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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20169585 No.20169585 [Reply] [Original]

Debaucherous food thread

>> No.20170643
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Ed did nothing wrong, fr.

>> No.20172892

What are you talking about? Pizza is great

>> No.20173849
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Oh and also Silent Hill 2 is overrated as all shit. Worst gameplay and by far the worst boss fights in any of the games. And don't tell me that shit doesn't matter. Fucking nonsense. The way you INTERACT WITH THE GAME is bad. But people want to act like it's some blessing from Heaven or some shit. Fucking 1 controls better. The fucking PSP game has better bosses. Get a grip.
Great with everything else, though, granted.

>> No.20173851
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The birds are caught with nets set during their autumn migratory flight to Africa. They are then kept in covered cages or boxes. The birds react to the dark by gorging themselves on grain, usually millet seed, until they double their bulk. The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac, which both drowns and marinates the birds.

The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, with or without the head, and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird. The purpose of the towel is debated. Some claim it is to retain the maximum aroma with the flavour as they consume the entire bird at once, others have stated "Tradition dictates that this is to shield – from God’s eyes – the shame of such a decadent and disgraceful act", and others have suggested the towel simply hides the consumers spitting out bones. This use of the towel was begun by a priest, a friend of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.

>> No.20173887
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>> No.20173973

>The fucking PSP game has better bosses. Get a grip.
Alright, so you're a retard

>> No.20175674

Yes. He is.

>> No.20175825

do you enjoy art galleries?

>> No.20176278
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>> No.20176284
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>The fucking PSP game has better bosses.

>> No.20176314
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If you think holding down a single button while Ed charges at you over and over is good boss design then fine. But it isn't. The people who defend SH2's game mechanics have bought the hype and got nothing but shit gameplay in return.
I notice you had no issue with me (correctly) stating SH1 controls better. You probably didn't even play Origins. Just following suite with what you've been told.
But that all just translates to "I'm retarded" doesn't it? Sick of you faggots coming into a conversation just to say nothing.
I don't dislike the concept but i've never been to one that struck me. People don't paint the things I want to see, but that's my problem. Not a problem with art galleries or the artists that fill them.

>> No.20176450

>You probably didn't even play Origins.
Wrong again, 100% on my vita, which is why I can say your memories of SH2 are clouded by how slow and (on repeated playthroughs) boring the opening is. SH1 is the better game and controls better but the combat is still bad and on hard you need to run from everything anyway, so in that regard SH2 holds up fine.
Origins however is dog shit and isn't even a proper telling of the origins.

>> No.20176459

HOMECOMING was better than origins, and that was a fucking shit game.

>> No.20176627

>I don't dislike the concept but i've never been to one that struck me
this explains why you think about games the way you do

>> No.20176897

I always kind of wondered, what kind of pizza was he eating anyway?

>> No.20176939
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SH2's controls and bosses are absolutely not fine. They are bad. Garbage even. Origins has better bosses, as I said. You want to go into a deep dive on the story that's another matter. Especially considering those two games have different stories and come into the series with different contexts.
Out of pure morbid curiosity, was there any answer I could have given that wouldn't have had you respond like a know-it-all but annoyingly aloof dickweed?

>> No.20177244

Better question is what do you want to see that nobody is painting?

>> No.20177269
File: 51 KB, 750x562, h2hzrcavi0v91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mary was fucking terrifying as the final boss, better than anything in sh1

>> No.20177677

Look, that other anon is an idiot thinking Origins of all things is better than 2, but the demon angle is better and something that should have stayed instead of being dropped immediately. It being dropped is even funnier when you remember that people demanded that story be brought back for 3 and then the B team dropped it for The Room immediately once again.

>> No.20177688

I want to try snake pizza. I think I will do that.

>> No.20178652


>> No.20178716

>was there any answer I could have given that wouldn't have had you respond like a akibidi ass water buffalo?
you could've said yes. I'm asking the question broadly and distantly bc it's part of a hypothesis and the less leading it is and the less of my own voice is in the question, the more honest the answer. If you'd like to help me more you can tell me what you think of Kojima?

>> No.20178985

I saw that episode of American Dad too.

>> No.20178990

Well it has gotten even better from what I heard. The latest Silent Hill's origins was covid-19

>> No.20179018
File: 957 KB, 400x270, hotdogging.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, it is so sad. All your knowledge of high culture comes from Seth McFarlane cartoons.