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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 390 KB, 1500x1000, Spruce_Chopped_Onion_Substitutes_4150417_V1-298ff899465f44d5b440bda977d23c43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20149226 No.20149226 [Reply] [Original]

Why is being so fucking unspecific so widespread in cooking?

1 cup of carrots.
1 cup of rice.
1 table spoon of salt

Why are volumetric units used instead of grams? Do people not have fucking digital scales in 2024? You can buy cheap ones off amazon for less than 10 dollars.

The difference in cutting size can be as much as 50 grams per CUP yet one cup supposed to be around 100g thats a 50% difference.

Also the sizes, what the fuck is one big potato? What the fuck is one small onion.

I hate this shit so much it's unreal.

Today I wanted to increase my potasium intake because I have high blood pressure, oh just eat 4 cups of spinach. I can't begin to imagine what 4 cups of spinach is.

>> No.20149230 [DELETED] 

What Lil nigga wouldn't use real onion? Fucking why

>> No.20149232

It’s called cooking son, you gotta decide.

>> No.20149234 [DELETED] 

Okay chef Jean pierre

>> No.20149236

Because this is cooking, not drug dealing. Meat is generally measured in pounds. Some ingredients measure better by weight than by amount.

>> No.20149268

Just look at the bag, it tells you how many cups of spinach are in there. You don't need to measure anything.

>> No.20149278

You're autistic, anon. Luckily you're in good company on here.

>> No.20149279

I know this might be shocking to yours but I'm European I go to some granny at the farmers market thats 15 minutes walk away from my home on the weekend and I tell her give me spinach by the Kilo and she does. I chop it myself not like it's a big deal takes 5 minutes.

>> No.20149282

How is it autistic, do you know how much of a difference shit like this can make in flavor and texture, and then it turns out you've been following shitty "cups" and it takes me cooking the same thing 5 times to notice.
Whats worse I usually don't cooking it more then once if I fuck it up and it tastes bad. How many recepies over the years were ruined?
Do people think restaurants follow precise instructions because they're stupid or something?

>> No.20149289


>> No.20149293

Just follow European recipes.

>> No.20149297

>it's another "autistic noob thinks recipes are a substitute for actual cooking skills" thread
Literally no one is going to eat whatever slop you are cooking and think, wow I can tell OP used 50g of semen in this instead of 100g of semen, it really disrupts the flavor profile.
Also, pick up an onion, cram it up your ass. If you think to yourself, I've had way bigger onions up my ass before, then it's a small onion. Try not to cum more than 50g of semen when you do this

>> No.20149302

They're literally supposed to be that you know. A standardized way to get the exact same food and taste.

How do you think McDonalds tastes the same in Saudi Arabia, Japan and Idaho.

>> No.20149303

Learn to taste your food. Having exact measurements isn't going to magically make your food better, and throwing out a quarter of an onion because you've hit 100 grams or whatever is fucking stupid.
>i can't begin to imagine what 4 cups of spinach is
Oh, you're actually retarded...

>> No.20149311

combination of it not really mattering and the person writing a recipe being a fucking retard.

>> No.20149324
File: 840 KB, 1536x2048, 261816682_429830855417893_2738592906762696981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't you retard this is how I buy it.
If I wash it and squish it I can fit a metric ton of it in a cup. If I blend it I can fit even more. If I don't touch it and simply put it in a cup the air volume is 90%

You can't use volume for shit like this it's unreasonable.

>> No.20149337

>How do you think McDonalds tastes the same in Saudi Arabia, Japan and Idaho.
Because the ingredients are all shipped frozen from the same central kitchens, you retard

>> No.20149360

Even from your image I can tell that's around 5 cups of spinach. Maybe if you stopped worrying about stupid shit like this you wouldn't have high blood pressure and wouldn't have to eat all that spinach in the first place.

>> No.20149374

One kilogram of spinach would fill an entire fridge.

>> No.20149377
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>> No.20149379

Digital scales aren't common in the USA unless you do a lot of baking. Most people who cook only use measuring cups and spoons and never think about getting a scale.

>> No.20149389

Having lived in France, England, and the US, having a digital scale in your kitchen is actually more common in America than it is in Europe - at least from what I saw in my years living there.

