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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20150511 No.20150511 [Reply] [Original]

>not my problem

>> No.20150529

>>20150511 Digits
I don;t even work at the store, yet when I see things like this I go out of my way to put them back.
I see many people here bashing "nigger behavior", yet those same people doing the bashing often act like those they criticize.
It's either a form of super comedy, or hypocrisy.
Foolish either way. Subversive even...

>> No.20150530

>store raises prices to compensate for lost product

>> No.20150558

and I start stealing

>> No.20150568

They already account for that, it's called "shrinkage".
If nothing is lost or stolen, they've overcharged paying customers for no reason. This is just keeping them honest.

>> No.20150582

>behaving like a nigger

>> No.20150585

>The price of milk jumps from $2/gal to $4/gal because of all the unsellable milk left in with the chips
>not my problem

>> No.20150591

>Brazil nuts are replaced with genuine negro toes
>not my problem

>> No.20150592

lmao, hate it when people do this. too lazy to walk back to the right aisle so they just put it somewhere randomly

>> No.20150593
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Retard. If you put it back, you're not helping, you're poisoning people.

>> No.20150596

>b-bro think about the heckin multi-billion dollar company!
Shut up, cuck.

>> No.20150602

>all supermarkets and grocery stores are multi billion dollar companies
You were you dropped on the head as a child and raised by a single mother. I will pray for you.

>> No.20150608

>putting it back
i just tell the cashier i found a completely lukewarm milk jug and hand it to him. that shit ain't safe anymore from a corporate standpoint.

>> No.20150620

I got a beef tenderloin once. I was broke and though pork tenderloin is cheap so is beef. The butcher gave it to me. I walked away then saw the price and was like WTF! $120 for one cut of meat! Took it back to him and said o can’t afford this sorry.

>> No.20150635

That's a ShopRite sale label. ShopRite is a subsidiary of Wakefern Food Corporation, currently worth 19.6 billion dollars.
Take a seat, cuck.

>> No.20150757

youre trolling right, you dont actually put that shit back where people will think its fine do you

>> No.20150769
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not my problem

>> No.20150776

>Something bad must happen to punish OP for this...
No, OP is good if a bit too weak.

>> No.20150782
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eat up, it's covered in plastic.

>> No.20150783

>You did something bad, you must be single mother kid...
Aren't single mother kids usually the type that cannot do anything marginally incorrect? Kek.

>> No.20150789

I like to open some dairy, mostly yogurt, and drop it all over the other dairy. It takes the store a lot of time to figure out why people are not buying dairy and some wagie has to clean it.

>> No.20150795

I like to catch people like you, drop you into one of the freezers and force feed you raw liver. No dessert until you finish!

>> No.20150798

I like chocolate milk

>> No.20150799

why are you black?

>> No.20150801

What a fanfic, hahahaha

I've been caught a few times and the most that happened to me was being forced to pay for a whole $1.99 yogurt bottle.

I'm not black anon, but many people working on those stores were brown.

>> No.20150804

then why do you act black?

>> No.20150805

>not my problem
for me it's consuming stuff inside the store, it just taste better when it's free and shopping is much better with snacks.

>> No.20150810

I already answered in the post you replied, right after saying I'm not black.

>> No.20150811

I do this but also I abuse the self checkout like a cheap foreign whore, it's my remuneration for being a good Samaritan and balances out my karma

>> No.20150822

you shouldn't act like a nigger, even if the store workers are black

>> No.20150830

What's an innocent prank among friends. So you can see I'm not African, I can tell you I like variety, you be amazed of how many fun things one can do.

>> No.20150832

Doesn't matter, they aren't allowed to put it back on the shelf either way
Anything that needs to he refrigerated isn't allowed to be put back on the shelf once taken off

>> No.20150841

It's fun and completely harmless .

>> No.20150856

i lol inside every time even though it only hurts everyday poor people and not the rich

>> No.20150859

>i lol inside every time even though it only hurts everyday poor people and not the rich
i lol inside every time because it only hurts everyday poor people and not the rich

>> No.20150863

When I worked in a grocer, it was always asians doing this. That can taking like 4 different brand gallons of milk to the register and deciding which one they want there, like damn just pick the one you want to start with

>> No.20150864

hey that's how you instigate change

>> No.20150869
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i'm so sorry

>> No.20150870

No anon, that's how you flex on the poor wagies.

