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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20171113 No.20171113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>2017 $2.08
>2024 $3.48
SHIT WHITE SLOP WITH BITS OF BEEF is now expensive. Bread that was 99cents is now $1.25. Tired of this shit economy and the fucking lies about how it's doing well.

>> No.20171116
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>> No.20171148


>> No.20171171
File: 163 KB, 800x800, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some foods that you gave up due to inflation?

For me, it was oreo and most store brand cookies.

>> No.20171208

This. If you apply for EBT you should have to go to a government camp to live. They would have only fresh food and classes to teach you to make it. A final solution to the slop question

>> No.20171243

Honestly- almost anything name brand is way too expensive these days. Store brand stuff is exactly the same if not better 90% of the time, and always at least 30% cheaper. Same with generic OTC medicine.

Only thing I don’t skimp on is paper towels and TP, brand X can’t compete with the higher price point there.

>> No.20171274

I reduce getting name brand paper towels like bounty for like hard paper towels that you use in bathroom to wash your hand to save money.

I didn't want to hemorrhage money by paying it just to clean.

>> No.20171282

KFC, or most fast food
Haagen Dazz, Talenti
ribeye steaks

>> No.20171293

i can't imagine buying creamchipbeef frozen, are you really that lazy? holy fuck

>> No.20171295

HAHA. Okay., I’m just still gonna VOTE for Biden LOL. Turns out being a blackfaced bronzed faggot is JUST not who I want representing me!! LOL. I’d rather a senile old man represent me rather than a senile old man that committed treason represent me! OKAY HAHA sorry!

>> No.20171301
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>> No.20171318

I'll share my chipped beef recipe.

4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
4 cups milk heated
8oz dried beef pref from the market
1 tbsp diced garlic
salt, pep to taste

>> No.20171328

but trump's the one who passed all those trillion dollar+ covid "recovery" bills that went straight into the pockets of fortune 500 companies so they wouldn't have to suffer a .001% decline in profits

>> No.20171331


>> No.20171518

the jar of Amour brand chipped beef was over $5

>> No.20171543

more like companies who are cutting people off at the knees to keep making record profits but ok

>> No.20171604
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, Merger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's indicative of a non-competitive environment. Meanwhile, totally unrelated, Kroger is being allowed to buy up Albertson's.

>> No.20171607

>That's indicative of a non-competitive environment.
The more times pass, the more I realize actual competition is as real as real communism.

>> No.20171608
File: 437 KB, 1500x791, One company to rule them all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry though, in addition to Kroger, there still will be Wal-Mart, so two competitors in a robust market for everyone's grocery dollars.

>> No.20171609

Look at >>20171608. The illusion of competition is maintained while store after store comes under the same corporate entity.

>> No.20171611

I do agree with you, and I'm saying that competition beyond this fake seems to be an utopic dream.

>> No.20171634
File: 324 KB, 1760x998, Kroger-Albertsons-merger-CEOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely these CEOs have our best interests in mind with their mega-merger. They're not even wearing ties. It's like a deal with my grandpa and the pizza delivery guy.

>> No.20171692

Economy was fucked long before biden

>> No.20171725

yeah no shit, anon. competition for lower prices and the customer dollar stopped existing a while back. now companies have realized that without regulation, instead of a "free market," they can just team up and raise prices while lowering wages. see >>20171634

when i was a kid, free market shit made more sense. if main street tool co. is selling nails for ten cents, and tools on main across the street is selling them for seven cents, of course tools on main is going to get the customers.

in current times, both owners know they've cornered the market and are selling nails at 15 cents because people need nails and can't get over to the next town.

>> No.20171728
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>> No.20171739

my bad, we're on the same side here then. i thought you were on the "pro-competition" side of shit to start. this site has poisoned my brain and i think most people here think daddy trump is going to swing in and do something to fix all of our problems.

