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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 500x500, 0001820000978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20118658 No.20118658 [Reply] [Original]

What's your go to cheap piss beer?

For me it's bud ice

>> No.20118662

Miller High Life 40oz.

>> No.20118663

vodka and sprite

>> No.20118675
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>> No.20118676

Why does everyone love that one so much? It just taste like liquid bread to me

>> No.20118703
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2 or 3 tall boys for $1.59 each at Stewart's

>> No.20118707

Keystone or Milwaukees best

>> No.20118716

Miller high life is definitely bready. The gas station near me used to sell 6 pack 16oz cans for $5, good times man

>> No.20118727

I used to buy miller high life light for parties back in college since girls would drink it but it disappeared

>> No.20118754

It's what my grandfather drank with he came home from fighting in Korea.

>> No.20118757

Natural Ice is $1.25 at my local liquor store.

>> No.20118770

Nice, I definitely don't remember that brew
I genuinely enjoy the taste of OE, it being cheap is just a bonus. I do not enjoy natty anything

>> No.20118777

So ice is just codeword for "cheap party beer"?

>> No.20118784
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>drinking a 12pk of 4% pissy watery beer when you could drink a 6pk of 8% IPA for the same price

>> No.20118789

"Ice" beers are also typically higher alcohol content (around 5.5-6% whereas the typical cheap party beer is closer to 4%) and they taste much "heavier" if that makes sense.

>> No.20118794

East or West Coast OE?

>> No.20118796

Bud Ice is 5.5 ABV.

>> No.20118799

It's a brewing process developed in the late 1900's.

>> No.20118809

Whatchu know about that?

>> No.20118816


>> No.20118837
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>> No.20118850

Kirin Ichiban is my go to entry beer recomendation for noobs. It's so inoffensive and simple, but doesn't taste like vomit or piss. It's everything bud light and Miller pretend to be.

>> No.20118854


>> No.20118861
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>> No.20118864

Mich ultra or miller highlife

>> No.20118865

I used to drink this in college all the time. I haven't seen it in awhile. Why was it so much cheaper than regular budweiser?

>> No.20118879


>> No.20118880
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>> No.20118890

Bud Ice will almost certainly be discounted by the end of the decade.

>> No.20118896

reppin Hamms as always

>> No.20118903

>"bud ice"
>mostly water
how do they get away with it?

>> No.20118912

Corn syrup brew.

>> No.20118914

may as well drink hot sauce and turn tranny

>> No.20118997

You know ice is just frozen water right

>> No.20119004

I don’t drink that shit. I’m not a teenager nor a blue collar worker.

>> No.20119008

I'm both and let me tell you, well, I don't drink.

>> No.20119020

Fuck off, Bud tranny shill. Take your genderfluid and go die in a fire.

>> No.20119030

Back in 2014 in Mississippi, those fuckers were less than 4.00. And the Fenceposts were like 1.25

I didn’t know how good I had it man.

>> No.20119050

never drink water. fish fuck in it

>> No.20119108

La mer c'est dégueulasse

>> No.20119111

Night train

>> No.20119115
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Whatever's the cheapest at the store I'm buying it from. Usually its a store brand beer that tastes like water.

>> No.20119126
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>> No.20119128
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>> No.20119132
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>> No.20119143

The official beer of MAID.

>> No.20119150

poor anime fags are the most miserable people to behold

>> No.20119179
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Nah, I actually earn more than the average person my age. I simply don't see the point in investing much money in beer if I intend to just get druk. Brand name/craft beer is for enjoying 2-3 at the start of the night or with dinner.

>> No.20119196

What the fuck happened to Bud Light Platinum?

I haven't been able to find any since the incident around 10 months ago.
>convenience store
>retail regional
>retail national
Can't get a hold of the reskinned Platinum drinks (Neon Burst) either.

I heard somewhere that boycott by closeted daddy fuckers cost B.L. billions in lost revenue,
but that can't be enough to discontinue their best selling a.b.v. drink can it?

>> No.20119202

>vodka instead of crown apple
dun goof'd, jimmy

>> No.20119205

For me, it's Busch Light. the best tasting american water beer. and you can drink infinite of them and don't have to worry about dying or doing damage to your body because it's light.