>> No.20150878

i never worked in a grocery store but as a teenager I worked in a halloween store. People would often just take costumes, masks or whatever items and leave them in some other section all the time, or just drop stuff around. I also learned women were the primary shoplifters.

>> No.20150899

A shame you didn't learned about the two cans of soda.

>> No.20151060

you want us to check out our own carts at your stupid machines
and now you want us to be stock boys for you too?
fuck you. have enough employees in your shithole store that aren't at 500% capacity so that when customers want to put something back (or god forbid, ask where something is) they can flag someone down to help them

>> No.20151066

you want your carts returned for you, un-fire the cart boys that come to take your cart from your car, faggots. at the very least, empty the corrals so we don't have to walk them back in to the store. literally not my problem once it hits my car. stop making me do your store's work for free, and i'll stop "compensating" myself for doing it

>> No.20151074

I don't work there. I just think that if you people are going to act like you have sickle cell anemia, then I should help you fight your iron deficiency.

>> No.20151079

Sure thing Jamal

>> No.20151089

You guys should know the first third of a soda can is just better, don't you?

>> No.20151099

You're right Jamal, that first hit of grape soda really helps wash that smuggled watermelon down.

>> No.20151118

Do the wagies ever fuck with you for this? I don't do it but I'd be willing to. If it works
>aisle wagies assume you will pay for it
>checkout wagies never see it

>> No.20151177

That's why on store, drink the first third and put it back

>> No.20151181

>Do the wagies ever fuck with you for this?
Sometimes I had to pay for what I ate (only what I got caught), and was asked to not return.

>> No.20151187

This is why I always take the second or third item from the front when buying anything perishable. The world is full of retards, both customers and employees, who will actually do this.

>> No.20151195

>That's why on store
Easy Jamal. Your blood sugar's spiking.

>> No.20151200

Post hand you nigger

>> No.20151210
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>People act like the same ghetto trash that ruins society for everyone else
>Somehow delude themselves that they aren't part of the same social caste

I assume most of you are just shitposting but I know there are anons among us who actually aren't and think this activity is funny but somehow doesn't include them in the same group of anti social basketball Americans who do exactly the same. Societal decay begins with the people who live in it. Don't cry when your city eventually looks like Section 8. It's not the people "moving into it", you're part of the equation.

>Inb4 lol wagie, cuck, bootlicker, standing up for the man

News flash, not every store is owned by some mega corp anti human rights government subsidy owned by a Zionist NWO Satan worshiping faggot. Shit chucking ghetto monkeys like you are part of the reason why mom and pop shops barely exist anymore. Competition with corpos is bad enough but then they have assholes like you who make expenditures that much worse not even including the theft and vandalism which didn't exist on such scales 50 years ago. Reap what you sow but don't complain about it. You're unironically making it easier for megacorps to take over by your own anti social behavior.

>> No.20151221

>Societal decay begins with the people who live in it. Don't cry when your city eventually looks like Section 8. It's not the people "moving into it", you're part of the equation.
Not born here, if shit hits the fan, not dying here.

>> No.20151227

Ah, gotcha. So you're like the same dumbasses who vote in retards who destroy entire states, jump state lines and then destroy your new home like the infectious disease you are. Where have I seen this behavior before. But it's never your fault right? God forbid you reflect on your own actions and ask yourself how your standard of living got this way.

>> No.20151233

>So you're like the same dumbasses who vote in retards who destroy entire states, jump state lines and then destroy your new home like the infectious disease you are.
You, you can thank the natives for this, even if wanted I couldn't be this bad. I enjoy having a jolly time on the expensive of corporations, instead of worshiping them some here believe I should.

Now please continue the sermon, let's see if someone one American still take this hypocritical crap seriously.

>> No.20151247
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>> No.20151252

My 2 year old daughter likes to poke holes in fruit and veg at the supermarket. She ruined five avocados yesterday. Not my problem.

>> No.20151257

You should teach her that fruits and vegeis are not all that exist. Why not poke soft packages?

>> No.20151267

>But it's never your fault right?
Fault for what? Kek. For making some wagies toil for their wage?

