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20174110 No.20174110 [Reply] [Original]

So I just ate a dragon fruit for the first time. Based on how good they look, I was expecting a strong and exotic flavor.
But they seem to taste like nothing. They are neither sour nor sweet. They taste like cucumber. What's going on?

>> No.20174128

Pretty much. I have had a couple that were really good, but most have been as you describe. I have no idea how to tell without tasting but they are like $7 each where I am so fuck that. The last one made my mouth and throat burn as well, don't know why.

>> No.20174131

>But they seem to taste like nothing
Don't know if you ever ate a wild strawberry from out of your yard but that's exactly what they taste like.
Which is nothing.

>> No.20174132

Those aren't strawberries.

>> No.20174137

the white ones taste very mild and mid
the pink ones (in your pic) are sweeter. But also much pricier.
Theres also a yellow variety but Ive not tried that before.

Dragonfruit is much more enjoyable served cold.

>> No.20174141

Yeah they're a lie

>> No.20174155

You want me to use the fucking Latin name?

>> No.20174184

Yeah, I fell for this shit, a few weeks ago. Never bought one, in my life. They get by on the fact that they look amazing. About as much flavor as tapwater. I tossed it in the trash - which is a rare thing.

>> No.20174469

Yellow is excellent. Personally, I've never tried red, but I've heard it's great too. The only time I saw it, it was like $10 a fruit and I couldn't justify it just to sate curiosity.

>> No.20174495

You mean potentilla indica? Yeah, not a strawberry.

>> No.20174509

dragon fruit smoothie with greek yogurt and a handful of tart raspberries thrown in is nice, but i wouldn't go out of my way to get it. it cant stand up on its own

>> No.20174529

One of the classic grocery store traps. Starfruit got me like that too.
Passionfruit is actually fucking delicious though. Depends on your budget whether it's worth like $5 per little fruit.

>> No.20174552

>grocery store
That's your problem. They're not ripe.

>> No.20174560

They have a nice texture and sometimes can be pretty sweet
Red ones might colour your urine and poop though

>> No.20175032

>can't taste starfruit
Its literally the most flavorful fruit possible

>> No.20175280
File: 33 KB, 657x527, frogm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They taste good

>> No.20175335

What point do you think you're making

>> No.20175414

you fell for the meme

>> No.20175426

When I was in China I bought some and was gonna have, but my Chinese roommate told me that they have to be prepared a certain way to bring out the flavors.
I ended up forgeting to eat them and she ate them when I was out. Still don't know how they taste

>> No.20175755

>wild strawberries from yard taste like nothing
It is quite befuddling to read someone say that wild strawberries have no flavor when they are actually well known for their strong flavor. I can attest to this because I have actually foraged and consumed real native wild strawberries. Their taste is pure concetrated essence of strawberry. Truly a taste experience one is unlikely to forget. However, there is a very common plant that to the layman resembles a strawberry even though it is not a strawberry. This false strawberry is indeed very bland and tastes predominantly of nothing. Having tasted both myself, I can only conclude that when you say wild strawberry has no flavor you are actually describing the false strawberry which is not a strawberry.

>> No.20175761

above a small creek forgotten by time, there were sandstone walls cut like _) this with wild strawberry vines hanging down, and they were the best ever.

>> No.20175779

Not him but the point he's making is that you probably have not tried a wild strawberry. There is a plant he mentioned commonly called a mock strawberry or indian strawberry, it looks very similar to a wild strawberry but has almost no flavor at all and what is there is nothing like a strawberry. If you ever get to taste a wild strawberry you'll find it's a very strong flavor

>> No.20175795

>wild strawberries taste like nothing
the fuck? Do you have tastebuds?

>> No.20175796
File: 42 KB, 800x530, how-to-eat-yellow-dragon-fruit-pitahay-pitaya-taste-test-800x530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the yellow dragonfruit. They have a lot more flavor. Just don't eat more than one, they can give you the shits if you overdo it.

