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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20103296 No.20103296 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Looks good to me edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, get any good donuts lately?

Previous thread:>>20092038

>> No.20103361
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>> No.20103392 [DELETED] 
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A local Japanese nanoroaster gave me the last of his light roast to try at half price, it's just a paper sack with "Costa Rica 260g" written on it and it's better than the Panama La Esmeralda Gesha I tried last week at a place with three vintage GT-Rs out front. Ran with SSP and Gen 2 and it's not even close, Hedrick was right after all.

>> No.20103616
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If anyone's considering getting a cheap chink dosing ring for a sage/breville style 54mm portafilter, I recommend this thing over pic related
It's stainless steel, which is actually kind of a downside since it makes it significantly heavier and it doesn't stick on as well, but the insert shit at the bottom of pic related is genuinely horrible. For 58mm portafilters there's a lot of choice for good dosing rings, for 54mm all I've been able to find is this and normcore rings, which are more expensive.

>> No.20103619

Should add, you want the A model, the B model has the same insert shit.

>> No.20103684

slow feeding beans on ssp mp makes your grind like 100u coarser but basically eliminates fines and hedrick is practically the only one saying anything to newfags

>> No.20103706

I don't follow these competitions, why are they seething? Surely the machine they're making the espresso with is entirely irrelevant to the actual thing that's being judged (the latte art)?

>> No.20103746
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That steam wand is designed to froth a large volume of milk with no barista input needed. Creating the specific texture you need for latte art is a skill to develop. It would be kind of like the
>World watercolor painting championship
getting sponsored by an industrial paint sprayer company and forcing everyone to compete with one of these. Specialty coffee association took the bag, the people competing get fucked for a few years.

>> No.20103823

Does that particular competition purely judge latte art (as in what the finished article looks like in the cup), or is it also supposed to factor in the participant's ability to steam/texture their own milk with a manual steam wand? If it's the former then you could argue that using a machine that gives everyone the same milk to work with is fairer, and the only distinguishing factor is the artist's ability to pour (assuming the machine is consistent enough to produce almost identical milk each time). If it's the latter, then admittedly that sort of defeats the entire point of the competition. But ultimately the artist is still pouring the latte art themselves, it's not the same as your analogy since the actual pouring isn't being done by the machine.

>> No.20103974
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>is it also supposed to factor in the participant's ability to steam/texture their own milk with a manual steam wand
There's the visual scoring and the technical scoring. Part of the (2023) technical scoring is extracting shots within a 3 second variance and
>The competitor should display an understanding of the correct use and operation of the steam wand in creating the required quality of textured milk.
Kind of pointless to use a superautomatic when you're being judged on your own technical ability of using a grinder and espresso machine to create a "canvas" of and properly mix your "paint" Quickly stitched that picture together from the visual scoring sheet and the rules/regulations. I don't really give a shit, but its a very dumb move by the SCA. If the only goal is to advertise for your sponsors, eliminate the technical evaluation and just get hoffmeme to deliver shots and pitchers of milk to the competitors. Like a showgirl.

>> No.20104200

I know this gets asked alot but what is the best budget hand grinder for pour over and what's a decent cheap pour over setup?

>> No.20104208

Depends where you're located but Kingrinder k6 + plastic v60(or switch, origami, aeropress, orea, april, pegasus etc etc etc) is a fantastic budget combo.

>> No.20104247

Someone around here should have the hand grinder chart.

>> No.20104276
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wa la
May be out of date since I had to go on an archive dive for the last time I can remember it being posted
As for the actual pourover just get a plastic V60

>> No.20104324

Why plastic over glass

>> No.20104341

Thermal conduction
Being able to quickly and evenly heat your brewer is very useful

>> No.20104345

Eh its current enough. I think the last thing I added was the zp6 and I never posted the new one.
>decent cheap pour over
Cheap, widely available, more durable than glass/ceramic, better temp stability.

>> No.20104833

I use 1zpresso, the zp6 special is made specifically for pour over. I got a jmax on sale and have no complaints.

>> No.20105621

11pm coff
i have had my fill of sumatra
but i still have about 10 cups worth left.

>> No.20105651

Anyone here used a Rok EspressoGC? How does it compare to other manual machines like the Flair, or other budget electric espresso machines. I'm in the UK, so they work out cheaper than a Flair and if you're willing to buy a refurbished one, they go for as cheap as £85.

>> No.20105665

i have no idea
but i do have the rok grinder(i dont grind for espresso so i cant judge that application of the grinder) and i love it.
but as always, just ask yourself, what does the hoff think?
and the answer is he seemed to like both of them

>> No.20105669
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Second shot of the morning.
15g in -> 40g out.
First shot was at 1-4-3 on the JX Pro, pulled in 45 seconds total with around a 10 second preinfusion. It was good but felt maybe slightly overextracted. Went to 1-5-0 on this one and it pulled way quicker, 29 seconds, even with a similar 10 seconds preinfusion. This tasted very nice and balanced, though.

>> No.20105742

Kingrinder P2 mogs every other grinder under 100 since its just a plastic updated K6. I would even argue while it does espresso worse, pour over grind is way more consistent than my K6

>> No.20105819

local coffee place (which i frequent) is hiring. never had a job before, but i'm pretty knowledgable about coffee i'd really love to help out. anyone with experience could give me a few pointers to land with my feet on the ground?

>> No.20105839

Abandon the idea that any of your coffee knowledge is going to help you in any way. Caffees aren't about making good coffee, they're about making a lot of coffee. If you're ok with that, sure go for it. But don't expect to be an artiste carefully weighing out your doses and doing wdt on them and adding a puck screen and whatever.

>> No.20105868

Most cafes hire high school girls, it is not a skilled job. Your biggest concern is the hiring manager deciding you aren't enough of a loser, that you won't stick around long enough and aren't worth training.

>> No.20105874

a barista is a trained monkey
you will be using burnt low quality coffee
you will be using a machine that isnt calibrated correctly
you will be using a grinder that isnt dialed in correctly
you will be making hundreds of cups of bad coffee every day
you will be on your feet standing in front of a hot machine hearing the screeching sound of the steam wand and people yapping all day
you wont get paid well at all, minimum wage, or if you are lucky maybe slightly higher
you will be required to know how to make every stupid drink on the menu
you will be judged for not being fast enough
enjoy :)

>> No.20105890

Good luck anon, I've been a barista for 15 years!

>> No.20105915
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New to coffee and espresso in general. I can get an HiBrew H10A for 150 new. I tried getting a gaggia classic, but there's not many in the used market here, and for some reason the ones I can find are beat to shit. I already have a Kingrinder K6 and this would be my first espresso machine. Should I or am I retarded ?

>> No.20105934
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Does coffee like my kettle? I just made coffee over my woodstove in the morning because I'm unemployed.

>> No.20105952

i like your ketlle
are you the anon that lives in a neetcabin in his parents backyard

>> No.20105973

No i own my own house very far from my parents. I got mad at my boss and told him to go fuck himself a few months ago

>> No.20105990

why do people itt believe that there are literally 0 (zero) cafes that strive to make good goff?

>> No.20105994

>50e on amazon

>> No.20106007

I've never seen one, and I've looked

>> No.20106100

schizos projecting their incapacity to conceive this notion.

>> No.20106101

because 99.999% dont.
specialty cafes that serve specialty coffee and have very highly trained baristas are extremely rare
and by that i mean it doesnt matter if there are 5000 on them because there are a million normal cafes that are dogshit

>> No.20106105

Is it ok to pull a 30g shot in only 20 seconds? Or should I still be shooting for 25-30 seconds?

