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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20105164 No.20105164 [Reply] [Original]

This is my dinner tonight, what's the shittiest meal you've made?

>> No.20105166

I don't use zoomer terms or live the zoomlife at all. Get fucked, Holli, you rotten bitch

>> No.20105174

>struggle meal

>> No.20105176

it was spam, which was like the cheapest source of protein i could find

>> No.20105180

And the fried rice is leftovers from a family event, so that was free

>> No.20105187

>family event
>I'm totally poor!
You phony fucking tranny what are you even doing here

>> No.20105192

i have a car, I can get to my parents' house, and i do so i can take advantage of their invitations to dinner for food for a week or so. i don't see whats so hard to grasp about this lmao

>> No.20105197

Spam is a relatively expensive protein source - you are a poor shopper.
I see chicken in there as well.

>> No.20105201

>wanted burritos
>bought meat, sour cream & tortilla wraps at store
>didn't need the stuff for a salsa sauce & vegetable fillings because I had them at home
>come home
>realise that I was wrong, had nothing but onions
>meat was so watery it completely de-flavoured the spices I put it in
it was the worlds worst burritos. sour cream, bland meat & rice.
I got halfway through one and gave up.

>> No.20105210

Yeah, i got the rice from a dinner at my parents' house, asked if I could take the stuff they didn't eat

>> No.20105212

how did the meat get so watery, you gotta strain that shit

>> No.20105231

Anyways yeah Spam is actually pretty expensive. Things that are cheaper:
>ground beef when it's on sale - buy a bunch when it's on sale and freeze it
>chicken thighs
The last is probably my favorite. Here's what you do with them:
- If you bought them refrigerated and not frozen, slow cooker for 3 hours
- Each thigh will have one bone and a couple pieces of cartilage. Break apart meat with two forks, remove bone/cartilage, put meat in a plastic bag, put bag in freezer to use whenever you want. One thigh = one serving. Single serving bags are very convenient.
- While doing this, throw every skin into a pan.
- When done, fry dem skins until they're brown and crispy. Eat them. NOM. Fucking amazing.
- Save the fat that rendered from the skins, cook with it later. It is the most delicious cooking fat you can use. It tastes so fucking good.
- Strain the drippings from the bottom of the slow cooker through a strainer, then throw that in the fridge until it solidifies. Scrape the fat off the top once it's solidified - save this, too, to cook with later.
- Throw the bottom layer of the now solid/jelly-like drippings in a pot, melt it, then pour it into an ice cube tray. Freeze. One ice cube = one serving of stock. Add one ice cube of stock to a single serving of a rice or pasta dish to make it taste amazing.
Chicken thighs are cheap as shit with a very high meat to bone ratio and you can get so, so much out of them.

>> No.20105232

>slow cooker for 3 hours
Er, slow cooker on high for 3 hours.

>> No.20105237
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>best example of a "struggle meal?"
anything british. they eat like london is still being bombed

>> No.20105243

i had to ask for leftovers from my parents and open a can of spam bro the struggle is real

women were a mistake

>> No.20105248

Thanks Trumponomics

>> No.20106478

Shit from basic training:
Ground beef, green beans, soy sauce. Over rice
Hot dogs.
Creamed chipped beef.
Pulled pork
Just rice

>> No.20106493

this is a straight up meal and not a struggle meal at all
>b-but its leftovers
it’s irrelevant

>> No.20106504

hmm probably using leftover instant ramen broth to make rice. good trick for stretching out meals if ur poor and don’t have the time/energy to make a more substantial cheap meal ^^^
P.S. i’m sorry that people in this thread are being so mean… as if you have to literally be a leprotic serf to be worthy of sympathy… anyways it’s only because 4channers can’t handle women’s existence.

>> No.20106515

lol at the assumption that any woman that enters your perception is trans… way to call urself out as someone that never goes outside! women exist IRL yaknow… u will have to come to terms with that eventually

>> No.20106585
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So I had no cooking experience at all. I saw raw chicken and alfredo sauce in the fridge. I cooked a lime chili shrimp soup and drained out all the water before seasoning it. I cooked the chicken breast until it was slightly brown/charred on the outside. Then I heated up the alfredo and noodles together in the pan, just threw that whole chicken breast on top of it all. I remember it being so delicious at the time lol.

I'll probably make it again in the future for nostalgia.

>> No.20106589

Rice and beans + egg; no meat or spices

>> No.20106592
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I'm sorry but this looks delicious.

