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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20161681 No.20161681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20161686

most of this board are resentful poorfags who will call it a 'meme'.
Foie gras is nice. And Wagyu too.

>> No.20161693

I can get the equivalent of wagyu by buying minced beef with a high fat content.
Rich fags seethe and rage

>> No.20161694

Irrelevant accusation.

The fact is: both are predicated on pointless animal cruelty and a heavy hand of psychopathy.

>> No.20161704

You make it sound as if these cows wouldn't have died eventually if left to their own devices, and as if they wouldn't be eaten by other (nonhuman) predators when they died.
It's not like wagyu bulls are milked with nazi masturbation devices before being sent to a whorehouse to be humiliated.

>> No.20161707
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>> No.20161710
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>> No.20161711

No you can't because it doesn't taste the same

>> No.20161719

>No you can't because it doesn't taste the same
Well, YEAH... beef from one type of cattle won't taste the same as a beef from a different type of cattle
If that's your only retort, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20161730

foie gras is liver

wagyu is not liver

>> No.20161734

Those geese and cows lead better lives than 95% of the human population.
I suggest you have sex. And get a job, so you too can afford to try the finer things in life.

>> No.20161737

>foie gras is liver
>wagyu is not liver
But by your own definitions, wagyu can produce liver, therefore foie gras can be wagyu liver, NOT duck or goose liver

>> No.20161743

i would like to see a wagyu cow liver now that we're talking about it

>> No.20161750

that looks like the pink paste they make chicken nuggets out of haha

>> No.20161755

not really

>> No.20161756

I don't see the point of a mouthful of soft meat with warm liquid oozing out unless you're a fag. There's marbling that works well due to its ratio: Take a hanger steak for example. Wagyu beef is literally diabetes meat.

>> No.20161760

>There's marbling that works well due to its ratio:
nothing tastes better than a perfect ribeye

>> No.20161764

Am I missing the joke here or are you actually this retarded?

>> No.20161770

>Wagyu beef is literally diabetes meat.
Wayt, sew u git dye uh beet eez fwum eet eeng fat?
Dat be news 2 me
Me toe tull ee knot a ree tard

>> No.20161785

Beef from different breeds of steer taste vastly different due to how they grow, gain weight, and age
Diet plays a part but you can't outfeed genetics, some steer are raised for well over 2 years (which is about the most for typical beef steer) as many as 12-18 years before they are culled

>> No.20161805

So you are agreeing with that anon.
However, I don't quite see what the point that you trying to make is.

>> No.20161814

He was being sarcastic, I was not

>> No.20161940

The American psyche is truly something to behold, now even enjoyable meat is to be feared.

>> No.20161951

Is that supposed to be bad? Both foie gras and wagyu are some of the best shit you can eat. Give me some foie gras with some sauternes as an appetizer and some wagyu with a fucking classified growth pauillac why not enjoy some decadence once in a while life is short and impermanent.

>> No.20164076

If you eat meat and care about animal welfare you're just low IQ. Pick one and only one.

>> No.20164086

Eating meat is the based choice btw

>> No.20164111
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This is why vegans never get invited to anything
You make workplaces uncomfortable and always want people to make special allowances for you
Then you go on the internets and complain about how "not all vegans are like that"
Yes you are

>> No.20164120


>> No.20164156

Lol fuck that, there are ways to have ethically sourced meat.
>Buy halal and/or kosher (both have pretty rigid policy about animal conditions and slaughter)
>Hunt and fish your own game
>Purchase from farmers/fisheries you know
>Purchase from farmers/wild fish markets (generally these guys can't afford the startup capital to make a true factory farm)
Now all of the above are going to be significantly more expensive than grocery store meat, however if you're really leaning into "ethical meats" then you probably have the cash on hand to do this.

>> No.20164178

The point is, you can't care about animal welfare if you also think it's okay to slaughter and eat them. It's an insane notion.

>> No.20164181

I always stay away from meme foods but always curious to what this taste like

>> No.20164182


The issue is the industrialisation of food production not the food production itself.

For plants, industrialisation resulted in soil nutrient depletion in spite of crop rotation plus they have to constantly keep adding artificial fertilizer which adds a shit ton of toxic crap that the plant absorbs.

For meat it is the same, mass amounts of livestock in high density means unhappy animals = bad quality meats plus crap feed literally made out of processed garbage which the animals eat and pass on the crap on to us.

>> No.20164190

U literally have to rape a ducks mouth in order to make foi gras

>> No.20164196

how do you cook something like this? seems like it'd be an awful steak

>> No.20164198

That's PETA propaganda, gavage was an attempt to control how much the geese ate
Geese will eat until their stomachs rupture and die if left to free-feed

>> No.20164372

You cut it fairly thin (1/2-3/4") and then give it a hard sear on both sides, or sousvide to medium and then a quick sear.

>> No.20164374

this stuff looks like spam

>> No.20164406

the fuck even is this wagay beef? its literally 80% fat from the image....
just eat beef for fucks sake

>> No.20165710

Based, hated him because he told the truth

>> No.20165720

Wagyu means Japanese cow.

>> No.20165750

>Its another thread of /ck/ knowing nothing about steak

>> No.20165907

Except wagyu is actually meat whereas foie gras is liver.

>> No.20165925
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>> No.20165969

Fois Gras is made from liver, so no.
However, you can buy a well marbled pork chop and that's just porcine wagyu.

A lot cheaper too.

>> No.20165970
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I forgot to add my pic of a nice pork chop.

>> No.20165974
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best on a grill so the fat can drip away and you aren't boiling it in fat

usually you'll cook from fridge cold because the high fat content makes it cook a lot faster. The retarded Japanese ultra-wagyu is not even pleasant unless you're celebrating and have too much money

>> No.20165980

Vegans are insufferable retards

>> No.20165982

Personal experience for you?

>> No.20166079

>so the fat can drip away
What a waste.