>> No.20106107

try both, see which one you prefer then do that

>> No.20106119

There aren't zero, just near zero. Milk drinks are extremely forgiving so you can fuck up the underlying espresso all you want provided you drown it in enough milk afterwards, and normalfags are conditioned to assume all coffee tastes like ass on it's own anyway.

>> No.20106150

Fuck off.

>> No.20106151

French roast with raspberry banana kefir.
Aquire it or expire it?

>> No.20106207

fear not the raspberry banana kefir, my friend
and let the feast begin

>> No.20107006

If you're ever looking for a good waisted/tapered 54mm basket for traditional spro I came across this. 7-17g, made by La Spaziale.

>> No.20107055

just went to the highest rated 3rd wave cafe in my city for a spro, tasted like sour garbage juice and i literally own ssp mp as a never-medium guy

>> No.20107057

that's 3rd wave for you

>> No.20107062

absolutely insane how 3+ women can base their business around mutually agreeing on this quality while selling bags from the barn

>> No.20107063
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Preheating Tower of success and good fortune.

>> No.20107067

Just move to a non shit hole it's not hard bro

>> No.20107070
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im just getting into roasting, does /goffmemetimegeneral/ have any resources to share?

>> No.20107071

true facts. went across town yeserday to a spot with 3 vintage gtrs sitting out front, got the gesha tasting, and there wasn't a single white face in the place. perfect quality cuppa.

>> No.20107072
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My city has several places around that care about the bean, it's pretty nice.
Everywhere I visit I try to find a similar place like home with good coffee and people serious about doing it right and I don't have much luck.
Then again I also like diner coffee for what it is, but that artisan level is special and commonly takes special effort to find or going at certain hours of the day even.

>> No.20107079

>i park my bike in the center of the room because it's clearly not a harley and adds to the total aesthetic of the space, i'm ready to talk about feng shui design standards when you're done swirling your wush-wush sir
not a vibe

>> No.20107080

can you drink your goffee on the bike?

>> No.20107087

only if you star the second vowel in a*ropress

>> No.20107094

can you teach me? i want to sit on that motorcycle with my cuppa

>> No.20107097

you are wrong and retarded

>> No.20107098
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It's a big space, and that area is for the line anyway, something nice to look at if you know your order already.
I like their gibraltar.

>> No.20107101

shoulda got the 58

>> No.20107108

don't know if you know it's common to be wrong when retarded even retards know that

>> No.20107119

How's the Kyoto drip?

>> No.20107145
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Thats a good machine. Easy to mod. Unfortunately I'm not taking on any apprentices any time soon.

>> No.20107148

thanks for the links

>> No.20107191
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Mine is currently ripped apart (again) for the winter or I'd show you the build, but you can do some wacky stuff with them on the cheap. My current hurdle is figuring out how to get fine control on a
> 120v dc 60 hz .25 Amps with no load
fan motor over low voltage arduino. Not my guide but I've done the exact thing to other poppers before.

>> No.20107198
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People really spend hundreds of dollars for this shit instead of just buying a GCP

>> No.20107204
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Feel like this is actually easier than something that needs plugged in based on where I make the espresso. Outlet is behind the work table and I don't want it scooted away from the wall.

Besides most of my money for this type of stuff goes to tea. I just wanted a one time purchase into basic espresso making. Don't need to be fancy with it.

>> No.20107210

im probably just lazy, but i was hoping the popper would be capable of consistent roasts out of the box
ive no experience whatsoever in anything resembling aftermarket modifications, but i suppose everyone has to start somewhere

>> No.20107224

he probably doesn't even know the oxo kettle has a 5*C/40*F thermal overshoot from cold

>> No.20107237

I'd rather not drink xylan flakes, thanks.

>> No.20107239

Tested water temps vs display temps with calibrated Thermoworks thermometers. Water temps were always within 1-3 degrees F of displayed temperature within 5 seconds of the "done" beep.

>> No.20107243

notbad.jpg, but that implies pressing and twisting the knob to read device temp at beep gives an incorrect reading?

>> No.20107248

Its great out of the box, I ran it entirely stock for a year. But at $80 I'm willing to potentially break and improve shit once I've got my money out of it + I already had the parts sitting around unused. You know how some people are turning gaggias into a "decent lite"? Its not too hard to build something close to a kaffelogic.

>> No.20107252

>>20107243 (me)
i'm running 500ml with the glass non-gooseneck oxo and getting a consistent 5*C overshoot every time twisting at beep, no external thermometer

>> No.20107256

Not sure I understand what you're saying. I tested the kettle for a range of temps from 120 F through to boiling by setting the target temperature, pressing the button to heat, then removing the lid and probing the water once it beeped to indicate it reached the desired temperature and has gone into temp hold mode.

>> No.20107260
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Why do Americans drink watery coffee? It's disgusting. There's nowhere you can get good coffee here.

>> No.20107272

when it beeps, in my kitchen anyway, the set displayed temperature stops climbing while the actual water temp continues to increase. it threw off all my recipes until i figured out that you could see actual realtime temp when above the displayed set temp by trying to set a new temp and scrolling around. the oxo interface won't scroll below actual realtime temp.

>> No.20107289

Ahhhh I gotcha. Let me see what happens on mine.

>> No.20107308
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this shit good or is it a meme?

>> No.20107322
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Set temp 185F. Twisty twisted for a while and highest it would read was 186F.

>> No.20107332

>hand tats
lmao it's an actual barista

>> No.20107337

Baker, but I always figured if I got tired of bread I'd see if I could transfer into the barista area at my work.

>> No.20107342

Everything from that source is going to be a meme, but you might at least get a funny t-shirt out of the deal.

>> No.20107387
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finally figured out how to post a webm, 3*C overshoot was mid

>> No.20107396
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Outdoor covfefe today. Does anyone else live in a place with fucked up tap water? We get warnings here for it, even before that there were minerals (iron) in it turning my kitchen stuff orange. I switched to bottled a while ago but it's fucking annoying.
Awesome, what'd he do? Also I love your pics post more comfy
I love the cafe a couple of streets away from me. They're actually how I found the beans I buy at home. Really nice people and I can sit outside at a table right next to my car.

>> No.20107413

Huh, weird. That's brutal though. Don't go trying to brew up gyokuro anytime soon.

>> No.20107445
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i've got it under control, just takes a little finesse like slow feeding the ode whilst holding the catch cup and touching the body for static. still better than stagg/corvo, better than chinashit, better than breville, but not as chiseled as smeg.

>> No.20107462
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The real wealthy athletes drink this.

>> No.20107494

Lavazza sponsors Juventus and Arsenal
Beckham is sponsored by Nespresso
Federer is brand ambassador for Jura
It's a rubber stamp

>> No.20107511

Its his company. Guy likes coffee, has money, starts brand.

>> No.20107620


Seems like a nice machine at first glance but set to 19 bar brew pressure which is way too high. Even with the Gaggia Classic people recommend changing the Over pressure valve spring so the pressure is at 9 bar. I'd say if the reviews for it are decent ,150 isn't a bad price at all. I have a Gaggia Classic and it's a good machine but it definitely needs a PID and a few other mods to unlock it's full potential.

>> No.20107639
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Best biscuits to go with coffee other than speculoos?

>> No.20107650

>the people who really know espresso?

>> No.20107683
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>> No.20107718
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>other than speculoos
nice mug & coaster btw

>> No.20107839

They're two different things and speculaas is vastly superior choggy anon, try it. The de ruiters ones are great. Also thank :>

>> No.20107857

Is rapid cold brew worth it? I like cold coffee but often don’t have the counter space or refrigerator room for long good brews. I’ve heard of what’s basically a chemical stirring machine, magnet based blending, cold brewing machines that make cold brew coffee in 15-20 minutes. Worth it?
Ethiopian coffee cold brewed is amazing, not a trace of bitterness.