>> No.20151271

>t. Conway Stern

>> No.20151279
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Now that you said, I'd not look half bad with these clothes. Thank you.

>> No.20151295

>asked to not return
Gay, I only have a couple grocery stores nearby so I'd rather not get banned from them. Much simpler to just take the self checkout discount than to deal with that

>> No.20151300

It's easier, but not as fun, I like to make wagies suffer, robbery is not my thing.

Getting caught is not that bad, you get to do something bigger before leaving.

>> No.20151302

>News flash, not every store is owned by some mega corp anti human rights government subsidy owned by a Zionist NWO Satan worshiping faggot
ok but we're talking about walmart, kroger, safeway, whole foods here, all of which do fit that criteria. if you somehow actually have a local mom and pop small town grocer you should treasure it dearly and defend it against all threats foreign and domestic but if not, fuck 'em.

>> No.20151362

My favorite prank to play at supermarkets is to sneak into the back where the freezers are and turn off the AC. I like to imagine I am a proletariat doing my part in the class wars against the bourgeoisie.

>> No.20151401

You know you can just not buy form the shit companies right? You're not forced to give them your money.

>> No.20151406

>Buy from others, but don't hurt le hecking corporations
I'm tired of your moralism, tomorrow, I'll go to Wal Mart and cause some harm.

I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.20151412
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>Image of a neet enjoying wagie tears
>Poster above already made the connection between Welfare Americans and how posters in this thread act like them
>Neets are basically welfare queens who act like their shit doesn't stink while living off the same government they laugh at like it's some big own
>Just like Blacks


>> No.20151415

>I'm open to suggestions.
poop in ur pants right now

>> No.20151416

Are you really trying to call people nigger until they change?

this is peak /pol/

>> No.20151419

The easiest way to do this is actually OP's pic. It is in no way illegal to move something from one shelf to another in a store, it doesn't even count as vandalism like spilling stuff in the aisles would be and it's certainly not theft. They have to throw it out though if they find something that has to be stored cold just out on the shelf due to food safety laws.

>> No.20151424

>the government is ONLY allowed to give freebies to women and minorities, you can't take any for yourself
What's the point of this way of thinking?

>> No.20151431

Would it be hard to catch someone that blocked the cooling vent of a cooler?

>> No.20151443

Nobody said that. Need handouts from the government is pretty pathetic to begin with. Taking freebies from the government just like the rest of the parasites isn't exactly the own you think it is. People like to play this act like most neets are perfectly functioning members of society who can do whatever they want and their quality of living is better than those they laugh at yet they are still here.

Have you considered the fact that there's lots legal avenues to can take that won't get you fucked with by the police for things like destruction of property and theft? Because they do often charge people for antics like this under those definitions.

>> No.20151446

>Have you considered the fact that there's lots legal avenues to can take that won't get you fucked with by the police for things like destruction of property and theft? Because they do often charge people for antics like this under those definitions.
First a moralistic sermon, now threats? Ahhh, I'll at least take down a cooler.

>> No.20151452

>Getting stuff from the government is the worse thing ever, you're supposed to only give so others can get.
You may be the most loyal US citizen I ever talked to.

>> No.20151460
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Dude. If cops start breathing down your neck for acting like a big lipped monkey then nobody here wants to hear the livejorunal entries of your fights against the pigs as a Communist freedom fighter. Like damn bro, grow up, act your age and think up ways to fuck with them that expands beyond your average teenage shit.

>> No.20151463

Need help with that goal post?

>> No.20151464

>Cops will break down your neck for an WalMart prank, also you're a communist
I'm tempted to believe you're clinically insane, and a major bootlicker.

>> No.20151468

>take yeast
>put it next to the yeast infection medication
You make good bread. I will look out for you my friend.

>> No.20151470

They account for it but it is going to eat into their profits if it happens at a higher rate, ideally there would be no shrinkage, and they'd have more room to invest into their business (or take profits) if there was less of this

Stop and think for a second, it isn't a better world for this to happen

>> No.20151471

>Dude. If cops start breathing down your neck for acting like a big lipped monkey then nobody here wants to hear the livejorunal entries of your fights against the pigs as a Communist
Now I'm imagining some really awkward autistic kid phoning the police to say that a communist infiltrator in 4chan is planning to attack one Walmart America.

