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20184729 No.20184729 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other things people do when cooking that literally make no difference? I already know about bay leaves.

>> No.20184734

butter basting

>> No.20184738

maybe cut back to 3 packs a day.

>> No.20184749

I started adding salt to the water at like 24 and holy shit it really does make a difference

>> No.20184757

if you believe that, you're not adding enough salt.
in fact 90% of posts like this are just from people doing things wrong and immediately deciding that it doesn't work.

>> No.20184760

Bay leafs are very important because they're a choking hazard that results in ER visits across the nation.

>> No.20185147

steep bay leaves in hot water for a bit and take a drink. You won't of course because you're a fucking braindead retard

>> No.20185809

>other things people do when cooking that literally make no difference?
this implies that salting your water does nothing, which is 100% incorrect.
salting the water lowers it's boiling point and flavors the water.
this is irrefutable.
for if adding things to water doesn't make a broth, then what does?

you're welcome.

>> No.20185812

When someone says leaves I think about leaves.
When someone says leafs I think about c*n*dians

>> No.20185844
File: 750 KB, 750x1334, 1706678171817247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try cooking dumplings with and without bay leaves in two separate pots.
try cooking noodles with and without salt in two separate pots.

you will realize how retarded your post is

>> No.20185904

this thread is a real "internet cooking discourse" in a nutshell
reddit really accelerated this, people with zero or minimal cooking experience who never learned to actually cook, just follow a few recipes and use packaged sauces.

they all parrot the same retarded "meta" on what ever is most repeated bullshit that month, ask on a big cooking forum for opinions on how to make a curry or similar and you will get 100 response from people who have only ever eaten tika masala or butter chicken from a jar talking in absolutes about how you have to do this, or you should never do this, while being completely uninformed or even knowing the basics.

its made simple queries that should take 3 mins turn into slogs where you have to hack through the chaff to maybe find a tiny bit of wheat, the crazy thing is more often then not the 1 guy who actually knows what hes talking about will have been downvoted by a bunch of jar cooks because he goes against the hivemind

>> No.20185909

>salting the water lowers it's boiling point
anon, the boiling point gets higher...

>> No.20185920

Why do people say bay leaves do nothing, they add a pretty noticeable scent and taste?
Maybe you're just not adding enough.
DO you add a pinch of parsley to a stew and also complain about not being able to taste it?
I throw like 5-6 bay leaves into whatever chili or soup i'm making and you definitely smell it.

>> No.20185927

Any time i've salted my pasta water it makes the pasta taste slightly less "watery" the way saline does for anything, I assumed that was the purpose. I don't usually care enough to bother, especially if the sauce i'm having is going to be pretty salty anyways.
But still.

>> No.20185930


Adding oil to pasta water.

I still have no idea why this is so common that it even is printed on the instructions of those spaghetti+tomato puree+spice packs pasta meal boxes.
It simply swims on the water and is then at the end thrown away with the water.

>> No.20185940


stop being useless

>> No.20185949

>Maybe you're just not adding enough
exactly and most of the time they're used in rich (overpowering) stews. if you want to know what bay leaf tastes like and how nice it smells you have to try boiling dumplings>>20185844 with bay leaves to get a feel how much of them you need in general in cooking.
even if it's frozen dumplings from LIDL. just don't drown everything in sauce. butter is all you need

>> No.20185950

>doesnt use his pasta water in his sauce
That's my real takeaway

>> No.20185951

If salting your cooking water makes no difference then you're not adding enough salt you dumb cunt.

>> No.20185956

unsalted noodles taste like shit compared to salted. most people just don't notice how bad it is because the pasta is drowning in sauce

>> No.20185958
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didnt read lok

>> No.20185960

This is very correct. ~1 tsp per quart is about right. Most people I've seen put a couple shakes (maybe 1/2 teaspoon) in 2 gallons of water,

>> No.20185963

whos lok?

>> No.20185966
File: 39 KB, 497x533, 6dbdc64a4039be7ef2e8a200b89446cb--group-zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think it does nothing you've never added too much.

>> No.20185971

why do americans use quarts and not liters? it's so weird

>> No.20185980

Because it’s a quarter of a gallon. The fuck is a liter? Keep it up and we’ll take your funding away.

>> No.20185982

marinating chicken breast. I tried it once the other day and it just made my chicken soggy. even after cooking it, it just didn't seem right or normal. I will never marinate again.

>> No.20185989

Resting meat

>> No.20185998

I'm the one paying the highest taxes in the world because americans start wars everywhere, destabilize entire countries and as a result all those assholes end up coming here for a handout. thank you for nothing quarter man

>> No.20186005

Quart and liter are nearly the same

>> No.20186009

Maybe you should stop letting them come in or stop giving them handouts

>> No.20186022

Maybe your country should try to control its immigration

>> No.20186029

Adding heat. It does literally nothing.

>> No.20186031

You pay high taxes because of you and your countrymen’s rampant homosexuality. If China ever steps up to the plate, guess what your nation’s demographics are going to look like.
>destabilize whole countries
what price glory anon?
that’s like almost winning. come on man.