>> No.20119211

meme aside, it's a good, smooth beer - meant for leisure drinking; not getting tit smacked and getting into trouble with the neighbors.

>> No.20119212

Either Red Dog or Old Style

>> No.20119214

>Red Dog
they still make that shit? I remember the TV commercials when I was little kid. never seen it IRL but there was a huge advertising campaign in the 90's

>> No.20119656

East coast, I miss the glass bottles and the plastic ones taste like shit. The can is a good substitute though

>> No.20119743

bud ice was the first beer i really thought 'so this is what homer simpson drinks' because it was delicious but i only had those 12 cans in 2010. since then i've turned 21 and tried lots of beer, but haven't had a bud ice, don't wanna ruin my memory

>> No.20119746

no wait i'm thinking of natural light ice

>> No.20119747
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Can't be beat

>> No.20119761
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Rest In Power, King

>> No.20120053
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Not just my "go-to cheap beer" but also my everyday go-to beer, price or no.

I can't believe this post made it this far without PBR.

My back up, emergency beer, is Lone Star.

am middle age, 145lb 5'11" blue collar, trade worker, married, homesteader. for statistical significance.

>> No.20120057
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Literally can't beat this shit. I say this as a Californian

>> No.20120086

Busch Ice

>> No.20120118
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For me it's Natty ice 13.99 for an 18 pack at my local store

>> No.20120151


>> No.20120158

based, an ice cold Hamms goes down so easy

>> No.20120251

Beer prices have gone up so much recently it's barely worth it anymore. Thanks Biden

>> No.20120273

Pass. Sorry, alkie.

>> No.20120613
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Gotta be Molson

Cheap, you'll find it everywhere for fuck all and it has Canadian in the name so it's an extra fuck you at the ameritards

>> No.20120638

This. I've taken the hobo wine and liquor pill

>> No.20120687

Heartburn Brew.

>> No.20120723

nah it's an apt name related to how it's made. they basically freeze the beer a little bit and scrape the ice off. less water=higher alcohol content.

>> No.20120730

they usually have it at my walmart

>> No.20121662

Nice. Western Canada agrees.

>> No.20121691

This shit is disgusting. The only thing worse is shitty kitties.

>> No.20121731

Crown apple is like $30 a bottle.
A 1.75 liter of bottom shelf vodka is $10

>> No.20121769

That shits not cheap, they charge premium price for it. No idea who pay for it, it tastes the same as every other basic cheap lager.

Co-op beer is the best cheap beer I've found.

>> No.20121778

god...used to buy one of those 15 packs and 3 99 banana shooters and that was Friday's dinner and Saturday's breakfast

>> No.20121789
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Icehouse and Yuengling.

>> No.20121815

how to say your poor white trash without you're saying you're white trash

>> No.20121826

Excuse you, I buy my Icehouse 12 at a time, not in 18- or 24-packs.

>> No.20121827

If you live in Texas this is the way to go, though I'd put Lone Star first just for nostalgia sake.

Out of state though, Hamm's is King.

>> No.20121841
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>> No.20121868

my nigga

>> No.20121876

Hamm's is so fucking based bros, it's not even fair

>> No.20121913


How do I find this video? None of the search terms I use find it.

>> No.20121931


>> No.20121955
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>> No.20121969

Junior year my frat house switched to Icehouse as our house beer and it turned our partying up to a whole different level. Blackout biddies left and right, raging until 5 am became mandatory

>> No.20121970
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>hurricanes are $1.79 now instead of $0.99
god help us all

>> No.20121988

I never heard of this in my life, no one has ever mentioned it in any of these threads in years, and suddenly this week every thread even tangentially related to beer will have a post mentioning this beer.
The schizos were right, this place is literally nothing but advertising bots at this point.

>> No.20122002

That's what all beer tastes like, numbnuts, that's what it is.

>> No.20122009

Hamm's is just the perfect cheap beer, smooth, refreshing, light, crisp, perfect beer for a fishing trip or any excuse to drink beer all day long.

>> No.20122017
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Thank you, sir. I'm going to download it this time.

>> No.20122019

>frattard on 4chinz
Go home retard

>> No.20122022

This has always been the most normie board, majority of the posters here are married with children. Go back to r9k, this is our board.

