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20188457 No.20188457 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a 10 years tawny port, what should I pair it with for max flavor profit? If I like this will get me the 20 years bottle

>> No.20188462

why didn't you ask the guy at the store?

>> No.20188468

Dark chocolate.
Sandeman 20 year tawny is the king of port.

>> No.20188477

>why dont you ask the people who are there only to sell for an honest oppinion
Last time they just recommended me meme cheeses kek they dont knoq shit they are just wagies pushing bottles most likely this dude has never drinked port before because wagies cant afford that or are just to damn cheap or ignorant

>> No.20188486
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For a tawny
>roaring fireplace
>heavy snowfall outside
>your loving and adoring wife next to you on the couch
>savory plate with bleu cheese and cured meats
>big slice of chocolate cake to share with your qt314
that is how you drink a tawny my man

>> No.20188517

>be drunk
>drink some tawney to get more drunk
op, this is how you drink a tawny my man

>> No.20188655

this but husband instead of wife

>> No.20188817

best thing to do with port is pour it down the toilet and drink a whisky instead

>> No.20188909

>why yes i'm a fucking retarded american how could you tell?

>> No.20188912

2/3rds dry red and 1/3rd port and reduce by 80-90% for a good starting base for beef bourguignon.

>> No.20188972


>> No.20188985

Only mutts and britfucks drink that asswash

>> No.20189012

this is how I drink it. port wine is like old world 4loko

>> No.20189015

retard lol. ive never seen an autistic fit about whiskey. nice hiss. what else do you get mad about?

>> No.20189018
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>retard lol ive never seen an autistic fit about whiskey nice hiss what else do you get mad about?

>> No.20189479

Cheeses and nuts

>> No.20189787

pair it with your mouth

>> No.20189791

fuck off

>> No.20189946

Blue cheese and walnuts is the classic combo.

>> No.20189952

>bleu cheese
Can someone please explain why Americans constantly misspell ‘blue’ when discussing cheese?
You speak English, not French, so why? I don’t get it.

>> No.20189989

>I bought a 10 years tawny port, what should I pair it with for max flavor profit? If I like this will get me the 20 years bottle
good flavorful cheese course, or a good dessert.

I will tell you that 10 year is as good as 40 year. Equally enjoyable, just different.

>> No.20190430

Pungent cheeses, rye toasts, olives, walnuts and grapes.

>> No.20190480

Heavy dash of port in a pint glass, fill the rest with Guinness or an approximate stout
The drink of kings.

>> No.20190841

because things have names dummy

>> No.20190860

>I will tell you that 10 year is as good as 40 year. Equally enjoyable, just different.
true if you're new to ports, not true if you're experienced with them. older ports have a much more intense flavor than newer ones

>> No.20191196

no gays allowed

>> No.20191211

nta, but would you recommend a whiskey drinker to start with a 40 yo or 10?

>> No.20191484

Ports are dessert wines, very good with 80% dark chocolate, sachertorte, crumble desserts. You can also use it while braising meat or slow cooked.

>> No.20191625

*rapes you anally* lets see whos gay now

>> No.20191781
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Man why are 40 years ports so fucking expensive whyyyyyyyyyyy even the 10 years ones are kind of out of my reach atm.
t. Poor

>> No.20191841

>your loving and adoring wife next to you on the couch
dont forget she has a black eye while dragging a finger down your silk robe's chest opening seam

>> No.20191843

>being a tryhard dropping the 'e'
"n-no y-you dont get it"
you're a fag

>> No.20191872
File: 474 KB, 1280x720, 1707235425103304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, it was fenomenal the taste is just something straight out from a fresh picked fruit damn this shit is awesome, I will definitely get me the 20 years old version.

>> No.20192406

There's also the Caffe Abruzzo where you add Port or Marsala to an espresso cup

>> No.20192703
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based, my dad loves port so I got him that bottle for Christmas on the recommendation of my portmonger and we absolutely loved it.

>> No.20192709

If it bad to buy booze merely based on how beckoning the bottles look?

