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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.29 MB, 593x882, 1684990718195534.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20100661 No.20100661 [Reply] [Original]

Gas stove bros, it's over for us

>> No.20100667

I feel like this is a recipe for people burning their houses down.

>> No.20100670

That knob is gonna get so fucking gross. Make it a magnet that you stick on your fridge and then put on the stove to adjust it. That way you have a clean surface to wipe down.

>> No.20100676

Retards are going to do that anyways.

>> No.20100700

Don't care, I'll make my own woodgas, fuck off WEF shill

>> No.20100704


>> No.20100705

Gas works with over 97 percent of the cookware in existence. Induction does not.
Cheap ass coil also works with 97+ percent of all cookware.

>> No.20100786

I dont care I doubt I would ever need any cookware that isnt induction compatible, and can always use a portable gas stove as a backup anyway.

>> No.20100840

10000 watts is over 40 amps at 240 volts. How would you be able to use two burners at once without needing to supply this fucker with 100 amp feeder?

>> No.20100844

>Copper, glass, aluminum
Who cares

>> No.20100846

The WEF doesn't think you can at math

>> No.20100894

what is the solution to this you guys think?
make it so that the burner is only active when it knows something is on it like conductive material or weight?

>> No.20100904

thats already a common mechanic

>> No.20100905

>what is the solution
gas stove

>> No.20100945

wait why is the water already hot? who uses hot faucet water for cooking?

>> No.20100951

>10 kW
Too much power for the human mind

>> No.20100956

niggas finna warp all they pots and pans

>> No.20100959

that's also 83 amps.
that's almost half a standard panel amperage in the US lmao

>> No.20100972

>wait why is the water already hot?
anon, could it be that...now stay with me on this...could it be that the recording doesn't start until it's already partway through being heated up? wild i know

>> No.20100975

but enough about gas ranges

>> No.20100978

rather ambiguous though, no?

>> No.20100979

literally this. what is even the benefit of copper/aluminum aside from heating fast, which induction does with iron/steel?

>> No.20101015

i don't know and i honestly don't care. i don't watch videos like this and immediately think there's some sort of coverup/conspiracy going on because i'm not mentally ill

>> No.20101017 [DELETED] 

okay but you are trans and therefor mentally ill

>> No.20101023

how did you know?

>> No.20101025

i have a jewdar and a transdar that received internet calibrations. i can stop a jew or a tranny from the other side of the planet.

>> No.20101059

Don't care. Gas stove till death.

>> No.20101067

the water is already steaming hot, if I turn my gas stove up that exact thing will happen

>> No.20101103
File: 95 KB, 492x279, InTheFlesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will connect to the internet! Control it with your phone!

>> No.20101104

I know this is entirely outside of retards' ability to comprehend, but when I'm cooking I actually have other things I care about other than how fast I can boil a pot of water.

>> No.20101113
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, Science1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put scalding ass hot tap water into my electric kettle, heats up much faster than cold.

>> No.20101120

OK, put hot water from your faucet into your kettle.

Tell me how fast it takes the boil.

>> No.20101127
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are telling me the cold water will heat just as quickly?
Do your grits gook faster in your local then elsewhere?

>> No.20101129

water from the water heater generally has more stuff dissolved in it due to minerals and detritus accumulating in the tank, and is more likely to have an "off" flavor.

>> No.20101132

Holy fuck, how is the literacy on this website so bad?

The stove in the webm can go from above room temp to boiling in 40 seconds. A kettle and a gas stove can't do that.
It can put out a max of 10kW of power, that can take cold water to boiling hot in seconds.

>> No.20101162

I wonder if this fucks up your pans. I know they had to make special carbon steel skillets for induction because they would warp the normal ones.

>> No.20101167

Solution to what? I have a stove, it works fine. End of.

>> No.20101179

My favorite feature of induction is how it kills people with pacemakers, very based

>> No.20101184
File: 3.67 MB, 182x320, SmartSelect_20240114-004218_Gallery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What truly remarkable technology
How did we ever live up until now?

>> No.20101188

disgusting. you should look inside your hot water heater sometime. it's nasty. also leaded solder, chinese valves, PFAS in hdpe. fucking gross

>> No.20101235

You'd keep your 50amp circuit and just disable the things ability to do 10kW? 2 "burners" at 5k, 4 at 2.5k, etc.

