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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20178864 No.20178864 [Reply] [Original]

You're not supposed to actually enjoy it, right?

>> No.20178885

>raised by a single mother

>> No.20178891

I enjoy it.

>> No.20178909

Yummy yummy wish I could have one right now instead of working on a Tuesday. Sometimes I envy the hobos I walk past every day. Wouldn't life be nice if I could get drunk and beat my meat at the park every day.

>> No.20178967

No, you're not, only real men do

>> No.20178995

Ive literally only ever heard gays and weakling autists say they hate the taste. Everything has to be scrummy yummy :) for them. Even my friend who is a 37 year old khv loves the taste.

>> No.20178998

Once I got over my sugar addiction, I started being able to appreciate other flavours more and started enjoying beer.

>> No.20179003

Not that piss water, no. Try a real beer.

>> No.20179008
File: 140 KB, 1056x874, F7DspGbXkAAdM4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoooo estrogen yoo. I love hecking beer

>> No.20179009
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Yeah man only REAL MEN. Drink beer like me.

>> No.20179023

Prove me wrong

>> No.20179238

Right it's much better if you love vodka and wine and fuck up your body that way

>> No.20179253
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True, I love beer.

>> No.20179299

When i open a cold beer the sound and smell alone activate a neuron spike in my brain, i literally feel my pupils dilate.

>> No.20179308

Beer is only good if you arent the type that has to put sweetner (yes, ketchup is a sweetner) on everything. If you cant enjoy an exclusively savory flavor profile you'll never enjoy beer. I used to hate it when I ate like shit then I learned to actually cook and now I love trying new beers. Personal favorite is Ghostfish Watchstander Stout. Its fucking amazing, rice and corn beers are underrated as hell, and celiacs safe.

>> No.20179320

I was raised by a single mom and I'm an alcoholic. Beer is like the childhood I never had.

>> No.20179384

ur cute :3

>> No.20179476

yeah alcohol is like medicine where you ingest it for the effect and not the taste

>> No.20179530

Its fermented grains. What's not to like?

>> No.20179541

>tried belgian moon because my friend is trying to get me into wheat beers
>tastes fucking awful

>> No.20179551

I like beer. Pilsners are quite nice. The dark ones are too heavy. IPA's I thought were disgusting but they're pretty good, too bad they're associated with hipsters n retarded lefties.

>> No.20179568

What's the effect supposed to be?

>> No.20179589

I actually like Chinese beers because they aren't insanely hoppy and shit
The Chinese of course think I'm insane

>> No.20179663

Isn't it crazy how "leftists" keep being associated with all these good things while "conservatives" consume trash

>> No.20179691

Euphoria. This could come down to genetics. That said, beer tastes good

>> No.20179702


>> No.20179724
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found you in this meme. guess which one you are. hint: it's not the one on the left

>> No.20179732

I only drink spirits, beer taste like shit to me and I don't feel like drinking liquid calories until I learn to like it. Fags who need to drink beer to feel manly are mirrors of trannies who need to drink soy milk.

>> No.20179750
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It's too bitter for me. Ever since I was a teen I drink picrel. 500 ml dark beer, 500ml coke, 40ml cherry liqueur. It's based and i don't care if I'm called a child over it.

>> No.20179791

How is the guy on the right wrong?

>> No.20179840

if it has to be explained to you, you're basically confirming yourself as a boring friendless loser

>> No.20179847
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>> No.20179875

This is very concerning, please tell me more.

>> No.20179935
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>You're not supposed to actually enjoy it, right?

>> No.20179951
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Actually, tastewise I find Monster Import really fucking good. It tastes better than OG Monster.

Anyone else try this before?

>> No.20180019

I recently started drinking black coffee, eating raw onions, and don't even dislike beer anymore
and so what I'm realizing is as you get older your sense of taste just stops working effectively and that's why old people dont mind eating and drinking shit like that
it just doesnt taste bad anymore

it doesn't taste good, never good, but not bad. neutral really

>> No.20180039

if you have a good roast, black coffee can taste pretty damn good. just make sure not to drink it too hot.
hell even dogshit waffle house coffee ain't that bad black.

i wonder how much of the hating bitterness is an age thing or a social thing. i remember when i was 5 my dad gave me a sip of his budweiser and i hated it obviously. was that because i truly hated bitter flavors, or because i didn't actually know why he drank it?

