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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 680x1020, Blueberry-Milkshake-5834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20148565 No.20148565 [Reply] [Original]

What did you have for breakfast?

>> No.20148568


>> No.20148664

two poached eggs, 3 sausages (organic) on a nice moist rye toast

>> No.20148684

sucking dick doesn't count as organic, people are full of plastics and garbage chemicals nowadays

>> No.20148748

you sound really tired

>> No.20148771

you sound really ugly

>> No.20148836

I am smiling

>> No.20148846
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Plain whole milk greek yogurt with blueberries, two peanut butter sandwiches

I have had this nearly every day for 2 years now

>> No.20148857

prove it

>> No.20149068

Today I have consumed one portion of food loaf comprised of flour, pinto beans, yeast, and flax meal. Plus instant decaf coffee mixed with cocoa powder. Later I intend to consume a small portion of wilted spinach and mixed seeds dressed with lemon juice.

>> No.20149072

Black coffee and a couple shots of vodka from the freezer.
I'm actually more of a beer and wine drinker, but I can't keep that down in the morning.

>> No.20149075

boiled some mushrooms and spinach in a little bit of leftover chicken broth amd then poached/fried a few eggs in it

>> No.20149081

gin & tonic and four leftover slices of disgusting ass pizza hut pan pizza

>> No.20149087
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>> No.20149089

Pancakes, bacon, glass of oj and cup of coffee

>> No.20149092
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Boston Cream donut, bring offered fit free by my grocery store. I haven't had one in years.
4chan is eating my posts lately, man. I had a hell of a time getting my Imaizumi dump thread going on /a/ yesterday too.
Pic related: this is how I feel about my upcoming donut, and also Reina is best girl.

>> No.20149096

Peanut butter toast

>> No.20149133

Leftover supermarket fried chicken. It was horrifically salty.

>> No.20149135

cup of coffee, leftover slice of bacon/pepperoni pizza.

>> No.20149137


>> No.20149150
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>> No.20149153
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egg onion avocado mayo sandwich

>> No.20149165

3 oz of raw sliced mutton, a carrot, some homemade oat and rye cloudy beer that I'm guessing is around 3% abv at this point, and a bit of sheep's yogurt. It's muddy today and I have 200 sheep to wash and shear and I'm procrastinating on the internet because I can't feel my toes. Fml I can't wait for spring.

>> No.20149167

You got it right

>> No.20149176

I don't eat breakfast. I first ate at 1pm and had a 3 egg omelette and 250g of Greek yoghurt. I also used some apple and fig chutney that my parents got me for my birthday. It was... weird. Fortunately it was only a small jar.

>> No.20149182
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Boston Cream sold out, ended up with this guy instead.

>> No.20149257

fat fuck

>> No.20149270
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Yes, woe be to me who ate a free donut for breakfast for a single morning. Truly there is no coming back from this.

>> No.20149304


A single mandarin orange.

>> No.20149318

my usual:black coffee and baby coke(20mg)

>> No.20149332
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blacccck cooooock

>> No.20149351

One Oikos Triple Zero, 100g blueberries, 30g granola, and a protein shake.

>> No.20150893

I don't understand the question

>> No.20150926

Every day for the past 4 years (give it take), i have had 3 eggs in olive oil and a banana.

>> No.20150945

Oats, whole milk and peanut butter with strawberries and banana slices added on top. Delicious.

>> No.20151312
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Just drank a coffee and a glass of water.

>> No.20151620

they don't like fat fucks in japan

>> No.20151625

rolled oats in cold milk with honey and a banana

>> No.20151641
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for me, it's the Slav Classic
used to also include a can of beer

>> No.20151769


what a handsome coffee cup

>> No.20151782

>Slav Classic
>the most American cigarette ever

>> No.20151787

>the most American cigarette ever

>> No.20151798

No, reds are literally called cowboy killers, they're about as American as a bald eagle eating a big mac

>> No.20151802

Wait nevermind, I'm retarded and going blind

>> No.20151810
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/ck/ needs a cigarette general.

>> No.20151833

>two poached eggs

>> No.20151838

>two peanut butter sandwiches

>> No.20151863


>> No.20151874


>> No.20151907

Why? I smoke 2 packs a day. What am I gonna post about?
>Yep, just had me a good double but still itching so gonna refill my coffee and go chain smoke till I caint
Like, do get me wrong, I love it. It's just one of the most mundane thing every.

>> No.20151911

Rolling your own is quite close to cooking.

>> No.20151912

Baked beans and a cigarette.

>> No.20151914

How are you doing, fellow airstrip-oner?

>> No.20151920

it isn't at all

>> No.20151924

You select what you'll smoke, you assemble it, and you consume.

