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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20106611 No.20106611 [Reply] [Original]

Should food be decorative?

>> No.20106623

depends on who you ask and what kinds of food and for what occasions

>> No.20106624

I dont think it necessarily should, but who doesnt like pretty food

>> No.20106629

autists don't care

>> No.20106631
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look at this chocolate sculpture and tell me it wasnt made by the most autistic motherfucker youll ever meet

>> No.20107147

I hate to think of how much finger-gunk must be on that thing

>> No.20107160

Stop turning food into some sort of fashion or style.

>> No.20107177
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But it already is both.

>> No.20107957
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>> No.20107969

if something can be beautiful, it should be. when we lose that, we lose humanity

>> No.20107974

Nothing wrong with a little bit of fun.

>> No.20107977

Can someone please tell me if this thread and most of the replies are copypasta from elsewhere? I'm actually freaking the fuck out because I swear I saw this exact thread 2 weeks ago, I'm actually scared

>> No.20107982
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>if something can be beautiful, it should be.
To deny this is just to promote a lack of effort or care in its stead.
It doesn't even need to be artistically beautiful, just well constructed.

Don't serve up food to your friends and family with sauce dripped on the side of the bowl because not cleaning it shows you don't consider them worth the effort of presentation.

>> No.20108020

This is the first time I've posted here, calm down. Drink some water.

>> No.20108044

>anon's first clairvoyant moment
Little behind the curve but you may as well check in over at /x/ if you can't find the thread in the archives, I know OPs repost threads and I probably autopilot respond to them practically the same way every time because my brain is fried from 4chan addiction and I have no ability to resist posting

>> No.20108532

everything on the internet is ai generated and sometimes shit gets reused
Im only telling you this because you will have forgotten by the time you wake up

>> No.20108650

Typically they use tools and wear gloves but yeah

>> No.20108663

>man sweating profusely.jpg

>> No.20108747

No, because food rots and smells bad if you keep it as decoration for a long time.

>> No.20108906

Sometimes, especially for desserts.

>> No.20108907

No, that's immoral and a taboo, if you make food decorative I will flog you.

>> No.20108910

Or, in an actual world of limited focus and energy, you choose aesthetics over better and more important morals, the sign of secondary malingering for a dying civilization.
I'm sure you would despise your ancestors, if you could meet them, too.
Not couth and callow and insincere enough for you, too substantial.

>> No.20109237

it unironically tastes better when it looks better. it's a scientifically proven factm

>> No.20109287

>in an actual world of limited focus and energy, you choose aesthetics over better and more important morals, the sign of secondary malingering for a dying civilization.
Think what you want. I'll be sipping sophisticated tea out of my sophisticated teacup, in my sophisticated penthouse apartment, while the world burns.

>> No.20110204

appearance is important, that's why marble cake and smoked paprika exists. however pics like op are a meme and some shit like fondant is disgusting. secondly, if you're serving it to someone else, there is a social aspect of presentation. one of the main reasons lots of people learn to bake is because it's a good way to butter people up, and making the food look good is an important part of that process.

of course if you just live with someone and make a simple cake for share, it won't matter nearly as much. but gifts and being intended for guests or a special occasion is a different story.

this. you'll def notice that suddenly people like your vanilla cake 10x more when you serve it on nice, pretty dishes instead of the cake tin and add a drizzle of plain sugar icing & add cocoa powder to half to make it a marble cake, even if it tastes 95% the same.

you can always do both presentation and taste by serving it with caramel or glace cherries too

>> No.20111583

And I'll be eating rice and beans and looking down on you for your apathy while trying to do something about it

>> No.20111995
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Soon we will be able to 3D-print food in any design we want.

>> No.20112043

are you an angel or a vulture? quick to judge and contemplating death either way, but from such a high vantage point I'm sure you have a more apt view of yourself. please, blogpost O shaman.