>> No.20149404
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hi fellow european. you can freestyle a bit with amounts in cooking, most things don't have to be this exact, only with strong spices. I advise you to buy sets of spoons and cups. it's fairly cheap and widely available. it makes cooking american recipes easier

americans don't even want to hear the word grams, unless it's about drugs then they suddenly hug our far superior metric system.

>> No.20149412

There's the autistic part.

>> No.20149422

>americans don't even want to hear the word grams
Every scale, measuring cup and spoon in the US includes metric. It's literally only non-Americans whining about having to do basic math when they look up American recipes, and thinking they're smart because they grew up using one arbitrary measure system instead of another one.

>> No.20149428
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it was a joke, don't take it too seriously. but let's be realistic, imperial system is pretty dumb

>> No.20149440
File: 84 KB, 760x472, Brit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how many pecks to a hogshead?
What now OP?

>> No.20149443

You learn how many inches are in a foot and how many feet are in a yard around the same time you learn to tie your shoes. If this is such a great barrier of entry to someone then they're not don't any precise science anyway. Both systems are arbitrary, but imperial is much more attuned to human sized measurements, which actually makes it preferable for a lot of cooking. Also, in English we say, "January twenty-eighth, 2024," not, "twenty-eight January, 2024."

>> No.20149449

>ywn live under the specter of nuclear annihilation by a country that uses gay metres, yet you could vaporize entire continents with imperial tons of nukes, which could also be measured in gallons for convenience in the kitchen if you aren't an autistic retard who thinks that he has to blend spinach into a paste to measure it in cups
It's great to be American.

>> No.20149453

Bu-bu-but anon, if you aren't precise in how you state the date then thirdies might think that you mean the first day of the twenty-eighth month of the year!!! What then??? Why, they might put their rocks in the wrong place on the calendar they scratched out in the dirt!

>> No.20149463

I just don't understand calling one system an arbitrary rollercoaster and then defending the idea of writing the date in a different order than you speak it.

>> No.20149466

cope harder

USA (and Liberia and Myanmar that 99% of the world never heard of) are the only countries in the entire world that don't use the metric system, it doesn't mean your system is superior, it means ours is. period

anyways, thinking of taking a nice 0,000352739619 ounce portion of 5-MeO-MiPT to forget all about this thread. see how dumb this sounds?

>> No.20149470
File: 1.06 MB, 1231x926, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine breaking out scales like a dealer whenever you need to add 'pepper to taste' lmao. what a maroon.

>> No.20149481

>he thinks the small variance due to airspace matters
Ive use a small onion in a recipe for a large onion and vice versa with no difference.
>hows it autistic
Exactly by complaining on a not-grilled cheese complaint board rather than just adjusting the recipe to grams for your own taste.

>> No.20149482

It sounds dumb whenever you convert between the two ("hello Mr. fish monger, I'm making an American recipe and need 453.592 grams of halibut"), but only a complete retard would convert milligrams to ounces. Since you are a retard I will say this again: NOBODY IS SAYING IMPERIAL IS SUPERIOR. ONLY NON-AMERICANS SEETHE OVER BASIC CONVERSIONS. THEY'RE BOTH COMPLEELY ARBITRARY BUT ALSO COMPLETELY CONSISTENT AND ACCURATE AS ONE ANOTHER.

>> No.20149497

>McDonalds tastes the same in Saudi Arabia, Japan and Idaho
hol up hol up. you yuropoors have been saying for literal decades that mcdonalds is superior outside the us and shit in the us. now you're saying it's really the same slop all over? i'm beginning to think maybe, just maybe, you're just shitposting here and have been all along.

>> No.20149500

Only baking requires precise measurements. Cooking is literally to taste.

>> No.20149502

If you want more, add more. If you want less, add less.
Specific measurements only matter in baking, and even then you can approximate to a degree.

Stop being autistic.

>> No.20149507

Autism speaks

>> No.20149514

No, we say 28th of January. January 28 is poor grammar.

>> No.20149515

99% of the world is literally poverty-tier brown people who shit in the street

>> No.20149520

You're right, we should be saying 'January's 28th', since January is the possessive owner of that day. Thanks gov'nr

>> No.20149525

Aside from American English being proper English, and that being proper grammar in American English, the day-month convention just doesn't make sense. How do you organize files on your computer?

