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File: 94 KB, 720x720, Negroni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20140543 No.20140543 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite cocktail?

For me, its the negroni

>> No.20140547
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>> No.20140550

Based as fuck

>> No.20140559

why yes im a fag

>> No.20140566

you sound like one of them homosexuals

>> No.20140575

My problem is that vermouth goes bad and I always end up having to toss at least half the bottle. Otherwise I'd drink negronis a lot.

>> No.20140588

Plus buying whole bottles of Campari and Cinzano is expensive, if they sold shot sized bottles of those I'd drink Negronis a lot more.

>> No.20140592

Irish mule

>> No.20140595

I spend more on different bottles in a year than you probably make in 6 months. I've designed drinks for multiple events, competitions, and of course, parties. I know what I'm talking about, these drinks are for millennial douchebags who wear plaid and like Legos too much because they think it makes them look like a man, which is something they never learned how to do from their fathers. Now don't talk to me again.

>> No.20140600

Don't give the troll any (You)'s please.

>> No.20140601

The George R. R. Martini: you order it and the bartender takes fucking ages to make it.

>> No.20140602

For me, it's whisky in a dirty coffee mug

>> No.20140606

Missionary's Downfall, it's the superior mojito.

>> No.20140608

>vermouth goes bad
are you not putting it in the fridge?
total wine and bevmo have smaller bottles of campari, even shot sized
don't know about cinzano though

>> No.20140618

Learn how to mix a proper cocktail and stop buying meme bottles.

>> No.20140626

>t. poorfag tastelet
You can disagree all you want, I care not.
Funny anon I'll give you that

The rest isn't even worth acknowledging, it reeks of idiocy in here.

>> No.20140631

>it reeks of idiocy in here
Its just some fellas discussing their favorite drinks, why are you seething so hard anon

>> No.20140632

You know nothing.
Because their taste it obviously lacking.

>> No.20140639

Well maybe you could enlighten us as to what a truly tasteful cocktail is

>> No.20140641

No, it's more like the bartender gets 2/3rds of the way through making your martini, sits around for ages doing nothing, then hands it off to his retarded colleague who just pours it into a rocks glass, takes a dump in it then hands it to you.

>> No.20140648

gin martini

>> No.20140655

I enjoy a gin martini

>> No.20140718

I prefer gin martini's over vodka. with a cocktail onion instead of an olive.
but it's not my favorite.
My favorite is probably a manhattan

>> No.20140729
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Whiskey sour for me. One time this man I met at a bar used his cum instead of egg whites and force fed it to me. It was insanely hot and largely why I love this drink… the fond memories

>> No.20140904

>are you not putting it in the fridge?
It still goes bad, putting in the fridge just slows down the process. It doesn't stop it.

>> No.20140911

Tommy's Margarita

>> No.20140925

>Nooo your cocktail cant actually taste good
>it has to be gin with gin and maybe a bit of a different spirit
Im not alcoholic enough to pretend that shit tastes good.

>> No.20140929

holy fucking based

>> No.20140934

your taste buds have been ruined by goyslop

>> No.20140940

Gin tastes like ass, and maybe you should stop sniffing your own farts

>> No.20140965

I shoot gin straight sometimes even when I have several bottles of nice whiskey lol.
I just like that pinecone taste

>> No.20141147

Old fashion with frozen shrimp instead of ice. Just try it bros

>> No.20141271

Kinda all over the place lately.
Digging Americanos. Digging Black Rob Roys. Digging Mai Tais with dosed orgeat.

>> No.20141280

Before 5PM: French 75
After 5PM: Old Fashioned, hold the sugar

I generally just drink bourbon/rye/scotch on the rocks, though. These are only if I'm out and ordering cocktails.

>> No.20141294

I gotta be in the right mood for anything straight or heavy these days, and usually that mood is "Fuck everything. I'm drinking at home."

>> No.20141304


>> No.20141314

tequila old fashioned topped with a splash of beer and garnished with chili salt

>> No.20141321
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>French 75

>> No.20141383
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It's all way less expensive in Europe.

>> No.20141407

last time I had a negroni was with a cigar. I smoked way too much, got the spins and threw up. Negronis will forever be associated with the nausea

>> No.20141409
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my go to drink was equal parts vodka and gatorade. I call it Depression

>> No.20141412

>my taxes pay for other people to drink

>> No.20141429

Would a Boulevardier do the same thing?

>> No.20141440
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Same, but you don't know true depression until you start using these to try to save money

>> No.20141449

I remember I sold one packet of that stuff to a frat boy for $20 because he couldn't handle a hangover before exams.

>> No.20141450

If it's not neat bourbon, a Manhattan or a boulevardier works well.

>> No.20141452

Rye old fashioned or a manhattan.

>> No.20141454

Calpis sour

>> No.20141458
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Dirty gin martini with blue cheese stuffed olives

>> No.20141506

espresso martini
I dont like to include fruit flavours with my alcohol

>> No.20141511

because it feels like cannibalism?

>> No.20141518

that's a good question. unironically feel like it was the gin taste that threw me over the edge. bourbon probably would have been a better fit

>> No.20141525

You stole my thread idea faggot

>> No.20141534

yeah, but only if you eat the brain

>> No.20141580

I'll take a Kuru Cocktail with spinal fluid, please!

