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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 1010x1035, 4F80CC96-2ABC-496D-86BD-60763F75A585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20141261 No.20141261 [Reply] [Original]

You ever get scared as an American that the rest of the world is gonna take our food away because many of us do things like this?

>> No.20141266

The rest of the world with their no guns? Yeah they're not taking shit away from anyone

>> No.20141267

Nobody is going to try and seperate an American from their precious slop because they will be shot.
the only thing we love more than guns is food

>> No.20141273
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I looked up the numbers not that long ago and Americans had over 120 firearms per 100 people.

>> No.20141274

I'll shoot any eurotrash burglar. They have no means of counter attack.

>> No.20141276

I will only respond to your question if you post food you have cooked yourself.

>> No.20141277

Our values are under attack

Our values:

>> No.20141278

Based American Patriot.

>> No.20141315

I don’t think anyone really eats like this. For one thing it’s too much effort. This retard food is for tictac likes.

>> No.20141328
File: 257 KB, 1536x1023, GettyImages-1178684940-scaled-e1647271049457-1789486116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will never take my soul food

>> No.20141337

Get those disgusting poor peoples' weeds off my plate

>> No.20141403

It's in its own bowl.

>> No.20141408

Medicaid will.

>> No.20141463

Only people in the midwest do these bizarre casserole things. They're descended from G*rmans, the source of all modern political problems.

>> No.20141468

German food is also disgusting
but pretty good

>> No.20141482

They don't have to. Eating that shit is guaranteed cultural suicide. Duck head.

>> No.20141657
File: 183 KB, 1080x464, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. You want my deenz? Well come and TAKE EM.

>> No.20141675

Who's this "us", you shit swallower? You forget a snack in your pocket?

>> No.20141748

Take the sticker off you basement troll.

>> No.20141802
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>> No.20141810

I...how would this even work? You know America exports billions worth of food every year, right? You also know that no country on Earth can stop a B2 from flying over its capital?
What is this thread?

>> No.20141820

in a few dozen decades they'll be writing essays about the economic and social conditions that led to america's problem with casseroles

>> No.20141890

It was when I first got it like three years ago lol I did take the sticker off

>> No.20141903

>many of us do things like this
99% of the audience for shit like this is non-Americans. The same is true for the webm threads and e-celeb spam. Track threads by time of day and you’ll quickly realize that this kind of garbage is primarily consumed by bored yuros and strayans.

>> No.20141926

i was skeptical but i did love that sticking spaghetti through hotdogs to boil. don't forget to snap the spaghetti in half

>> No.20141936
File: 64 KB, 800x394, G1019-CAMPFIRE-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only that low because we only started counting new guns sold after the 1980s but there are still plenty of guns going all the way back to WW1 that are really combat effective like M1 Garands and 1911s plus a a unimaginable amount of hunting rifles.
true number is closer to 500,000,000 guns and well over 5 to 10 trillion rounds of of ammo.
I've shot AK rounds from the 1950s that worked just fine and there's pallets of that shit laying around

>> No.20143259

I wonder what possesses people to eat shit like this. It's nowhere near uniquely American, I've seen people make absolute dog shit food all over the world.

>> No.20143933

Give some examples.

>> No.20143939

Flying Jacob

>> No.20144315
File: 60 KB, 280x230, USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can they take away our food if we eat them first?

>> No.20145877

>Flying Jacob
holy sloppa

>> No.20145883

Interesting. So, those pre 1980 firearms are unregistered? And someone could buy such gun from someone else with no strings attached, huh?

>> No.20147172

no guns are registered in America because there is no registry since that violates out Constitution also private sales from person to person are completely legal.

>> No.20147190

>also private sales from person to person are completely legal.
*in certain states

>> No.20147220
File: 281 KB, 533x509, 1666748701749535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most states and its only illegal if you get caught. Also there is no way to prove you didn't buy the gun before the law was past (unless its a brand new gun)

>> No.20147228

why are americans always scared people are going to take things from them?
I don't think anyone wants to take anything from America. Certainly not their processed food

>> No.20147245

because almost every day some duel citizenship foreigner get in out government and tries to pass laws taking things away from us.
CA is trying to put GPS trackers on cars that kills your throttle so you can't speed!

>> No.20147304
File: 53 KB, 768x421, gas stoves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And recently the usual gang of nannies in Congress wanted to ban gas stoves. The usual control freaks on reddit and other places control freaks hang out never considered this possibility before but were instantly in support of banning the sale of gas stoves. There's always someone lurking around in government, maybe elected, maybe appointed, always looking to tell others what they can and cannot do. Cooking is no exception.

>> No.20147313

>its only illegal if you get caught
full brainlet

>> No.20147319

someone on /pol/ when through all the pic of the politicians that were for banning gas stoves and found pic of them in their kitchens and guess what...every single one of them had gas stoves

>> No.20147330
File: 34 KB, 568x533, 1666579847617051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. better not jay walk even though its the middle of the night and there isn't a car around for miles

>> No.20147339

>Its only illegal if you get caught
You mean its only illegal if there's a specific written law drafted by the lawmakers of your nation and defended in court? Yes. That is what laws are.