>> No.20149530

the fact that you need 2 systems is even more retarded. one for cooking, one for precision. metric does it all

>> No.20149533

YYYY-MM-DD. Organizing it any other way is literal retardation.

>> No.20149534
File: 888 KB, 1022x1231, Screenshot_20240128_122900_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that many years ago having a digital scale would get you locked up for drug paraphernalia. Not kidding. They find a scale they take your guns, your kids, trash your house and ruin you financially. You had to pay a lawyer big bucks to explain to the court your passion for baking and brining.Times have changed, but many recipes are slow to catch up it seems. Picrel is my salt scale. Up until the early 2000's it was a quick trip to jail for posession.

>> No.20149538

do you arrange your 'salt' in lines and snort it?

>> No.20149548

What do you mean it's the 28th of January 2024.

DD. MM. YYYY or you can do the opposite like the Japanese do.

>> No.20149551
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20240128_123540_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but for some salt measurements it's not only flavor that is at stake, it's safety.

>> No.20149552

Yes, you create a folder for the year and then label each file MM-DD, which is the American system. Glad you agree.
It's retarded we still live in nation-states and capitalistic societies when a communist utopia would be so much easier. But alas, the world is a complicated place and no one individual can do much to change anything for the better even when the answer is staring us all in the face.

>> No.20149568

I don't think people in the US think about "healthy" eating all that much.

>> No.20149571

>YYYY-MM-DD is the american system
no nigga has ever seriously said 'in the year 2024, in the month of January, on the 28th day'

>> No.20149574

What the hell are you doing that would cause the police to think you are messing around with drugs?
There has to be more to this story, because normal people never have these issues.
Do the cops regularly get called to your section 8 housing for domestic abuse issues?

>> No.20149575

>preserving food
>not healthy
what do you just leave food out to rot?

>> No.20149586

I prefer writing it like "28JAN2024"
That leaves pretty much no room for confusion, unlike, say, 2/3/24

>> No.20149595

Is unambiguously February 3rd, 2024 as no idiot would ever put the day first in this notation
It's insane how 99.9% of normies can communicate with each other with shit like "2/3/24" or "4 cups of spinach" and everyone natively understands exactly what they mean but the geniuses and special boys on 4chan who were told they were gifted one time and took that to mean they are uber-intelligent can't figure it out without sperging out and writing stupid shit like "28JAN2024"

>> No.20149596

Every American says "January 28th". People don't generally speak the year unless they just woke up from a coma because we're all fucking living in it.

>> No.20149600

Americans are obsessed with "healthy" eating. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.20149609

It's out of order unless you put the year first. You don't have an orderly mind.

>> No.20149610

Nice troll post.
A++++ would reply to again.

>> No.20149616

Were you alive in the 90's and old enough to drive and have a job? It was the height of the War On Drugs. Everyone was a target no matter who they were or if they did drugs or not.

>> No.20149618

I was that uber-intelligent kid (big fish in a small pond) who everyone told was gifted, and ended up going down the rabbit hole of philosophy and studying just about everything, and you know where I ended up at the end of it? Fucking Wittgenstein. It's literally the bell curve meme where the low iq anon and the high iq anon hold the same position, while the mid-tier guy holds the insane view. Everything is extremely complicated but also extremely simple. And day-month-year is simply more suited to most everyday uses.

>> No.20149623

Not that anon, but you're heavily overstating how hard they were cracking down on drugs unless you're literally talking about black dudes in the ghetto. That said, having a scale that measured mg in the 90's would have been extremely suspicious.

>> No.20149630

>Were you alive in the 90's and old enough to drive and have a job? It was the height of the War On Drugs. Everyone was a target no matter who they were or if they did drugs or not.
There are people who can literally go decades without the cops tearing apart their homes. You are not one of them, apparently, because you are mentally ill.
That's the only rational explanation for why the cops would be investigating you when you are stone cold sober.
You are mentally ill and they thought it was drug related because normal people don't act the way you do.

>> No.20149642

>Why are volumetric units used instead of grams?
Because the French invented recipes.

>> No.20149650

Someone should invent a system that uses both volume and weight in recipes.
Volume for liquids, obviously, and weight for solids.
I mean, you can't exactly measure 2 cups of milk on your drug dealing scale, can you? It would just make a huge fucking mess that you would have to clean up.

