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20137903 No.20137903 [Reply] [Original]

The boilermaker of beer. Equivalent to pounding shots. Thread lightly, I shit you not. I am reduced to pouring a small amount into a shot glass and I still get fucked up after 4 or 5.

>> No.20137907
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>pouring a small amount into a shot glass

>> No.20137910

Sierra Nevada atomic torpedo IPA is 9.2% ABV and doesn't make you look like marching band was the last time you experienced joy in your life.

>> No.20137919

don't even care, shit is poison.

>> No.20137922

Steel Reserve is still king of the mountain

>> No.20137935

Natty Daddy waiting at Basecamp to put a pickaxe through your plastic bottle head.

>> No.20137937

>equivalent to pounding shots
jesus christ you're a fucking pussy
most typical types of hard liquor are around 40%
in college dudebros would dare each other to drink straight everclear/bacardi (the 90-95% stuff)

>> No.20137940

>I still get fucked up after 4-5

Yea no shit dumbass, that's a ton of alcohol. What is wrong with you people

>> No.20137943
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I found pic related at the store
It tastes no worse than other local 8-10% slop.
Two cans for me

>> No.20137952

i like the orange juice one

>> No.20137954

4-5 shots of beer. Not 4-5 cans.

>> No.20137956

Idk man even when I was the most intuned with the , those voodoo Rangers fucked me up proper. Some of my sloppiest moments were fueled by those fuckers

>> No.20137957

i used to get these two for six at the jewel by my work and drink them walking the tunnels between grand and division in wintertime. was kino

>> No.20137961

ill stomp on ur 24 oz can jack

>> No.20137979
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They're not 2 for $5.50 anymore.

>> No.20137984
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it's not my favorite stout but it's what I go for when I wanna get drunk

sierra nevada's narwhal stout and lagunita's imperial stout are both better but I can't find either in my area anymore

>> No.20137996

I was big into them for a few months because 2 could get me pretty drunk but after awhile all of the flavors just taste like four loko and became undrinkable. I do still fuck around with sour monkey tall boys from time to time though

>> No.20138002

These were how I learned to drink IPAs. For a while there, a 6 pack was only $8 and they had the same amount of alcohol as a 12 pack.

>> No.20138010

you get "fucked up" after ten ounces (being generous) of 9% alcohol?
am I more alcoholic than I thought or are you a baby bird

>> No.20138018

10 ounces of 9% beer is roughly equivalent to 2 cans of light beer haha

>> No.20138029
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>> No.20138064

what's that, a dead liver?

>> No.20138091


>> No.20138127

that's pretty much the limit for beer. there's a great pub in york called the house of the trembling madness that sells a variety of stuff up to about 18%, including yard glasses.

>> No.20138129
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you can live with it if it's caught very early and you quit drinking altogether. but most end up needing a liver transplant.

>> No.20138131

Yes. Killed by the Voodoo Ranger himself.

>> No.20138281

Still not worse than four loko. And I say this as a guy that used to drink 6-8 hurricanes a day.

>> No.20138308

Is everyone on this board homeless?

>> No.20138316

What makes you say that

>> No.20138320

First time I had a can of this it hit me like a box of bricks. Not so much anymore because I am a professional alcoholic but I remember those first few cans fondly.

>> No.20138331

Nigga what? I used to drink this and pair it with my dinner.
You are not an alcoholic.
Tonight I was drinking cheap piss beer. Ive had four of those and eight shots of liquor. Had to take it easy because I have work tomorrow

>> No.20138342

Everything is IPA nowadays, give me a Larger.

>> No.20138348

9%'s maybe not average strong beer territory, but tripels usually hover in the 8-10 range, and quads don't feel right at all if they're not at least 9%. 600mL of this would be like two pints of regular beer. I'd be hard pressed to drink this faster than I could drink two pints of lager unless it was very cold.

>> No.20138358

Kveiks are at a point where they can get consistently decent results around 15% right? Hmm... I think I need to hit the drawing board.

>> No.20138368

Because that bullshit is like the GO-TO for homeless alcoholics. They cleaned up a homeless encampment by my job and they were using the boxes those things come in as wallpaper/roofing material, and a whole bunch of cans scattered all over the place, which didn't make any sense to me because can't you recycle the cans for redemption value?

It's literally homeless drunk liver killing beer which seems to have replaced malt liquor.

>> No.20138373

>It's literally homeless drunk liver killing beer which seems to have replaced malt liquor.
You are wrong. It's too expensive.

>> No.20138378

It tastes a lot better than malt liquor but it definitely isn't as cheap.

>> No.20138400

They steal it bro. To save money we rented an office in a piece of shit neighborhood and ALL of the liquor stores and markets have armed guards and if there's even a drop of alcohol then it's locked up, but one of the cops was telling us that they just take bolt cutters and cut the locks off while a few bums harass the guard. A few weeks ago a Korean liquor store owner down the street painted his walls with one of their brains using a 12 gauge. Once our lease is up we're moving, but then so are all those businesses, so get ready because they're coming to a neighborhood near you.

