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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20170927 No.20170927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I accidentally left my Chinese food out in the containers overnight. About 9 hours. It was decently cold in the house but still. Threw it back in the fridge this morning.

Is there any chance I can still eat it? Everything was sealed back up in those plastic containers or not even opened in the first place. Like, if I microwave it for a long time?

>> No.20170929

Chinese food is barely edible when its fresh I would pass.

>> No.20170930


>> No.20170943

heat would kill the bacteria but not the toxins they produce. just toss it, anon. i know it sucks to waste food but its not worth it

>> No.20170949

eh. just toss it. sure its already cooked but it was also sopping wet out on the counter for several hours. thats about the best thing bacteria can ask for.

>> No.20170951

It's fine, so long as there is no visible mold or other odd issue. Slap it in the nuke box and go to town. Especially if you didn't disturb it from its initial seal.

>> No.20170956

absolutely not. look up fried rice syndrome and note that people have died from this and sometimes after only accumulating bacteria for 3-4 hours on the counter.

>> No.20170988

it'll be fine if you microwave it ignore all the hypochondriac retards above me.

>> No.20170990


>> No.20170996

>it'll be fine if you microwave it
a microwave isn't a magic sanitizer anon

>> No.20171003

the heat of the microwave radiation kills the hypothetical bacteria

>> No.20171018

i live outside in the desert with no refrigeration and leave food out all the time for a day or two at a time. both cooked and uncooked meat. non meat food ill leave out even longer. i just try to keep flies out and give it the smell test. i get sick sometimes but i dont know if its from the food ir just general self abuse

i have jars of pickled stuff ill have open for days/weeksp

>> No.20171020
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I'd eat it without a second thought.
> Le 3-4 hours
Kek. Don't listen to him. People die from rice because it was sitting out for a week, not hours. East asian aunties will cook a big pot of rice and leave it on a stove for days, reheating when they want some. That's stretching it, but generally they don't see it as a big deal or get sick from it.

>> No.20171028

People treating meat like it's toxic waste is silly. Cooked vegetables go bad waaaaay faster than cooked meat.

>> No.20171031

absolute retards
it's fine anon, chinese food is absolutely LOADED with sodium which acts as a preservative. the only real consequence is that it will only be fine in the fridge for several days.

those 9 hours on the table were the equivalent of 48 hours in the fridge

>> No.20171039

i've done this countless times and been fine anon. at worst you get a bit of runny shit. nothing a bit of pepto can't fix.

>> No.20171048

it's fine. honesty I despair of the human race reading some of the absolute fucking shite in this thread, zoomers are so risk averse it amazes me that you faggots can even get out of bed

>> No.20171056
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Smell: sour or bad toss
Look: Mold or bad wilting of veggies toss
Feel: slimy or wrong textured toss
99% of the time you'll be fine.
Its like covid!

>> No.20171071

being an alcoholic i do stuff like this all the time and i always save it. i don't think i've ever had a problem. i also like to cook soups and meat sauces late at night. it's always too hot to put away in the fridge by the time i pass out so i always leave it out til the morning and then refrigerate it. never had an issue.

>> No.20171297

i leave my food overnight most of the time and just reheat it in the morning. especially chinese food cuz i order 2 or 3 things

>> No.20171333

I've eaten things left out overnight many times. Just heat it up

>> No.20171344

based functional alcoholic that larps as an actual alcoholic

>> No.20171398

Don't bully flu-chan!

>> No.20171410

a functional alcoholic is still an alcoholic anon.
we don't need "no true Scotsman" policies for alcoholics, because Scotsmen are the biggest and most functional alcoholics to ever exist.
somewhere out there is a hardware engineer who has to drink before he wires and solders the motherboard of some supercomputer so his hands don't shake.
he's functioning lol.
I'm gonna go take another shot

>> No.20171414

bruh i leave food out on the counter for up to 24h no problem. stop listening to the FDA jew

>> No.20171418

well I really don't OP has any built immunity and he's gonna DIE

also on what fucking planet is it ever acceptable to eat hot food that's been sitting out for 9 hours? chinese food isn't shelf stable even when it's fresh nevermind all that mystery meat, sugars and starches and veggies turning into a giant seething petri dish

>> No.20171419

You'll get food poisoning once and you'll never ever even consider doing this again.

>> No.20171421

but it won't be from leaving salt-fried chicken on the counter for the amount of time it takes to get some good sleep

>> No.20171434

All the people in here saying 2 hours are parroting USDA guidelines that are intended to limit liability in the food industry. They will throw food out after this long to prevent themselves from being sued for negligence or w/e.
You're not risking a multi-million dollar suit here, just 24 hours spewing liquid from both ends. The risk of this happening doubles about every hour at room temperature. Chinese food is salty and thoroughly cooked, so it starts with a low bacterial load. You're basically trusting how sanitary their kitchen was. Are you feeling lucky, punk?

>> No.20171470

>starts with a low bacterial load
everything is so filthy, contaminated, and cross-contaminated in a chinese kitchen that I would treat it as potentially harbouring salmonella when it's fresh and hot, I would never risk it sitting out for 9 hours. the cockroach eggs that you didn't know were in there would be hatching by then.

>> No.20171471

OP here, I kinda forgot because I was drinking myself, but I put the food aside to take out the trash and forgot. My old doctor used to drink at lunch and tell me during my appointments that it was a good thing he had a few drinks at lunch or his hands wouldn't be steady enough to use a needle.

>> No.20171477

if eating a few cockroach nymphs (hot off the presses and straight from the tap) does you in then you don't deserve to live

>> No.20171480

holy fuck kys

>> No.20171487

why does truth make people so angry?

>> No.20171599

Why are there always so many threads like this, why can't you people just put the food in the fridge

>> No.20171612 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 700x491, the meat must sizzle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of a curse. if alcohol was fucking up my life and not just my liver and arteries it would be easier to kick. instead i've been a good husband, pretty decent dad, and completed multiple graduate degrees while being some degree of inebriated most nights. i'm always impressed with the number of alcoholics hanging around /ck/. maybe we ought to get our own board.

>> No.20171615 [DELETED] 

i actually dried out for a few weeks and cut back because i need my hands to not shake while i start IVs and i refuse to have to drink in the morning to fix my withdrawal symptoms

>> No.20171617 [DELETED] 

I dried out for like 6 months and came back to it and it just resulted in me drinking even more for some reason

>> No.20171866

OP here i threw it away

>> No.20171874

OP here i changed my mind and ate it out of the trash

>> No.20171880

Can you post a pic of your cooking area?

>> No.20172035

Dont eat it. If you need money for food from some way to contact you and I'll send you money for takeout. You will get sick do NOT eat it

>> No.20172039

Really? Uhh sure. My PayPal is: shop@jewishmuseum.ie
Don’t ask about my PayPal name lol, I made it originally as a joke but kept it after verifying my bank details and now I’m too lazy to make another one

>> No.20172043
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>> No.20172050

I had a website pretending to be Jewish, selling stained bed mattresses and maps of underground tunnels. It’s my only payment method that’s verified xD

>> No.20172068

Are you anti-Jew?

>> No.20172070

I was literally about to send you the money until I read this. I hope you get by but I can't help you now

>> No.20172083

You should see the shadow of my nose rn in my dimly lit room.. I’m rubbing my hands together thinking to myself “You got away this time goyim..”

>> No.20172087

Thanks for reinforcing the decision. Hope things get better for you