>> No.20149658
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No recipe was ever ruined by having an imprecise amount of carrots, rice or salt.
If you need potassium use litesalt, easy to measure.

>> No.20149666

>No recipe was ever ruined by having an imprecise amount of ... salt.
Do you even cook?

>> No.20149674

maybe you can decrease your blood pressure by not giving a shit about insignificant details :^)

>> No.20149858

Recipes are general guidelines, not an exact science. When a recipe calls for "one tablespoon of cayenne", you're not going to wreck the dish by using 25% more or less. It's just to give a rough idea, so that mouth-breathers don't accidentally add 10 tablespoons.
Please, be less autistic.

>> No.20150124

>Recipes are general guidelines, not an exact science.
That's right, the people making your extremely consistent Mcnuggies are just eyeballing it at the manufacturing plant. A little of this, a lot of that, whatever, who cares. Oil temp doesn't matter when cooking them either it's just a guideline, a suggestion.100 degrees, 400 degrees, eh, who's counting.

>> No.20150313

>That's right, the people making your extremely consistent Mcnuggies are just eyeballing it at the manufacturing plant
You're a home cook, not a McSlop manufacturing line
>Oil temp doesn't matter when cooking them either it's just a guideline, a suggestion.100 degrees, 400 degrees, eh, who's counting.
1. All recipes use exact temperatures so your initial autistic fit over "recipes not being specific enough" doesn't apply here.
2. If a recipe calls for baking something at 375, you're not gonna wreck it if you cook it at 350, might take a little longer but you're not going to create mustard gas, I promise.
3. Most people throughout the history of mankind have cooked their food without knowing the exact temperature of their heat source, so yes, you have some leeway when frying your mcnuggies. Going 25 degrees over or under is not a big deal, which btw is really cool because it's near impossible to nail frying temperatures since it drops drastically the moment you put things in the oil.

Consider a beef stew recipe. Among the listed ingredients are
* 2.5 pounds of beef
* one cup of red wine.
Do you think someone scientific calculated the most optimal ratio of those two ingredients before settling down to those two measurements when writing the recipe? That there's an objective, mathematically proven ratio that maximizes the tastiness of the stew?
No, no one did. those two measurements are a rough estimate to guide your hand in the right direction. You're not gonna wreck the recipe by using a couple tablespoon of wine more. And who knows, you may enjoy the final product more if you did, because you are an unique individual with his own specific tastes which may be different from the recipe author's. So don't stress over it bb ;)

>> No.20150344

What if you DIDN'T go out of your way to use the potentially poisonous salt?

>> No.20150356
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So is base ten but you still push your base ten system like it came down from heaven. A good system of units using a good numeric base is possible but humans so far have decided to only dabble a bit in one or the other but never go all in on both. For some reason different dabbler groups think their dabbling is far superior to other dabblings, when in reality they're all embarrassingly shit.

>> No.20150362
File: 60 KB, 750x745, v6162quob0f81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only gripe about cups is that they're inconsistent. A metric cup is 250ml. A US cup is something like 237ml. A Canadian cup is 240ml, but realistically they use 250ml. A Japanese cup is 200ml.

>> No.20150369

>only decades
Anon, most people go for a lifetime with their only police interactions being some speeding tickets.

>> No.20150400

>muh metric vs imperial
At least you're not in Canada.

>human height: feet & inches
>human weight: pounds
>food sold by weight: grams
>gasoline: liters
>paint: pints, quarts, and gallons
>automobile speed: kilometers per hour
>projectile speed: feet per second
>cooking temperature: fahrenheit
>non-cooking temperatures: celsius

You Americans and Europeans may fight over your respective systems, but at least you're consistent about it.

>> No.20150405

multiculturalism is our greatest strength after all

>> No.20150404
File: 202 KB, 1053x822, Screenshot_20240128_170821_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the maimed babies who get grenades tossed into their cribs.

>> No.20150408

Canada could've been perfect. It could've had British culture, French cuisine, and American industry. Instead it got American culture, British cuisine, and French industry.

>> No.20150417


>> No.20150752

Things that really matter are measured in weight.
But your mirepoix doesn't need to be that specific. You can just eyeball it and be fine.