>> No.20107869

>Ethiopian coffee cold brewed is amazing, not a trace of bitterness.
seems like it would be pretty sour.
innately sour coffee + under-extraction

>> No.20107877

Never noticed a sourness.

>> No.20107884

More like specul-ass retard
Speculoos where it's at.

>> No.20108004

Speculoos is the basic bitch version but you won't see me insulting you

>> No.20108187
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>two different things
huh, tonight i'll go to bed less tarded. not sure i'll find the de ruiters but i'll add speculaas to my shopping list

that >20107884 is not me btw i was watching an episode of ZeroZeroZero, not bad while we're on the subject. i don't obsess about vulgarities surrounding the reproduction organs.

>> No.20108288

Do you associate that signature mouth sensation Ethiopian has with sourness? kind of like it makes the middle of your mouth salivate.
That's not sourness m8 that's just a characteristic of that type of coffee.
You can brew it at a lower temp if you're worried about it.

>> No.20108300

It's really nice and smooth, I had it at a couple places, the local spot second and this shop by across from Japantown in LA for my first.
It has a very uniform cleanness. The coffee is the most not like coffee on the opposite spectrum to Turkish if that makes sense.
If you enjoy tannins in your java it will be an interesting experience not having them there at all.
I should have it again soon.

>> No.20108338

Just flash brew, nice results less time, less acidic and generally more extraction of flavor.

>> No.20108484

I do enjoy tannins in my cuppa but i also like experimenting, my curiosity is pique . It's interesting how much the brew method impacts the final taste. And those towers look really neat. If i ever see them in a coffee shop i know what to order.

>> No.20108575

why aren't there more low caffeine blends, not decaf, just low caffeine

>> No.20108635

Don't worry, I didn't think it was you! Goodnight choggy anon

>> No.20108680
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why would you get a flow caffeine bean and then put it in a blend?
uhh your Pfeffernüsse anon?

>> No.20108703
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Late night honduran Mojo. Following the quanguide so I busted out the kinu+origami+cafec whites. Long bloom, low agitation, lower ratio, low temp, blendy burrs. Definitely smells better than how I was brewing it before. Still a darker roast than I like but I am getting some sweet berries and tart citrus. I might have to mix up some other water to try in the morning.

>> No.20108824
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My bfs mum gifted us a dolce gusto for christmas and while I was surprised by the taste of the cappucino pods, I really don't like having to pay 6eur for 6 pods.

I saw that one can buy reusable pods, but have heard mixed opinions on it. For me the main thing is the instant foamed milk, if I can buy that as a powder and put it in a reusable pod, that would make it much better already.

Also, I was just about thinking buying a portafilter machine when she gifted us this, but I couldn't refuse because for her, it was a lot of money since she is from hungary

>> No.20108950
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malwani in the latest quan kino
and the rest of the video is good too

>> No.20109315

I want iced coffee. I was thinking about making a pour-over with 250g of water, then sticking it in the fridge for 4 hours. Is there a better way?

>> No.20109333

enjoy some classic hoffmann kino

>> No.20109335

Flash brew/iced filter. Brew "stronger", use ~40% of your water as ice in the carafe instead to get the right strength, then a bit more ice to chill.

>> No.20109348

Freeze 40% of your brew water and put the ice in the vessel you're brewing into, then use the remaing 60% of your brew water to make a concentrate using the usual amount of coffee. The hot coffee concentrate should immediately melt the ice and dilute the drink back down to a normal strength. Then you just serve in a chilled glass with ice (maybe use slightly more coffee if you're worried about the ice in the serving glass diluting the drink further). Works with pretty much any brew method.

>> No.20109370

That Automatica is sweet. It deserves to be in a shop.

>> No.20109391

i think it would be cool to see a recreated automatica with modern materials and like high tech shit, but making it look and feel as faithful as possible to the original
unfortunately the company still exists and holds the patent

>> No.20109395

oh and i found his home barista post, pretty in depth if you are interested in a breakdown.

>> No.20109409

Jimmy butler started his side hustle in the bubble.

>> No.20109546

The beauty of valve and lever machines is simplicity. Give people a workflow that is intuitive.

>> No.20109555

i didnt say more complex
the operation would be the same.
just make it with modern shit
like in brians video he shows other models from italy that just corrode and fall apart

>> No.20109655

I went home to the US for the holidays and brought back a gifted Stagg EKG to a 240v country, assuming step-down transformers wouldn't be 1) expensive and/or 2) bulky,
but lo and behold they are both expensive and bulky.
I guess they make for pretty sculptures.

>> No.20109661

yeh i was going to buy a us only machine but after looking into the transformers and shit i just gave up

>> No.20109673

Wire it to one of your 240 outlets. There's probably a stove plug around.

>> No.20109681

oh yeh
way easier
fucking retard

>> No.20109693

At least I have the brain cells to buy a plug or adapter at the hardware store.

>> No.20109730

get a hario cold brew pot.

>> No.20109732
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wa la

>> No.20109760

>plug or adapter
you dont even understand the conversation you have entered
fucking retard

>> No.20109767

There's 240vac in US kitchens. Go drink gas station coffee brainlet.

>> No.20109774
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>> No.20109781

Day 4 and still no email from flair. I fear they have abandoned me.

>> No.20109879

im sure there are 120v kitchens in 240v countries too
what's your point?
if a machine needs 120 instead of 240 and it needs a certain wattage you cant just use an adapter you need a step down transformer with the correct watts
which depending on the machine you are trying to use could cost hundreds of dollars and is an ugly bulky thing you have to have on the kitchen bench alongside the machine you are using.

dont talk if you dont know shit you actual monkey brained retard
fucking kill yourself

>> No.20109885

Do you think bones live outside of the shoulder?
What do you think is in YOUR shoulder? Not bones?

>> No.20110019
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First you need to determine if you're in the US or Europe because you seem to be confused.

A step down transformer "STEPS DOWN" from a higher voltage to a lower one. A step-up transformer steps up, they're the same thing just flip the coils. You have to use a bulky one because you're powering a device that is simply pissing electricity away directly into heat. If your appliance is 1000w the transformer must be 1000VA.

Europe primarily uses 240vac @50hz. US uses 120vac at 60hz mainly but the panel has 2 power rails so 240vac can be used for you furnace, AC, maybe washer, and your stove. Moving up to the longer duty cycle of 50 hz can cause some problems to devices as current flows in each direction for longer cycles. The higher frequency will not harm a fucking heating element.

The appliance is the load. Therefor it determines the wattage it draws. There are 10 amp minimum breakers in your panel. 10x120 is 1200watts. Does your kettle pull 20% more juice than a microwave? I don't even have to look it up to tell you no.

I can put a new 240 outlet in faster than trying to explain to you how the magic negative sparks run your gadgets.

>> No.20110131

Wow you got absolutely assploded lmao

>> No.20110232

>Day 4
>Tuesday after a 3 day weekend
Check your email again

>> No.20110245
File: 1.90 MB, 2336x1080, IMG_20240116_171730_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't made espresso since I last managed a cafe two years ago. My uncle got one of these and I showed him how to do volumetrics. Was quite surprised with the shots. Wife doesn't mind getting an espresso machine for the house, but €1,000 on a profitec go is a bit much, and she won't be able to use it. Pic related came up for sale in my town, got it for €500, i will never use the bean to cup function, but she thinks it's a great idea. They retail for the same price as said profitec.
Only had it a few days. Decent shots, steam wand is a bit on the weedy side, but the jug delonghi provide makes up for it. I'll just decant my milk into my own jug.
Only issue so far is actually my kitchen. It isn't insulated, so it's really cold. The shots I get grinding from my c40 vary depending on how many shots I've pulled, eventually stabilising when the whole machine has warmed up.
Oh, and as soon as I brought it home the wife said she won't use the bean to cup function, even though that is the explicit reason I got it, so she can use it.