>> No.20147350

>someone on /pol/ when through all the pic of the politicians that were for banning gas stoves and found pic of them in their kitchens and guess what...every single one of them had gas stoves
Well, you see, "rules are for thee, but not for me"
If you don't like it, move to Ukraine

>> No.20147351

yes that is the definition of illegality well done

>> No.20147412
File: 53 KB, 589x457, main-qimg-94fb02e9d5966e4dd34baf91dcea00e7-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any idea how many current laws are in complete violation of the constitution?
Mods can you move this thread to /pol/

>> No.20147424


>> No.20147437

The constitution isn't a real law because it was never ratified by congress

>> No.20147476
File: 3.03 MB, 498x289, So damn obvious it plays itself out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20147478

the bill of rights was

>> No.20147479

I hate seeing food prepared by anyone with long nails or even solidly painted nails because you can't see if their hands are really clean.

>> No.20147572

yeah why not unless im catching a vasectomy appointment or something. btw im OP, please prostrate before me

>> No.20147609

>catching a vasectomy appointment
why not just have you wife's boyfriend drive you there ?

>> No.20148478

But pre 1980 firearms also mean their serial numbers (if any) is in no database, no?

>> No.20149846

the databases are individual to the manufacture of the gun and not accessible to the Govt. (unless issued a search warrant and that would need to be fora specific range of numbers for a specific model gun) and even then most of it isn't digitalized so they'd have go dig through a warehouse filled with boxes of paper

>> No.20149848

>and not accessible to the Govt.
Unless the government want the data, right? pretty hard to believe the country with the most secret policemen in the world would not get this data...

>> No.20149849

AmeriGODS... I kneel

>> No.20149860

>And recently the usual gang of nannies in Congress wanted to ban gas stoves. The usual control freaks on reddit and other places control freaks hang out never considered this possibility before but were instantly in support of banning the sale of gas stoves. There's always someone lurking around in government, maybe elected, maybe appointed, always looking to tell others what they can and cannot do. Cooking is no exception.
This is funny, while some things are notably free in the US, some others have strangely high restrictions. Pretty weird, if you ask me.

>> No.20149892

A firearms dealer is required by law to keep all the 4473s filled out for each transaction they make and when the store/business closes their files are given to the ATF.

On top of that, every payment processing company in the world informs on every single one of their customers' purchases to the feds.

>> No.20149899

>every payment processing company in the world informs on every single one of their customers' purchases to the feds
Only if the customer is American, this a major reason why the good payment processors simply refuse to serve Americans.

>> No.20149900

The goal of every government ever created is to gain more power. Every move the government makes is to gain and secure more power over its people. The only reason those notably free things aren't more restricted is because the constitution prevents it and the government hasn't found a convenient way to circumvent it yet.

>> No.20149906

>I don't think anyone wants to take anything from America.
Is this a joke

>> No.20149914

>its almost impossible for the state to effectively enforce their own gun laws

This will never not be funny.

>> No.20149915

>The constitution protects
Now this is a lot of pride, I really don't get why some people trust old written law so much, there have been many cases where it has been simply been ignored whenever the government felt like doing so.

No, it's not. But it's something very hard to explain.

To summary it, American influence in the world is far smaller than it's believed by Americans, except for Europe. I think the way media portrait things here helps to create this distortion.

It's like American food (fast food), in most places it's just a type of restaurant, like Chinese or Italian restaurants; but most people seem to believe it's as central as it's in the US.

>> No.20149918

>pic related

While that is entirely true, I sincerely doubt that argument would hold up in court. I really do want to try to be the guy who sets that precedent though.....

>> No.20149924

>American influence in the world is far smaller than it's believed by Americans
You sure wouldn't think so after posting on this website for more than a day and seeing the teeming hordes of foreigners obsessing over America and bitching about it nonstop in literally every single thread

>> No.20149929

The way some Americans act is annoying and draws quite a lot of attention, but the US is no shinny city on a hill as some want to believe.

>> No.20149934

If it weren't for that ratty old piece of paper they'd have banned guns and confiscated them all long ago. If it weren't for that piece of paper people would be getting arrested and jailed for tweets.

>> No.20149940

>If it weren't for that ratty old piece of paper they'd have banned guns and confiscated them all long ago.
The American government keep well-known prison-torture for it's citizens, such a government will not be stopped by some old piece of paper, despite what some may believe.

Personally I believe the US government is very lenient with guns because it has been show people will not use them for many things.

>> No.20149958
File: 214 KB, 480x2048, cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1968 (FOPA) bans a federal registry as a political concession to lawful gun owners (imagine comprise for gun owners meaning they get something back!), but that doesn't stop the ATF from digitizing all background check forms into a SQL database but it isn't a registry because it isn't enabled to search by name, nor does it stop states from doing whatever they want and tracking 'sales not people'!

