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20128666 No.20128666 [Reply] [Original]

It's amazing how little common sense people have at big stores like Costco. You would think that everyone would just behave like they do in traffic- stay in the right side, don't stop in the middle of the road, etc etc. but people are fucking retarded. Just leaving their shopping cart in the middle of peoples way while they look at shit, going all over the main paths instead of staying on the right

>> No.20128687
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>Satan checked

>> No.20128718

costco is main character syndrome central. hyper self-centered wannabe new money aggresively packing their cart full of shit they don't need

>> No.20128741

not liking how people shop is not a personality trait

>> No.20128750

Thats some word salad right there

Agreed, but there arent really isles except for the outside rows. Those parts are ok. The clothes and fresh/frozen food areas are mayhem. They make no sense how theyre laid out

>> No.20128969

It’s experiences like this that remind me that nearly half the population has an IQ under 100.

>> No.20128974

>american consumerism

>> No.20128984

>new money
It's called middle class. And it's becoming more competitive within because it's slowly being squeezed into povertyfag living conditions

>> No.20129447

You guys know buying in bulk isn't a "spendy" thing, right? It's just for people above 90 IQ.

>> No.20129459

heh, on the psych profiling.
I don't think it's new money, however.

When I lived in DC there would be the people standing on the metro escalators irritating people who wanted to run past them on the left. There are simply people everywhere who want everyone to understand the rules. I live in FL now, and there is a push to make the left lane illegal except for passing. Just leave well enough alone. The left lane is as full as the middle and right lanes already. It's not 30 years ago anymore.

>> No.20129466

Going to huge stores and dealing with ethnics is a horrific experience of contempt and judgement.

>> No.20129473

who cares you uptight faggot

>> No.20130856

Some people actually have families with multiple people.
Yes, that's why you go to costco and not walmart.

>> No.20130865

anon...you're in a thread that is explicitly about how NPC-minded people act in costco. don't cry when people give their opinion on it

>> No.20130943

should i get their credit card?

>> No.20132397

More than half, in the U.S.

>> No.20132404

>You would think that everyone would just behave like they do in traffic- stay in the right side
Literally NO ONE operates in a grocery store like you would in a car. Why would you even think that. How autistic are you that you can't say "excuse me" once in a while if someone hasn't silently noticed you want to pass by. Is your Costco in some large urban area. Are you shopping at peak hours, cause these store are so spread out that you can add a mile to your steps that day quite easily.

>> No.20132477

If you think about it long enough, you might become aware that you're one of the retards without common sense.

>> No.20132509

i've always asked how these people drove to the store safely if they behave like this with shopping carts
it's insane, they're thoughtless, narcissistic jerks. same for people who move their cart by holding the side and walking beside it or in front. don't put animals in the grocery cart. don't bring your pet to a grocery store.
>costco/sam's club don't have hand baskets
not shopping there
>costo/sam's club must have a retard who pretends to know the name and price of every item in the store
not shopping there

>> No.20132550

we're literally conditioned from kindergarten through like 5th grade to walk on the right side through the halls to prepare people to walk correctly and you tards still haven't caught on

>> No.20132561

common courtesy is actually rare courtesy
same like rare sense

>> No.20132564

On this website we call courtesy insect behavior. If you don't kick everybody to the side you're a cuck.

>> No.20132568

Pay attention to the way people are traveling and pass eachother next time you’re using a sidewalk

>> No.20132570

do you use self-checkout?

>> No.20132572

I was at Costco yesterday and it was mostly empty. So much free samples. There was snow on the ground but I rarely see more than 20 or 30 customers there at once.

>> No.20132583

Scuse me... more like 40 I'd estimate. I don't go on weekends because that's the only days I work.

>> No.20132669
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I agree with all of this.
The question is how do you respond without sounding mad?
What's the patrician play at the megamart?

>> No.20132673
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What Costco are you going to that isnt filled with indians and hispanics? Both those cultures love buying in bulk and saving money.