>> No.20110260
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>as soon as I brought it home the wife said she won't use the bean to cup function, even though that is the explicit reason I got it, so she can use it.

>> No.20110266

Timemore C2 has a capacity of more than 30g. ~32 I believe.

>> No.20110270

Yuck $500 euro for Delonghi pressurized basket 16 bar fakespresso garbage. You got fleeced

>> No.20110313

Is that the specialista maestro?

>> No.20110323

I hate women so much bros.

>> No.20110370
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I'll update it thanks. I lifted the initial table off some aus site and started adding grinders/notes to it. His error, my fuckup for trusting an aussie about coffee.

>> No.20110560

Regular basket. Tapers in towards the bottom, so I'll be replacing it asap. I'll grab a bottomless portafilter whilst I'm at it
It is. The extra 500 goes on a milk further, and system that "prepares" your drink. Honestly not worth it if buying new, but you do get more temperature control. Five settings ranging from 95, to 85 celcius. Tested it out with my thermometer. Pretty consistent. I don't have reasonable access to the opv, so I'll take whatever temp control is on offer.

>> No.20110667
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They shipped it in one day! First time making Arabica myself. Double shot long black and holy fuck it's drinkable and smooth, it's not crazy bitter. This is awesome thank you /ctg/ for your autism getting me to try Arabica. /blog

>> No.20110836

I've got a C3 Pro and it only fits about 20g. I believe the regular C2 has the same capacity, although there is a MAX version of both grinders that have a larger capacity (around 30g).

>> No.20110846

:! Glad you like it friendo

>> No.20110974

I've spent a LOT of money on coffee over the past year... I don't think my cope about homemade espresso/coffee being cheaper than Starbucks is accurate

>> No.20111052

Starbucks are able to buy everything in bulk straight from the wholesaler. Even when you factor in their labor costs and profit margins on each drink, it will still work out cheaper to just buy their coffee daily until you reach like 5 years worth of using your equipment. And that assumes that your equipment doesn't break or that you don't decide to spend even more money during those 5 years. The only reason you should start making home espresso is if you want a different taste, because doing it for the money is a meme.

>> No.20111057

I have yet to find a method that is better than the clover machine. who has $6k though. do you have anything you recommend that can brew as well?

>> No.20111076

why would you use starbucks operating expense as a point of comparison? that makes no sense. if the dude is "trying to save money" then obviously you should be using the average consumer's cost of a trip to starbucks instead. personally I spend $10 every trip ($6 for a drink and $4 for a cookie or whatever). If you only counted work days that's $2600 a year. I drink at least a latte a day. Cost of making it at home is roughly $0.80 in beans and milk. Add in a costco croissant or rice krispy square something and that's $2 a day or $500 a year. With the $2100 you save over just one year you can buy a quality HX machine and a $800+ grinder, and both will last you 10-20 years and retain a good portion of their resale value if properly maintained.

>> No.20111090

coffee makes me angry and retarded, even half a teaspoon full in my hot cocoa is enough to trigger that effect

>> No.20111091

It only is because you wouldnt be going to Starbucks six times a day

>> No.20111113

Including the price of a brownie is stupid because you're not making the brownie at home. You also need to factor in energy costs to power the grinder and espresso machine, as well as wastage sinve you're going to have to dial in the beans.

>> No.20111125

Unless you're a true snob or an anal retentive retardo you will not have undrinkable coffee from dialing in your beans
>hmmm this is a little gritty nice
>hm this is a little sour nice
>ahh this is just right.
3 good coffees. Most of the world gets by on Folgerstier pre-ground

>> No.20111131

Retard, i'm stating the cost of my replacement breakfast coffee 1:1. I don't materialize brownies or rice krispy squares out of thin air. Arguably I could make them a heck of a lot cheaper than $1.2 a serving but I was generous in that quote for flexibility. Power cost of operating a simple plug-in appliance for 30 minutes is negligible. Like literally negligible. Realistically like $0.30 for the whole year. Same for the "waste" (waste water) cost. It's literally NOTHING compared to the cost of milk and beans and pastry. Again, one year of not going to starbucks buys you a HX machine and high end grinder. This is mathetmatical fact. You can easily justify splurging for a la marzocco micra as that would only require 3 years of sacrificing your daily starbucks fix. No way in hell is making espresso at home never not cheaper in the long run.

>> No.20111166
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>> No.20111594

>retard spacing
kill yourself
i accept your concession :)

>> No.20111602

i have the same wallpaper wollongong anon:)!
well not right now
but i have the same collection on my pc and i used it for years, i have a different wallpaper now.

>> No.20111608

how much did you spend?
also its cheaper in terms of beans used
like for me if i make it at home i save $1500 a year not buying coffee out.

>> No.20111612

then dont do that

>> No.20112299

Really impressed by how fine you can go on the zp6. Really neat grinder

>> No.20112437

have you tried espresso with it?

>> No.20112472

I don't do espresso, but from what I've seen it shouldn't work

>> No.20112629


>> No.20113006

Anything interesting you can do with used coffee grounds?

>> No.20113164

add to compost for fertilizer

>> No.20113364

Dry process needs to be blended with washed to be drinkable. End of.

>> No.20113372

New hoff is out

>> No.20113395

@ me when he finally does a video on decaf

>> No.20113400

Good news then

>> No.20113456
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>I lived to see the hoffmann decaff video
My life is fulfilled

>> No.20113466


>> No.20113488

fug i didn't realize 01 drippers were so small...

>> No.20113495
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>> No.20113506

opinions on an aero press?

>> No.20113528
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>decaf drinker, to me, is the top tier coffee drinker
>the purest of all coffee drinkers
>because they're just drinking it for the taste
sistas, what did he mean by this?

>> No.20113532

its not called aeropiss for nothing sis

>> No.20113536

that bad?

>> No.20113553

ok i just finished the video
and cleaned up the mess i made
great video
probably his best in a while(other than the in depth RDT video a month ago)

>> No.20113560

it makes good coffee but also turns you into a girl

>> No.20113578

thats what ive heard, and why i was curious
"you CANNOT do espresso with the special"
seems ridiculous, frankly

>> No.20113583

good nachy is fucking great, you just got some shit, brother

>> No.20113590

are there any downsides to steel/insulated french presses? do they keep coffee warm for a couple hours?

>> No.20113642

No idea, can't help you friend

>> No.20113652

cant see the koohee
>couple hours
not quite, and if you dont decant it, itll just keep brewing and get maybe a lil nasty
well do let the class know if you ever get a moka pot or smth

>> No.20113663

Shit, what about thermal carafes? How many proper cups can I make at a time with a Kalite 185? I want to be able to make 2-3 proper cups on weekends but I don't want a drip machine

>> No.20113671

Pound for pound it's arguably the best coffee brewer on the market. Relatively inexpensive, easy to use, easy to clean up, only needs a couple of minutes to brew, super portable, lets you customise a lot of brew variables if you want, doesn't require a special kettle or other fancy equipment (other than a way to boil water and a way to grind coffee), doesn't require super autistic technique, almost impossible to fuck up even if you don't exactly stick to the technique/recipe, works with paper filters (for a cleaner cup) or metal filters (for more body), can make both a normal filter coffee as well as a more concentrated coffee for use in a faux cappuccino-style drink with some foamed milk.

The only real downside is that it has a pretty limited capacity. Works well enough as a single cup brewer, or you can bypass brew and dilute a more concentrated coffee with hot water (or ice) to get two cups. But any more than two cups and you'll struggle, although you could argue it doesn't take long to brew with the Aeropress anyway so you could just use it repeatedly back-to-back. There is a larger Aeropress available but it's a lot more expensive.