This made my day.

>Think about the corporate profits...

>> No.20151472

Not according to their mothers

>> No.20151473
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>Talking like an ESL
>Getting this heated
Someone get this hothead outta here.

>> No.20151474

Most single kids I know are kinda socially retarded, and too well behaved. Exactly like uncle Ted described the over-socialized.

>> No.20151483

1 in 5 Americans is ESL, to not talk about people speaking English from birth and still sounds as broken as foreigners.

>> No.20151502

It will be. They will throw that milk out now and milk and everything else becomes a little more expensive next time.
Only "not your problem" if you don't ever shop, moron.

>> No.20151507

Companies already charge a much as they can for a product, if people are willing to pay $5 for gallon of milk, they'll not sell it for $4 out of goodwill.

Destroying stuff does not increase the price, it just cuts the profit margin.

>> No.20151520

glad you enjoyed my epic new meme

>> No.20151524

Motherfucker I’m ESL and an editor, you’d never know by my English unless I was pass-out drunk and forgot it

>> No.20151526

You being ESL, and editor, or Batman's loveboy doesn't change the fact that ESLs with broken English are more common in the US than blacks.

>> No.20151527

So does OP.

>> No.20151532

same. if were talking about the mean

>> No.20151542

No, it doesn’t; also we all know what we’d prefer

>> No.20151547

>you’d never know by my English unless I was pass-out drunk and forgot it
It looks like you already forgot your American English
British English would be more like "I was driving my lorry to the store, but the bobbies arrested me for drink driving"

>> No.20151550

Also, forget 1 in 5, it was almost 1 in 4 back in 2015.

>> No.20151571
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>Thread about making life miserable for normal people
>ESLs get uppity when you call them for what they are instead of just calling them a nuisance
Kek, it's like shining a fucking flashlight on a burglar.

>> No.20151573

I cannot understand what you tried to say, can you rewrite your post?

>> No.20151594

Most niggers are born from single mothers though that's just normal from them so the term doesn't apply that well

>> No.20151604

>though that's just normal from them so the term doesn't apply that well
Thank you for being understanding.

>> No.20151610

God I hate niggers.

>> No.20151617

You know full well they'd continue to charge paying customers based on shrinkage whether it continued to happen or not. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.20151619

You’re a nigger and don’t understand shrink at all.
Yeah there is expectations for lost or damaged product but the more it happens the more they have to account for it (raise prices)

>> No.20151622

>Yeah there is expectations for lost or damaged product but the more it happens the more they have to account for it (raise prices)
No, even if literally no shrinkage happen, they'll charge as much as possible.

>> No.20151623

see >>20151617
Shut up, cuck.

>> No.20151643

>10 years ago
Yet the price is the same.. intresting

>> No.20151649

I'm pretty sure both the size and price have changed.

>> No.20151650

You're Asian or hapa

>> No.20151651

>News flash, not every store is owned by some mega corp
That doesn't matter. Nigger behavior is nigger behavior regardless of where the nigger chimps out.

>> No.20151653

The guy say the truth, and the corporate cuck start to try to guess his race in defense.


>> No.20151659

>6 months later

>> No.20151663

>It's your fault, your sin, if a corporation close a store, repent
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.20151670

And you're a cuck. No two ways about it.

>> No.20151825

>welfare americans
>basketball americans
the word that this language circumvents that you'll intermittently get banned for here is not, in my opinion, applied exclusively to folks based on skin tone alone. it's a more generic word. it includes the neets you talk about. it's a frame of mind. it's a set of exploitative attitudes. it's a destructive behavior. NANT.
the MBAs we're letting strip the copper out of the walls of our country are these too.

>> No.20151830

There's not wrong with being a vagabond who never worked a single day.

>> No.20151834

are we talking about the NEETs or the MBAs

>> No.20151840

I'm talking about very rich people, everyone else must either be busy working or studying, or else they are bad.

>> No.20151845

And before you call me commie, I just find this funny.

>> No.20151850

The butcher was being a massive cunt to me so I had him cut me 5 steaks and I just left them right next to him in the packaged meat section, he got in my face pissed and started talking shit so I yelled at him to get out of my face and go back to work.
Got real quiet, looked straight down, and without saying a word he walked back behind the counter

>> No.20151854

I think it's funny someone decide to get chips instead of milk.