>> No.20106952

>>ground beef when it's on sale - buy a bunch when it's on sale and freeze it
>>chicken thighs
Have you been in an 8 year coma? Neither are cheap anymore.

>> No.20106960

Penis pot pie.

>> No.20106976

god her mouth is so smol. i wanna see it straining to wrap itself a huge cock so bad, bros. little mouthed sluts are the best.

>> No.20106985
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>three different proteins on one homemade dish
>think spams, which costs ~$6-7/lb is one of the cheapest protein sources available
>gets weeks' worth of meals made for them by mommy and daddy
>considers it a struggle meal
>doesn't see what's so hard to grasp about this

anyway, beans+corn+appropriate spices mixed into a bowl. i like to use a blend of some combination of cumin, cilantro, coriander, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and chili powder depending on what's available. you can throw whatever protein you have on hand in there too. nutritious and delicious

ground beef isn't cheap these days, but he did say buy it in bulk on sale. i can get it for $3-4/lb on sale. chicken thighs i don't know what you're talking about, thighs and leg quarters are some of the best value animal protein you can get your hands on.

>> No.20106998

>pack of flour tortillas
>pack of shredded cheese
>free hot sauce packets from taco bell
>eat cold, don't nuke for maximum struggle points

>> No.20107002
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oh i have a couple. theres an overarching theme

>> No.20107007
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>> No.20107013
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you can eat all the toe bones on those btw so per kg its pretty cheap

>> No.20107020

Refried beans with croutons

>> No.20107205

I suppose it's all relative to the price of everything else nowadays. But the price sure has shot up ever since food bloggers started proselytizing.

>> No.20107229

Used to make "pizza" when i was super poor. My water was turned off so I would boil snow for water to drink and use flour, tomato sauce cans and grated brick cheese from the food bank. Ate that shit for like 3 months until I got a job that could support enough food for me and my dementia ridden father.

>> No.20107270


>> No.20107296

As a bong I can confirm this is true. Beans on toast, cooked noodle cups and the cheapest meat cuts I could find were staples during my student days. Even now I eat cheap foods like oatmeal.

>> No.20107297

probably just ham sammies desu

>> No.20107305

a can of spam.
there was no rice, no bread, nothing but a can of spam, a few packets of mustard, and one of those small bbq sauce cups.
i quit halfway through

>> No.20107327
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>> No.20107341

The shittiest meal isn't my survival meal. I did a lot of beans and rice in school, but that's pretty good.
A few weeks ago I experimented with hamburger and random spices and just made this way too salty curry slop. That was not very good.

>> No.20107373

Damn Im sorry you went thru that anon

>> No.20107382
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Is that ground beef and rice cakes?

>> No.20107569

I'm not underweight. I would just not eat instead of eating Ramen and ketchup.

But I make white bean chicken chili, beef vegetable soup, chicken corn chowder. Something I can keep in a tub in the fridge and reheat as lunches.

>> No.20107665

>chicken and more than 1 egg
>rice, scallions, carrots
>high quality utensils
>granite countertop
>freely goes to parents house

>> No.20107674

I just make a big pot of stew with whatever I have left, dig out some carbs if I still have some left, and keep stretching the stew out as much as I can until I get paid again

>> No.20107704

you rike?

>> No.20107713

>struggle meal
>he says while posting his meal on his 10k marble countertop

>> No.20107717

Anything you buy ready-made instead of cooking it yourself is a struggle meal
You're struggling with being an adult so you're having other people cook for you. Bet your mom still washes your undies too

>> No.20107752

When I was poor and on SNAP, my basic meal was a chicken leg quarter steamed until the meat was falling off the bones (leg quarters have lots of small bones that make it annoying to eat compared to other parts of the chicken), 4oz of creamed cheese, and a bag of microwavable spinach. That covered a wide variety of micros and macros while being filling. But it turns out that eating too much spinach weakens bones so I stopped using it and replaced it with other bags of veg.

>> No.20107755

Are there any canned proteins that are actually cost effective? The cheapest of canned tuna and chicken come to mind but I'm not sure if they're actually cheaper by weight than fresh or frozen.

>> No.20107821
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I laughed really hard at first, then I felt a sadness in my heart because you might really be eating found beef with Fucking rice cakes and chicken feet on a tortilla.
But then I was like: hey maybe he’s autistic or simply just living his best life.
Thanks for the journey, anon.

>> No.20107833

microwaved hot dogs on wonderbread

>> No.20107847


>> No.20107851

when I was a kid on many occasions I had dumpster dived lettuce dipped in to cheap buttermilk dressing.