>> No.20175809

>What's going on?
What's going on here is that your retarded ass can't stop making threads about Dragonfruits tasting bland for the nth time

>> No.20175826

They taste like kiwi to me but minus all the sourness. There's a yellow variety that's smaller but even sweeter, you might like that. Or try prickly pears if you want an actually flavorful cactus fruit

>> No.20175843

> Don't know if you ever ate a wild strawberry from out of your yard but that's exactly what they taste like.
Which is nothing.
Ironically, actual wild strawberries that you can find in the Rocky Mountains are some of the most delicious fruits on planet Earth. 10x more flavor but only modesty more sweet than a grocery store strawberry. I had something similar when I was in Japan, but even that was nothing like a wild strawberry.

The little red fruits that grow in your yard I think are a different species.

>> No.20175903

try sticking your dick in the peel after eating it. feels amazing desu

>> No.20176076

they were bred for looks not flavor
their only purpose is to look good on IG posts

>> No.20176137

speak of the devil, I bought one yesterday.
Going to throw it in my smoothie.

>> No.20176149

Yeah ancient mayans really cared about instagram lol

>> No.20176169

>It is quite befuddling
I didn't read the rest of your post, but I read this line in just the gayest possible voice. There's just no other way to read it, you sound like a massive homo.

>> No.20176178

This Chad writes however he wants. You have an inner voice that sounds like a fag. Do the math on that one, dicklicker.

>> No.20177598

Reddish skin with green fins - pretty much OP's pic. Firm with no soft spots. What should I be looking for, or what's a good way to ripen them?

>> No.20177646

They only ripen on the plant. Most dragonfruits that you'd find at the grocery store are picked before they're ripe so they don't spoil on the thousand mile trip to wherever you live, which is why they're bland and flavorless. If you don't live in a climate where they grow them, you're SOL.

>> No.20177651

>However, there is a very common plant that to the layman resembles a strawberry even though it is not a strawberry. This false strawberry is indeed very bland and tastes predominantly of nothing.
Yes you fucking boylover that was that guy's point and why he asked if you really wanted him to use le scientific binomials when you obviously knew he meant the bland shitty ones since he was comparing them to dragon fruit. Christ we need a cure for autism and total esl death.

>> No.20177676

It was unripe... but even ripe, they're not amazing, kind of a vaguely citrusy, cucumber-watery swettness.

>> No.20177719

>bland shitty ones
See what he did? He's got you implying that they're strawberries and you don't even realize it. They aren't strawberries.

>> No.20177741

And most white people have never seen the Caucasus

>> No.20177772

Someone hasn't ever had a durian

>> No.20177776

composted onion, while flavourful, is not what I look for in fruit.

>> No.20177803

you want the yellow ones

>> No.20178331

I live in Thailand and my wife always eats these. I don't get how it survives amongst so many other delicious tropical fruits for sale here and it's all so cheap. It has no taste beyond slightly soapy to me.
We have to fly back to the states in the spring to visit and check on one of my rentals that I may sell, so I'm smashing on all the cheap fruit more than normal. I can only imagine how expensive tropical fruit is there by now.

>> No.20178342

oh it's you. you're married already? how'd that happen?

>> No.20178412

You might be mistaking me with someone else. I've been married since 2005.

>> No.20178454

will you tell the class how it happened anyways?

>> No.20178750
File: 20 KB, 237x272, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me that NOW
I ate 2 dragon fruits last week and I'm still shitting out those little black seeds

>> No.20178758

ate a couple of those in China
they taste like bland kiwi

but it's pretty funny because they make your poop turn red

>> No.20178786

This is unironically the worst thread on /ck/ ever

>> No.20178790

This must be your first day on /ck/

>> No.20179721

>last one made my mouth and throat burn as well, don't know why.
cuz you were about to start breathing fire dummy

>> No.20180984

Oh, fuck:{ OK, scratch that one off the list.

>> No.20182094

Not so fast, you can ripen any fruits at home by putting apples next to them. People usually do it for unripe oranges

>> No.20182107

The point is that the flavor is mild. It's not for everyone but it's one of my favorite fruits.

>> No.20183170

you talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded