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File: 1.56 MB, 480x776, AmericanBurger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20176653 No.20176653 [Reply] [Original]

This is what Koreans consider an "American Burger"

>> No.20176660

This is more in spirit of America than what French people call American burgers

>> No.20176663

not bad

>> No.20176670

Would eat

>> No.20176683

Too much ketchup

>> No.20176684


>> No.20176687

When do they dump the cheese on it and sprinkle it in sugar like true Koreans?

>> No.20176692


>> No.20176699


>> No.20176702

Looks p good nigger. I'd smash on it

>> No.20176706

is that what they serve as a burger in their McDonalds? no? oh ok

>> No.20176708

Do Americans really put hotdogs, ham and half a cabbage on their burgers?

>> No.20176712

Americans are free to do whatever the fuck we want. Sorry if your communist shithole rations food.

>> No.20176721

no, koreans do that
it's a korean sandwich and they call it an american burger just for marketing because deep inside all koreans want to be white americans

>> No.20176770

>Korean cooking
>Doesn't dump a ton of sugar on it

I call shenanigans.

>> No.20176776

>>Doesn't dump a ton of sugar on it
do you know how much sugar is in ketchup, friend

>> No.20176779

No cheese?

>> No.20176788

Cheese at :29

>> No.20176811

Would fucking kill a puppy for one right now

>> No.20176817

Whats with Koreans and adding a fuckton of cabbage in every "street food"

>> No.20176844

Do americans really?

>> No.20176852

makes it healthy

>> No.20176910

do you put that on the burger too?

>> No.20176917

Not since they outlawed it LOL

>> No.20176925

Koreans can still eat dogs for 3 more years anon

>> No.20177070

That looks fucking nasty, I'd never eat that
>t. American

>> No.20177141

well bubble bass did ask to let it swim after all

>> No.20177191

"whats with the Irish and adding potatoes to every dish"

"whats with aussies and adding vegimite to every dish"

"whats with mexicans and adding hot sauce to every dish"

>> No.20177212

i approve
good job korea

>> No.20177305

This was my only taKeaway too.

>> No.20177317

>too tall
>way too much ketchup
>differing buns
>beef looks dry

>> No.20177394

Yeah. That was my main thought.

>> No.20177701

good chance its half tomato sauce, half gochujang

>> No.20178094

Imagine escaping from North Korea and discovering people in the south eat all that in a single sitting.

>> No.20178352

anyone every just "nope" out of a webm posted here? I noped out when i saw the ham slices, i knew it was gonna be some monstrosity

>> No.20178361
File: 66 KB, 850x497, 7aussieburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one outside of the US can get a burger right, it's the damnedest thing. They always overcomplicate it for no good reason.

>> No.20178363

I'm from Texas, I was in Atlanta and this placed had something called a Texas burger. The only difference was that it had a fried egg on it. I had never heard of that in my life. It was good though.

>> No.20178371

I think in this case "American" means "American ingredients" rather than "burger in the American style".

You see it in Europe too with "American" foods that do not match what it would actually look like in America

>> No.20178384

are there even cows in korea?

>> No.20178414

>cheddar on a burger
the rest of that was forgivable

>> No.20178431

This is the only feedback I have

>> No.20178434

Enjoy your soggy bun bro

>> No.20178449


>> No.20179212

>frying eggs just to pop them

>> No.20179241

The reason they call it an "American burger" is marketing. Simple as. A grotesque caricature of a burger, whose only real attribute is its excess. They do this to sell it. It works because hangooks live in a really shitty 3rd world country and their entire culture is based around pretending to be 1st world. Smart. Cope-centric marketing is the most american thing about this burger.

>> No.20179267

eggs on a burger aren't that good and I'm tired of people acting like it's amazing

>> No.20179317


>> No.20179455

I was in Colombia and had to take a detour from the main road cuz it got washed away. Stopped in a little town and there was a place that had a picture of a typical American burger (patty, buns, lettice, tomato, pickle, etc.) instead I got the patties and bun with coleslaw in it and cheese. It was actually not that bad, surprisingly.