>> No.20101244

with the trannEV business picking up, it could have LiFPo4 batteries in it that can provide that current. in the US that's 90 amps from the mains. gonna be a lot of house fires if anyone buys this thing

>> No.20101245
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No one debates that you can make a good induction burner, the problem is the power draw. They're horrendously inefficient compared to just generating heat with combustion, and you're going to need an updated electrical panel to handle the draw. That one burner is like running 6-10 microwaves all at once, now imagine four of them going at the same time.

>> No.20101258
File: 208 KB, 620x837, SmartSelect_20240112-201212_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EV business picking up

Dying fad because it's already experiencing the scaling limits we knew it had

>> No.20101349

Joe Biden voters real quiet since this dropped

>> No.20101376


That's good for commercial purposes, but if I'm going to be paying out the ass for power usage it's going to be for household heating. At least gas is a separate bill.

>> No.20101421
File: 164 KB, 1080x1299, 1620402280878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Give me one back burner that instantly boils water and make the rest of them gas so that I can actually cook food with some degree of control over the heat.

>> No.20101427

bro, your gas stove?

>> No.20101458

Power goes out
>Induction Normie NPCs starve to death because they cant heat water up to make their Ramen noodles
Gas Stove Chads enjoy hot meals on their gas stoves all night long while banging the Induction Normie NPCs moms by candle light.

>> No.20101504
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>> No.20101541

I had no idea. Never doing that shit again.

>> No.20101603

degenerate tier

>> No.20101640

>gas and power go out
>Wood stove Chad's nice and toasty when it's-20f out drinking hot mocha by the fire

>> No.20101644

>be american
>buy EV
>three years later, want new car because american
>buy new TESLA
>old EV goes to used lot, hard sell cause it's only got about 7 years left on battery
>ffw ten years dig big hole in desert for 700k EV batteries

>> No.20101650

Nah bro. The next (((terrorist))) attack all these ev batteries will conveniently be beath a large building recently insured by chaim bergenberg and suddenly start a fire.

>> No.20101680

I'll just not use these things because electricity and open cooking don't mix. It's not the same as using an oven.

>> No.20101705

> scalding ass hot tap water
>tap water

>> No.20101711

Yes hot water from your water heater comes from the tap. Unless you're British then you're just human garbage

>> No.20101731

>83 amps
More like 43

Oh right, you live in a developing nation

>> No.20101732

Go die for Ukraine faggot

>> No.20101778

>hot tap water
he LOVES excess pipe minerals

>> No.20101795
File: 2.14 MB, 498x280, OOPS1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I control how hot my hot water gets, as can most Americans, bud.

>> No.20101796
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Something extra, we don't even have to pay for them or leave a tip!

>> No.20101810

Those people won't be able to afford that kind of stove. It primary target are wealthy people who don't cook.

>> No.20101816

>Go on vacation
>Rent EV
>No charger at the hotel
>"Ok I'll go to the mall"
>All chargers at the mall taken
>"Ok, I'll go to another mall"
>All chargers taken again
>Run out of power
How did Hertz not see this coming?

>> No.20101824

ive worked at a golf club that did this too, though they had ungodly expensive tankless water heaters supplying every tap around the property and member residences

>> No.20101826

The only reason to have a gas stove is if you live in a third world shithole like West Virginia where the power goes out every time the wind blows

>> No.20101828

based 'dar haver

>> No.20101838

Who the hell has 3 phase power in their house

>> No.20101851


Another case of a company being woefully out of touch with the current state of affairs. They were so busy enjoying all the praise for "going green" that they didn't think to stop and consider it may not be the best business move

>> No.20101854

This 4 burner cooktop costs $6,000 and a used gas range off craigslist is $300. It's cool but the price makes it a rich man's toy.

>> No.20101858

Common in my country, but 10kW is still way higher than the typical stove.

>> No.20101859

looks like induction. No fires to happen here. You could take the pot off and put your hand on the range without burning yourself

>> No.20101862

unless you're constantly kicking and shaking your water heater, all the sediments settle to the bottom

>> No.20101886

Are there really people walking around thinking "fire is obsolete"? What will you do in a power outage?

>> No.20101888
File: 95 KB, 800x958, AmericaChan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is more about them not having access or control of their appliances.