>> No.20171779

Does an extra $1.50 really hurt you? Genuinely asking. Do you make minimum wage? I’m not rich and I do notice price increases but it’s all fairly negligible… If an extra ~$100 a month on groceries is that painful, you need to work on your earning power

>> No.20171818

Not OP but that shit stacks up, and companies don't offer annual raises. If they do, they don't match inflation. Companies constantly lay people off and make work harder for you while giving you less. Imagine having kids and all, not just paying for yourself, too.

>> No.20171835

Hungry Man is still the cost to portion king

>> No.20171837

Yeah I have a wife and a 6 moth old and it hasn’t been an issue at all. I live in Arizona so I guess that helps as it’s generally low cost of living, but still… I’m guessing the people complaining the most must be making near minimum wage. Just a guess though, that’s why I asked.

>> No.20171839

i live at home and get medicaid and foodstamps its based dunno why so many people want to move out

>> No.20171841

Lmao did you circumcise your kid? How do you feel knowing your spawn will be murdered and eaten by mexicans within a few years? God I love living in country, surrounded by golems like you.

>> No.20171842

If you’re not trolling, good luck with your spineless unfulfilled life goals in 2024

>> No.20171847

not trolling house is in my name too since my parents are old and its paid off all i have to do is pay the property taxes I prob have more than you

>> No.20171849

No, I was a little worried I’d have to tell some kike doctor to fuck off but it never even came up . Was a pleasant surprise. Also I don’t know how you got to the golem point, care to elaborate anon? You ok?

>> No.20171857

Have more what than me? Cowardice and sloth? Yeah probably. I bought a house in 2020. 2.75% interest is nice. Do you feel like more of a man, or a leech or does it depend on the day?

>> No.20171859

New car paid off, house all for me, never worked just help out around here yea im good jack

>> No.20171867

>never worked hard to earn anything
This is not a virtue anon. Good luck

>> No.20171868

unless you are making bank working why would you ever do that unless you were forced to?

>> No.20171870

Certain /ck/ posters are wildly exaggerating the severity of inflation

>> No.20171871

are you that dumb?

>> No.20171873

Agreed. Again, my question stands - if it’s so painful, are you making minimum wage? If so, work on that before complaining

>> No.20171877

Because to be a self reliant man who’s strong enough to take care of the people he loves is a great feeling. It’s imperative

>> No.20171888

>if it’s so painful, are you making minimum wage? If so, work on that before complaining
Or better yet, don't work on anything and get welfare and food stamps and make those rich fucks like the person I responded to pay for your shit.
If they want to be fucking assholes, be a fucking asshole to them.
>It ain't my muhfuggin fault I been akkin like a nigger eben doe I bees white. My IQ is so low, it ain't be liek I habs a choice. I'm a boomer an I dindu NUFFINS. Fuck dem poors that can't buy a mansion for $5k

>> No.20171891

A fucking top-round steak is 20 dollars minimum where I am what the fuck even at Lidl / Aldi.

>> No.20171902

>A fucking top-round steak is 20 dollars minimum where I am what the fuck even at Lidl / Aldi.
Just get a non-wagyu steak. I guarantee they are cheaper than the stuff imported from Japanland

>> No.20172636

And yet the economy was still better

>> No.20172660

if you really want to see the state of the economy, pay attention to the cheapest hotdogs/bologna available in your area. Probably the best to generally pay attention to b/c of national availability is Bar-S. In the last 5 years it has gone from .$0.75/# to $1.12/12 ounces (hotdogs) and $1.18/12 ounces (bologna). Similarly are those little single serving sandwich meat packs (Budding). They're currently $0.80/ea (2 ounce)--in about that same timeframe they were $0.50.

These kinds of good are a much more important economic indicator for inflation because they are solely aimed at those who already don't have a lot of room in their budget so even small price increases can price out their market that's willing to eat them, and generally, people who eat better quality flat out refuse to swap down to these.

We're fucked yo.

>> No.20172661

Who the fuck buys pre-made shit on a shingle?
This is the cooking board.

>> No.20172666

Oh, and another to pay attention to is how Banquet pot pies seem to have disappeared from the market.