>> No.20151860

Wagie patrolled.

>> No.20151864
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moving objects around grocery stores is one of the best passtimes

>> No.20151866

I really like Kosher stuff "unpure".

>> No.20151873

agreed. also moving those mexican devotional candles next to the kedem tea biscuits

>> No.20151875

I just put some pig meat I got from the butcher over it, make it all grease.

>> No.20151917

If stores could raise prices without hurting sales they'd have already done so you dumb nigger

>> No.20151972

>and then everyone clappped

>> No.20151976

>Supermarkets report record +83% profit increase in the last 12 months

>> No.20152039

I’ll pray you can find you balls first, ya bootlicking cuck.

>> No.20152066

Go to bed gramps. It’s 2024 now. Either embrace the Biden wave or get left in the dust. Sorry, not sorry :(

>> No.20152159

>milk becomes poison gas in just HOURS at room temperature

Who're the real retards here

>> No.20152182

>t. never worked in a grocery store before
Im not paying full price for shit that isnt handled in the way the price should guarantee, retard
you feel free to pay whatever you want for potentially spoiled food, and its not just milk that people do this with btw

>> No.20152198

I did not say I prefer lukewarm milk, I'm just saying the idea it becomes toxic in hours is retarded. As expected, your understanding of context is not up to snuff

>> No.20152213

hey buddy, I already said you feel free to pay for expirable foods that have already been left out for upwards of 10 hours before youve even bought it
I will eat/drink that shit for way past when I should when I personally have left it out that long, but no way is there a defense for buying it in that state at the store

>> No.20152220

Bruh gotta go for the expensive meats

>> No.20152226

Wow, another human on this website full of monkeys. Nice to meet you.

>> No.20152228

U put pork in the halal section, don't u

>> No.20152229


>> No.20152257

That was never my point, I wouldn't want to buy left-out milk either. Seems we are in agreeance after all. Shit doesn't go bad that quickly

>> No.20152307

is this a board for edgy teenage incels? who honestly thinks they are hard for taking time out of their day to do this?

>> No.20152330

It's more likely
>buy something
>change mind
>leave it where you are

>> No.20152411

>some vegan saw this and got teary eyed because they thought someone swore off meat and started eating impossible "meat" instead

>> No.20152437

just refrigerate the chip isle, simple as.

>> No.20152451

>Reap what you sow but don't complain about it

>> No.20152587

during covid I used a fake pass to go into the supermarkets that required it, took a huge carp or other fresh fish from the deli section and put them under warm loaves of bread, sliiiightly squished boxes of cake, poked holes with a pin in bags of chips, and other things of the sort
My funniest prank was going to a fisherman shop beforehand and then releasing live crickets in the store

>> No.20152591

watch out we got a badass cashier over here

>> No.20152607

Nobody clapped, in fact my friend I was at the supermarket with was mortified and wanted to leave not that I cared

>> No.20152614

That's because they get treated like shit

>> No.20152654

If it worked on Michael Jackson, it can work here!

>> No.20152808

why you told me to see this cheap corporate cock sucking?

>> No.20152846

Sometimes they're selling this fresh squeezed apple juice from some organic farm or something, it's like 10 bucks a bottle, well I don't have money for that so a couple of times I just bumped my cart into the display and blamed some kind for it. They should reserve that space for discounted items anyways so I'm doing them a favor.

>> No.20152922

I brought milk on a 2 1/2 hour flight once (took it straight from the fridge to the plane), then home.
It tasted fucking awful and was not usable.

>> No.20153003

nigger behavior

>> No.20153121
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not my problem. Four finger discount. Personally I only take small hygiene items that tend to be expensive and easy to conceal, but I've also stolen expensive whisky in the past. Fuck corporations. There's always an old black security guard who doesn't have a clue aswell. I love being white

>> No.20153133
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>not my problem.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.20153147

The heat of the anus cooks the meat

>> No.20153235

Oh no, Jewish texts, what now?

>> No.20153249

The first Jews aren't even mentioned in the Bible until the books of Kings. God is the God of all flesh. Perhaps you should just stop since it's obvious you're not informed on what you criticize and you're just making a fool of yourself.

