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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 733 KB, 261x6397, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20158006 No.20158006 [Reply] [Original]

>family history
>8 pictures
>inane question
>dish history
>close video ad that autoplays in corner
>random partial cooking instruction without context
>4 more pictures, one or more an ad
>partial ingredients list without measurements
>7 more pictures
>more partial cooking instructions out of order without context
>anecdotal serving story/suggestions
>recipe substitutions without revealing recipe
>12 more pictures
>the actual recipe
>reiterated suggestions/alternates
>more pictures
>cooking instructions segregated from ingredients by massive images so scrolling back and forth is a chore and likely to trigger another ad popup
>12 inane comments such as "Yum! I'm going to try this!"
What is their fucking problem? Just give me the motherfucking recipe quantities and 6 bullet points of ordered instructions.

>> No.20158013


>> No.20158017

stop using google. for everything. Microsoft too.

>> No.20158126

My guess is they are AI-generated.
Some kind of turnkey "recipe website" generator. You feed it basic recipes and it spews out hundreds of pages of SEO-optimised "content" like this.
Enshittification of the Internet will never cease

>> No.20158131

We're in SEO hell. You have to write your posts like this if you want good search engine placement.

>> No.20158134
File: 793 KB, 476x9300, fllOHAIPsC5ungfSF9fBIkxkZYO0iIxJOFSJkTeMU4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just gotta know where the drop is. if you know you know

>> No.20158136 [DELETED] 

this and
i think chef jean pierre has a website too

>> No.20158139
File: 132 KB, 1003x1024, ClearUpSomeThings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use cooks.c0m and disregard any recipe that is full of bullshit.

>> No.20158159

I ask Bing Chat these days. It sifts through those sites and spits out just the important bits. Obviously there's a chance it will get something wrong but so far it's worked very well.

>> No.20158176

This has been going on since the internet started, it's not AI, it's just vapid women and SEO bullshit.

>> No.20158180

>use canned everything
>le ebin cartoon man

this old reddit shit is still just as shit as it always was

>> No.20158199

It is happening with AI now, search results are clogged with those grey websites that all look the same and are full of nonsense.
But yeah it's not new.

>> No.20158346

what to use instead?

>> No.20158480


>> No.20158484


>> No.20158519

it was and the recipes might have been shit but now its AI and AI has no idea what its posting and some of the recipes are dangerously stupid

>> No.20158559

Basically. WoW gold farmers, in blog form.
Search for Chicken Marsala recipe.
Every single mommy cooking blog in the search results has a slight variation of:
"This easy classic Italian recipe of juicy pan-fried chicken in a creamy wine and mushroom sauce is ready in under 30 minutes!"
Very slight changes.
It all looks like generative BS to me.
AI rewritten.
Internet ain't real no mo

>> No.20158705

>"jump to recipe" button conveniently at top of every page
>every recipe is embedded as Recipe type JSON schema for easy scraping because Google tells them to

>> No.20158921

worse than google

>> No.20158932

Buy a cook book

>> No.20158943

>>12 inane comments such as "Yum! I'm going to try this!"
Best comments are Betty explaining how she substituted half the recipe and used a different cooking method and it was so good! Bet that really makes the author seethe.

>> No.20158976

Eh I mean some sites you can press a button to skip right to the recipe

>> No.20158977

>What is their fucking problem?
They're padding content to increase ad space. It's not rocket science.

>> No.20159020

it pull from google so....
either way all search engines suck now, i don't know when exactly it happened but it used to be the more specific you made your query the better results you got but then all the sudden it started giving results for each and every word in your query so you have to use only a few words and it still spits out shit vaguely related to your search .
search "apple streusel recipe"
>did you mean
"the big apple NY"
"beef stew recipes"
"recipe cookbooks"

>> No.20159026

hearty kek at that pic

>> No.20159047

is true of literally no recipe website that has ever existed on the internet

>> No.20159060
File: 341 KB, 1289x2008, milk-is-just-like-cream-right-v0-9z7d7refz5ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best comments are Betty explaining how she substituted half the recipe and used a different cooking method and it was so good! Bet that really makes the author seethe.
no the best ones are where they say they substituted everything then they didn't like the recipe and blame the author kek

>> No.20159254

learn how to use advanced search operators

>> No.20159430
File: 447 KB, 424x612, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 03-18-58 i was there mouse meme - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've know for years and its still complete shit compared to what it was

>> No.20159448

your described problems is solved by putting your search term in quotes, at least to the degree that you described it. if you were just going for hyperbole though, i agree with you.
reminded me of when i got my first laser mouse, thank you for that, i forgot about that moment

>> No.20159456

The major American search sites are now all garbage and often explicitly ignore advanced search options because their goal is to ALWAYS return some results..... because they are not search engines, they are advertising engines, and results=clicks=revenue. If you can set aside your prejudice for a moment, unironically try Yandex (not perfect but far more accurate than Google or Bing for power users).

>> No.20159460

Nta but the "major" search engines now ignore both quotes and the plus operator (aka "yes i actually fucking meant quotes") when deemed convenient.

>> No.20159491

been using boolean quotes in search for decades. it honestly doesn't matter. it's still shit. google ruined their flagship product

>> No.20159497

there's certainly been a decline, i won't argue against that, but i honestly have yet to have a major problem. maybe it comes down to what we're searching for? admittedly i only make very straightforward searches these days.
reverse image search across the board has definitely gotten inconveniently worse though.