>> No.20101893

>What will you do in a power outage?
just live in a place that has a working power grid, it's not that hard bro

>> No.20101901

developped nations

>> No.20101925

Not true. The pot heats up and then as it’s sitting on the glass it heats up the glass.

>> No.20101939

T: hasn't used induction and doesn't understand how physics woek

>> No.20101953

>Power goes out
Is this some favela thing?

>> No.20101958

The government wants to push electric stoves so they can turn them off whenever patriots try to cook meat.

>> No.20101962

It's a trimp schizo he thinks the world is going to collapse in two weeks and only menial labor chads whose jobs take two minutes to learn will survive

>> No.20101964
File: 145 KB, 1024x769, Nightmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20101968

No you can't kek

>> No.20101970

Let him try.

>> No.20101975

fact you have that image saved and ready to go proves i was right lmao

>> No.20101979

So stop using randomized cookware drops and disposing of it after each use.

>> No.20101983

The stuff in the hot water heaters is minerals that drop out of the water when it heats. It's in the hot water heater because it's no longer in the water. There's more of it in the cold water line.

>> No.20101986
File: 524 KB, 300x169, TinfoilAl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same guy.

>> No.20101987

>Common in my country
>developped nations

Not the anon you responded too but seriously, where do you live that has a 3 Phase domestic supply?

>> No.20101989

Military Base

>> No.20102080

Oh so you're a freelance cocksucker

>> No.20102103

>make it with a thing your kids or stupid wife can lose

fuck off retard

>> No.20102105
File: 736 KB, 3500x2329, hot_electric_hob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My only question is will this fucking thing be constantly cycling on and off like a modern stove, or will it allow temperatures in excess of 800 degrees if left on high?

>> No.20102108

The majority of people renting these things were Uber/Lyft drivers who would trash them ferrying around drunks and people with pets.

>> No.20102132
File: 50 KB, 800x450, ANHERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy, “The rage of the disesteemed is personally fruitless, (snip) and is therefore not susceptible to any arguments whatever.”
James Baldwin.
K Monke?

>> No.20102133

>where do you live that has a 3 Phase domestic supply?
see >>20101901

>> No.20102158
File: 43 KB, 785x495, turbopot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wild turbopot appears. it uses surface area.
it is very effective.

>> No.20102166

Takes up too much space.

>> No.20102173

no it doesn't. cope harder. I have one.

>> No.20102175

I love how electric shills go on and on about boiling water fast. who the fuck cares. I need to boil water maybe once or twice a month. if I really need it fast I use a microwave.

>> No.20102189

but anon you don't understand. I NEED my ramen a couple minutes sooner or my precious time will be wasted

>> No.20102191

A meme. Nothing more.

>> No.20102194

really cool idea, too bad they're all disc bottom trash

when someone makes a heavy copper pan with a finned base call me please

>> No.20102218

Imagine consuming tank water to save 45 seconds

>> No.20102239
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x2667, basting steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*beeep beeep beeep beeep*

>> No.20102244

This is peak stove
You will never convince me otherwise

>> No.20102265

I think this is that thing with a massive lifepo4 battery in it. So it uses the battery to get shit up to temperature and then idles on mains.

>> No.20102269

A dual phase US socket can deliver 9.6 kW too.

>> No.20102275
File: 88 KB, 1072x458, ces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2028, go to cook a meal
>grab a Samsung Tru-Heat Cooking Vessel and place it on the stove
>wait for the pan recognition to verify, throw some butter in
>*Warning, unrecommended cooking fat detected, please try again*
>sigh, wipe out the pan and add Samsung Cleanfry Oil
>start searing the meat
>*Warning, high heat non-vegetarian cooking can generate harmful byproducts, reducing temperature*
>stove plays an infomercial about Samsung Never Bean Better Protein Chunks while my food boils
>dish up
>an alert about my monthly calorie allotment running low scrolls around the rim of my Samsung Smart Plate

>> No.20102277
File: 137 KB, 1121x676, Orb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you use well water? What about the radiation?

>> No.20102339

Storing it in a tank doesnt change the radioactivity

>> No.20102348

>their houses down
well, their banks house.

>> No.20102376
File: 61 KB, 640x645, BrainDamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City water contains all kinds of junk.
Birth-control chems among other things. Who do you think works at those low-skill waterworks jobs anyway?