>> No.20150763

i dont think i've ever used onion powder

>> No.20150815

You should for things like meatballs and meatloaf, anything where you don't want to add liquid to
Careful, a little goes a looong way
Also you've probably eaten dried onion, it's what McDick's uses on their burgers

>> No.20151030
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>> No.20151286
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Damn that obsession sure spiraled out of control.

>> No.20151609

Wow, you actually are retarded if you think bringing up rising obesity rates somehow disproves an increased interest in eating healthy. Most people throughout all of human history never thought about eating healthy, and most people weren't obese - even in America as recently as the 70's. Gyms are also way more popular than they were 20 or 30 years ago. It's almost like these things happen as a result of broad, societal changes such as communities becoming less walkable, food standards becoming less regulated, and a general culture of isolationism - you know, all the standard maga shit.

>> No.20151627

>I can't begin to imagine what 4 cups of spinach is
About three large handfuls.

>> No.20151661
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>about tree fisties

>> No.20151735

You are correct, but OP and his ilk were raised by morons and schooled under NCLB. Critical thinking skills are non-existent. There is only one way to do anything. There is only one correct answer. Our world is fucked.

>> No.20151788

>It's almost like these things happen as a result of broad, societal changes such as communities becoming less walkable, food standards becoming less regulated, and a general culture of isolationism - you know, all the standard maga shit.
So, to quote Jussie Smollett, "this is MAGA country"?
Juicy is the most honest man I know

>> No.20151824

I'm honestly not sure if your post is agreeing with me or disagreeing with me. The fact that it's so incoherent makes me think you're most likely disagreeing with me. Remember when /pol/tards used to say "the left can't meme"? Yeah, it's pretty funny how now that that's over it's become very, very apparent that the right has no sense of humor whatsoever.

>> No.20151842

>I'm honestly not sure if your post is agreeing with me or disagreeing with me. The fact that it's so incoherent makes me think you're most likely disagreeing with me. Remember when /pol/tards used to say "the left can't meme"? Yeah, it's pretty funny how now that that's over it's become very, very apparent that the right has no sense of humor whatsoever.
Some of my professors told me that a lack of self awareness is a symptom of a low IQ.

>> No.20151883

I have a high IQ and high functioning autism, and your attempts at a joke are still abysmal. Some of my professors said I had wit. I think wit is a good thing, and I strongly believe you can't both hold right leaning views and be witty. Let that sink in. It's kind of a thinker.

>> No.20152007
File: 625 KB, 793x817, big mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually prefer measuring by weight because it helps me gauge how many calories I am eating. A cup of spinach feels incredibly vague. at the same token volume helps with intuition and cooking skills. It's almost like both systems are useful. What pisses me off more is how weirdly difficult it is to find good conversions online between the two. the package helps, but if it's an actual fruit then there's no luck there.

>> No.20152019

>I strongly believe you can't both hold right leaning views and be witty. Let that sink in. It's kind of a thinker.
So you're gaslighting me.

>> No.20152034

You seem like a homosexual quite frankly.

>> No.20152073

I'm basically built like a gorilla who eats sweaty poon like a hungry hungry hippo for breakfast. It's kind of nice because being interesting makes up for my looks, and I'm so outwardly a straight, masculine guy that I can emote the most faggy behavior imaginable and nobody irl thinks I'm gay, so being called gay online doesn't phase me at all. I honestly believe that being comfortable with your sexuality is one of the most important aspects of being a well adjusted individual. If being called homosexual elicits any negative response in you you're very immature. Either you like dick or you don't. No matter which one is the case, you shouldn't be ashamed of the accusation. The person making it is either wrong and insecure, or right and insecure.

>> No.20152894

>count calories
>'cup of spinach'
it's ok anon, this is a safe space, you're allowed to say that you're measuring a cup of cheese.

>> No.20154103

remember when amerimutts lost a 125 million dollar satellite because some inbred used imperial instead of the superior metric units?

>> No.20154166

>Why are volumetric units used instead of grams?
Because americans are fucking retarded. Nothing bothers me more than seeing stupid shit like,
>1 cup of banana
The amount of americans who don't understand the difference between volume and mass is astounding. Literally had a 10min conversation once trying to explain why 1 cup of water is different from 1 cup of flour or chocolate chips.