>> No.20159499

It is true, let me add my personal story. I live in a region where the dog is a popular housepet, and of course dogs are commonly afflicted by anal polyps, requiring frequent application of medicinal creams, which must be prescribed by licensed veterinarian. However, these creams can be very expensive when acquired through legal channels, leading to a lucrative black market of anal creams imported from China and also the Canadian Province of Manitoba. Some of these black market creams use ingredients that are dangerous to human exposure, not to mention injurious to health of dog. With my job, I assist the judges at the town's official Dog Show, to ensure that the dogs are using only officially approved creams. But it is not so simple, because there are many legal approved creams. I have a binder with full list, frequently updated, 847 creams as of this week. The owners show me their cream bottles, and I take a photo with my digital camera, and go back to office for research, which usually means comparing bottle text with official reference images. Every bottle should show typical warnings and precautions on the label, but our language has many "complicated" syntaxes for foreigners, and the illegal creams will usually contain several mistakes. I use internet to aid my research, and it is not helpful when I search for dog anal polyp cream and the Google gives me suggestion to eat at Applebee restaurant. There is not even an Applebee in my country, no thank you I do not need 10% off an Applebee gift card by clicking this link. At this time, even if I travel to America, I could never eat at Applebee, because in my mind it is associated only with mutagen toxicity from illegal dog anus creams. Some of these creams must be disposed in lead containers due to radioisotopes, do you think this makes me want to eat your jalapeno poppers? Now I use search from AOL 4.0. If I search for dog anus creams, I get only results for dog anus creams (and sometimes Fortnite).

>> No.20159500


>> No.20159508 [DELETED] 

You're getting what you deserve.
>go to RussianFood.com
>witness what a cooking site with 0 bullshit can look like
>start to wonder what else "they" have been lying to you about

>> No.20159519


>> No.20159522 [DELETED] 

They didn't ruin it, they improved it, because they've never actually been a technology company, they're an advertising company. Their initial schtick was honestly pretty convincing for a while, but...
>Early life

>> No.20159528

Microsoft Encarta

>> No.20159593


>> No.20159617

And in case your search isn't turning up the results you want, you can select some suggested searches
>best chicken marsala ever
>easy weeknight chicken marsala
>keto paleo gluten free chicken marsala

As for the content, it only looks AI generated because that's mommybloggers' intelligence level.

>> No.20159754

>it only looks AI generated because
Because it is.
And your awkward, inorganic, robotic "select some suggested searches" reply
Further proves dead internet theory
Select these nuts. robot.

>> No.20160090

yandex is great for some things but woefully behind in others. it's great for researching a topic or finding all kinds of sources across the political spectrum vs. google's heavily biased results. yandex is great at finding similar looking images of something. however it's horrible at finding memes

>> No.20160570

this is just modern journalism in general
>look up guitar tab for particular song
>first paragraph is about what a guitar tab is
>second paragraph talks about the history of the band
>3 minute tangentially related video spliced into the middle
>third paragraph is a crypto-advertisement for some online guitar lesson grift
>at the very bottom of the page is a 50x50 jpeg of the actual guitar tab with only a couple sentences to contextualize it

>> No.20160575

>What is "Jump to recipe"?

>> No.20160708

>Alton brown [recipe]
>allrecipe [recipe]
Simple as.
BUT if you have to shift through shit, here's a tip, ignore all websites with a person's name, if they have a profile picture anywhere, and if they're women (female) because 9/10 times it's a blog rather than a recipe.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.20160835

i think you can add chef john/food wishes to that last

>> No.20161868

Do you not detect sarcasm, anon? Are you sure you aren't the bot? Or maybe you're retarded but either way, you're failing the Turing test pretty hard and your comprehension sucks.

>> No.20162755
File: 554 KB, 169x498, kneel-vegeta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20164535

God bless you, anon, out there fighting the good fight to keep dogs’ assholes safe.

>> No.20164723
File: 138 KB, 546x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those ones are incredible. They gave me confidence in my own skills reading this shit.
I swear there must be a comment out there that reads "I replaced the butter with radium and it came out completely wrong, your recipe fucking sucks"

>> No.20164734

>sausage instead of sage

>> No.20164736
File: 110 KB, 630x446, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20165952
File: 12 KB, 311x296, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick coleslaw at random
> picrel
This isn't based this is retarded. You only need like 4 ingredients: Cabbage, coleslaw, mayo and some apple.

>> No.20165955

Fuck I mean carrot. You don't need coleslaw to make coleslaw. Great now I'm the retarded one.

>> No.20166648

Women are so lovable, how can anyone even pretend to be a mizogynist

>> No.20166652

If you want recipes without this shit go to any brand/company site that has them and it's like 1 sentence and then nothing but ingredients and steps - it's amazing.

>> No.20166654

Why the fuck is coconut in a brownie recipe to begin with? It sounds about as fucking retarded as cheese.

>> No.20166740

I don't want to eat your coleslaw if its cabbage, carrots, and mayo. That sounds more like a cabbage salad than cole slaw with flavor.

>> No.20166745

Because chocolate and coconut go together?

>> No.20166854

Only thing coconut goes together is indian curry recipes in the form of coconut milk
The coconut meat should go into animal feed

>> No.20167314

I didn't know you were mentally challenged, I apologize.

>> No.20167354

I ask ChatGPT for recipes these days. And before you go on some tangent about how AI can't properly write recipes, I don't follow them step by step, I just use it to get an idea of the general process and ingredients and then go on my own from there.

>> No.20167661

Dead website

>> No.20167804

your autism is showing

>> No.20167810

dude coconut feels like eating asbestos

>> No.20167845

get better coconut, you're the same people that say things like tomato or pineapple suck because you buy the absolute worst example. Do you also think 7-11 sushi is the pinnacle of Japaneses food?

>> No.20168010

It's easy to do sweets, isn't it. 7-11 has Krispy Kreme which is kino

>> No.20169126

>mfer hasn't added a new recipe in 2+ years
its dead
>not using cooked.wiki/

>> No.20169148

These have to be trolls.