>> No.20153263

>Actually it's not Jewish texts
Sorry anon, I do not follow the Torah, now please threaten me with eternal suffering.

>> No.20153378

>he thinks he's white
>not my problem

>> No.20153388

>No... white people are supposed to be obedient to corporations, you cannot be white.

>> No.20153402

>he thinks I need to get involved in his niggotry
>not my problem

>> No.20153409

>Anything that doesn't respect the allmight companies is niggery.

>> No.20153422

>he thinks I understand his Khoisan clicking

>> No.20153425

But why?

>> No.20153429

>Just pretend people are laughing, then respect then hecking corporation so they can stop.

>> No.20153433

Why not? It's fun, harmless and the only loss is some corporate profits.

>> No.20153435
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>Literally acts like yard apes
>I love being White
I've got bad news for you, people like you are why the term White Trash exists.

>> No.20153437

What'd the Fisherman shop do to deserve it? Those places are usually really low key.

>> No.20153438

No, people like you are the reason why the term white trash exists.

Not only this but cucks like you are the reason why bashing white people has become mainstream... after all who can respect your kind?

>> No.20153441


>> No.20153445

>Fisherman shop do to deserve it?
I don't know if you misread or if you're being dishonest, but anon very clearly said "supermarket"... here "during covid I used a fake pass to go into the supermarkets" >>20152587

>> No.20153450

>No, people like you are the reason why the term white trash exists.
>Not only this but cucks like you are the reason why bashing white people has become mainstream... after all who can respect your kind?
I can't tell if you are a severely mentally ill white boy or a Black Person of Color

>> No.20153455

>You must be mentally ill, leave the corporations alone!
What a cuck, it's just some innocent fun on the expense of some rich losers.

>> No.20153460

Wow. So you're ranting and raging because you are poor.
...typical white trash antifa

>> No.20153464
File: 25 KB, 500x271, 1693626733441862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't keep up the pillars of civility cuck!
>Total anarchy bro it'll all fix itself once we take down all the dirty corpos!

I was a teenager once too. Then I learned how socio economics worked and I grew the fuck up. Corpos still all hang but you're hurting your fellow man at the same time with these dark skinned activities you're doing. You say it's not your problem but it eventually will. If you don't like the corpos starve them of sales, encourage your family and friends (if you have any) not to buy from them either and explain why. If you can't even articulate your reasons for this night skinned behavior then you're just as much part of the problem as any Pablo or Dindu doing this kinda stuff. Great, you're not doing flash mobs, you're still inflicting harm to your own community by death by 1000 cuts since eventually the stores leave and it turns into food deserts like Detroit and when that happens you'll self righteously point the finger at everyone else and blame them for it. There's plenty of ways to hurt corpos but this ain't it. It just goes to the average joe sad enough to be stuck working for them and the community around it.

>> No.20153465

>You're white trash
>You're black
>You're mentally ill
>You're poor
Calm down, dude. It's just some corporation.

>> No.20153466

>My funniest prank was going to a fisherman shop beforehand and then releasing live crickets in the store

>> No.20153470

>You're white trash
>You're black
>You're mentally ill
>You're poor
>You're teenager
The list grows.

Missed this part, and it this is fucked up.

>> No.20153473

Liver is good for you tho

>> No.20153475
File: 627 KB, 677x1024, Heehees Internally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're white trash
>You're black
>You're black
>You're white

>> No.20153496

I'm hoping it will treat his sickle cell anemia

>> No.20153501

>You're white trash
>You're black
>You're mentally ill
>You're poor
>You're teenager
>You have sickle cell anemia
I bet we can get to 20 before 404

>> No.20153504

>melanin-laden hands typed this post
>not my problem

>> No.20153587

That's what I'm doing, it's a preemptive strike to keep others from buying the juice and to clean out space for affordable items. Also it's not me, it's some random kid who bumped into the display, learn to read.

>> No.20153595

I almost forgot, if I grab something from somewhere I make sure to push back the other products so they are no longer displayed at the front, this creates more jobs.

>> No.20153599

products never stay out of their place for more than a few mins retard, 1 hour at most, theres always some employee who'll put it back

>> No.20153627
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x4000, 20231114_184552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love misplaced grocery store items. There's no way of knowing if it's an epic prankster like yourself or just someone making an inscrutable decision right there in the mart, but I choose to believe it's real every time.