>> No.20122033

Genny is new england brand but i lived in gainesville, FL for four years and this was literally 12 for 30 and very serviceable for beer pong and people who were generally gonna throw up anyway

>> No.20122034

I was here in '06 as a gawky weirdo teen. I was here in '08 as a 6'10" homecoming king and star athlete. I was here in '11 as a social chair for my fraternity. I was here in '14 as Deputy Legislative Director of the State of [REDACTED]. I was here in '18 as Director of Policy for the [REDACTED] administration. I was here in '19 for the birth of my first son, '21 for my second son, and '23 for the birth of my first daughter.

I am eternal. You are but a worm in the tapestry of my eternal conquishing lifetime. I'd tell you to kill yourself but your existence is so insignificant as to pass unseen beneath my own.

>> No.20122040
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any neighbors in this thread?

>> No.20122047

Thank you for your service

>> No.20122130

Sipped it on a phone meeting with boss today and am still sipping, can confirm. I love Wisconsin

>> No.20122220
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It's been 1.99 in my area for years. The malt liquor has fallen. 40 Million oz's must be drank.

>> No.20122225

cheers fellow Hammpion

>> No.20122229


>> No.20123834
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Is this considered cheap piss beer?

>> No.20123853

Based and kingpilled

>> No.20123895

Yes, it’s Curs.

>> No.20123899

Because it doesn’t taste good enough for regular price. IMO it tastes like lawn clippings, which is whatever, but it’s fairly strong and cheap and that’s why people buy it. No one thinks “I want a tasty beverage” and picks bud ice. If you were eating a burger and you had a choice you’d pick regular Budweiser over bud ice to go with the burger.

>> No.20123910

I’d dare any eurotard to have one and honestly say it’s worse than the shit they drink. CB is quality.

>> No.20123913

Why do you faggots drink beer, shit taste like ass

>> No.20123926

First of all, beer is psychoactive so the experience goes beyond when you’re literally drinking it. Secondly, not everyone wants to drink sodee pop, and beer is honestly is very tasty to the people who like it. I’d take an odouls over a coke every day.

>> No.20123965
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Lionshead. They became my go-to after they put a big ass plywood santa hat on their brewery's lion head logo.

>> No.20123985

>the only options are soda and piss
nigga, just drink anything else
>beer is psychoactive
the most delusional bullshit I have heard about beer so far, good job

>> No.20124022


>> No.20124078

ive gotten clowned on for drinking these but they're super low sugar and usually the cheapest thing at the bar. drink stag and make 'er gag

>> No.20124098
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i snag 4 tall boys of this daily when im stressed out and life is shit. longest streak was 3 years straight. no idea how i lived.

>> No.20124120

You don't know what psychoactive means. Read a book kid

>> No.20124150

how much of a faggot do you have to be to talk about beer being a psychoactive. nigga please

>> No.20124324
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do gannies count?

>> No.20124349

>tfw my state doesn't have Hamm's
What's it like bros?

>> No.20124849

>tfw moved and can no longer get pabst extra
how is bud ice? i've seen it here but only in gas stations. in fact all the gas stations here have a surprisingly good piss water selection

>> No.20124862

I'm a leaf. There is no cheap beer.

>> No.20125137
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We rochester fags mention it in every thread. Partly as a joke because it is our iconic beer but genny light is better and the specialty beers are about as cheap and much better.
Gansett lager is also brewed in Rochester by genesee since 2016 so its our beer now, so suck it you greased up newportugooses. Also one of my favorite cheap ones.

>> No.20125448

It's what men(he/him pronouns) drink

>> No.20125878

beer is tranny juice

>> No.20125891

I drink rollin rocks cause the market next to my house has 12 packs for about 9 50 after tax. Also they make me nostalgic https://youtu.be/7rnau8wPcI8

>> No.20126899

I drink this when at Japanese restaurants, but by then my palate is full of oily food so I don't think about it often.
A few months back, I decided to cool some Japanese food for my family. Marinated and broiled salmon, tamagoyaki, seaweed salad, rice with furikake and the like. I bought some kirin to go with it and my dad and I were drinking a couple while we were cooking and it was the first time we'd had this beer by itself and we were like "What the hell, this is actually pretty good. Why is this not more popular?"