Some people are worried about brewing in plastic, but to be quite honest the caffiene in your coffee is probably more detrimental to your health than any potential trace of microplastics.

>> No.20113680

Well since the coffee is still immersed and at a high temp, it's just going to keep extracting until it becomes overextracted. You don't wanna leave it in there really. You'd be better off brewing in a french press and then pouring it out into a thermos

>> No.20113684
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My espresso has been really bitter the last two days. I've had to cover them up under a good deal of steamed milk.
Tomorrow I will try again, if I fail I'm going to go with retard-proof french press for a week

>> No.20113685

>what about thermal carafes
what about them? i like contigo if want a brand rec
>How many proper cups can I make at a time with a Kalite 185
couldnt tell you but reddit says 800ml of coffee for 50g of grinds
>the caffiene in your coffee is probably more detrimental to your health than any potential trace of microplastics.
i rather doubt that

>> No.20113698
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>"you CANNOT do espresso with the special"
>seems ridiculous, frankly
zp6 was designed with a large "outfall" for filter. No matter how fine you grind, there will always be big gaps for large particles to fall through. Tightening up those gaps would let the beans go through more breaks, creating a higher proportion of fines to create pressure in espresso. Yeah you can rip short extraction time turbos with zp6, but you're not going to be able to hold 9bar for 30seconds without a high resistance/pressurized basket. Wrong particle spread for that. Heres a side view of 98LU and HU to so you can see what an "outfall" is.

>> No.20113711

They're my summer wallpapers very comfy. Excellent taste anon.

>> No.20113734

thanks for the detailed reply, that explains a lot
thats kinda what i figured, that it just would be kinda shitty

>> No.20113742

Immersion brewers are generally more forgiving when it comes to overextraction and it tends to drastically slow down once you reach optimal extraction (assuming you got the ratios right), so coffee that has been left in a French press for a while will still be relatively drinkable. Although if you're constantly pouring from the same FP it will kick up a bunch of grit from the bottom which ends up in your cup. So you might as well brew once in a large FP, then transfer it all into a large thermos or insulated carafe.

>> No.20114152
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Is this normal?

>> No.20114198


>> No.20114245
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Fuck it, bought the last p0 amazon had for a pepper mill. Tired of waiting on the unicorn magnum to restock and it uses the same shitty burr style, but chinese.
Coffee being red? Yeah.

>> No.20114362

Sorry, I was wrong. Used it this morning. It fit 25 grams of Guatemala beans.

We both weren't right.

>> No.20114589
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>pepper mill
you want the cole & mason derwent anon

>> No.20114604

I bought an espresso machine and I discovered that I can’t drink double shots (15-16 grams) because they give me massive anxiety. :’(
I need to buy decaf…

>> No.20114612

>Is this normal?
your thumb? No. no its not

>> No.20114622

so just buy a single shot basket?

>> No.20114638

Flair 2 pro, the lowest dose I can make is 15 grams apparently even though I read people making singles (but how??).
I love this machine but what the fuck bros, 160 mg of caffeine from 100% arabica beans is this much of an issue? :(

I will also buy the double spout so I can split the shot into two, it’s not optimal but it is what it is, one day when I’ll be less anxious I will try again.

>> No.20114648

10% experience anxiety with latest coof variant. try again in a week

>> No.20114659

looking to decouple my kettle and hot water, any recommendation

>> No.20114695

you need to drink more water

>> No.20114722

LOL. Kill yourself and stop emailing us.
>Flair international support

>> No.20114723

Anybody have experience with pic related?

I've been making "aeropresso" with the Aeropress and been thinking if I had the money someday I would get a Robot. The Flair seems good too, but if I'm spending that kind of money I might as well get the Robot. The Aeropress is serving me so well, though... But I'm also worried about microplastic.

>> No.20114725
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Forgot Pic

>> No.20114980
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Uh no. The P stands for pepper.

>> No.20115142

P for poverty

>> No.20115173

Needed something cheaper than the wug and kinu.

>> No.20115280


>> No.20115285
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>local smegmaroaster does a "complex" kenyan with cranberry on the bag
>he says "lol it's red fruit xD" when i ask him how to turn down the 'mato
>my face when it's either this or a natural anaerobic for the next week

>> No.20115374

fixed the 'matopress per roaster advice, slow feeding ssp mp burrs caused ultra buttsex flavor syndrome and it needed normal feed a click finer

>> No.20115598

>Buys acid forward burrs
>yuckie acid
Should have gotten labsweets breh

>> No.20115631

yummy acid but unimodalmaxxing with the luna recipe dialed in for berries was nightshade nightmare mode. there's a box on my counter with chode (gen 2) burrs which are bury nice but clearly made for european great-aunts and vintage roast boymoders, only paid 3hunnid for the chode and 3 burrsets so the next buy is going to be car money when the red speeds wear out in over 9000lbs kek

>> No.20115785

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.20115797

this, cafes are pretty bog standard because everyone drowns it in milk and caramel and chocolate syrup so youll be made to put volume not quality

>> No.20115800

What language is this

>> No.20115807


>> No.20115862
File: 1.59 MB, 854x480, AEROPRESS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 me some Yemen coffee beans

>> No.20115874

>baristas start getting super autistic about coffee to the point where they create algorithms to make perfectly consistent coffee based on certain variables
>companies start creating automatic machines that utilise said algorithms and produce consistent cups
Baristas have made their own bed, now they can sleep in it.

>> No.20115888

>learn to code
>"""ai""" does the job of 10 coders

>> No.20115916
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Eggs and goff

>> No.20115928

untoasted bread?
way undercooked eggs
borderline raw bacon?
dirty keyboard.
no knife
no spork
cringe, 0/10

>> No.20115932


>> No.20115940

sorry egganon

>> No.20115942

comfy brekky goffee

>> No.20115950

don't ever do that again

>> No.20116046

The tannins and polyphenols in coffee will affect the absorption of iron and calcium from the eggs. Plus the fats from the eggs affects the flavour of the coffee. So you shouldn't mix the two together.

>> No.20116080

12:30 AM Coffee
Anoxic Natural
Red Bourbon
Filter Roast
buttered artichoke heart dipped in balsamic vinegar
vaguely alcoholic
sun dried cherry
good to be back to light roasted, natural processed, fermented coffee after my vacation with medium dark sumatra.

>> No.20116105 [DELETED] 

What's the absolute least amount I can spend to get a decent temp controlled kettle? I'm willing to up the minimum, but I don't want to spend more than $100 USD.

>> No.20116110

Brewista Artisan Gooseneck Variable Kettle
its about $150usd from what i can see.
its great, and its cheap
they get much more expensive
otherwise you are looking at chinesium and kettles you have to put on the stove top to heat.

>> No.20116118
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I'll see your cup warming strategy, and raise a glass of milk

>> No.20116125

Aiheal Electric Gooseneck Kettle. might be chinese shit but I picked one up recently for pour-overs. pretty good so far, can't complain for it being 58 bucks

>> No.20116127

>that amount of milk
>for that little coffee
how italian of you anon
i hope your beans are extra oily today

>> No.20116165

The cheapest option is to get a regular kettle and an infrared thermometer.

>> No.20116201

at some point within the last year or 2 aeropress made some changes to their papers that fucked up my "drip" brews. i always thought the issue was my grinder but out of curiosity i pulled a filter from the bottom of the stack today (old/packaged with aeropress) and voila! back to drip!

thanks for reading.

>> No.20116226

>Picked one up recently
Last thread it was 6 years ago?