>> No.20186081 [DELETED] 

>Maybe you should stop letting them come in
you mean like america does with the millions of brown people that flood your country each year?
>your countrymen’s rampant homosexuality
that's ironic coming from an american. without america forcing homos and trannies down everyone's throat 24/7 this whole obnoxious lgbt movement wouldn't be a thing, just like brown immigration. sissified american men are the root of all those problems

>> No.20186094

>uwu please stop, i'm silly little eurocuck and can't stop getting findomed by virile American trannies and fags
maybe man up?

>> No.20186122

In recipe videos they always add one nanogram of black pepper. That annoys me.

>> No.20186128


>> No.20186155

>salting the water lowers it's boiling point

>> No.20186269

no it doesnt dipshit
the freezing and boiling points both get lower, thats why they salt the roads in ict weather

>> No.20186283

Adding salt to water both lowers its freezing point and raises its boiling pint

>> No.20186286
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>> No.20186289


>> No.20186296


>> No.20186301

uh huh

>> No.20186310

https://socratic.org/questions/how-can-salt-change-the-boiling-point-of-water non-jewish

>> No.20186314

More non-jewish
>When I did my experiment, I learned that salt increases the boiling point of water. Not only does salt raise the boiling point, but it also lowers the freezing point.

>> No.20186329

come on his name is literally shekels
i dont trust blind kids either

>> No.20186344

Potentially non-jewish and non-blind child

>> No.20186348
File: 136 KB, 302x450, ColonelAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct. Symptom of a bigger problem. The amount of information available to people is too much, and too much of it from untrustworthy sources. We need some way to ensure people are getting correct and important information. If we had something like this in place, entire countries wouldnt riot because someone overdosed on fentanyl

>> No.20187913
File: 22 KB, 640x427, 579-8645-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come on his name is literally shekels

>> No.20187926

ah so the latest forced meme is salt not having effect

>> No.20187936

You're not using enough bay leaves
I used to always get bay leaves in my servings, then I began using a tea ball.

>> No.20188755
File: 88 KB, 376x299, 1695614446832952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically, the amount of salt people add to water for cooking doesn't affect the boiling point at all.

>Why does salt affect boiling point?
>Salt is sodium chloride, which is an ionic compound that breaks apart into its component ions in water. The ions floating around in the water alter how the molecules interact with each other. The effect isn't restricted to salt. Adding any other compound to water (or any liquid) increases its boiling point.

So salt doesn't lower the boiling point, it just causes water to boil before it reaches boiling point.

>> No.20188780
File: 89 KB, 465x350, Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 06-21-21 boiling point cavitation - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one ever bring up that it changes the way the water boils specifically the size of the bubbles, they're smaller and more consistent

>> No.20188786

people who say
>bay leaves do nothing
are retards. even if an addition adds no flavour at all (not true for bay leaves but whatever, that's the claim), the smell alone is worth adding it in for. people dont realise that you can add things to food purely for the fragrance, and that even if it isn't noticeable in the flavour of the food, it still enhances the eating experience since eating pleasure is about four different senses not just your tastebuds you phillistines

>> No.20188798

>"Why is it that every time you cook pasta, nothing happens for the longest stretch and then, exactly when you turn your back to sneak a little snack or wash a dirty spoon, a volcano erupts through the lid and across the stove?"
It never happens to me. It's called "knowing how to properly use a stove". I don't know why I would waste oil to prevent such an simple mistake.
- When making dough, doing a crater in the flour in order to mix eggs or water with it when all your ingredients are already in a bowl. Pretty useless, just mix it all in one go and the result is the same. The crater thing is only usefull when you make your dough on a working surface.
- Using disposable film to wrap your dough : utterly retarded. Just put the dough in a bowl, put a plate on it and voilà. No more disposable useless plastic.
-Feeding a sourdough starter each day : useless. Feed it accordingly to your needs.

>> No.20189113

>You would have to add 58 grams of salt just to raise the boiling point of a liter of water by one half of a degree Celsius. Basically, the amount of salt people add to water for cooking doesn't affect the boiling point at all.

Only realistic way to raise the boiling point of water is by increasing the pressure it's under, which is what pressure cookers do.

>> No.20189139

Have you tried salting after draining? It's exactly the same, except you don't dump most of the salt down the sink.

Try rinsing your salt water cooked pasta after draining. It tastes the same as pasta cooked in unsalted water. There's no reason to put salt in the water. Stir less salt into finished pasta.

>> No.20189245

The salt attacks the pasta and makes it slimy. Only retards cook in salt water.

>> No.20189248

Salt content <0.9% - not salty
Salt content >0.9% - overly salty

>> No.20189268
File: 116 KB, 900x600, 1906408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every youtube Chinese chef say that velveting and or baking soda "tenderizes" the meat?
That's not chemically possible.
Dido for just about every claim I've ever hear for marination "tenderizing" meat. Marinades don't penetrate far enough to do anything of the sort.

>> No.20189278

You're retarded, but I'm more interested why these faggots waste so much water while cooking with their woks.

>> No.20189309

adding salt

>> No.20189338

The water cools the wok holders. They would get destroyed if there was no water.

>> No.20189739

For what? Pasta? It's supposed to be 10g per L, and 1L water per 100g of pasta. It varies depending on the salt, but I don't think a tsp is quite 10g, so you're under salting as well.

>> No.20190120

>I already know about bay leaves.
You dont know shit