>> No.20132694

Both have large existence in the middle class. It’s just a great way to feed 4-8 people

>> No.20132696

it used to be placing your palm on their shoulder and gently directing them while not making eye contact
but now it's all "me too" so you have to drag your feet on the ground on purpose so they hear you

>> No.20132916

I mean they're there, but they do the same dumb shit the boomer whites do. Not walking in an orderly fashion etc. But, I've worked at a walmart years ago, and the trash that go there are night and day to costco, and yes the shitskins are worse than the whites.

>> No.20132978

Agreed, they bring their entire family and block every aisle

>> No.20133004

Pretty sure the average salary of people who shop at Costco is in the 6 digits, people who are self centered me me me types. Ever see how many cars will just sit in the lot waiting for the closests space?

>> No.20133011

I don't see the word salad here. Which words are you having trouble understanding?

>> No.20133012

Well yeah, the store is made to take money from boomers (pretty based) and guess what kind of people boomers are.

>> No.20133018

I just go to a different aisle until they fuck off because I don't like confrontation.

>> No.20133019


>> No.20133030
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People who do pic related deserve the worst. Fuck the whole putting your cart back when you're done. THIS is the most offensive thing that proves you're not civilized. Hey, question, do you just stop in the middle of the street when you need to check your phone? No, you pull over.

>> No.20133034

>work at costco
>spend 40 hours every week there
>sometimes see the occasional retarded hispanic family of 16 blocking up the aisles and being annoying
>shop at the closest chain grocery store to my house on my off day
>spend maybe 2 hours a week max there
>every single week see multiple groups of 3-5 blacks all riding on the electric shopping carts side by side and blocking everything up
>even when I purposely avoid them I can hear them shouting "YO DANIQUA!" from 4 aisles away
Yeah I'm thinking Costco is for higher IQ people on average. Some of our stuff is a stupidly good price. Like I can buy a huge jug of dish soap for $6.99(and it'll last most of the year) when a tiny bottle of the same brand is like $5.99 and might last me a couple months at most. Same thing with stuff like chicken, this jap bbq sauce we sell, chips, etc.

>> No.20133045
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>pays a monthly fee for the """privilege""" of shopping at a store
>higher IQ

>> No.20133056

Thank you Costco for this message. You're getting a little edgy there with the messaging, might want to back off that ledge

>> No.20133080
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Got a Costco credit card which is great because no international fees for travel. 3% for restaurants and 4% for ass. Pair that with my 5.25% category BoA card for domestic shopping it's great. I also have a Sam's membership since it has different stuff and good deals on other things. Only $20. Don't forget cheap gas. Having Sams and Costco opens up more places to stop along the highways. I use to be a member of preteen BJ's too but it is too far away and not worth having 3 memberships. I can get 95% of the stiff I'd like from Sam's and Costco.

>> No.20133106

I don't pay shit because I'm an employee. It's like $60/yr anyway, you poorfag. If you shell out for the higher one you'll get enough cash back at the end of the year to pay for the membership. Only retards that aren't in the know get scared of membership fees.

>> No.20133110

>no hand basket
Are you retarded? They're bulk stores. You don't go there for 1 small item. You go there if you want to only shop once every 2-3 months or have a family.

>> No.20133113
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>> No.20133118

>costo/sam's club must have a retard who pretends to know the name and price of every item in the store
Genuinely what in the fuck did you mean by this?

>> No.20133122

>bro if you just buy more you'll save more
Where have I heard this one before?
>minimum wage monkey calling others poor
>one of the perks I get as a minimum wage monkey is the privilege of shopping at my business for """free"""

>> No.20133123

I do, nigger. Follow the fucking rules.

>> No.20133129

>he thinks costco pays min wage
>he doesn't know
your retardation is glowing again

>> No.20133130
File: 706 KB, 1343x4966, 1668632934851525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.20133142

go on receipt monkey, tell us your wage and location so we can laugh

>> No.20133147

That guy you’re talking to makes $60,000 a year bro

>> No.20133148

>bro if you just buy more you'll save more
Nobody said that. The break down is this: If you shop there a lot anyway you can get the exec membership and literally have a free membership due to the cash back. I've seen countless retards that have the basic membership that would have a free executive if they just upgraded but they refuse because they seem to think it's some sort of scam or whatever. Boomers are retarded. If you don't buy enough to justify they executive then you're probably better off not even getting a membership desu unless you don't care about the $60.