>> No.20126915
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Either Pil or Old Milwaukee for me

>> No.20126947


>> No.20128369

i love bud ice solely because the packaging is stuck in the early 2000s

>> No.20128509


>> No.20128534

I get a shitty hangover drinking 3 tall boys of malt liquor like steel reserve but I can drink like half a bottle of whiskey and feel fine the next morning

>> No.20128889
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The buffed version of Bud Ice, both in appearance and demeanor.

>> No.20129584

For me, it's Astra, the quintessential Pennerplörre

>> No.20130083

Based. Yuengling and a shot of cheap whiskey on the side is a kino pairing.

>> No.20130107

>15 daddy pack
This shit has no business being so cheap

>> No.20130552

Love me a cold sner

>> No.20130588
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Where my southern IL gigachads at?

>> No.20130590
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This is the closest thing to legal valium.

>> No.20130610

>tfw a sixer of mickeys grenades are 7.99

>> No.20130689

PBR or nothing

>> No.20130727

>Drinking IPAs
No thanks.

>> No.20131383

Gotta be Coors, Modelo if it qualifies it's not what I'd call piss beer but its super cheap where I am

>> No.20131390

I choose nothing

>> No.20131400


It’s nostalgic for me. That’s what I drank in high school. When even coors light was too expensive

>> No.20131500

My stepdad used to buy me those when I was under 21. I needed booze for the parties, he'd get me those big ass cans of Fosters or 40s of Mickeys. Cheap bastard.

>> No.20131531

any beer that is ice cold and nearby is fair game for me baby

>> No.20131630


>> No.20132605

isn't that literally just coors light

>> No.20133208

There isn't a store within 50 miles of me that has bud ice. I honestly thought they didn't make it anymore.

>> No.20133421

Frio 6.0. Literally no bad taste at all and good buzz.

>> No.20133449
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Sadly can't get it where I live now but this will forever hold a special place in my heart

>> No.20133908

Redpill me on drinking cheap beers over cheap wines or bottom-shelf liquor made into mixed drinks.

I tend to prefer those because they seem to taste better and can be more customizable (e.g. liquors can be mixed with sodas, tonics, or even juices).

>> No.20133919

Thank goodness someone is based. Unless you're talking about Coor's Light.
Light beer is shit

>> No.20133924

Cheap beer taste better with food. A shitty cocktail is decent by itself but I cant chug down 3 of them while eating 4 slices of pizza

>> No.20133928

That makes sense. Even decent cocktails don't really pair well with food.

>> No.20133941

Also I get really bad hangovers from cheap liquor and cheap wine. Beer isnt as bad on that front.
I tend to drink cheaper beer and more expensive liquor.

>> No.20134490

>Redpill me on drinking cheap beers over cheap wines

I've bought cheap wine that was on sale before from the local liquor store. God it was terrible, the ones that taste like wood. I regret ever drinking them. The only wine I drink now is Sangria. Best cans I ever got from that store on sale was a sparkling sangria with like a 13% abv. I would buy those at full price but I forgot the name.

>> No.20134550
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>> No.20134556
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>drinking a nice hoppy ipa

>> No.20136403
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>> No.20136522

i just find some cheap European beer that's on sale

>> No.20136558
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nice slab of piss

>> No.20136573

Too bad only the skeeviest gas stations carry it.

>> No.20136582

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.20136631

Back in college my favourite was miller high life. You could get a 30 rack for $20. Good times.

>> No.20136997
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I bought some of these yesterday

>> No.20137794
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>> No.20137826

Pacifico. Nice 4.5% mexican beer for day sipping

>> No.20137947
File: 194 KB, 500x500, TOPO-CHICO-MARGARITA-HARD-SELTZER-6-PACK-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do cheap beer anymore. If I want an easy drinker that gets the job done then I'll pound 3 or 4 of these babies.

>> No.20137968


>> No.20137977

anyone drink tsingtao?

>> No.20137985

White claw or truly. or high noon. Beer is gross. I like cider.

>> No.20137992

Exclusively drunken by white trash in my experience

>> No.20139448

OP sucks cocks by choice.
Enjoy your tranny fluid, OP.

>> No.20139543

although i dont think beer is gross its just if im gonna pound 12 drinks in a night while playing video games i'd rather do seltzers and have a variety of flavors than drink a 12 pack of bud or pbr or whatever

>> No.20139574

Based anon