>> No.20112307


You eat with your eyes first so, yes!

>> No.20112547
File: 328 KB, 1024x903, easter-dubrovnik-godubrovnik-e1459079165661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, in an actual world of limited focus and energy, you choose aesthetics over better and more important morals, the sign of secondary malingering for a dying civilization.
>I'm sure you would despise your ancestors, if you could meet them, too.
My grandparents were yugoslavian immigrants.

Our easter eggs were hardboiled eggs.
My grandma would still put a patterned lattice around them and dip them in beetroot juice and other natural dyes so they'd look pretty.
Don't you fucking DARE tell me poverty made my ancestors give up on asthetics you upjumped westoid faggot.

You cocksucking piece of shit, how fucking dare you insinuate my people were as filled with pathetic nihilism as your niggardly cunt tribe.
You chocolate scoffing cunt, did your grandmother make shit anywhere near as beautiful as these for you with nothing more than some fucking paper and a vegetable-based dip?

>> No.20112554
File: 215 KB, 1000x750, Easter_eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your grandmother paint them for you? Did she press flowers and herbs from your grandfather's vegetable garden against them to pattern your eggs?
Did she?
Did you have parsley patterned eggs?
I did. And they were fucking delicious. Easter to me is still a hardboiled egg.

Fuck you.
Even with nothing, my grandparents strove for beauty.

Fuck you.

>> No.20112558

This. Other dude is a niggerfied American fat fuck

>> No.20112573
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God I miss those colourful hardboiled eggs.
The epitome of "Made with love."
I know my grandma used to use beetroot for the red ones, but the green and brown and blue ones? Not a clue.

I guess the green could be spinach or broccoli or anything like that, and I'm pretty sure the brown ones were onion peels, but where the hell did she get blue?
Baba magic. That's what that is.

>> No.20112601

>but where the hell did she get blue?
red cabbage.
t.White Ameritard with trad family.
That takes nothing away from your Baba--natural dye eggs take a lot of work to look good if they have designs on them. even the simple ones wyth herb leaves have to be carefully wrapped, or they don't come out well at all.
Per cup of water use the following:

1 cup chopped purple cabbage = blue on white eggs, green on brown eggs
1 cup red onion skins = lavender or red eggs
1 cup yellow onion skins = orange on white eggs, rusty red on brown eggs
1 cup shredded beets = pink on white eggs, maroon on brown eggs
2 tablespoons ground turmeric = yellow eggs
1 bag Red Zinger tea = lavender eggs

Add one tablespoon white vinegar to every cup of strained dye liquid.
For every dozen eggs, plan on using at least four cups of dye liquid.

>> No.20112623
File: 34 KB, 1365x307, Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 20-41-40 _ck_ - Should food be decorative - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Champ, I'm gonna make 'em this year.

>> No.20112683
File: 16 KB, 1000x667, Le-Ouf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old t-shirts cut up into squares make good wraps--but home improvement stores sell painters rags which work just as well.
(they are for fixing the leaves like parsley or clover to the egg before dyeing--get 'em wet first.)
Have fun

>> No.20112744

I've noticed that there are some "people" who hate beautiful things and want to destroy them. They are always ugly and/or stupid.

>> No.20112765


>> No.20112815


>> No.20113565
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>> No.20113861

If you look at the current state of western video games, and mainly at female characters, this statement rings true.

>> No.20114233

only pon holiday and other specialized occassion

>> No.20114264

I daresay that beautiful things are inherently better than ugly things

>> No.20114306
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Sure why not.

>> No.20116059

This thread has been a good way to separate the sophisticates from the proles.

>> No.20116067

calm down m8

>> No.20116152

Okay so usually I’m overwhelmed by some anti-Darwinistic urge to eat things like glass and different pottery glazes because fuck it they look good and this is giving me the same vibes.
I wanna eat it. What is this called?
It looks like some kind of clear lemon meringue, and I’m here for it.