>> No.20133157
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No, but I know him personally.

>> No.20133167
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>just buy more than you need bro, you'll save more!

>> No.20133174
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>> No.20133175

My 480 Fermis in sli still running great.

>> No.20133176

>no matching images found

>> No.20133179

i believe you

>> No.20133184

>reddit filename
Yes. Go back.

>> No.20133189
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>> No.20133190
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>> No.20133194

>makes $60k a year in california
>calls others poor

>> No.20133213

Hey, I know it's off topic, but what should I get next? Should I wait on a new build or is now the time?

>> No.20133216

>I use to be a member of preteen BJ's too
Was going to ask what the fuck kind of store this is but judging from your pic it's exactly what it sounds like.

>> No.20133225

Where did he say he lived in california, you spaz?

>> No.20133229
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>he's bever shipped at a preteen bjs

>> No.20133230

where did he say that he didn't, poorfag?

>> No.20133244

Ah so schizo shit then

>> No.20133245
File: 102 KB, 750x507, 1667836744057911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could put 5800x3d and 7600xt/4060ti , 16gb ddr4 3200mhz machine together pretty cheap or if you got the money 7800x3d and 4070 ti/super, 32gb ddr5

>> No.20133249

Troll/aspie/schizo/autism whatever the current buzzword is this year.

>> No.20133256

Hmm... been awhile since I looked into a new machine since the last game I played was Skyrim. I wanted to try 3D out at some point. Nvidia still besting AMD? I know my stocks have.

>> No.20133259

I read this three times and I still have no idea why anyone would care. Are you a retired boomer?

>> No.20133264

>Sidewalks are the same as grocery stores are the same as roads


>> No.20133265

14700k + whatever 40xx super you can afford. if you aren't going now you might as well wait a year for 50xx
No-one uses AMD unless their a super poorfag.

>> No.20133267

>Main character syndrome = Buying stuff????
It's not so much that the post is incomprehensible, it's just that it doesn't really say anything.

>> No.20133268

Same for CPU? The CPUs were pretty good back many years ago when they brought out dual core.

Before I had the 480s I had a single Voodoo 5500 and before that a monster 3d II in SLI. Been wanting to try out 3D but not with facebook but for other games/applications/porn.

>> No.20133270

It wasn’t up to me, I’m saying that’s the way people literally do it and if you pay attention to how the public collectively uses a sidewalk you’ll find they follow these rules too. Something you may not have noticed

>> No.20133294

Intel's CPUs are super good and they just work. Like you can go with AMD but if you have a big enough budget and it's mostly gaming you care about the 14700k (or 13700k, they're basically the same and they both use z790 and DDR5) is an exceptionally good CPU.
I had a 980ti SLI setup for a long time until I got a 3080 a couple years ago.

>> No.20133301
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Also with the new pornhub kids about to be made like because of South Carolina and Montanas pornhub ban, they are promising native VR integration.

>> No.20133306

Made *live

>> No.20133353

Is that what it's called when you pretend to be another person so you can defend yourself on an anonymous image board? A schizo shit?

>> No.20133462

>Nvidia still besting AMD? I
eh they're kinda neck and neck
i bought AMD stock at $14 so i'm quite happy

>> No.20133473

7800x3d is the best gaming cpu on the market and even the older 5800x3d keeps up with the 147000k and runs much cooler and uses less power

>> No.20133480

You seem a bit slow, mentally speaking.

>> No.20133517

5 minutes of undervolting and the heat/power problems vanish, and you don't have to deal with shit amd drivers/chipsets.

>> No.20134045

it's not 2014 anymore

>> No.20134386

Intel shit the bed really hard, and AMD has made huge improvements. If you have the money to spare, go for a top end AMD. If you're on a budget, the Intel mid end options are competitive.