>> No.20179486

Most of the food Koreans see as American come from US soldier during occupation and rations.
A lot of older Koreans have a strange connection to Spam since it was used a lot during the Korean War and give to US soldiers and the Koreans citizens.

>> No.20179511

looks pretty american to me

>> No.20179519

>They always overcomplicate it for no good reason.
the best burgers I have ever had are thin simple beef patties with grilled onions, American cheese, mayo, mustard, amd pickles on a nice bun

>> No.20179543

flavors probably a little different if that is in fact cabbage and not lettuce but i'd eat that

>> No.20179564

wtf is that white/green stuff?

>> No.20180464

at least the patty is not as paper thin as those from mcdonalds

>> No.20180476

Thin patties are objectively better. They have more maillard reacted browned meat and a better flavor to mass ratio.
If you NEED more meat per burger, use two thin patties.

>> No.20180487

i agree on that, i once made a smashed burger of 5 burgers, flavor was great. but yeah they need to increase the amount of burgers, 4 would be ideal fon a standard big mac. and a double 6-8 patties

>> No.20180490

There's a fine line, I don't want it pressed so hard it's literally paper thin but you're right and this is why I like Freddy's. I can't stand going to a cookout and some boomer is serving thick, overcooked, dry patties. Not enough cheese in the world to save those abominations.

>> No.20180511

To much cabbage. Not enough pickle


>> No.20180547

I mean, they also think a Chicken sandwich is a burger so...

>> No.20181226

Burger bun = burger
Slice of bread = sandwich
Don't worry, you'll get it one day. We know you Americans can be kind of slow

>> No.20181232

The hamburger was invented before the bun
Seriously can you even?

>> No.20181234

Based Koreans. The white of Asians

>> No.20181239

Imagine escaping North Korea and the first thing you see is a Korean woman eating one

>> No.20181240

>The white of Asians
Whites don't become communist, which Koreans did and still are.

>> No.20181246

Tell that to my white-ass northern French communist administration
Also all of Russia
Are you paid to be retarded?

>> No.20181247

Can't tell if you're being serious or not.
Round bread has always existed.

>> No.20181250

But was France ever Communist? No.
No White country ever turned to communism voluntarily, even if individuals are communists within.

>Also all of Russia
Ergo: Russians aren't white.

>> No.20181253

The bun, as in the sandwich roll, dates into 1924, while the hamburger officially dates to 1904, while the hamburger steak dates back into in 1960s

Your prescriptivist ass needs to get fucked off this planet, I hope you enjoy your ride

>> No.20181256

Extra reading:

'In 1917 the revolutionary world really believed that it had arrived before those gates. Rosa Luxemburg's prophecy was being realised...
The Spartakus movement believed that it had achieved the definitive revolution because, according to Marx himself, the latter would come to pass after the Russian revolution had been consumated by a Western revolution. After the revolution of 1917, a Soviet Germany would, in fact, have opened the gates of Heaven [communism].
But the Spartakus movement is crushed, the French general strike of 1920 fails, the Italian revolutionary movement is strangled...
...Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg are assassinated...
The Russian revolution remains isolated, living according to its own system, still far from the celestial gates, with an apocalypse to organise'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.20181263

It's a communist shithole you enormous faggot and Russia was the first Great Power to recognize the US
Next thing you'll tell me is that slavery was a good idea and that Marcellus Wallace was full of shit
You people can't do history for shit

>> No.20181264

>The bun, as in the sandwich roll
The fuck is a sandwich roll?

This is about hot-cross buns, buns article had very little information.
>It is hypothesised that the contemporary hot cross bun of Christianity originates from St Albans in England, where in 1361, Brother Thomas Rodcliffe, a 14th-century Christian monk at St Albans Abbey, developed a similar recipe called an "Alban Bun" and distributed the bun to the poor on Good Friday.

>> No.20181270

I'm glad you globalist shitheels are noticing that I, a sole American, am making a difference, BTW
Do it in person, I fucking dare you

>> No.20181278

The US is bordline communist.
>anti-social disctinction (noble, aristocrat, peasnt et cetera)
>anti-state religion
Et cetera.