>> No.20102729

>I feel like

>> No.20102753

>he doesn't have a 400v outlet

>> No.20102850

>raising dipshits kids who touch things they're not supposed to
>marrying a "stupid" wife
Yeah pretty sure you're the retard

>> No.20102860

I fucking wish city water contained all that crazy scizo shit you retards think it does. Free birth control, imagine that. I fucking wish

>> No.20102872

You can adjust the temp on your water heater if you don't live in an apartment.
Mine is about 110F.

>> No.20102879

How do you think we get 22KW?

>> No.20102886

I am legit sorry for you

>> No.20102891


>> No.20102921

nta, it's common to pity mental retardation.

>> No.20102933

Mental retardation is voluntarily piping vocs into your kitchen

>> No.20102987

Why are these motherfuckers always boiling water? They should roast or at least pan fry something and eat. Or even make a stew!

>> No.20103007

If your stove plugs are like ours (and they are) I believe you're looking at 240V (1 hot from either side of your mains), breakered/fused at 50A, so 12000W total. That entire oven probably maxes out at 10,000W. I really can't see it funnelling all of that into one burner.

>> No.20103017

Burn down or blown up. Make your choice blight man.

>> No.20103018

The math is really easy with water (and accurate if you know the ambient temperature and pressure). It gets a lot more complicated when try to pull numbers out of "Look at this well seared, blue-rare porterhouse!"

>> No.20103052

They usually have a feedback loop (thermostat basically) that keeps your pan from blue-ing, but some don't, and will just keep firing off an EMF until failure or someone finally turns it off.

>> No.20103138

I don't use a pot to boil water, I use my kettle.

>> No.20103146

Based, I too have a wood stove.

>> No.20103171
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad electrofaggot?

>> No.20103205

Yes, but the porterhouse can sell it.

>> No.20103255

What do you do in a gas outage? Yes, that happens.

>> No.20103260

You should remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.20103268

IOT is a cancer, you can still make technologically advanced things without the internet, it's fine to not connect things.

>> No.20103274

The problem being that the porterhouse is actually kind of slow to diffuse that energy. You'd blow a few people away by searing the fuck out of the outside of an otherwise cold steak with thousands of watts delivered as directly as possible. To cook a steak through to the medium-rare people expect, you actually have to dial it back, or your're going to have a bone-in charcoal briquette with some perfectly cooked meat in the middle.

>> No.20103275

A resistive electric stovetop (which itself gets hot and transfers heat to the pan by conduction) is not the same as an induction burner.

Combusting gas is "more efficient" at generating heat by certain measures (and it's of course always more efficient than if you use the same combustion to create electricity upstream, then convert the electricity to heat downstream). But on a stovetop there is a lot of waste heat between the flame and the pan that is not present with induction burners.

>> No.20103281
File: 272 KB, 860x646, 22kw goes zzaaappp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do you live that has a 3 Phase domestic supply?
Some place where not even a single day is dedicated to noggers

>> No.20103295

The question for me with electric stovetops has never been how fast it heats up, but how fast it cools down.

I can't very well set aside 3 or even 2 burners set at different temperatures going for every pan in a meal. You can/should use spacers I guess, but I don't see them sold.

>> No.20103313

Tbh this and some tortillas are my only exclusive use case for gas burners over electric. The issue can be solved with a set-aside burner, like even as an attachment to my blowtorch if I don't otherwise have a gas line.

>> No.20103316

Induction usually fan cools the electronics and ceramic surface (from the inside). The surface will heat up from conduction from the pan, but it's not anywhere near the cooldown time of a tungsten element, more like a surface you had a hot pot on.

>> No.20103318

Not really. I just fire up a burner on the bbq for roasting peppers, or pop in a few pellet packs to smoke them.

>> No.20103325

you don't have a girlfriend nor children lmao

>> No.20103354

What? You can recreate this with a broiler easily.

>> No.20103362

The only thing which can cook a steak faster are the fancy Miele Dialog ovens.

>> No.20103397

Salamanders do a pretty god damned bang up job - but you don't get that pan crust. You'd want your exhaust fan set to OH GOD WHY, but you can sear a steak in a stainless pan on an induction burner, and drop the temp down in under a minute (immediate at the source, but you have to let the pan stop being hot) to gently coast it to a med-rare.