>> No.20107860

yes. i didnt have rice but i was hungry for rice
thanks its autism and also i dont mind the taste

>> No.20107874
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The humble pickle sandwich. Only bested by the raw onion and hot sauce sandwich, which I still make occasionally despite having thousands in the bank.

>> No.20107881

The most poverty tier meal I have had was Aldis ramen stretched with extra water and rolls my grandfather and I dug out of the dumpster at Aldis. My parents shielded me from poverty, but my grandfather grew up very poor in the days before welfare, and was poor his whole life, so he made due.

>> No.20107910

3 packs of ramen, no packets, and some parm cheese.

>> No.20107936

Ground beef is still $2 a pound when it's on sale at my local Winco. That's $.50 per serving for me.
I get 10 chicken thighs for like 5 bucks at Winco. Again, $.50 per serving.

>> No.20107940

the saddest fettuccini alfredo

>> No.20107946

baked potato, can of chili, cheese.

>> No.20108039

chicken feet are a great source of collagen

>> No.20108045

Winco is the best

>> No.20108138

deenz nuts

>> No.20108165

No longer poor, but I still make my favorite struggle meal, top ramen carbonara.
Boil a pack of noodles, in your bowl mix an egg with the soup packet and some cheapo parmesan, throw your hot noodles in the bowl with just a little bit of the water from the pot, toss it all around, voila! Just like mi nonna!

>> No.20108435
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Is there any resource for cheap and easy meal ideas? Like whenever I look something up it's these elaborate meals with long prep time and tons of ingredients. I've been eating eggs and wonderbread for like a month, pretty sure multivitamins are the only reason I'm alive.

>> No.20108439

Spam is expensive as fuck, how is any of this a struggle meal? I WISH I had this to eat tonight, call me when you figure this concept out, bougie white kid

>> No.20108451

Spam used to be pretty cheap but it's more expensive than real ham nowadays Mr. Moneybags.

>> No.20108510
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also made this for lunch. the chickpeas and lentils were on sale

>> No.20108513

lookin' kinda grim there, mate. I can taste the dullness

>> No.20108514

Spam is really expensive. You can get almost 2lbs of fresh pork sausage for the price of a single tin.

>> No.20108516
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>white people use black people language and then don't even use it right
fucking cringe.
anyway I grew up around roody-poos, here's a realass struggle plate

>> No.20108578

>frozen veggies
You're welcome.

>> No.20108711

Microwaved quesadillas with corn tortillas
no image because its pretty self explanatory. It'll make you forget your hungry for a bit.

>> No.20108731
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i actually liked it. not everyday i get lentils and chickpeas. also compared to other "bodybuilder" meals this one was good

>> No.20108771

that looks fucking delicious anon i'd gobble that up in a heartbeat

>> No.20108818

>not cooked from day old rice
>not a sunny side up with runny yolk

>> No.20108832

>not cooked from day old rice
Wait dammit wrong tab thought I was replying to >>20103420
Still fail on not making the egg sunny side up with runny yolk.

>> No.20109534

what the hell is tajin

>> No.20109543

Mexican Lawry's

>> No.20109562

This looks good. With ground beef, it's hard to go wrong assuming you use salt and some other spices. Could have used onion in there. But yeah, I can basically taste that plate just looking at it.

>> No.20109798

Baking potatoes as a passive heat source rather than the sustenance it provides.

>> No.20109807

One time I force fed a Japanese girl spicy Shin Raymun and Kimchi then had her shit into my mouth

>> No.20111003

Hello wendys

>> No.20111032

Spam is a camping/survival food. I keep a dozen cans in the closet with dried instant grain meals and canned tuna in case my power goes out or people start getting shot in the streets.

Meanwhile, real meat is like 1/3rd the price a can of spam per pound. Just last week I bought pork loin for $1.80/lb. A 3lb loin cost about $5.50. I think I got a out 5 loins for $30, and each will last me around 3 meals.
A pound of pork loin has roughly 120g of protein in it. That's 360g of protein for under 6 bucks.

A dozen eggs is unfortunately back up to around $1.90 in my area. That's about 17¢ per egg, and 84g of protein in that dozen.

If you're going to buy canned food, stick it in your closet in case of emergency, and buy fresh meat cheap and freeze it.

>> No.20111098

The cheapest source of protein where? Do you live on the summit of Everest?

>> No.20111110

This is the only universally accepted authentic Mexican food

>> No.20111112

She's not gonna let you hit lmao

>> No.20111130

>spam was the cheapest protein I could find
Why do you live inside the spam processing plant?