>> No.20138405

I want to see your big rough hands firmly planted on my pale, shaven femboy ass cheeks.

>> No.20138422
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This one is better, still bitter but not obnoxiously so, juicy but not straight up beer OJ like Juice Force, the most well balanced strong beer I've found so far

>> No.20138427

did you just turn 18 or what

>> No.20138435

Oh well I guess that's different. You ever hear of wine? Probably a lot more enjoyable to drink than this shit. Unless you're poverty maxxing, at the rate you drink you'll be saving money no matter what you do.

>> No.20138441

That's just the price of dismantling racist instutitions, get used to it chud. Getting a gun won't help you either, we're going to ban those soon and then YOU'LL be the one with a pig's boot on your neck, fascist.

>> No.20138556

the six packs are good bang for the buck unless you go somewhere that marks up prices on shit

>> No.20138566

these are the best bang for your buck if you want to get fucking wasted and not have a terrible hang over with 40oz or plastic bottle liquor. What sucks is people are catching on so a lot of times when I go to the store they're out of voodoo rangers, its happens more than you think. a employee at the corner store told me some guy comes in and buy 12 of them for the week and thats why sometimes they're out

>> No.20138583

Yeah, given the ABV, you get a 12 pack for the price of a 6er.

>> No.20138617

>that bullshit is like the GO-TO for homeless alcoholics
It's cheap, good enough, and gets you buzzed. I make a comfortable amount myself and always get shit tier tallboys as long as it's high ABV. Never liked scotch, wine is too acidic to drink more than a couple glasses, cheap vodka tastes like acetone, and 'good' beer simply costs more than I'm willing to pay per alcohol unit. It is literally the perfect thing for me as someone in a high earning bracket. Homeless people aren't the only ones that like cheap stuff.
> liver killing beer
Drinking anything excessively will kill your liver, even the purest, most expensive fine liquor.

>> No.20138625

theres a belgian beer called Gulden draak being sold near me that is like 12 or 13%

>> No.20138626

isnt this like normal beer in germany?

>> No.20138654

I at no time expressed any disconcert about the homeless drunks, theft, or encampment. I help people find affordable housing through government subsidized programs as well as group homes for the disabled who have become wards of the state, and I also help run a charity that cooks healthy meals for people that don't have the means to cook it themselves (you can't buy cooked food with EBT.) So don't get preachy with me asshole.

>> No.20138661

>small business owner
Chud status: confirmed. No amount of "charity" will save you from the consequences of exploiting marginalized people, enjoy getting review bombed to bankruptcy.

>> No.20138662

i don't really have a direction in my life. everyone expects me to be some software engineer or coder like my dad and brother, but im a bad study and the thought of typing on a keyboard for a living isn't really getting my rocks off. i do better when im on my feet you know.
what I'm trying to say is, I like that you help people, and im looking for a job. do you have any positions open? i promise ill do my best

>> No.20138675
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homeless here drink pic rel less than 2€ for 5dl

>> No.20138683

It even has a cool picture of a boat

>> No.20138695

Hops is a natural sedative and is so closely related to weed that you can crossbreed the plants

>> No.20138700

>I at no time expressed any disconcert about the homeless drunks, theft, or encampment.
So you don't think it's a problem?
> I help people find affordable housing through government subsidized programs as well as group homes for the disabled who have become wards of the state, and I also help run a charity that cooks healthy meals for people that don't have the means to cook it themselves (you can't buy cooked food with EBT.)
So you just feed these people and give them taxpayer-funded housing that they turn into drug dens just so another retard like you can be paid tax money to fix it up for the next one? Damn, you're really helping bro. Shuffling around actual people's money to make their communities worse.
>don't get preachy with me
You started here by complaining about cheap beer because bums like it. Then you lamented your "shithole" neighborhood full of junkie bums. Now you're claiming to be a saint or some shit. If this is a troll then it's a very effective one, I hope none of the things you wrote are true.

>> No.20138712

It's the hypocrisy required to operate within the horseshit society full of malignant petty assholes that is the average Democrat run city.

>> No.20138717

>that's pretty much the limit for beer.
Eisbock would like to have a word with you
Eisbock can average anywhere from 15-30%, the super-strong ones are over 40%

>> No.20138724

Based alesmith enjoyer

>> No.20138732

honestly if you're getting the tallboy you're losing money that's like $4 where you can get six of them for like $13. not to mention anyone stocking voodoo ranger will have the 100 different juice force options right next to it. now if you're really looking for a bang for the buck i think some of the juice force series goes above 10% and it only costs like a dollar more than the standard voodoo ranger

>> No.20138737

I’m convinced they put something else in it to fuck people up. It does not feel like 9%. 4 loko 11% doesn’t even get me as fucked up as one of these. Someone please explain.

>> No.20138741

4 loko is just fent and cool aids. a high alcohol content beer is a completely different concoction

>> No.20138742

do people still drink 4 loko?

>> No.20138752

yes. the streetwalker alcoholics drink all of that shit. there's an entire half of the beer cooler you don't understand

>> No.20138758
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>> No.20138761

it takes two bottles of 15%+ wine for me to get tipsy. what kinda babies are getting wasted on beer??

