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20166946 No.20166946 [Reply] [Original]

Any keto chads still or this board? Keto + intermittent fasting is still a cheat code to eating BIG while getting little.

>> No.20166961

I loved keto but my cholesterol went through the roof and kept going higher.

Seems like for many it's stable or even improves. But it definitely did not for me.

>> No.20166966

>eats low quality garbage made from animals that lived in their own shit

>> No.20166969

pork belly is high tier

>> No.20166977

if you're ordering foods based on their cholesterol content, yes

>> No.20167003

keto is gay

>> No.20167019

enjoy your colon cancer you absolute numpties

>> No.20167031

thats why you combine keto with statins

>> No.20167032

That looks disgusting.

>> No.20167043

its on tiktok, what did you expect?

Normal people eat stuff like meat + broccoli cooked in butter but thats not gonna get zoomers excited

>> No.20167047

Name a carnivorous animal that eats dairy and nitrate infused meat.

>> No.20167048
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Lower your cholesterol by separating your head from your body

>> No.20167056

>very addicting
One of the main points of Keto is that you are satiated easily. "Keto crack" is the entirely wrong mindset and why so many people who dabble in low carb without understanding it beyond the surface, end up failing.

>> No.20167071

Same thing happened to me when I did Keto OMAD while using formulas derived from the Minnesota Starvation Study to maximized my fat loss. I do wonder if there's an issue in rapidly burning body fat causing the body to get flooded from cholesterol that was stored in that fat. In recent years the link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol have been found to be pretty weak but I haven't seen any studies on the link between burning body fat and blood cholesterol levels.
In your case, you might want to get a full lipid panel instead of just HDL/LDL so you have a better insight into just what cholesterol types are in your blood. Not all types of LDLs are bad.

>> No.20167211

Statins are statistically useless and come with other health risks besides. All they claim to do is increase uptake of lipoproteins back into the liver, but the liver doesn't uptake lipoproteins randomly so they don't do jack. Positive outcomes can easily be explained through bias, in that people worried about their hearts are more likely to do other things with positive effects like exercise or avoid processed food, or even just go to the doctor more.

>> No.20167252

Statins effectiveness is measured in blood samples, and it works to reduce a number that doctors say is bad if its over X
Now you can look does X being too high mean higher mortality but if you believe it does then statins work to reduce it.

>> No.20167270
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>In recent years the link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol have been found to be pretty weak
The main danger has always been saturated fat, which OP's "carnivore" snack of melted butter is very high in.

Dietary cholesterol increases the cholesterol-elevating properties of saturated fat and can have a significant effect on its own. It's true that recent studies have downplayed the effects of dietary cholesterol, but you have to understand the history of the research, where most research for decades showed a clear and reproducible effect of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol (such that the Hegsted equation was developed to predict changes in cholesterol from dietary factors), which lead to industry funding their own research in response with study designs intended to get favorable results that they could then lobby the USDA with and improve their marketing. You can see how they design their studies and how they interpret their data.

>> No.20167282

So what meat and animal products do you suggest?
Surely you wouldn't enter a thread about such things if you dislike them as a whole, right?

>> No.20167296

I suggest not basing your diet on le epic primalerino hunter and following the international guidelines that state you should only eat meat 1-2 times a week

>> No.20167302

>you should only eat meat 1-2 times a week
You should be eating meat 6 days a week. The one exception because Friday.

>> No.20167529

>let's just make half our diet animal secretions and see what happens

>> No.20167532


>> No.20167547

That just looks like really fucking shitty and useless pemmican.

>> No.20167550

Throw some fucking bacon on the floor for your cat and it'll eat it.
By that logic humans don't eat honey since it's actually bees that make it.

>> No.20167557

If you fit the lean mass hyper responder phenotype you might not have anything to worry about

>> No.20167572

>cat eats it therefore it must be it's natural diet
cats eat grass even though they are obligate carnivores.

>> No.20167579

humans are omnivores, that's not an opinion it's a fact.

>> No.20167588

We are carnivores that can digest some plants. We're between obligate carnivores and omnivores

>> No.20167609

Yes. And sometimes they eat spiderwebs to get the protein if they're suffering a protein deficiency.

Turns out animals will frequently eat shit out of their typical dietary needs, so it's real fucking stupid to judge everything based on what animals do. Because sometimes when you expect them to zig, they'll actually reverse zig.

>> No.20167635

It is an opinion. Most facts around human biology physiology etc point towards a long history of carnivory

>> No.20167653

any animal that has those options available to them

>> No.20167691

Reminder that only herbivorous animals have the ability to taste salt and carnivorous and omnivorous animals have been studied to die of sodium deficiency because they can't tell the difference between salted and unsalted food. If humans were carnivores or even omnivores, we wouldn't have to salt meat and dairy to not make it taste like globs of fleshy, greasy shit that tastes like dirt and blood. Or even cook it, for that matter.

>> No.20167714

unsalted meat does taste good. Your tastes have been warped by a life of processed food. Stefansons account living with the Inuit disprove your nonsense

>> No.20167724

Fresh milk tastes pretty good without altering it.

I do mostly agree about the salt thing. Something I wondered though, if it's possible we are carnivores but have a higher salt need due to how we sweat. I've also smelled high quality raw beef that almost smelled sweet and appetizing on its own before. I'm not sure if I really would've enjoyed eating it. I end up craving plant foods frequently so I don't know if we're truly carnivores.