>> No.20154176

>prepare a duck in the usual manner

>> No.20154184

>Because americans are fucking retarded.
Customary is based on Avoirdupois
It's a French system

>> No.20154196

Imagine measuring anything when you're cooking a dish after the first time

>> No.20154230

Yeah and they largely dropped it for the modern metric system when they realized how retarded it was. Either way, it doesn't matter what you call your weight or volume, but lazily combining the two when you shouldn't be is something americans are notorious for. Hell they don't even understand their own system when they mix up ounces and liquid ounces because they didn't know there were two different kinds.

>> No.20154234

But steels heavieah than fethas

>> No.20154259

rice, sure. carrots definitely can. salt? are you fucking serious?

>> No.20154285

its dried then rehydrated

>> No.20154289

Unless you're baking, it really doesn't matter that much. In any case, the USDA considers a cup of spinach to be 30 grams so you can weigh out 30 grams of spinach and count it as a cup. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168462/nutrients

>> No.20154293

>If you need potassium use litesalt, easy to measure.
Depending on what (if any) blood pressure medications you take or what's causing your blood pressure issues, using this stuff can cause problems. Check with your doctor before using this stuff.

>> No.20154304

Eh, France still uses it culinarily
It's going away but still there
The system is much better than metric for portioning, it's designed around halves, quarters, and thirds

>> No.20154711

I used spinach as an example because it's kinda awkward to measure volume-wise since you can just keep shoving more in without end.

>> No.20154717

everyone owns cups
fill the cup with carrots and the cup with rice and things will be proportionate

>> No.20155688

I only look at recipes to get a very general idea of what quantities of each ingredient I should use. Lrn2cook

Baking yeah you have to use weights

>> No.20155716

>Maga and /pol/ out of nowhere
Yup, they're definitely the problem. Not your inability to ignore things that annoy you and have no larger bearing on your life like well adjusted people are are able to do

>> No.20155738

The vast majority of home cooks don't actually own a scale. There's also another chunk of those that are too stupid to know HOW to use a kitchen scale.

>> No.20155753

>things that annoy you and have no larger bearing on your life
It's fucking insane that so many people don't understand that in less than a year we're choosing between a geriatric who is unironically the best president the most powerful country on the planet has had in over half a century and literal fascism. I fucking hate Biden, but there's literally not a single thing he's fucked up that THE ONLY AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVE would do better, and it's not even close.

>> No.20156634

Biden is a fascist you moron

>> No.20156658

His support for Israel is pretty cringe, but there's literally nothing fascistic about his policies. He's the most left leaning president in almost a century.

>> No.20156737

Its not chemistry, just eyeball it

>> No.20156746

You can be fascist and leftist at the same time, your poli-sci professor lied to you; every single major fascist uprising of the 20th century was spearheaded by leftists

>> No.20156768

Holy fuck, this entire thread is pure cope, with OP being the sane person for once.

Every american unit measurement system is OBJECTIVELY worse than the metric counterpart.
>Cups instead of volumetric
>Recipes aren't exact
Yes they are. European recipes will give you the exact same dish everytime.
>25% more will not make a difference if you're just winging it
Yeah? Try cooking the same recipe for 20 people instead of 4, I bet nobody is going to be able to tell the insane amounts of salt/flour/spinach what the fuck ever you put in. Cups are literally your government forcing another product on you to have on hand so you can even cook. The fact that you learn measuring from your system being inferior is coincidence.
0 is where it freezes, 100 is where it boils. Calculating in increments of 10 makes sense, there is no denying this.
See above, calculate in increments of 10 you idiots.
Arguing that "we say it like MM-DD-YYYY" is just admitting that you talk wrong. YYYY-MM-DD sorts perfectly naming files. Also every other country talks like DD-MM-YYYY

None of this is debatable, this is a fact. If you disagree you're too dumb to grasp it, if you agree: be the change you want to see and use european measurements.

>Inb4 we've been to the moon
Yeah, and NASA uses european units internally because they make more sense
>Inb4 reddit-spacing
Readability is not your strong suit if you use imperial units, you are not allowed to talk

>> No.20156776

Customary is based on Avoirdupois which is French and more sensible for cooking

>> No.20156788

Rice, salt etc. are easier to measure quickly in volumes. Adding more carrots than you need has never really hurt anyone though. Same with onions.