>> No.20151986

This would be akin to assembling a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's not cooking.

>> No.20151987
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>> No.20152030

It’s a single donut anon, relax. I’m sure the friendly folks at the hanoi Hilton are working extra hard right now in negotiating your release. Hang in there, sgt. Leroy.

>> No.20152031

some meat i ripped off a rotisserie chicken and water
further breakfast is beer

>> No.20152081

I'm a used car salesman in the Midwest.

>> No.20152119
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Reducing the intake in a saturated society will balance the scales and reduce cancer risk.

On a side note try fasting for 48 hours in general. It can clear up a lot of issues, gonna start doing it again this weekend.

>> No.20152122


>> No.20152693

Got one this morning for brekky.

>> No.20152708

>I can't feel my toes.

>> No.20152723

I think she's just cold

>> No.20154097


>> No.20154101

Kinda inspiring a fast in me not gunna lie. I'm already under my target though. Fuck I need to get active. This cold weather always messes me up. Need to ice bath or some shit.

>> No.20154869

Coffee, cigarette, banana. Breakfast is usually just what's within my reach as I try to get my head on straight.

>> No.20154881

Even as an avid smoker I don't think I'd have much to say. Once you find your brand you usually don't budge from it, you'd end up just having people discussing how to quit.

>> No.20154902

Didn't have breakfast today but yesterday had 2 fluffy pancakes with a side queso hash brown

>> No.20154906

Talking about cigarettes when you only smoke already made is the of talking about food if you only eat fast food.

>> No.20154914

Based fellow semi-conscious morning incompatriot

>> No.20154935

kek do you grow your own tobacco anon? In that case respect, if not what the fuck are you talking about man? I roll my own, but it's still a 'brand' of tobacco. Same with the papers.

I think you give too much weight to rolling your own, it's nothing special. It tastes completely different to industrial cigarettes but it's a far cry from a comparison to homemade food.

>> No.20154941

Yeah I've always wanted to be a morning person but that never quite worked out

>> No.20154943

>kek do you grow your own tobacco anon?
I actually do. but the flavor and effect of the cigarette comes from what you put on it, and i'm not talking about drugs.

It's quite scary how much stuff you can do.

>> No.20154967

>I actually do

That's really cool anon, is it a difficult plant to grow? Do you get a lot out of it? I'd try but the only garden I have access to is a community garden and we don't get to decide what grows there (it sucks).

>what you put on it

Could you give me any examples?

I take back what I said about the tobacco thread, if there are interesting anons like you it might be worth a try. I just assumed people who grew their own tobacco were too rare to even mention.

>> No.20154973

Do you always think about dicks you fucking faggot?

>> No.20154975

>is it a difficult plant to grow
No, it's as easy as a plant can be, just gives it lots of Nitrogen fertilizer and it grows as much as sugar cane. The more you water it, the faster it grows, but the weaker the tobacco will be.

I never tried, but it should be possible to grow it in a pot.

>Could you give me any examples?
When I have difficult sleeping, I mist passion fruit leaves on my cigarettes. The effect is very similar to making strong tea from it, it's a bit weaker, but it hits far faster.

It's also a decent spice, if you like a bitter flavor that is a bit spicy.

>> No.20155011

>it should be possible to grow it in a pot.

I think I'm going to start to read up on this. I've always heard tobacco companies put a ton of additives in their stuff and since I can't seem to quit it might be a better alternative. I don't have the space to dry it out though, I'll have to think about that.

I think I've had passion fruit leaves as an infusion before, can't recall the taste or effects though. Do you recommend any good books/websites about this kind of stuff or are you just generally knowledgeable on plant stuff?

>> No.20155020

>I've always heard tobacco companies put a ton of additives in their stuff and since I can't seem to quit it might be a better alternative.
They do put, and usually stuff to make it taste less, smell less or be less adctive.

>I think I've had passion fruit leaves as an infusion before, can't recall the taste or effects though.
Weak - medium tranquilizer.

>Do you recommend any good books/websites about this kind of stuff or are you just generally knowledgeable on plant stuff?
I'll see what I can find in English, but by memory I know quite a few stuff that can be mixed, like stevia plant to make it extremely sweet, or mint to make it minty.

>> No.20155031

Basically, when smoking something, instead of eating it, you get the same flavor, but in a different manner, and the same effect, weaker (accumulated), but faster.

>> No.20155083

I made myself a Denver omelet this morning. Was good.

>> No.20155264

Right now a cigarette, 5am is way to early to est something.

>> No.20155348

they're pedophiles in Japan so who gives a fuck what they like

>> No.20155941

Apple and peanut butter toast again

>> No.20156045

I can't eat breakfast or lunch or I'll get fat.