>> No.20167728

>If humans were carnivores or even omnivores, we wouldn't have to salt meat and dairy to not make it taste like globs of fleshy, greasy shit that tastes like dirt and blood.
But what about steak tartare, crudo aleman and kibbeh nayyeh?

>> No.20167738

Don't you ever get tired of copy/pasting fallacious arguments from your favorite vegan doctor like McDougall who likes to repeat this hypocrisy for decades?

>> No.20167742

Sodium deficiency has never been produced outside of artificial lab diets. Read Waterlogged for more info

>> No.20168041

>veganism is LE BAD because you need supplements for it to be sustainable
>keto is LE GOOD even though you need drugs for it to be sustainable

>> No.20168081

veganism is bad because of all the sick malformed fetuses that form in pregnant vegan mothers
also its tough for social events to ensure vegans get their share of food and it has a side effect of them avoiding some social gatherings in favor of just eating a home where all their vegan soy patties are

>> No.20168220

Mine dropped by about 50 points. The quack went ballistic and demanded that I stop eating meat.

>> No.20168236

Sprouts and brocolli have much more nitrate. Stop repeating vegan myths.

>> No.20168414

>omnivorous animals have been studied to die of sodium deficiency because they can't tell the difference between salted and unsalted food
This disproves your entire claim. If omnivores die of sodium deficiency, then the genetic adaptation to taste salt would be beneficial to them. Therefore it is plausible an omnivorous species would evolve salt sensitivity on their own, without the need of inheriting it from a herbivorous ancestor. Like how cephalopods evolved an eye that's extremely similar, but slightly different to ours. Convergent evolution

Also herbivores, omnivores and carnivores are not different evolutionary branches. A carnivore evolved from an omnivore wouldn't just lose salt sensitivity for no reason, so I call bullshit

What's a better explanation is that in a sodium-deficient environment herbivores don't have luxury to see their deficiency to it's conclusion because they get hunted by meat-eaters before that. So you can only see the negative effects higher up the food chain. Especially if you assume that deficient individuals are easier to hunt than non-deficient ones.

>> No.20168452

>If omnivores die of sodium deficiency, then the genetic adaptation to taste salt would be beneficial to them.
I think the point might be that they'll naturally get sodium from the animal foods they eat. There's no sodium in a lot of plant foods so herbivores have to specifically seek it out.

>> No.20168473

Seriously this. Take it out of the freezer for five minutes and you've got a limp mess.

Yeah, all those videos of deer eating baby birds out of their nests. *barf*

>keto is LE GOOD even though you need drugs for it to be sustainable
I've never yet needed any drugs to do keto. Quite the opposite, it means I don't need to be on insulin or any of the other diabetes medications.

>> No.20168796

>Quite the opposite, it means I don't need to be on insulin or any of the other diabetes medications.
Keto makes insulin resistance worse, and with diabetes already being a risk factor for heart disease, it makes no sense to eat an additionally heart-unhealthy diet

>> No.20168835

You don't need to eat like a slob and destroy your health to be on keto.

>> No.20169150

I'm far from being fat but I eat between two and six eggs a day, will my heart explode?

>> No.20169274

>Keto makes insulin resistance worse
I remember when I went low carb, eating a single apple would spike the fuck out of my blood sugar. The less (natural) sugar you eat, the less (natural) sugar your body can tolerate. The more fat you eat, the more resistant to insulin your body becomes. Cutting out dairy alone did wonders for my "insulin sensitivity" and now I can eat things like bread and fruit no problem.

>> No.20169557

>Just straight butter with bacon in it
These tiktok recipes are reaching critical stupid

>> No.20169580
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Keto is just a path to CICO. Eating FUCKING BUTTER AND BACON IS NOT!

Jesus christ this world would be a better place and far less obese if they taught people how to fucking count to 2000 on a daily basis and to turn food products around before purchasing them.

>> No.20169596

What dystopian WEF guidelines are you referencing, we are omnivores and as such meat should be a staple in our diets

>> No.20170688

Looks nasty. Glad I didn't fall for the keto fad.

>> No.20171307

As a rule of thumb that's too many eggs, but getting your cholesterol checked is the most accurate way to see how at risk you are. See how much your diet is affecting you. Some people have genetics that make them very efficient at clearing away cholesterol, others have to eat clean as paper to stay in a healthy range

>> No.20171358

stop being a fag and just go carnivore already

>> No.20171393
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Just ate my second stick of butter. Gotta eat fat to burn fat!

>> No.20172064

Everyone knows that fruit makes you fat. That's why all those fruitarians are landwhales and all ketofags are deathly skinny

>> No.20172109

People really will say this isnt an eating disorder

>> No.20172221

The biochemical cycles for fat synthesis and cholesterol synthesis both have the same starting point, so a diet that heavily supplies that will increase the rate the chemical is produced by simple protein kinetics.

>> No.20172386

I do cheato. Majority trad keto foods but I mix in enough veggies that I'm functionally Med diet, sans pasta. But a typical meal is usually keto-passable.

>> No.20172415

do you get enough carbs to avoid dipping in and out of keto fog?
i thought it was a myth when i was on keto, but when i switched to regular intermittent fasting, i started having days where i literally couldn't think.

>> No.20172421

I think I do, because I don't get that brain fog at all, but I know what you mean. I do track my carbs and aim for a healthy but not over-consumptive amount, iirc like 80g or something. I mostly rely on established meal preps still having the same macronutrient content as when I first looked them up so for all I know I could be eating too much spinach or broccoli and not be anywhere near what I think I am.

>> No.20173261

cholesterol is perhaps the least useful risk marker