>> No.20153637

Behaving civilized is white privilege. Don't you know that?

>> No.20153640

Man, milk cost more than car gas.

>> No.20153652

people like you are 10000000000000000000x worse than the idiots who leave things where they don't belong. it's the wagies job to put it where it belongs and the wagie will know if it's been sitting out for too long to just pitch it.
I fucking dispise do-gooders like you who think you're helping but actually making shit way fucking worse

>> No.20153665

>I put back milk that was in the chips aisle
>Now someone will get horribly sick because I put a fucking rotten gallon of milk that had sat out in the heat for possibly hours or days because I'm a dickhead who wants to feel like he did 'good'

>> No.20153677

blessed prank appreciator
eh, vegans will change any narrative to fit their own regardless.

>> No.20153697
File: 258 KB, 254x442, brap attack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay more for brap meat

>> No.20153703

>subtract one
>you have sickle cell anemia because you're black
>I'm not your physician
>not my problem

>> No.20153739

you are very naive or else you worked in the golden standard of grocery stores

>> No.20153752

>all these nigger enablers ITT
kys stupid fucking niggers

>> No.20153771

>you are very naive or else you worked in the golden standard of grocery stores
When I was at Walmart yesterday, I intentionally put a gallon of milk on a shelf filled with crackers, and in less than a minute, an employee came out of nowhere, grabbed the milk, and started running towards the milk aisle.
So I tried it again, this time in the bakery section. Yet again, an employee grabbed it in less than a minute. 17 seconds. I timed it. And it was a different employee!
They sure do things right at Walmart.

(This poster gets paid to shill for Walmart. Feel free to ask me how you too can get paid $15 per pro-Walmart post)

>> No.20153825

>$15 per pro-Walmart post
I would do that shit so fucking fast, at 1 minute per post that's $900 an hour to shill. Sign me the fuck up

>> No.20154236

Just so you know the next time I go shopping I’m going to take shopping carts from the corral and leave them in disabled parking spaces, maybe zip tie them to the signs if I can get away with it

>> No.20154257


"Something I don't agree with"
"Must be /po/, yeah, let's blame /pol/"

Rent free in your heads 24/7

>> No.20154260

>Reddit space
Calling people nigger for a dozen posts because they don't buy your crap is pretty much the peak of /pol/ posting.

>> No.20154274

>don't like the sales this week because wanted pork instead of chicken AGAIN
>take out my pocket knife and gouge holes into every piece of styrofoam on the meat packages
If you didnt want me to do it you should have had better prices

>> No.20154284

we're not.

>> No.20154322

those papercrafting niggers

>> No.20154334

A line break is not what reddit spacing means.
Lurk more.

>> No.20154386

damn gimme somma dat walmart propaganda money

>> No.20154408

>being irresponsible is okay because someone else has money

>> No.20154414

>Leave the hecking corporations alone!
It's not being irresponsible, it's enjoying the fact you can have some harmless fun at the expense of some corporation.

>> No.20154416

>vegan lore

>> No.20154420

>putting milk on a shelf is fun

>> No.20154424

>Being a statist

>> No.20154425

Yes, it's very fun, almost as fun as putting pork in Kosher food.

>> No.20154429

>moving the goalposts

>> No.20154433

>Doesn't know what "moving the goalposts" means, and lacks any concept of how an anonymous board works

Let me guess, you think I'm somebody else in this thread? Kek.

>> No.20154438


>> No.20154466
File: 223 KB, 805x533, 1689816022464400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being poor
>Not understanding economics or the value of money
>No understanding of the English language
>Destruction of property so nobody else can have it
>Victimizing helpless people

You know gentlemen I do believe I'm seeing a pattern here. The only thing missing at this point is grape soda.

>> No.20154481

Even another post from the same guy coping by calling everyone a nigger... is this how things are done in /pol/?

>> No.20154541

provide your receipts for the time and labor you've donated to your needy local megacorp. you DO donate your time, money, and labor to corporations, don't you?
there are people worse yet than the people you're referencing. you are one of these people.

>> No.20154641
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, 1697336074463010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I build houses. What do you do?

>> No.20154656

Is this a buzzword now or is it just the same faggot running around /ck/ using it everywhere?