>> No.20116390

Got my kingrinder p2 this morning after a recommendation by another Anon. AMA. This is a new era IMO, it does things much better than my K6 albeit slower

>> No.20116413

What does it do better? Is switching from outer adjustment to inner adjustment a pain? How's the build quality?

>> No.20116752
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>day 650
>still obsessed with the same anon
>still annoyed to the point that to kill his time he needs to impersonate other people
>still the same ad personam tactics
>still the same memes

Anon, nobody but you hates me here. Someone probably doesn’t like me but not to the point of not letting me post and besides I already got an answer from a kind anon who helped me, I just need the final word for Flair because you never know in the clown world how QC works.

Get over it, you won’t break me.

Back in the tunnels you go, rat bastard.

>> No.20116834

and you say that they're steamed despite the fact that they're obviously frothed

>> No.20116838

I've sent an email to help@4chan.org to see if they can get people to stop making fun of me. I'll keep you guys updated.

>> No.20116848

coffee is poop wine

>> No.20116875

Flair anon too here.

1.5.0 on my JX Pro is kinda the sweet spot so far, but with my new Brazilian specialty 1.5.2 extracted in 50+ seconds @ 8 bar.
My shots are acidic but not undrinkable, the flow is regular, tamping is not perfect but I think that I’m not preparing hot enough. Fuck me for not buying the thermal strip, next time I’ll order the spare baskets I’ll fetch one as well as the double spout (is there a metallic spout somewhere? I don’t want the plastic one).

>> No.20116890

It does pour over better with less fines, the k6 does espresso better. The K6 grind settings are way easier to change but I think I prefer the inside since I can visibly see how many clicks I've turned and barely change grind settings, but I think that's just me.

Build quality is top, I could barely tell its plastic from a first look and feel, it's much lighter and easier to handle because of this. The one thing it does worse with is static but rdt and a shake after grinding does the job.

>> No.20116926

So my p0 peppermill should be based?

>> No.20117019
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Do you want to do this to your poor innocent goffee?

>> No.20117029

no one forced this maniac to keep pushing after the first time

>> No.20117032

>but if I'm spending that kind of money I might as well get the Robot.
you're saying this as if the robot is an upgrade, it isn't. flair 58 is a much higher quality product

>> No.20117036

It was a cute young little cafebrat, his hands moved on their own

>> No.20117068

Flair, Robot, weird stupid gadgets, V60…it’s all a huge cope fuelled by consumers to avoid admitting that 99.99% of you wouldn’t be in need of anything more than a simple moka pot.

>> No.20117089

For me its the moka.

>> No.20117106

I would fuck the tattoos away from her body

>> No.20117135

Doesn't the p2 have the exact same burr geometry as the k6, just 10mm smaller? How can either one be better or worse than the other in terms of grind quality?

>> No.20117157

>make espresso or moka like an italian
do not under any circumstances do this, they're terrible at it

>> No.20117189
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Cream of the italian crop.

>> No.20117211

v60 is simpler than a moka pot

>> No.20117314

>You'd be better off brewing in a french press and then pouring it out into a thermos

Actually, I've been wondering this for a while: when I make a standard, dialed in v60 at home with my usual set up, it's all good. But when I make that same coffee the same way and pour it into my thermos, it tastes burnt and like ass by 2/3 hrs into the day, long before I finish it. Is the coffee still brewing from fines or trace amounts of grounds? Is it simply degrading from being hot for too long? I had to switch to the hoffman pour over cold brew as my daily thermos drink because it doesn't degrade nearly the same way, if it all, but I would like to have it hot sometimes.

Any advice?

>> No.20117344

how do you guys afford specialty coffee, that shit is 6 times more expensive than the better supermarket slop. do you guys drink it daily or do you have cheaper slop for daily coffee and drink the good stuff every now and then?

>> No.20117430

clean your thermos
get into roasting

>> No.20117436

shes doing literally everything opposite of the hoffman method lol. Us italians are retards and prefer tradition over the correct way so ignore her and do what the lesbian looking brit does

>> No.20117452

I have a bag a month, usually 1 cup of speciality every 2 or 3 days and then supermarket of varying quality for the other days. Married to an argentine so we drink mate and turkish tea often enough too. Both jobless atm and its working well within the budget. Once we're both working we'll be earning about 20x min wage here so it'll be constant fun coffee.

>> No.20117474 [DELETED] 

>Fellow™ (((Italians)))

Ok rabbi, trust the SCIENCE and discard tradition.

Do not trust good looking people who built civilization and the Roman Empire, nope, just trust this British subhuman who's literally paid to advertise and sell you our products. GOOD GOY

>> No.20117484 [DELETED] 

I love the country i live in, but italians are dumb af, come here and learn the language and you'll see. You can enjoy some shitty espresso made by arabs and teenagers while you're here

>> No.20117491

Ti prendo a bastonate sui denti, figlio di puttana.

>> No.20117524 [DELETED] 

Modern Italians have about as much to do with the Roman Empire as modern Egyptians do with the Ancient Egyptians. They are completely different culturally and genetically, they just happen to occupy the same land.

>> No.20117564 [DELETED] 

Ok moshe, it also coincidentally happens that modern Egyptians live in sand shitholes with Muslims producing nothing of value while Italians have the best country in the world (next to Japan) and still produce all the shit you drool over, like top tier espresso machines worth more than your life.

Uh also Italy is included in the list of the kalergi plan countries, someone is still seething about Hadrian to the point that they actually see us as descendants of the Roman Empire.

Stay mad and prepare for another round of final solution, this time it will be on global scale.

>> No.20117628

>British subhuman who's literally paid to advertise and sell you our products
You understand he's making $20k a month on patreon right? You don't need to shill products when you've got a budget to buy whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.20117678

my god her moka pot is absolutely vile

>> No.20117711
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I’m sure he talks about Nespresso capsules just to be informative because he cares for his fan base, coincidentally he’s also an environmentalist and he always reminds us to be kind to the planet but for some strange and very specific reason he’s not bothered that Nespresso capsules are made in non recyclable aluminium capsules that also require a lot of wasted energy (thus causing pollution from the factories) when there are 100% eco friendly solutions such as ESE pods if you want something similar.

I’m not saying that all these influencers need to hang, but at the same time all of them need to hang.

>> No.20117723

Hoffman has his problems, but he is actually one of the few based people when it comes to the environment because he openly acknowledges that the individual consumer wastage is ultimately irrelevant compared to the wastage produced by large corporations. Even if everyone in the world stopped using Nespresso capsules, it will make absolutely zero meaningful impact on the world's current pollution problems.

>> No.20117726 [DELETED] 

If we had another round of final solutions, Italians would be the first to go since they're brown manlets.

>> No.20117729

And yet he talked about Nespresso several times because he wanted to appease to his audience. It’s sad because all these “based” people ultimately put their own interest at the first place and end up being corrupted.

Sorry James, you need to hang.

>> No.20117731 [DELETED] 
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Sorry rabbi, not happening!

We are actually conquering the world while all the other cultures and ethnicities are going slowly extinct and cancelled through mass migrations.


>> No.20117734

Hoffmann is autistic for coffee, that's why so many people love him. He genuinely cares to understand and try and test rather than just repeating what tradition dictates or what recent coffee "competition" "winners" say

>> No.20117743

do any of you get something like a dirty high when drinking cheap coffee at home?

the other day i made myself and my dad a pot of his dunkin' donuts medium roast, and it made me feel anxious and wired in a way that my fancy scandinavian light roasts don't, even if i have two cups of them.

just wondering, since this has happened a few times over the past year. i don't feel great when drinking cheap coffee, which isn't even something i hesitate to do when i have to

>> No.20117750

>Science moment

For once I’ll be the one saying this: go back to plebbit.