>> No.20181284

We fucking know it's a socialist country we are opposed to it

>> No.20181286

Borderline? American soldiers pointed rifles at the ciitzens they swore to defend when they protested against desegregating schools, and that was in the fucking 50s

>> No.20181297

Leftists would support that, yet freak out when soldiers pointed guns at hippies protesting the war in Vietnam.
You're right, America is lost. Best to burn it down and start again.

>> No.20181303

After the 1929 crash there were riots because of insufficient socialism. You'd be rioting right now without the socialist policies responding to those riots.

>> No.20181305

Would devour (over the course of 3 days)

>> No.20181314

Are the Baltic nations not white?

>> No.20181332

Most of them were coerced into communism. It wasn't voluntary.
>US says areas the USSR went through have to vote
>USSR soldiers stay at the voting booth, 'suggesting' people vote for the communists
>those areas turn communist

>> No.20181346

>America is socialist
So, exactly what he said?

>> No.20182265

>whats with aussies and adding vegimite to every dish
fuckin what?

>> No.20182310

This is exactly how Americans look to Koreans when they try to make Korean food. No country makes any other country's food authentically, and it doesn't fucking matter as long as it tastes good to whoever is eating it.

>> No.20182996

>This is about hot-cross buns
but in >>20181226 you clearly say
>Burger bun = burger
pick one nigger

>> No.20184382

Hippies and "students" are scum though. And the national guard or whatever shot two of them during a Vietnam protest which I agree with fully. Fuck hippies

>> No.20184436

I'm white and would like to be deep inside a Korean or an American.

>> No.20184440

He caught the Australian like a fly in vegimite.

>> No.20185212

It's cheap and filling
Cabbage's mild nutty flavor also naturally complements meaty foods

>> No.20185223
File: 301 KB, 389x651, Screenshot 2022-08-20 at 06-49-58 pol screencap - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't foreigners just make a standard burger thats meme as fuck

>> No.20185225

>deep inside all koreans want to be white americans
no they're pretty open about it

>> No.20185232
File: 70 KB, 750x1000, 1658460166933180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs they have a grace period?

>> No.20185233


Pickled beets or just the regular?

>> No.20185245
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, Dp_-LsHU0AIZVs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20185454

I meant the article was about hot-cross buns.
The intent was to prove that 'buns' had existed long before the Hamburger.

>> No.20185529
File: 271 KB, 1000x1244, 1685519404534884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you cameh ere and said "i want a chicken sandwich" at mcdonalds the cute cashier would laugh at your ass

>> No.20185540

according to americans a baguette can have ground beef on it and it will be considered a hamburger, but a literal burger with chicken instead of beef which looks identical and has identical toppings and sauces etc is not, its a sandwich

>> No.20185556

I've seen the advertisements for pizza with Vegemite in the crusts. Don't deny it!

>> No.20185564


>> No.20186431

cheap filler that doesn't have enough flavor to mess with the main flavors of the meal

>> No.20186550

>according to americans a baguette can have ground beef on it and it will be considered a hamburger

>> No.20186568

I was going to say that it looks more american than american burgers, but then they put a ton of cabbage on it

>> No.20186721

Jeez do Americans really?

>> No.20186754

No Americans just order a Baconator with as many patties and pieces of bacon and cheese as they need. The menu lists up to a Triple but they won't stop you from ordering more.
I've personally watched someone order one with six patties and layers of cheesy bacon and sit down and eat it like anyone would a regular burger. Which is easily around 2,100 calories and just an absurd amount of fat and sodium.

>> No.20186757

just had a holiday in australia and made sure i ate this burger while i was there. i was very drunk so probably enjoyed it more than i would have done sober but it was much nicer than i thought it would be. not a soggy mess.

>> No.20187369

>i was very drunk so probably enjoyed it more than i would have done sober
It's just good man. Did you try the pineapple burger as well? Also good.

>> No.20187692

Wendy's famously doesn't add salt to their beef, which is why old people eat there

>> No.20187923

I wonder what a regular Hamburger made with real Beef Steak or Wagyu tastelike