>> No.20154666

>has a problem with pork
Shut up, kike

>> No.20154692

Pork is one of the most unhealthy meats you can eat Satan. You should stick to lean red meats.

>> No.20154698

Pork is perfectly healthy, but Jews pretend it's not as a complement to their religious believes.

>> No.20154701

Yeah, maybe back in the fucking dark ages you Neolithic Noseman.

>> No.20154706

This is like saying circumcision is healthy and clearer. It's not and we know it.

>> No.20154715

No longer will niggers get to be the only benefactors of nigger behavior. I'm gettin mine while nigger behavior is in vogue.

>> No.20154721


>> No.20154737

You are what you eat. Remember what pigs eat and remember the conditions they live in. Probably difficult for Americans to tell the difference though.

>> No.20154744

>Pig are unhealthy because "what you eat"
No, pigs are not unhealthy, they are only not Kosher.

>> No.20154745

They live in the same conditions as every other mass produced meat.

>> No.20154750

>take the milk and pretend to fall and spill the milk all over the place and leave
not my problem

>> No.20154775


>> No.20154778


>> No.20154792

Why can't this shit happen to me? The whole recording they'd show the cops of me stomping his head as they're trying to get me locked up would exonerate me.

>> No.20154832

>Not putting a case of soda in the freezer department
If you're going to act black at least go for the most amount of damage.

>> No.20154843

>most amount of damage
This would be turning down fridges.

>> No.20154847

It’s that simple. You either comply or walk away a loser

>> No.20154849

It would be mixing random bottles in the cleaning supplies isle. Not suggesting, just pointing it out.

>> No.20154856

After terrorism, it would be turning down fridges. *

>> No.20154950

I once filled a gallon of milk with some chicken breasts and chucked it behind the coolers. Couple of months later guys in hazard suits had to clean out the mess and they had to renovate the store because they couldn't get the smell out.

>> No.20154952

Sounds fake.

>> No.20154974

nah I worked at the supermarket and somehow they tried blaming me for some girl's phone getting stolen, while I wasn't even on shift that day. it was kind of fucked they even locked me inside the office and tried to intimidate me. eventually I just quit and went home. when I told my friend his brother told me I should get revenge that way so the three of us went back and did what I told you. fuck them.

>> No.20154980

>nah I worked at the supermarket
In this can, it's better.

Should have used potatoes, they smell a lot and are easy to hide.

>> No.20155056

what should you do with the potatoes?

>> No.20155069

Just hid them, sooner or latter they'll start to leak a black liquid that smells a lot, even after the potato is removed, it'll stink because of the liquid, so it's good to put it somewhere where the liquid enter very hard to clean spaces, stuff like ventilation entries for freezers.

>> No.20155071

nice. the nice thing about the chicken milk bomb is that it ferments and eventually explodes because of the pressure.

>> No.20155072

You can also got with 4chan's special, and get send to jail for terrorism, kek.

>> No.20155079

Holy shit dude. This is embarrassing.

>> No.20155095

that's why you use the plastic jug. not my problem.

>> No.20155281

It's shop, mate.

>> No.20155452

good intentions but you're a fucking idiot

>> No.20156268

Oi, so I hopped in me cah for what to pop by the robbers. I got to put a few quid in the metah, and Gay Gordon slaps a wicket under me Billie Piper. "What's your game here mate?" I asked incredulously "Can't you see Kareem's still burning petrol? I have literally just stepped out of that piece of shit to introduce this silver to this plastic innit." The traffic warden replies "Nah mate, you been here two hours," and then calm as a coma proceeds to beat me black and fucking blue with his club. To add illness to injury, the cunt had a Barclays Bank in me open gob as I lay there bleeding, and gave me the ace of spades. Cheeky bastard.

>> No.20157628

If the average dindu would read and understand this, the world would be a better place.

>> No.20157897

Wasting food is one of the most cucked, shithead of all human behaviours. Farmers work hard and good land and water was used to produce that milk, and now some mouth-breathing shithead oxygen-thief is just going to let it get consigned to the trash because they're too lazy to waddle back to the correct isle to return it.

Fuck these people.

>> No.20157905

And if we gathered every grain of rice left in bowls after the meal, we could end world hunger.

>> No.20158021

Big if true