>> No.20111171

>I keep a dozen cans in the closet with dried instant grain meals and canned tuna in case my power goes out or people start getting shot in the streets.
I still have a stash too. But for me, it's canned reduced fat corned beef hash which I love when I have rye for toast on hand, dried beef from armour for making chipped beef on toast, a couple cans of chopped chicken which is probably gross, but I replace it when the date goes by, (can't bear tuna), canned dolmades, and proscuitto and cheese stuffed peppers. I have a big jar of pickled eggs and pickled sausage. Slim jims and jerky, but I get a bit salted out. I always have a couple of palettes of starbucks double shots and seltzer waters, because hurricanes

>> No.20111204
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In times of trouble, follow the advice from that one (maybe exaggerated) account of the Yugoslav wars.
Canned food, ammo, and heat sources are worth their weight in gold. Canned protein, and anything that can easily be made with boiled water, like preserved pasta, instant mashed potatoes, and ramen noodles.
Ammo goes without saying.
Heat sources are important regardless if you're a paranoid schizophrenic or not. Having matches and lighters are always useful. Being able to turn a cotton wick and excess cooking oil into a light and heat is crucial. Don't want to be caught off guard like Texas.

>> No.20111223
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When I was living paycheck to paycheck my favorite meal was this
>2 beat eggs
>diced white onion
>minced garlic or garlic powder if you're extra poor
>Shichimi Togarashii
>worchestershire/soy sauce
>put rice on, sautee onion and garlic in a bit of butter
>when done add 2 steakumms. Brown and cut into small bits
>add worcestershire sauce and shichimi togarashii, mix in and let simmer a minute
>pour in eggs, mix with meat until almost cooked but still a tad soft
>serve over rice
Wa la, poor man's gyuudon

>> No.20111251

sloppa shit

>> No.20111349

Get a load of this thousandaire lads.

>> No.20111362

A real struggle meal would be someone else's leftovers.

>> No.20111373

Ramen, processed (American) cheese, tuna, and seasoning.
Tuna patties:
Tuna, egg, brown sugar ( must) and bread crumbs. Pan fry.

>> No.20112285

>>white people use black people language and then don't even use it right
Do I got some bad news for you boy...

>> No.20112353
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The Walmart version is 100% pork and $2 a tin.

>> No.20112369

My mom is a Spam snob and said all other versions taste like shit. But she does agree thatsome authentic spam comes shipped overly salty at times for whatever reason. I've tasted the saltiness myself. Unless it's some sort of coronavirus taste thing.

>> No.20112380

Yeah, speaking english wrong on purpose is hard. Sorry.

>> No.20112390

$2.66 a pound is still kinda expensive for pork but not that bad.
Can get pork shoulder for much less tho.

>> No.20112417

2 slice of baloney on white bread. It ain't much but I'm thankful to the Lord I have some food.

>> No.20112447

>white people use black people language and then don't even use it right
He writes in English.

>> No.20112463

black bean chili but I enjoy it so I don't mind it being a poorfag dish

>> No.20113217
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>> No.20113280

That's actually decent, I'd stock that in my emergency schizo box.
I'm pretty sure some of the cheap brands have even more filler than spam. I think a lot of the discount canned ham things are like 40% chicken, 30% ham, 20% starch, 10% salt. Plus they usually have even more fat than protein.

>> No.20113327

Looks grim but I bet its tasty. Chickpeas are based.

>> No.20113479

asians eating with chopsticks are disgusting
the sticks are only helpful for cooking

>> No.20113689

lmao that shit has meat, ain't no struggle meal, spam is a luxury for the true poor. My struggle meal the past week has been stretching out 2 little caesars pizzas over the course of the week. I boiled a serving of cabinet spagetti and half a jar of tomato sauce and called that dinner 2 days ago. Thank God for multivitamins or I'd be more malnutritioned than I am now

>> No.20113697

they once were but the glorification of poorlife™ has unironically pushed deenz into pseudo-poverty territory make it less of an option for real poors

>> No.20113699

If someone gave me this I'd happily eat it. Ive never had spam before

>> No.20113719

I hate those bangs that make the eyebrows into unibrew

>> No.20113746

>white people use black people language and then don't even use it right
bitch not even you know how to speak hood right
>white people tryna speak black dont even speak right

>> No.20113751

seriously, no one is falling for that. spam is clearly 3-4x more expensive than raw pork shoulder by weight, you baiting nigger.

>> No.20113759

jesus christ. why.

>> No.20113766

white culture nowadays is stolen from inner city black teenagers. USA is fucked