>> No.20156857

>Try cooking the same recipe for 20 people instead of 4
I'd feel so sorry for your guests, I can picture how uncomfortable everyone would be seeing you run the kitchen like an OCD maniac, throwing a fit every time someone breaks your autistic dinning protocol
Thankfully we both know you're not cooking for 20 people, ever.

>> No.20156864

>Copium - The Post

>> No.20156869

>Asperger - The poster

>> No.20156915 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 928x878, 1700748691476002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The metric system is soulless, created by communists and atheists

>> No.20156927

>Creates an entire head canon because he got his jimmies rustled by superior numbering systems
I have bad news for your. Someone here has assburgers, but it's not me

>> No.20157000

That is most likely why the French have let go of it a long time ago, it makes so much sense

>> No.20157041

Retard he. I more often than should be possible forget the year and am very embarrassed to ask.

>> No.20157087

Retard here*
See told ya.

>> No.20157282

Anon everyone is saying you're autistic and a retard and a cooklet and that may all be true but you're also right about this. The entire purpose of a recipe is to have specific instructions, my pet peeve is that they're not clear about what size pieces things should be cut into.
>chop (roughly, finely, coarsely)
etc. Tell me 1/2" square pieces and I'll do it that way. I can wing it and it'll be good because I know how to cook, but that's not the point. The point is I'm only using a recipe because I'm trying something I don't usually make and I'd like to recreate it accurately. Posters ITT want to go back to 1600s tier recipes.
>mix egg, milk, and flour in some good proportion
>let sit for a time
>cook in a hot oven until it is enough

>> No.20157295
File: 1.08 MB, 543x4640, metric sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20157341


>> No.20157575

>creates an entire head canon
The OP admitted of being a high functioning autist >>20151883 . It's not head canon. You obsessive weirdos do be like that.

>> No.20159014

>every single major fascist uprising of the 20th century was perpetrated under the guise of a populist, leftist ideology
This really isn't that complicated, anon.

>> No.20160776

I'd say about 2/3 recipes used in professional kitchens will include "salt and pepper" without specifying the amounts. The reason is that even when you want the most possible consistency, you still have to taste your food and make adjustments, because a kitchen isn't a science laboratory with controls. There are always variables, most obviously just produce being more or less salty or sweet at different times. Thinking that cooking is like a science is the mark of someone who can't cook. The irony is that it's usually people like you who think cooking is easy, because "you just follow some basic directions." Of course when it doesn't work out you blame the recipe for not being specific enough, when "season to taste" is the most specific instruction you could be given because it literally tells you to TASTE your food.

>> No.20162103

i havent measured spices for over a decade. thats the hallmark of experience.

>> No.20162147

You're measuring with your eyes
I once made something from a recipe my wife gave me that called for a half-teaspoon of salt so I poured a half-teaspoon of salt into my hand and tossed it in the pot
She said I didn't measure it and I told her yes I did I used my hand
She didn't believe me so I poured a half-teaspoon of salt in my hand and told her to bring me a measuring spoon and poured the half-teaspoon of salt into the teaspoon and it was level
I worked at a deli for a year and people would ask me for whatever amount of meat or cheese and I'd pull it out and plop it on the scale and it was always the right amount and people would say shit like wow how'd you guess that so perfectly
It's like, bitch, seriously, I work at a deli 8 hours a fucking day I know what half a pound of lacy swiss looks like, do you not have a job?
Whatever metric sucks

>> No.20162179

I'm >>20160776 and it honestly kind of depends on the situation. In a deli it doesn't matter at all unless you're way over, since the customer is going to pay for what they're given regardless. Portioning Ahi or filet in a restaurant I honestly never used the scale 90% of the time because I pretty much had it down. On the other hand, we made our own "french onion dip" and it called for 8oz of beef base (basically condensed stock). After this new kid had been there for a couple months and made the recipe a dozen times he decided just to eyeball the beef base and I was kind of watching him out of the corner of my eye, thinking, "if this shit turns out okay this is the luckiest dude in existence." I kind of jokingly mentioned it to my boss in passing, knowing he was going to think it was kind of funny and an opportunity to teach the new kid a lesson. It just so happened that he went on break when the dip was ready to be finished (everything gets cooked and then has to cool down before being folded into sour cream), so of course I ended up with that job. Low and behold, the shit was inedible. I'd already prepped a couple things in anticipation so it was an easy fix, but it was a great opportunity to embarrass the cocky new guy and make sure it never happens again. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.20162198

