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File: 5 KB, 225x224, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20116939 No.20116939 [Reply] [Original]

People drink wine out of wine glasses and don't take advantage of the engineering behind the wine glass. Do you hold a wine glass properly or do you heat the wine with your hand?

>> No.20116941

I don't like wine

>> No.20116947

I hold by the sides of the bowl up towards the rim, am I a plebian?

>> No.20116955

i just drink it from the bottle, i look less pretentious

>> No.20116957

so you're going to use this pseudoscientific image to tell me something about wine, while you're drinking out of plastic goblets?

those are PLASTIC fucking goblets, dude.

>> No.20116960

I drink my wine straight from the goon bag

>> No.20116965

No, you just look like an unwashed alcoholic.

>> No.20116966

You’re supposed to drink it from a saucer.

>> No.20116972

I shower regularly and only drink champagne out of the bottle to preserve the carbonation until it hits my tongue.

>> No.20116979

>preserve the carbonation
Thats what a champagne flute is for

>> No.20116981

at least i dont drink it from a plastic cup and pretend its diluted squash like you.

>> No.20116988

Who the hell uses plastic wineglasses?

>> No.20117041

wine is often served too cold, which smothers the aroma and flavor. its often useful to warm it up a bit

>> No.20117057

i heat the wine with my hand because i like it warm, that way i taste more of the drink
if i had the choice, i'd unironically choose a solocup, it heats up quickly & has a openmouth design so i can smell the wine better
also, i basically only drink sweet wines if it means anything

>> No.20117066

A combination of reasons:
1) they're ignorant
2) many wine glasses are poorly designed and feel unstable when held by the stem
3) the heat from a human hand won't noticeably alter the flavor of wine in the time it takes to drink the glass.

>> No.20117090


I remember looking this up a few years back. Then I recall thinking how poorly cheap wine glasses are built and designed. At the end of the day, I don't mind my table wine being just a bit warmer.

>> No.20117092

I've found that if you go on and add 3-4 ice cubes it doesn't really matter how you hold the glass, it stays nice and cold regardless.

>> No.20117099

i've done the frozen grapes trick, and really liked it
plus at the end you get grapes (:

>> No.20117116

>less pretentious
that way you look like a pretentious teenager

>> No.20117159

>not holding his glass like a cognac snifter

>> No.20117169

I drink it at room temperature. If it's not good enough to drink warm, I'll brew a better batch next time.

>> No.20117231

i use the same alehorn as used for beer, wine, cider water, and on occasion, piss

>> No.20117253

We use stemless wine glasses in our house. That being said I don't give a shit, I just drink it either out of the bottle or in whatever is nearby.

>> No.20117434
File: 23 KB, 325x271, get on my level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20117438

least you have the balls to admit it unlike some of these sad acts.

>> No.20117442

>cat mug
>drinking wine out of a mug in general

>> No.20117457

kill yourself cat mug hater

>> No.20117468

I drink red wine out of a normal glass
Why would I want to have a delicate wine glass on my desk when I'm drinking 10-15 glasses in a night and am susceptible to tipping or knocking it over?

>> No.20117487

cats are gay and if you have indoor pets you are brain damaged. animals belong outside. if you have a heckin cute kitterino mug you 100% have literal irl worms in your brain. that said catfaggots are not half as bad as dogfaggots.

>> No.20117494

We already established that you are a faggot who needs to kill himself, no need to elaborate further.

>> No.20117509
File: 85 KB, 1200x1030, Bacaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wine glass
italians and greeks drink their wine out of pic rel. Wine glass is a scam.

>> No.20117614

That isn't the actual one I use
The one I use is over 20 years old and an old lady friend of the family gave it to me before she died.
Your mockery only makes me stronger.
I don't have any pets. I still love watching cat videos and my cat mug is bad ass. I'm confident in my masculinity and clearly you are not.

>> No.20118510
File: 110 KB, 1024x683, 1640107319972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>20117442 #
>That isn't the actual one I use
>The one I use is over 20 years old and an old lady friend of the family gave it to me before she died.
>Your mockery only makes me stronger.
>>>20117487 #
>I don't have any pets. I still love watching cat videos and my cat mug is bad ass. I'm confident in my masculinity and clearly you are not.

>> No.20118546
File: 66 KB, 600x411, 1703630683914840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what any of this means.
I like drinking wine out of an old coffee mug...sorry that drove you to create...whatever that is.

>> No.20119042

I pour it into a plastic soda cup.

>> No.20119068

i pour it into my ass with a funnel

>> No.20119075

Who cares? a lot of people keep their wine in the fridge for extended periods of time so it needs to warm up a bit to reach the optimal serving temperature anyways. And if they keep it at room temp (around 24 celsius or more if you're from anywhere but the British isles) its gonna be too warm anyways. Also most people use rubbish cheapo wine glasses anyways so the stem might be too flimsy to hold into anyways.

>> No.20119082

I unironically have a glass goblet. It's heavy as fuck, relative to regular cups anyways. I don't drink wine though

>> No.20119089

4chan has always been and will always be a cat website. We invented Caturday nigger

>> No.20119092

Oh I get it now, you're autistic. Animals overstimulate you

>> No.20119094

>don't warm or stir the red wines, but be sure to put extra stress on the long stems that were surely meant for them

>> No.20119118

what's caturday nigger?

>> No.20119156

red wines are literally meant to be drank at room temp, just like the iq of whoever made that quote

>> No.20119160

The heat of the hand cooks the wine

>> No.20119162
File: 27 KB, 475x645, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much, what about you?

>> No.20119232

I'm sick of faggots trying to tell me what to do.

>> No.20119368


consider this nigger OP, the stem in fact ALLOWS me the privilege to hold it from the bottom, as no other glass has an ergonomically rounded bottom since they'd just fall over without a stem

>> No.20119386

one time i was drunk and didn't believe my cheap wine glass was actually made of glass, and i attempted to prove this to myself by squeezing the glass as hard as i could. it was glass

>> No.20119642

this is just common sense though. Otherwise, it'd be a normal cup, not a glass. Americans, I fucking swear...

>> No.20119679

You're supposed to heat red wine with your hand. Only white wines should be held by the stem pinch method.

>> No.20120049

>You're supposed to heat red wine with your hand
objectively false, stupid american

>> No.20120165


If I'm at a party with my upper class extended family I hold it by the stem and swirl and sniff and mostly pretend to drink because these crazy assholes down wine like it's gatorade and I need to look like I'm keeping up without getting red wine wasted

If I'm in any other scenario I don't drink fucking wine because it's spoiled grape juice for people stuck up their own ass. If I want to get drunk I'll get some vodka or white whiskey

>> No.20120169

Don't speak ill of your betters.

>> No.20120181
File: 30 KB, 350x350, 81rIeJZpgpL._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink my wine out of a whisky glass.

>> No.20120200

Wine is for women

>> No.20120218

you're supposed to heat red wine with your hand. The stem if for whites

>> No.20120237

the problem with the one on the left is that it has less wine

>> No.20120242

it depends on the wine and its current temperature, but I usually drink straight from the goon bag

>> No.20120340

>fat incel retards
>better than anyone else

>> No.20120343

haha good one Caroline