>> No.20149979

Most countries have annoying outliers that attract a lot of attention

>> No.20149985

true my local FFL keeps all 4473s... in trash bags in a shed on the lowest part of his property thats prone to flooding and i paid in cash.
My you shouldn't be buying your guns a Bass Pro Shop.

>> No.20149990

>People in my country do something bad, so everyone also is bad
This is like Hollywood actors saying all of society has a rape problem because Hollywood has a rape problem.

>> No.20150009

I beat my chest and scream at foreigners every night on /int/. I keep my country safe.

>> No.20150235

Are you going to seriously pretend whatever backwater you're from has no embarassing people in it and annoying retards are a uniquely american problem?

>> No.20150247

Why are you this dishonest? I said that many Americans in the internet act far more annoying and attention drawing than most, which is true. Then try to claim everyone is just as bad. And now you're putting words in my mouth?

How about we try to be a bit more honest, instead of just trying to "win"?

>> No.20150251

Only the spergs on /ck/ would get so assmad about socially unconventional food trends they’d imprison you for it

>> No.20150253

You handwaved my correct point with a Hollywood analogy, and now you're calling me dishonest?

>> No.20150260

Don't take me wrong, but Hollywood anecdotes seems to be very typical of your country I tried to write my post in way it'd be easier to understand.

>> No.20150337

I'm routinely embarrassed to be the same species as the rest of the world, or even most people in urban areas of the US.
Giving socialists internet was a fucking mistake, they never mature past 12.
We're slacking.

>> No.20150391

Our jews are notoriously inconsistent.
For anyone pining for complete slavery, it's a little frustrating.

>> No.20150394

But I must admit it's entertaining. That gas oven stuff was truly a sight to behold.

>> No.20150410

You ever get scared as a nameless, third-world national that the rest of the world is gonna stop sending you aid because many of you do things like this?

>> No.20150418

>American influence in the world is far smaller than it's believed by Americans
Cope faggot, We are number one.

>> No.20150423

>We are number one.
You guys seem to really want to be number one, as a psychological need to prove you're better, when in most cases the US is clear not... this behavior of some people is what makes almost everyone dislike Americans.

>> No.20150425

>Hollywood actors
Curious that you chose an American city with American actors instead of anything from your own country.
Small influence, indeed.

>> No.20150436

>Curious that you chose an American city with American actors instead of anything from your own country.
Because I'm explaining to an American, I took extra care to make sure the example would be easy to understand.

Also, there are few examples of this specific cope/delusion outside the US.

>> No.20150438

Okay, so you chose an example that, by definition, has more influence than any equivalent from your own country. It only makes sense that influential example would be American.

>> No.20150448

It's like how Americans lost in Afghanistan, and started to flood with "why we are actually strong" explanations and "we actually won" boasts.

>Use American example to explain something to an American
>This ackcktually proves the US has more influence than anyone else, because...
Are you feeling ok? If my dog could understand words, I'd use bones and meat to explain to him, it's no different for Americans

>> No.20150458

>I'm only using this example because everyone understands it!
>It does mean it has influence!
Are you trying to argue that the example that you yourself acknowledge is known by more people is somehow not more influential than a lesser-known alternative?
That's one hell of a delusional cope.

>> No.20150463

>I'm only using this example because everyone understands it!
Why are you so dishonest? I said a few times I used this example because AMERICANS understand, not everyone.

I don't know what is worse, the obsession with pretending "the US is better" on everything, or being so willing to lie.

>> No.20150467

dude you're just putting your words in his mouth and calling him names stop

>> No.20150470

>Jews want to ban gas and ovens
Can you really blame them

>> No.20150472

>Why are you so dishonest?
You used the example because, as you said, the Americans understand it. As you understand it as well, everyone in the discussion understands it.
Why are you so afraid to admit that the AMERICAN example that you yourself chose to use, specially because it's more widely known than whatever knockoff your people managed to cobble together, is more influential?

>> No.20150479

Repeating the same lie over and over is wrong. Do you think that doing this will make your country any less worse?

>> No.20150493

You've yet to say anything to contradict it.
If what you're saying is true, than you shouldn't have any problem explaining how having an obviously more broad influence is somehow not more influential. So go ahead.

>> No.20150497

people like this is why everyone dislike Americans

>> No.20150513

>give up
>try to go out with a jab anyway

>> No.20150517

You got it explained a few times, being dense doesn't makes you right.'

>> No.20150531

>You got it explained a few times
All you've done is reinforce my point by confirming that Hollywood (your own chosen example) has more influence than anything else you could have used.
And then you resorted to ending each post with a quick insult as if that somehow makes you less wrong.

>> No.20150540

op is a faggot (not the food)

>> No.20150653


>> No.20151028
File: 699 KB, 1080x810, DSCN3531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tread went way off the rails.
i haven't been on a /pol/ thread this good since 2015 and we're on /ck/ ffs