>> No.20192716

yes but that's for gay shit like the crazy tequila bottles made in the shape of some abuelita or wine bottles that arent your classic shape with an unassuming label. this bottle is classy as hell and a non-retarded shape, if it allures you then you have not-shit taste

>> No.20192735
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I like this bottle am I a fag?

>> No.20192744
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>> No.20192752
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 1280px-Blue_Stilton_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Stilton

>> No.20192753

melon and dry-cured ham

>> No.20192762

Why tho

>> No.20192780

7,000 words in the modern English language are French.

>> No.20193091

why would you ruin the experience of good port with food?

>> No.20193129

Foie Gras of course.

>> No.20193133
File: 46 KB, 188x750, yqem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foie Gras of course.
You have sauternes with foie gras.

>> No.20193160

these guys are on it
with dark chocolate deserts
... try a good RUBY port!

>> No.20193356

Because it adds a little I don't know what.

>> No.20194400

based Smash Bros enjoyer

>> No.20194476

>Blue cheese
Ah, I know what you mean
>Bleu cheese
I still know what you mean but you come across as either pretentious or retarded.
I’m a member of a social network in my workplace (yes, company wide social networks are a thing) and there’s a middle aged lady on the foodie page who always writes ‘cream’ as ‘creme’. Every single time. It’s irritating because these are not interchangeable terms, so she just comes off as a self-important foodie who doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Same thing with Americans and ‘bleu’. Don’t be that wanker.

Yes, and we already have a word for ‘bleu’, it’s ‘blue’. So the decision to spell it the French way just makes one out to be a dipshit.

Wankery, it adds wankery.
Hilarious that Americans renamed ‘French fries’ as ‘freedom fries’ when the French didn’t support the invasion of Iraq. Oh yeah you’ll do that, but you’ll call blue cheese ‘Bleu cheese’ and drive on the French side of the road and eat fucking etouffée and shit. You might as well be driving PDY’s and buying bread twice a day while laughing yourself sick at Jerry Lewis movies over onion soup.

>> No.20194491

You don't come across as somebody who enjoys life.

>> No.20194497

I love life, I just hate pretentious faggots that misspell ‘blue’. And who drop the ‘h’ from the word ‘herb’.

>> No.20194812

Only dummies who believe bigger numbers are always better buy 40 year old tawnies. It's way too much time for port to sit in wood. For less money you can buy a much better mature vintage port. Vintage port is made from better wines and only spends about two years in wood before bottle aging.

>> No.20195713

Sandeman is garbage.
t. buys ports from wineries in Porto

>> No.20195790

I disagree (t. visited porto once) but what do you recommend in a similar price range? I just want to enjoy new ports

>> No.20195808

No. You're too angry.

>> No.20197391

best cheap ruby port? wanted to try some but the store here doesnt carry any so im stuck ordering shit online
might aswell get something good then

>> No.20197397


>> No.20197821

quinta do infantado

>> No.20199079
File: 127 KB, 1600x2263, Quinta-da-Devesa-40-Years-1-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this on new years with my gf
I really like the caramel notes that are present in Devesa tawneys and the acidity was just enough to pair it with the marcipan dessert we made. It was fucking expensive and now I don't think I can go back to drinking 40$ bottles bros

>> No.20199103

Penfolds make an Australian port that is awesome. Father (10 years) or Grandfather (20 years)

>> No.20200338

thanks i ordered a bottle
took me a while to find a non glowie site trying to steal my identity

>> No.20200346

>big slice of chocolate cake
Why would you ever want this much sugar in one sitting.

>> No.20200350
File: 29 KB, 390x258, SadAnonShitsUpTheBoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You again? Go the fuck away, fucking tranny. God damn

>> No.20201758

>fucking expensive
Uh? Hello rajesh?

>> No.20201973

40 year Tawnies are $200+ where I live what are you smoking?

>> No.20202174

Love Stilton, love Port. Simple as.

>> No.20202249

A giant bloody steak and a whore.

>> No.20202257

>trapped by the deliciousness