>> No.20141746
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Reminds me of going to jazz fest with my old man

>> No.20142691

Is that an old fashioned with enough bitters to turn it pink, or just the saturation playing tricks?

>> No.20142728
File: 60 KB, 720x720, 1690002497007161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sidecar. Though the Whisky Sour is a close second.

>> No.20142744

That's clearly a Sazerac, though some heathen has served it on the rocks.

Pour a half teaspoon of Absinthe into a glass, swirl it around to coat the class, and (optionally) discard any excess.
In a mixer, muddle a sugar cube, a half teaspoon of water and 3-4 dashes of Peychaud's Bitters.
Add 2 1/2 oz rye whisky, ice cubes, and stir until it is cold.
Strain into the absinthe-coated glass.
Twist a lemon peel over the drink to release some of the oil, then add the peel to the drink.

>> No.20142749

Same. Something about that orange juice just makes it feel like I'm drinking nothing at all.
Nothing at all

>> No.20142751

I didn't see the absinthe... and that's still a very pink Sazerac.

>> No.20142763

It's an optical illusion caused by the dark green background.

>> No.20142785

>blocks out bg
nope, that's cosmopolitan pink all on its own

>> No.20142827

The stepdad
>1oz irish cream
>5oz cheapest, strongest beer available
>2oz JW red label
>Float urine on top
>Garnish with a cigarette butt, lit

>> No.20142987

>dosed orgeat

>> No.20142991


>> No.20143150

Sometimes I like to drink my smoke, ya know?

>> No.20143187

Yea I have no idea why it looks like that, I was just trying to find a decent pic with the ingredients in it and that was the best I could do. Like the other anon said it's a Sazerac.

>> No.20143911

Caipiroska is pretty nice :D.

>> No.20143973
File: 62 KB, 433x530, IMG_7633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled into black manhattans after trying to be edgy by making the devil’s soul but getting fed up with the extra ingredients.

>> No.20144017

theres no point in drinking anything other than neat spirits if you wanna get drunk
why fill up your stomach with sugary cocktails or carb fueled beer when you can pour down a couple shots of vodka and youre set?
>I drink alcohol for the taste
if your main concern is flavor just stick to non alcoholic drinks which taste much better

>> No.20144057

>and of course, parties

>> No.20144687
File: 48 KB, 768x1151, cucumber-elderflower-gimlet-recipe-768x1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this out if you can
Cucumber Elderflower Gimlet
>1 ½ ounces Hendrick’s gin* (or vodka, if you don’t like gin)
>1 ounce St. Germain liqueur
>1 ounce lime juice
>One 2” piece of peeled cucumber, quartered lengthwise and cut crosswise into ¼″ thick pieces (see photos), plus a thinly sliced cucumber round for garnish

>Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour in the gin, St. Germain and lime juice. Add the cucumber pieces, securely fasten the lid, and shake like crazy for about 30 seconds.
>Strain the cocktail into a martini glass and garnish with a slice of cucumber. Enjoy!

>> No.20144706

Rye Old Fashioned with muddled brown sugar no fucking syrup allowed or a Blood and Sand if I'm drunk as fuck and want to be snarky.

>> No.20144785

Having some right now. It's Friday night, after all

>> No.20144798
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Literally came here to post both of these. Excellent taste Alcholicanon

>> No.20144806
File: 574 KB, 946x964, IMG_3443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin fizz and variants thereof are the best bang for your buck. And in a pinch you can make it with just about and booze or citrus so it's never out of reach.

>> No.20144870

So, a shot of chambord with mayonnaise in it?

>> No.20144935

Probably also a negroni

>> No.20145128
File: 1.31 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20240127_042359666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love myself a Godfather. Currently drinking some month old egg nog made according to Alton Brown's recipe for aging. Extra special since the egg yolks are all from my chickens.

>> No.20145155

mai tai, margarita, mojito

>> No.20145182

It must be nice having such a black and white view of the world.
This is the kinda guy who refuses to give his wife orgasms because "we are only having sex to make more babies"

>> No.20145188

>why fill up your stomach with sugary cocktails or carb fueled beer when you can pour down a couple shots of vodka and youre set?
drinking liquor straight up makes my tummy feel queasy desu

>> No.20145228
File: 629 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_6652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its (also) the negroni

>> No.20145229

how do I order a negroni without sounding racist?

>> No.20145237

Some people call it a porch monkoni

>> No.20145272

jiggabooni is the preferred nomenclature

>> No.20145566

I get looks ordering a negroni in the airport lounges. So I always order them when there.

I like most covktails and mix em up. Sazerac of the Capitol Grill variety rinsed with Roses is currently my fancy.

>> No.20145788

*zoomfags in*
espresso martini and red bull vodka
*zoomfags out*

>> No.20145807

1 part coffee
1 part scotch or brandy
Heavy cream and sugar to taste

>> No.20145823

my favourite part about ordering a negro-ni is using the hard r

>> No.20145842

I like Boulevardiers a bit more but I feel like calling it my favourite cocktail is even more pretentious than just saying Negroni

>> No.20145859

didn't ask