>> No.20156055

Potato and chorizo breakfast tacos. Goddamn I haven't had a blueberry milkshake in years, maybe I should make one soon.

>> No.20156106

Leftover Spaghetti Bolognese

>> No.20156289

im drinking can beer and then gonna switch to some steel reserve jugs. when all the beer makes me hungry i'm gonna make some alfredo pasta or jalapeno poppers.

>> No.20156338
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Two sunny side up eggs, oatmeal, a tangerine, and a cup of green tea. Same as every work day.

>> No.20156350

>Two peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast
>Everyday for two years

Holy fuck you're weird, can't imagine how much bread and peanut butter you go through. I guess you want the peanut butter, might as well just eat that and skip the bread.

>> No.20156569
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Same as always

>> No.20156709

neighbor baked too much jalapeno cheddar bread so she gave me some. but some capicola in between it and devoured 2 of them. was bretty good. did it again for lunch but with smoked turkey breast deli meat, diced a couple of hot banana pepper rings because i only had 2 left. It was not as good.

>> No.20156712

ahhh the ol 2 eggs plus protein mass.

>> No.20156716

two day old juneberry redbull i poured over ice still in the fridge, a generic reeses cup, 12oz of water, some green olives

>> No.20157148

porkroll and cheese everything-bagel sandwich. I fry the porkroll up and then put it on the bagel with the cheese in the toaster oven to warm up while I go take care of my chickens and goats.

>> No.20157169
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I eat one meal a day. This is it. Carne asada fries from the taco truck outside work. I have it for breakfast and have nothing else the rest of the day. Lost 15 pounds so far but I've sort of plateaued and don't really lose anything anymore. Still happy with the results though

>> No.20157173
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It never disappoints

>> No.20157603
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Usually, I don't eat breakfast at all, but this morning I got a surprise croissant and a very nice note from HR at my desk :3

>> No.20157656

I have an ice maker now (no buli) so I've been chomping on refreshish delicious ice for the last 2 hours

>> No.20158086

your iron levels are low and you're pregnant

>> No.20159251


>> No.20159297

Baked beans and a black coffee.

>> No.20159595

I'm actually a man btw but thanks for your genuine concern anon. It really means alot in these trying times under lord groggy Joe.

>> No.20159600

i can help you with your iron levels, with around 2.59 ± 0.21 mg/kg.

>> No.20160044

Based pica understander

>> No.20161787

a cherry poptart at the start of work

>> No.20161792

I ate the souls of my dead enemies.

>> No.20162666

Cough syrup and tea with honey for my sore throat.

>> No.20162685
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Behold a challenger appears

>> No.20162693

A clementine, my darling clementine...

>> No.20162715

same as every day. banana and sardines

>> No.20162726
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Same thing I have every morning

>> No.20162754

sipping my second cup of coffee, about to light second ciggie, also I had to take some painkillers

>> No.20162869

A portion of rice, a portion of reheated yangnyeom chicken and milk coffee.

>> No.20162960

Scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms but I overloaded it with mushrooms and I didn't like it.

>> No.20162967

add a shot of whiskey and you have a party going

>> No.20162984

Two potatoes, a glass of kefir and like six slices of salo

>> No.20163378

I had an apple, half of a grapefruit, and 2 sausages

>> No.20163481
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Homemade blueberry scone

>> No.20163588

Bacon sandwich

>> No.20163636

3 or 4 eggs i dont remember

>> No.20165357

2 cups of coffee, no sugars nor sweeteners

>> No.20165545

A hardboiled egg and a bagel with cream cheese. Also cup of black coffee.

>> No.20165557

30g protein shake. then chicken noodle soup. then a salad and a lot of other shit.

>> No.20165577
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>milkshake overflowing and dripping down the glass

>> No.20166025

Oatmeal with semi-skimmed milk and liquid artificial sweetener.
>Yes, I'm a fattie.

>> No.20166108

how thick is your HR's mustache?

>> No.20166824

What brand of yogurt is this? Is it tasty?

>> No.20166825

a protein bar and a couple of a fag and some chocolate

>> No.20166833

Three sandwiches

>> No.20166842

Sushi (tuna rolls) and a half moon cookie.
Great choice, very nutritious.

>> No.20167956
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Ham and provolone sandwich on homemade white bread

>> No.20169224
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>> No.20169228

>toasted Vogel's
>Avocado with lemon juice, salt, smoked paprika
>Sliced tomato and Tabasco
>Fried eggs on top
Got a double yolker, was pretty sick.

>> No.20169233

4 eggs medium and 5 bacons
Handful of vitamins
32oz cofeve