endangered species and shit, but to normal game only. Common laws states that one can take game without penalty in survival situations. Also, "pest and vermin" are not controlled for hunting, and have no licensing or tag limits; this applies to invasive species as well. Just check your state's hunting booklet pdf online - they label all the pests and vermin that are free to massacre in the state.

>> No.20193832
File: 22 KB, 636x360, B9321384911Z.1_20160324110859_000_GUDDR5HF5.1-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat doves instead, they're common and I think they're less predisposed to eating trash than actual pigeons

>> No.20193839

They were bred for food and sport. At one time only the nobility were allowed to have them. Peasants would be punished for raising a private supply.

>> No.20193841

That is a mourning dove and it's protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, like all birds native to the US.

>> No.20193876

He's going hungry and the police don't magically see every single bird you shoot somehow. This is like being afraid of getting arrested for taking too many mushrooms or blueberries from the forest

>> No.20193885

There are exemptions

>> No.20193982

Im pretty sure it doesn't smell anyhow, compared to >>20192694 which 100% smells extra gross. You pluck the fuckers for a reason

>> No.20193998

Cook the fucking piss out of it - any properly wild meat's a risk, but especially urban wild meat - all them lil critters eat out of our garbage - and especially flying urban wild meat as they carry several bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can shit your day up pretty severely.

>> No.20194003

And clean them... You don't want any of those organs inside the bird when you cook it, especially any part of digestive system.

>> No.20194007
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>> No.20194014
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Passenger Pigeons are indeed extinct, for now.

>> No.20194016

They eat everything, do you want to eat something that does that? Leave them alone or toss them some proper food

>> No.20194020

Do wild pigeons still even exist or did they all move into the city?

>> No.20194021

>or toss them some proper food
They are incredibly easy to coop if you have the resources. A few generations of that, and you basically have a pigeon farm.

>> No.20194025
File: 81 KB, 800x450, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read about a guy who took a moose in Alaska. The man was legitimately starving and was trapped at his cabin, pretty dumb but w/e.
State threw the book at him.
White dude.

>> No.20194041
File: 75 KB, 800x400, Castaneda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every bird i shot was a pheasant according to the hungry people at my house.

>> No.20194125

Carrier pigeons are not passenger pigeons. The later were the huge swarms of billions of birds that the burgers somehow managed to shoot down until all were gone.
The first are domesticated rock doves and are around in big numbers. The city doves are basically escaped carrier pigeons that stayed close to humans and switched cliff faces for nesting with building facades.
Wild doves are good to eat.
Well cared for domestic pigeons are good to eat.
To eat city pigeons, I'd need to be very very hungry.
I'd rather go for the free ducks in the park first.

>> No.20194179
File: 238 KB, 500x385, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not into inferences, I see. Well my English handicapped bro, any pigeon can be a "carrier pigeon", the guy had confused Passenger Pigeons for "carrier pigeons".
t. pedant

>> No.20194185
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BTW Guns killed those pigeons, not Americans.

>> No.20194188
File: 64 KB, 600x600, EUFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the heritage stock of european animals?

>> No.20194196

>They all die of starvation in the wilderness
>and begin destroying crop

which is it, retard? They can't do both!

>> No.20194202

He's saying their bodies are toxic and the pollution spreads
It's OK, he's probably schizo or a bot

>> No.20194203

living remote and getting snowed in doesn't constitute "starving" in Alaska seeing how thats the norm there and you're expected to have provisions.
Now if you're in remote NC and a freak blizzard snows half the state in for a month you could argue you had no other choice because its not expected for someone to be prepared for such a extreme.

>> No.20194207

>I came her for an argument!

>No you didn't!

>> No.20194215

I think he eventually walked on the charges.

>> No.20194218
File: 3.73 MB, 480x360, beinghitontheheadlessons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maby I was Argueing in my spare time

>> No.20194525

I shoot these things and eat them every year during dove season retard

>> No.20194754

>guts in
>cutting off legs with scissors
Yep it's a good ole fashioned meth cookup