>> No.20117757
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>conquering the world one instagram follower at a time

>> No.20117762 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, Brazil: the pinacle of whiteness

>> No.20117769

His Nespresso videos are basically just him reverse-engineering their patented technology and suggesting how others might replicate it. If he was sponsored by Nespresso, they wouldn't allow that. Not to mention that most of his regular viewers are the type that dislike Nespresso, so it's not like he would be "appeasing his audience" with videos about Nespresso anyway.

>> No.20117779 [DELETED] 
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60 million Italians in Italy + 80 million diaspora in the world = 140.000.000 Italians in the world.

If your country is not in this list, you’re irrelevant.


Ps. United States are not one ethnicity so it doesn’t count of course

>> No.20117826

P0 is probably the best grinder under 50
I'm guessing a smaller burr leads to a tighter fit or higher chance of alignment. If I was offered both I'd take the k6 but p2 is basically 3/4 of the k6 for half the price

>> No.20117828

Who would have thought the trabattitard would start schitzing out 24hrs after realizing he can't handle espresso?

>> No.20117914
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What espresso machine for under $1000 should I buy specifically to impress women at my house?

>> No.20117919

bialetti 6 cup stovetop

>> No.20117927 [DELETED] 

And as always, the tunnel jannies removed the antisemitic posts but let all the other racism and insults online fucking kek.

I really feel bad for them knowing that IP addresses are basically unlimited.

>> No.20117929 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20118036

>holy shit you did a heckin' nonconformity in my circlejerk thread
>stop typing like you didn't come from reddit right heckin' now

>> No.20118052

bialetti 12 cup stovetop

>> No.20118074

Ride bike into the room, grab cuppa from the barista, reheat it over the radiator block. Perfetto.

>> No.20118078
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>> No.20118237
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i just know its good for you and me

>> No.20118455
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New java seeds time.
Keen as to see what it’s all about.
I’ve heard nothing but good talk about "Les Mélanges Audacieux".
Pretty cool to taste these with some new bros and see what they have to offer, and to hopefully show them what I have too.
But yeah keen as, Chur.

>Buckle up: our Blend takes you on a world tour.

>>Why did you choose these origins?

>Separately, these are coffees with very different taste characteristics, Salvadoran coffee is a natural process, which gives a rather fruity and gourmet result. Yirgacheffe coffee, for its part, is a washed coffee, therefore a very lively, fruity and floral coffee. However, Malabar is a classy coffee, full of body in its purest state. Assembled in the right proportion, their differences create a balance. The body of the Malabar softens the liveliness of the Yirgacheffe, while the fruity and gourmand profile of the Salvador erases the certain bitterness of the Malabar.

>>Why mix them?

>Offering these blends helps diversify the knowledge of coffee enthusiasts, beyond simple Brazilian or Colombian coffee. It is by mixing very different coffees, from opposite cultures and with unique processing, that we can offer a balanced and harmonious blend in each cup.

>The objective? Offer a “Tour du Monde” trip to coffee enthusiasts while allowing themselves the opportunity to taste a complex bean. In short, arouse curiosity!


>> No.20118461
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>>El Manzanal Estate

>Jose Enrique Gutierrez named his farm Finca El Manzanal after the tree that abounds on the property. The Manzanos tree provides shade for coffee plants and acts as a windbreak, especially during flowering when the flowers must remain on the tree for the cherry to grow.

>In 2010, Jose Enrique introduced regenerative agricultural practices. He owns a collection of farms in Ahuachapan Township. His family produced coffee in the eastern region of El Salvador, but left the country in the 1980s due to low coffee prices and a civil war. Nonetheless, coffee is Jose Enrique's passion and when he purchased his first farm in 2007, he did so with a special mindset.

>>Yirgacheffe, the cradle of Ethiopia

>The legendary birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia grows exclusively Arabica coffee at altitudes between 1500 and 2300 meters. The Yirgacheffe terroir is famous for these coffees with floral notes of jasmine, made from varieties of mocha endemic to the region. This washed process coffee grows in the Gedeo region. The term Yirgacheffe designates both an aromatic typicity and a cooperative which brings together several small producers.

>>Malabar Monsooned Karnataka India

>The term "Malabar Monsooned" was coined after a transport accident. Shipments of Indian coffee beans destined for Europe and passing through the Cape of Good Hope were exposed to the high humidity of sea spray during this voyage. Upon their arrival, however, these cafés enjoyed a certain success in Europe. The particular qualities of this coffee were soon sought after.

First shot, 1:1,6 pull, comes out eminently balanced and harmonious. Will see if a smudge coarser will make the raspberry pop out more as caramel was the predominant tang.
Crikey. It's not just my curiosty that got aroused with this audacious blend.


>> No.20118518

I've only seen the plastic one from flair and haven't found any aftermarket ones. I just got a Normcore tamper for shits and giggles and now Im having to sort of re-dial things in. It's consistent now at least so once I get all the other variables figured out I should be good to go.

>> No.20118551
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>Brand mascot is an old coot who probably died before any poster here was born.

>> No.20118580

Flair 58 is such an overpriced ghetto contraption, though. Looks like it's supposed to break...

>> No.20118583

Don't you have a local roaster?

>> No.20118593
File: 937 KB, 1292x1434, Resize_20240118_223116_6427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light roast
JX Pro 1-5-0
18g -> 40g, 55 seconds

Yeah, the Normcore tamper definitely compresses things more than I was with the included Flair tamper, so I'm having to readjust. 15g -> 40g in 30s was a little over extracted, but the grind seemed like a good size, so I upped the dose a bunch to 18g. The shot took a lot longer though so was still on the bitter side. Next time I'll try 1-5-1 and 16.5g -> 40g to see if I can't get all that to meet in the middle.

>> No.20118622

>Looks like it's supposed to break
How so?

>> No.20118652

My morning coffee cost 1€. I can clearly afford it.

>> No.20118657

>he can't distinguish between genuine and shills.
Must be a hard life

>> No.20118695

The electronics look ghetto and unreliable. Not worth the extra $200+ over the robot. Honestly, neither looks great to me, I'll probably just stick with Aeropress.

>> No.20118726

Mine has been going strong since 2021 without a hitch. Even accidentally left it on for several days. Used in cafes and 3 michelin star restaurants without a problem.

>> No.20118761

about as clean as the average italian

>> No.20118772

i ONLY drink coffee at home.
so for me if i were to BUY from cafes the coffee i drink every day it would be about $5 per coffee so $15 per day on coffee, that is objectively worse in every single way than coffee i can make at home.
OR i can spend $30 A WEEK, on 250g specialty coffee that i can have the same amount of coffee a day but at a much much much higher quality.
it is cheaper to make it at home.
and then of course there is the upfront cost of buying decent equipment to make the coffee with, and then the time it takes to get actually good at making coffee at home and the time it takes to explore the world of specialty coffee and discover what you like.
but none of that is a recurring cost.

>> No.20118776

>And yet he talked about Nespresso several times because he wanted to appease to his audience.
every single nespresso video he has made is about how they are a garbage company.

>> No.20118778

yes but not in the way you are talking about it.

>> No.20118783

should buy $1000 in starbucks gift cards instead. they will like you alot more.

>> No.20118788

>The electronics look ghetto and unreliable
by what metric
> I'll probably just stick with Aeropress.
dont forget to dilate after!

>> No.20118811

>Only warrantied for a year
>Countless webpages of people having electrical issues with it
>Temp instability, cords breaking, bullshit after bullshit.

Some people are ballin' well enough to afford a new one of these every year, I guess. I don't have a three star Michelin restaurant. I don't have enough confidence in it. Aeropress won't ever let me down.