My salad years are long behind me, Anon
I still have some tricks up my sleeve, is all, and one of them is being able to measure with my eyes
I used to think that "calibrated eyes" were bullshit lazy people said, like my old mechanic, he was my dad's friend, he did my alignments for like, $50, because my shitbox was always going out of alignment
He did it with a nut and a piece of string
One day I was getting my car re-aligned and a tractor-trailer pulled in behind me with six or seven exotics
He said, "Oh, Leno's cars are here, Anon, I gotta take this"
He was Jay Leno's Italian car mechanic, I had no idea, for me, he was just my dad's lazy mechanic buddy
Calibrated eyes are real

>> No.20162210

>no no dude they were totally socialists because they called themselves that
>it doesn't MATTER if they never did anything actually socialist
>it doesn't MATTER if everything they did was basically the antithesis of socialism
>they called themselves that and that's all that matters
this is like the retarded offspring of the no true scotsman

>> No.20162242

>calibrated eyes are real
I was never denying that. It's just that if you aren't secretly Jay Leno's mechanic you probably shouldn't be on 4chan bragging about how you don't measure anything. With some things it's typically fine, but sometimes measurements are really important. In my first cook job I started working opening shifts on weekdays after a year or so and the morning guy was this old, disheveled Guatemalan guy who I'd heard nothing about other than that he got mad about some minor thing one time and punched a hole through the wall with his fist. It turned out he was a super nice guy and absolutely loved training people as long as they listened to his instructions. I did, because it very quickly became apparent this guy had ben in the industry since he was wearing diapers and knew more tricks than anyone I've worked with before or since. Despite the disparity between skill levels, we used to play the "guess the weight game" with literally anything one of us happened to be prepping if the other one walked by, and which one of us was more accurate was actually pretty close over the long run. I later found out that he only worked morning shifts (this was at a brewpub that served steak and seafood) because at noon he'd ride his bike over to the only Michelin restaurant in town where he had helped design the kitchen, was a lead line cook, and general consultant. Of course none of that makes up for the fucking Mexican music he would blast at 7am. I understand a decent amount of Spanish but literally every song is exactly the same.

>> No.20162255

That's basically the line from the right in America anytime anything remotely "socialist" is suggest, and a lot of these people weren't even alive during the cold war. It's like, "you want to spend [0.00000001% of the annual military budget] to end child hunger in this country?!! Why don't you just go live in Venezuela or build a time machine to go back to the USSR!!!" And then when you remind them that these are authoritarian states they act like you have no clue what you're talking about and have never read a book in your life.
>hurr, do you also think that china isn't communist?!
>i bet you'd say the same thing about vietnam and the khmer rouge
Yes, of fucking course I would you retard.

>> No.20162695

The seethe! Is this pasta? You should look at recipe cards from the late 19th/early 20th century, see if your grandmas have any of their moms’ or grandmas’. You’ll get a list of ingredients without quantities and you’d be lucky to get a temperature OR cook time. Learn to cook.

>> No.20162701

Recipes with videos are helpful for this. Old cooking shows or even YouTube chefs too. Then just practice and you get an idea of how big the carrot/onion/meat/herb/etc pieces should be.

>> No.20163564

i hate using scales when cooking and just eyeball stuff as i go, volumetric measurements are easier to accompany this and i'm probably not the only one who does this

>> No.20163681

I'm sorry that your fascist belief system is also leftist, I know it's hard to deal with that when all you want to do is insult people you dislike using the terms that we all agree with are synonymous with evil
I can only hope that you realize that you are perpetuating evil and virtue signaling doesn't change that

>> No.20163688

>"you want to spend [0.00000001% of the annual military budget] to end child hunger in this country?!!
you give them an inch, they take a mile.

>> No.20163849

I can understand why you would have an issue with this if you're baking, but cooking doesn't have to be so specific. It shouldn't matter anyway, the slight differences are gonna be negligible in most cases

>> No.20164230

what's the official term for racist leftist? i want to take from the rich and give to the poor (whites only, all others removed from the country by force or enslaved)

>> No.20165388

All leftists should be executed.