>> No.20103423

This is gross
People who do this are gross

>> No.20103432

If the heat has to go outside in, you're almost going to be limited. A salamander/grill can go a little faster without charring than a pan, but at the cost of a bigger gray zone.

Dialog oven is the only way to heat the steak from inside.

>> No.20103470

Oh... it's a microwave in a convection oven. Neat!

>> No.20103526

It's not microwave, it's a dielectric oven. Works at 6.78 or 13.56 MHz, microwave works at 2.4 GHz. It's the only one of it's kind for consumers, for the rest only some production line stuff uses dielectric heating of food.

>> No.20103646

Yo what is a fireplace?

>> No.20103719

Oh... it's a shortwave in a convection oven. Neat!

>> No.20103745

you could just clean the knob and the rest of the stove top.

>> No.20103785

>drinking hot mocha by the fire
While sucking dick, I'm sure. If you're drinking mocha by the fire them you a gay-ass nigga.

>> No.20103786

The heat of the pot boils the water

>> No.20103816

yes the pot of 600 degree oil cares about the temperature of the range surface

>> No.20103834

I've tested my water heater dissolved solids and they're double of the cold water

>> No.20103842

Yeah, you OE chugging niggas ain't never seen dick in prison, right? Bring the Hennessey on your way back in, puto.

>> No.20103845

The speed of the current changes heat the pot

>> No.20103873
File: 100 KB, 888x499, Dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? you burn the peel then rinse them or brush them with a cloth.

>> No.20103878

ew gross

>> No.20103944

Roasted peppers are too spicy for little Timmy.

>> No.20104009

>Heh, I want to reach the world record for boiling water

>> No.20104035

>good thing you don't. cuz you'd be a sore loose

>> No.20104071

>I'll make you sore and loose

>> No.20104072

You say this in jest, but the executives of those companies would unironically love to see a future exactly as described in your post.

>> No.20104080

you have until the water boils, hurry up anon-kun

>> No.20104099

What will we do with the other 23 seconds?

>> No.20104113

Local anon too cool to feel.

>> No.20104120

Oh look more cheap chink made throwaway tech that will break within a month

>> No.20104133

Does it still count as chink made if it's made in San Francisco?

>> No.20104134

Hey man hypothermia is no joke and induction is really bad at warming you up, it needs ferrous materials. Seek help you can lose limbs.

>> No.20104154


>> No.20104253

>t. Negro

>> No.20104323

I'll make some tea honey

>> No.20104354

I don't just love you because you're cute, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

>> No.20104725

>just live in a place that has a working power grid, it's not that hard bro
[laughs in Texan]

>> No.20104752

>I think this is that thing with a massive lifepo4
Holy shit, what a great idea, put something that sets itself on fire and can't be extinguished and pours out toxic gases into a stovetop.

>What do you do in a gas outage? Yes, that happens.
I've literally never experienced a "gas outage" in 59 years. Power outages happen two or three times a year at least. Then again I live in third-world Chicago.

>> No.20104755

>Gas stove bros, it's over for us
No it's not. That fucker is using 10kW of wall power, and even from a 240v source that's cranking more than the 30 amps allowed on residential circuits. You'd need two 240v sources to power that bitch. And then enjoy the fucking $100 monthly power bill from using 10kW to heat water like that.

Also, Sam in the image is LYING. Faucet temperature is in the range of 120 - 140 deg F depending on your hot water heater settings. Well below the actual boiling point he shows in video. Boiling water is super fucking dangerous to have out of a tap. That shit is steaming too - so it is already near boil, 200 deg+. No fucking way is that crap taking water from room temp to boil that fast.

Lipo battery in hot appliance is a literal recipe for a runaway house fire. Fuck that if it is true.

>> No.20104763

OP claims it is faucet temp (lie number 1, it's not), and then shows it going into rolling boil to make it seem like it was super fast (lie number 2). Coupled with the knowledge that libshits are trying to ban gas every chance they get so they can control you with power outages, and you can see this OP is a malicious actor spreading misinformation (the lies prove malicious intent), both to sell a shitty product with false claims, as well as push climate shit activism.