>> No.20118824

>Only warrantied for a year
warranty is poor mans cope.
>Countless webpages of people having electrical issues with it
great link a few of them.
>Temp instability, cords breaking, bullshit after bullshit.
prove it.
also im sure alot of that is user error, you have to assemble it and plug it into the wall in a certain order, so im sure most people didnt do that and just plugged it in without reading the manual.
>Aeropress won't ever let me down.
it will as soon as you make coffee with it
it is incapable of making good coffee.

>> No.20118840

Simply Google "flair 58 broken" and you'll find MANY complaints. If you can't make good coffee with the Aeropress, you got a serious skill issue.

>> No.20118849
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>Temp instability
standard preheat with thermocouple slipped in to the top of silicone jacket. plunger was at the top until minute 18 or so and left until minute 22 1/2. Seems fine to me.

>> No.20118858

Until it breaks, which it's guaranteed to. Whoever designed it doesn't seem like actual engineers. Or maybe they said fuck it, idk.

>> No.20118866

Mine was shipped 954 days ago. No problems whatsoever. ~$99 for a brew head if it ever burns out, and its still completely functional without the preheater in the meantime. I don't understand your gripes.

>> No.20118872


>> No.20118876

its not a skill issue its a tool issue
the aeropiss makes bad coffee
the frenchpiss makes bad coffee
cheap espresso machines make bad coffee
>Until it breaks
>it has temp instability
>and if it doesnt it will
jesus christ

anyway i just looked at some long term reviews and all i have seen is "i had to replace an o ring once" or "i sold it because didnt like the workflow"
i havent seen anyone talk about bad temp or bad wires, or bad electronics.

>Simply Google "flair 58 broken" and you'll find MANY complaints.
this is a useless thing to say because if i google "flair 58 good" i will find many people praising the machine.

>> No.20118878

you have to make a new thread the other one is ruined already

>> No.20118881

Broken temp controller is like the most common complaint. They look like cheap Chinese electronics. Flair must be making huge profit on this.

>> No.20118892
File: 1.44 MB, 1270x751, itsgoingtobreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flair must be making huge profit
This is some extreme cope bud. Were you under the impression they're running a charity for the espressoless?

>> No.20118895

>Broken temp controller is like the most common complaint.
do you have a source for that?

>> No.20118898

God told me in a dream

>> No.20118901

Nope, I'm under the impression they're selling overpriced shit. Even if it works better than everything else, there's no reason for it to cost so much.

>> No.20118902


>> No.20118905


>> No.20118906
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My dude, if wife is going to get into any hobby of yours it's all or nothing.
Never short yourself on the things that matter to you, go all in and don't hold back.
If you put in that kind of energy she might even take notice and learn something, if it ever happens that is.
but until that point, don't just compromise to build up resentments against your partner, you can't hook with that.
pic unrel

>> No.20118915

How much did you pay for a few cents of extruded plastic?

>> No.20118923

by what metric?
you havent proven anything

>> No.20118925

$20 on sale, and that was for the Aeropress Go! which comes with a mug, scoop, collapsible stirring wand, and silicone lid along with 350 filters.

>> No.20118936

I wouldn't drink out of a plastic mug if they paid me $20. You got fucked pal.

>> No.20118950

I like the idea of a stainless steel Aeropress, but I'd be worried about the stupid price. Titanium would be even cooler, for hiking.

>> No.20118953


>> No.20118957

Lightweight, lasts forever, no microplastic. Hikers count ever single ounce of weight.

>> No.20118960

He's retarded.
Glass, steel, and aluminum aeropiss coming this summer. It'll be north of $100. So wildly overpriced, won't work better than anything else and is guaranteed to break. You'll love it.

>> No.20118962

Titanium is also completely inert and biocompatible

>> No.20118964

I'll steal one, very easy to hide up a sleeve

>> No.20118973
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The heat retention of titanium would be nice, the durability is such it will outlast me so, nice I would never have to buy another product like it ever again. then someone gets a nice present

>> No.20118984

And the best thing is the price of titanium is only 20-40x more than steel!

>> No.20118996

stainless steel is better for this application
it being titanium adds literally nothing that anyone cares about.

>> No.20119003

I think a SS Aeropress should cost $20. Doesn't need to be too thick or complicated or fancy, it's just a fucking syringe. That's the cost of comparable kitchen gadgets made of stainless steel.

>> No.20119007

>cost of comparable kitchen gadgets made of stainless steel
I just paid $33 for a box grater. You're dreaming.

>> No.20119013
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just get the ones you like anon, I will too.
I probably won't afford that high end model because I want it as soon as something is out, but I'd like the option later on if I decide to upgradde.

>> No.20119026
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>> No.20119034


>> No.20119051

The brand is ArtisanSmith. They have viets hammer out tubes.

>> No.20119054

The most expensive breville you can get for that price. They have a vapid hoe friendly design.

>> No.20119056

>press the copper aeropress
>crumples like a soda can

>> No.20119060

It collapses for hiking. Hikers count event single deciliter of volume.

>> No.20119062

It's one Viet guy, he made them by hand. A company could stamp these out for close to the same cost of a plastic one.

>> No.20119061

>Every* single
What a fucking autocorrect. Get your shit together google.

>> No.20119070

Its an australian guy outsourcing labor to vietnam.
> for close to the same cost of a plastic one
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.20119093

They're made in Australia

>> No.20119119


>> No.20119226

So the guy's a scammer, is that supposed to mean he's not ridiculously overcharging? What is your point?

>> No.20119534

650 isn't a lot of the end of the espresso spectrum

>> No.20119635


Was eyeing the normiecore tamper too, I also bought a non optimal WDT tool but I’ll just git gud before upgrading. There’s no reason not to be able to have a flat puck with the standard tamper (which is good and heavy), so patience and practice.

I hate the plastic spout, it’s not that coffee exits at boiling temperature but I don’t want estrogens in my coffee. Maybe I can be creative and repurpose some other spouts, it’s just something that needs to fit in a hole, how difficult can that be…I just need to preheat that piece as well.

>> No.20119639

How ironic is it that the anon larping as an Italian was actually the shill who got mass deleted?
What’s the point of this divide & conquer, shills? Is everything on this website fake?

>> No.20119670

The idiot who got mass deleted was the gianinnia retard schitzing out. He did it with the broken moka, did it with the hario lid, and now done it over not being able to handle his flair.

>> No.20119966

very little talk is about coffee in this general. it's mostly a place formarketing interns to shill products. some even hate decaf lmao.

>> No.20120017

im just here to post the latest james hoffmann video with the text "ITS UP!"

>> No.20120103

is coffee the only hobby where the most popular guy is in fact also the most informed, least annoying person? You can scream schizophrenically about him not going niggerniggernigger every second but he's genuinely really highly esteemed in the field and not obnoxious.. I do wish he'd do less gimmick videos though

>> No.20120106

as far as i know, yes

>> No.20120342 [DELETED] 
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Went to Torrefazione Continental to fetch some 100% arabica degoff dark roast, so it’s not as temperature sensible as my medium roasted specialty, also because I can drink it as much as I want.

JX Pro at 1.5.2, this is my dialled in setting, 16 gr in and 40 gr out in 45 seconds included 13 seconds of pre infusion. Slayer profile (8 bar and ramping pressure down from 30 grams yield to finish).

Cuppa was strong af, I’m not used to double espresso, a little bitter too but these are not high quality beans so it’s ok (their blends are more balanced than 100% arabica for some reason).

So, next tries I will do a turbo shot to avoid soften the cuppa and will also try a lower ratio to see if this helps skip extracting the final bitter part.

>> No.20120563

hate when people do coffee wrong

>> No.20120766

so true so true