>> No.20180308

>beer only makes you fell bloated and dehydrated
>cigarettes only give you shits and sweats
>neither of their highs is really enjoyable
They really picked the shittiest drugs to be legal, cocaine btfos both of these and tbqh it probably isn't much worse for you compared to alcohol and tobacco

>> No.20180357
File: 26 KB, 600x400, is-it-ok-to-feed-beer-to-my-horse-promo-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this old wild west movie a while back and the cowboys gave their horses a bucket full of beer after a long trek through the desert, and the horse was dunking and slurping the beer out of a big wooden bucket, and it looked really refreshing so i try to slam a beer after a long bike ride

>> No.20180393

Maybe you're a mutant and can't like beer. Maybe. (Do you like black coffee or dark chocolate?)
That doesn't mean that other people have to have your deficiencies.

>> No.20180422

Cocaine is one of the most retarded drugs there are. Extremely expensive, high lasts fifteen minutes and other much cheaper and longer lasting drugs btfo it's supposed positive effects.

>> No.20180445

>extremely expensive
>lasts 15 minutes
Maybe the 20% coke, cut-a-thousand-times filth they sell to you
>btfoed by other stims
This I can somewhat concede, different stims have different pros and cons but they all btfo alcohol and tobacco

>> No.20180475

>probably isn't much worse for you compared to alcohol and tobacco
At least I understand psychedelic fags when they say mushrooms should be legal. Whereas you're a crackhead who probably gets his "good shit" by sucking dick.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.20180529

for me its not precisely the bitterness as i enjoy black coffee, grapefruits, a proper apple cider with tannins in it, etc. but the particular bitterness in hops has a way of seeeping into the tongue and accumulating there until it overwhelms the palate. My first few sips of beer are always pleasant but by the time I'm halfway through the glass it just tastes like soap to me, and switching to food doesn't even reset it.

>> No.20180654

>Beer is like the childhood I never had.
Holy shit, that's fucking depressing

>> No.20180691

I dislike lighter beers because they feel too light and airy. If you're an underage or a college student drinking only the lightest, cheapest, shittiest beers, I could see why they'd hate the taste.

>> No.20180698

What's wrong with wine?

>> No.20180720

That actually looks pretty good...

>> No.20180742

Because I wanna huff beer farts outta that ass

>> No.20180748

Where the FUCK is it an import from?

>> No.20180767
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There are more spirits than vodak. are you a Slav?

>> No.20180798
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Or maybe its just you?

>> No.20180799

I had my first taste of beer at like 5 or so and fucking hated it, obviously. Didn't try it again until college more or less and liked it.
I like light beers during summer because I work outside and they are very refreshing. Prefer stronger stuff but a light cold one after work hits the spot like nothing else for me.

>> No.20180818

For me, it's hazy little thing or coors light

>> No.20180917

>seething alcoholic projecting his dick sucking shenanigans to be able to afford some colt 45
Sad, many such cases

>> No.20180958

I think they make that stuff in the Netherlands.

>> No.20180961

No, hold your nose and drink vodka and quickly chase it.

>> No.20181745

Whiskey exists outside of scotland, and most "modern" whiskeys are actually just cheap Vodka that's been aged in whiskey barrels

>> No.20181760

>Beer is like the childhood I never had.
amazing quote, I'm going to use this

>> No.20181778

this hasn't got any less retarded since the last time you post this

>> No.20181804
File: 133 KB, 572x845, 26D382A4-9E87-4699-96D0-507C06AFFD26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but also yes. You wouldn’t get it.

>> No.20182690

God forbid someone keep whiskey from becoming a /pol/ right wing dogwhistle

>> No.20182743

I fucking blacked out on golden monkeys the other night