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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20189544 No.20189544 [Reply] [Original]

How's it going, what are your goals and stats?

I'm planning to go for 14 days and completed 72 hours since my last meal. I started at 123 kg, I'm at 120 kg right now (but that's just flushing glycogen, water and bowel content) and I expect to finish at 115 kg before the carb-up. But I plan to switch to keto for another week before I quit ketosis and carb up.

>> No.20189545

Not food, not cooking

>> No.20189553
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Trading one eating disorder for another

>> No.20189569

/fit/ is next door you retard

>> No.20189599

planning to be fasting during the superbowl is based and about as anti-normie as one can be.

>> No.20189613
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>> No.20189735

>he trusted the experts

>> No.20189975

>water fasting
all of this is unfathomably retarded. fucking meme diet goycattle
i did a 5 day water fast once my hunger and fullness feelings are fucked up ever since. i barely have neither now

>> No.20189988

the west is mentally ill
lord have mercy

>> No.20189996

wtf are you retards talking about? It's clear as day you don't know shit and can't go without your gay slop for any amount of time so get out of my thread.

>> No.20190123

i did an 18 hr fast from last night til this afternoon and will do another from tonight until tomorrow afternoon. i will probably continue this until it feels natural when i switch to one meal a day (OMAD) in a few days at which point i will alternate between 24 hr and 30 hr fasts. i plan to continue this for at least the next 3 weeks or month and reassess how i'm feeling but the goal is to be a bit fitter and more energetic by the time it gets warm (april 1 or thereabouts)

>> No.20190653

26.5 hrs in, 93.5 to go (water fast). Do this occasionally since late 2021 (usually 3 days). For autophagy and the experience. Weight loss is a collateral benefit.
Tried dry fasting for 1.5 days once, was quite interesting and effective, but I don't practice it.

>> No.20191225

Fasting for loosing weight is doable but extending it for more than 24/48h max should be done under medical supervision

For loosing weight in a safe way I suggest doing keto for a couple of weeks up to a month, I'm not even a ketofag

Be careful anon

>> No.20191231

keto is nice for shot term dieting, the problem is retards thinking you can do it as a lifetime diet

Water fasting can actually be a extremely. healthy choice, studies on autophagy under fasting are really promising. There's actually no surprise, since we fasted a lot when humans were hunters and all major religion incorporate some form of fasting

>> No.20191239

18h is barely fasting, which starts from the 16th hours from the last meal

Before 16h your body takes energy from the protein in your muscles so you are actually damaging your lean mass. If you do it repeatedly the only result you'll get is to lose muscle and no body fat

>> No.20191252

Stay in your containment general dyel fatty >>>/fit/fast/

>> No.20191743

>extending it for more than 24/48h max should be done under medical supervision
If one has health issues, kinda yeah. Also pregnant, underweight, above 60 years.
If you're normally healthy and not in the above categories, up to 5 days is rather safe. Consume some salt daily and you're usually fine.

>> No.20191761

>Water fasting can actually be a extremely
it says NOTHING about water fasting (starvation) which is starvation. fasting always incorporated eating SOMETHING every 24 hours. as you can tell water fasting is actually dangerous to do more than a week as you AT LEAST need electrolytes to survive. then come the vitamin and mineral deficiencies. "broth" is a hack around that but contains calories. vitamin pills have bad uptake without eating something with them, worst case you vomit and feel ill taking them alone. all the heckin science and studies are about "intermittent" fasting

>> No.20191784
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>> No.20191803

Lent starts on the 14th.

>> No.20191808

Pancake day, 13th of February this year, is the day before an official fast. Your fast ends at the start of a fast.

>> No.20191836

18 hr fast is on the long end of intermittent fasting. Considering 12 hours out of the first day are for free (sleep + some time around it) I'd struggle to call 18 hr fast a true fast.

>more than 24/48h max should be done under medical supervision
this is overrated, imho. If you're old, have diseases (diabetes etc) or take medication, then sure, consult your doctor. If you're healthy and not an idiot then a week should be totally fine.
I don't stick to any pure form of fast (dry/water). I supplement vitamins and drink tea and stock. Both help to overcome the cold weather and stock provides electrolytes and minerals.

I don't really get water fasting. Vitamins, electrolytes and minerals are important. The amount if calories in stock is negligible and it's a neat hack to get the benefits of fasting without compromising the fast.

I don't observe any religious schedules. Not even the Pancake day. I'll see how it goes by day 14 and may reevaluate and extend it, either by continued fast or low cal keto for some time.