>> No.20138788

>store fucked up the pricing
>was buying rocket fuel for nearly nothing
god I miss it

>> No.20138856

Poopoo Cringer blows ass, fuck you

>> No.20138860

Beer drunk seems to last longer to me than spirts drunk. Like with spirts you feel like you are racing to get to the highs and lows but beer is a more mellow ride

>> No.20138864
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Thank fuck these IPAs are only like 60 cents or a buck more than a steelie, they make me look like a hipster instead of a drunk

>> No.20138876

But the only people that buy those plastic liqour bottles are hobos who are raging alcoholics. Also you need something to mix it with if you are not a bum


>> No.20138877

For me, it’s Smirnoff Ice Smash
2 tall boys for $8, 8% ABV

>> No.20138890

don't drink that shit dude just mix some drinks or drink high alcohol volume beer

>> No.20138896

600 calories of beer vs 300 calories of sludge

>> No.20138899
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based amsterdam enjoyer

>> No.20138907

so just get some vodka and squeeze a lime. don't drink the sludge lol

>> No.20138916
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If I get the vodka, I’ll drink way more than the equivalent of 2 tall boys
There’s a strategy here, anon

>> No.20138928

I kind of know what you mean
I drink higher abv stuff all the time but the first time I bought a 12 PK of VR imperial I got blackout drunk and woke up with some apologizing to do
I think they put something extra in it

>> No.20139212

Maximator is vile

>> No.20139218

>but most end up needing a liver transplant.
No need. I want to did early. Fuck living past 55 in this clownworld.

>> No.20139261

ive switched to white claw surge, so much easier to drink

>> No.20139271

almost certain it's not the taste they're after

>> No.20139280

Beer yeast can handle more than 10% if you know what you're doing.

>> No.20139285

ywnbaw (or a real man for that matter)

>> No.20139286
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>> No.20139290


>> No.20139294

chugging fattening beer just to get druk is not manly, its kinda cringe

>> No.20139298

>220 calories per 16 oz can
being a fat tranny is even more cringe

>> No.20139309

im neither fat or a trap, doing what you want without caring about peoples opinions is probably the manliest thing u can do

>> No.20139313
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I used to enjoy strong beers like this when I was younger but now that I'm in my mid 30s the hangovers have gotten brutal so I switched to lighter beers and the devil's lettuce

>> No.20139317

keep telling yourself that young lady

>> No.20139327

>taste like rust and endives

>> No.20139342

I used to drink a lot of strong beers but I don't really like them that much anymore, part of the appeal of beer is that you can drink a lot of it without getting totally devastated. If I want something stronger I'll get wine or spirits.

>> No.20139370
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I drink 1 of these 16oz higher abv beers (not this one because its shit) every day with dinner and feel nothing

>> No.20139372

>only one beer
get a load of this lightweight

>> No.20139384

just drink 47% gin like a real man, faggot

>> No.20139396
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>> No.20139400

So you can't even finish one fucking beer? Just switch to juice boxes you little baby

>> No.20139410
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9.9% and BOGO at Publix this past week
I got 8 six packs

>> No.20139436

Yeah staying that way is basically the plan.

>> No.20139444

Try looking for a Hopped Whiskey

>> No.20139447

Could you finish a 1 gallon bottle of Goose in a day? (Yes, they actually makes them in that size)

>> No.20139464

Eisbock is "ice fermented" like applejack until it's 1.5-2x strength. The strongest yeasts struggle to survive an 18% ethanol environment.

>> No.20140100

"Ice fermented" isn't a thing, it's freeze distilled.

>> No.20140291

You can't get liquor past like 8pm or before 6am. A.k.a drinking time

>> No.20140352

>it takes the equivalent of 3/4 of a bottle of vodka to get me tipsy
You are a massive medical outlier on his last few years, comparing yourself to everyoene else is just stupid.

>> No.20140359

NTA but no, I can't. However, I would still likely drink more. So I only buy alcohol that I'm drinking that night, no more.

>> No.20140360

Sorry, ESL moment. Glad you got what I meant.

>> No.20140361

It's not like you just drop dead peacefully at 55. You still have to go through 10-20 years of shit-tier life constantly needing medical support.

>> No.20140366
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i drank six natty daddy tallboys yesterday

>> No.20140395

unironically the definitive worst beer ive ever had

>> No.20140445

I'm more a Hurricane kind of guy

>> No.20140458


>> No.20140478

Man this is saying if I drank like 15 drinks a week for ~20 years I would have 18% chance of developing cirrhosis?!!

>> No.20140640

what do you mean "why?"?

>> No.20141005

finally had enough of daily drinking (pint of titos and a sixer of high life but i never finished the sixer) and went to the doc to get some gaba and prozac. been off the booze since. so nice to wake up in the morning without crippling anxiety and BP high enough to power a boiler

>> No.20141046

also, while not the worst IPA, its still too bitter

>> No.20141059

Fentanyl is cheap and plentiful. There is no need for anyone to suffer.

>> No.20142200
