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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20165218 No.20165218 [Reply] [Original]

Are deviled eggs low class? I put them out at this reception with doctors because my husband said everyone loves deviled eggs and people laughed at me and refused to eat the food

>> No.20165228
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Doctors are men of science, they don't believe in devils and such

>> No.20165230

you sound like a bimbo, you probably just got hired for your looks

>> No.20165256

This depends on skin color of who was involved. Deviled eggs are sort of a southern thing, so whites and US blacks are the only ones who are familiar with them. Browns do not have any sort of deviled egg recipe, so they are completely unfamiliar with the dish and avoid it as a result. Asians are more familiar with eggs and egg dishes, so they'd probably try.

>> No.20165263

Asians would be confused as to how the egg was cooked without any rice

>> No.20165276

The heat of the devil cooks the egg

>> No.20165283

>Deviled eggs are sort of a southern thing
They're literally Roman

>> No.20165288

i grew up as far north as you can get and we had deviled eggs at every family gathering

>> No.20165365

this is it, doctors are mostly asians and indians

>> No.20166882

my favorite egg actually. Dumb Fuck doctors

>> No.20166894

Just a reminder that doctors urged you to get 5 year old children vaccinated against a disease that only effects 80 year olds. Doctors are morons.

>> No.20166895

People just have a tendency to get the ick from cold food prepared by a total stranger (non-restaurant) that looks like it has been manhandled to an extreme. Deviled eggs tick all the boxes for "ick"

>> No.20166900

Just a reminder that fucking measles and polio are back on the menu thanks to posters like this

>> No.20166913

I would personally not trust a doctor who doesn't like deviled eggs.

>> No.20167276

Deviled eggs are a tradition at my family gatherings. So much so, I've seen arguments break out over who does them best.

>> No.20167286

It's still the fault of doctors for that trust for Healthcare has dropped so much. Its not even just conspiracy people or /pol/ people
Imagine having your job be healer and you're so untrustworthy people avoid you

>> No.20167293

i think this is a year where doctors are saying eggs are bad. try next year when they're good for you again

>> No.20167306
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I used to do a case of deviled eggs every few weeks, for a couple of years. its a chore but they can be very tasty and look beautiful.

>> No.20167307
File: 207 KB, 516x565, ConsiderTheFollowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to know how many times you touch a deviled egg?

>> No.20167322

what is up with this weird doctor's office catering larp that you've been spamming?

>> No.20167387

Imagine if healthcare wagies were remotely scientifically literate and didn’t actively destroy trust in medicine.

>> No.20167467


>syringes filled with liver pâté (mushroom for vegans). you can squirt them onto heart shaped bell pepper pieces
>latex gloves overfilled with potato salad
>tongue-depressor shish kababs
>deep fried hospital gowns seasoned with old bay

>> No.20167474

>doctor denies your request for more oxy
>reeeee the west has fallen!

A lot. Literally no way to make them without putting your fingers all over and inside them. You can reduce the ick factor by serving them on a bed of something else, using a piping bag on the filling, and tossing the ones that aren't sliced perfectly in half, also don't overboil the eggs so the filling stays bright yellow

>> No.20167535

No. What's low class is being calloused and rude to someone who despite being under no obligation you do so, offered you food he or she made. What's low class is not accepting it graciously. What's low class is, in the case you don't like something, being kind and tactful about not having any. That's low class. They're low class. Deviled eggs are not.

>> No.20167560

The only correct answer

>> No.20167586

>>doctor denies your request for more oxy
>>reeeee the west has fallen
literally who are you quoting? nobody said that.

>> No.20167860

Doctors only drink hard liquor and eat fast food and slop because that's all they can find at the Hospital canteen. Your dish has too much veges and actually natural foods. Next time, buy a frozen meal, thaw it at room temp and serve as is.

>> No.20167929

Most people like deviled eggs and everyone fucking LOVES mine, because they are awesome, but lots of doctors have a "god-complex" thing going on and think that enjoying things that "the commoners" like, is beneath them.

>> No.20168282

The fact you're referencing the trope that docs over-prescribe dangerous meds literally supports 'all doctors are retards' you buffoon lmao.

>> No.20169007

what else are women hired for?

>> No.20169010

if you dont have deviled eggs in your area then pickled eggs would be the next closest thing. you telling me people in Alaska and Arizona dont pickle things?