>> No.20104789

>The stove in the webm can go from above room temp to boiling in 40 seconds
That is a false claim in the video. The water is actually near boil (200-210ish) and they just crank the power to show it boiling. There was fucking steam at the beginning, that shit doesn't appear until you have very hot water, NOT room temp water. Room temp being 75 deg F.

You are being lied to. An honest demo would have showed them filling it from the faucet from cold tap and then slapping it on.

>> No.20104791

How does the water simultaneously deposit minerals in your tank while dissolving them?

>> No.20104801

It would have scaled if infrastructure existed for it, but even the fucking libshits who dicksuck EV CEOs can't even install infrastructure for it. It's a fucking joke how bad Democrats are at installing EV charging in their areas.

>> No.20104809

they made their bed when they fought against nuclear power for decades
america could be running on clean electricity right this very second but the libs refused because the word nuclear is frightening to them

>> No.20104814

It's all fun and games until you get brownouts.
>New York

Shit's going to spread as we replace all our smart old people with dumb immigrants and anti-work commies who don't care to maintain shit.

>> No.20104823

>what will you do in a power outage?

Uh, eat cold food?

>> No.20104855

>What will you do in a power outage?
What's that?

>> No.20104871

If they're gonna develop and market a remote controlled stove then they're also gonna make it farm your data. Once you make a communicating device then it's trivial to add data harvesting to massively increase profits.

>> No.20104877

Gas stove wins simply for its energy redundancy, even if it wasn't simply better in every other way. In a power outage, you can still cook and heat your living space.

>> No.20104878

Just say no to internetofshit

>> No.20104895

What about Pasta anon?

>> No.20104908

>Ravioli burn because the wifi is down

>> No.20105087
File: 7 KB, 1080x215, Screenshot_20240115_083402_Opera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not having 400V in your house

>> No.20105350


>> No.20105749

This is Lithium Iron Phosphate, not Lithium Polymer. LiFePO4 doesn't have the thermal runaway or expansion issues that (Lithium) Cobalt Oxide does, or most of the polymer electrolytes, at the tradeoff of lower energy density, and being a serious pain in the ass to make it work at all (small particle size or carbon nanotube coating, both of which jack the price up).

You could probably still cause a really serious fire if you tried, but separating the lithium or phosphorous in the battery so that they can oxidize (catch fire and melt your kitchen) would require serious tampering or solid Chinesium 99.99% of the time... That said, that 10,000th oven is going to hit the news hard.

>> No.20105768

It's pretty easy to imagine in North America. They give us two 120V legs completely out of phase with each other. It's possible to get a 3 phase 120 service, and even a 3 phase 240 installed, but it's not cheap, and we really have to plead our case (it probably won't happen in a purely residential zoning).

>> No.20105818

Heating pans at full blast will probably kill them eventually.
What would be a good way to prevent this?
Maybe carbon steel would be more resistant but will tend to get bent, so probably a wok would be ideal with such stove.

>> No.20105827

i use a gas stove and there's nothing anyone can do about it

>> No.20105943

/diy/ crossover thread

>> No.20105949

just don't do it with nothing in the pan. same goes with gas

>> No.20105981
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i propose a final solution to the electric stove question

>> No.20106046

>not having a separate breaker panel for just your kitchen

>> No.20106076

science says basting does literally nothing

>> No.20106080

The same's true for any pan on any heat source. Stainless is resistant, so it heats faster The burner-pot combo being an induction transformer turning a low-amperage, high voltage alternating current in your coil into a low voltage, high amperage short circuit in your pot, Just about any induction cooking surface you buy these days will have some sort of feedback to keep it from warping, bluing, or ruining the stainless on your pan, but guaranteed it allow a carbon steel pan to get hot enough to yellow..

>> No.20106092


>> No.20106271
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>> No.20106889

Spoon some foaming hot butter over your hand and report back.

>> No.20106900

after you cooked your hand on a 200c pan for 5 mins?
Whats its gonna do

>> No.20106901

i have a grill??????

>> No.20106988

nor you

>> No.20106995

dont care, still using gas like the rest of country does
without fire theres no cooking

>> No.20107015

>without fire theres no cooking
it's nice to have opinions, even when they're fundamentally retarded such as yours, it's what this country's based on

>> No.20107132
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don't do this

>> No.20107136

Look what it's done for politics, science, and medicine! You're never wrong with opinion based facts!

>> No.20107141

Yeah... I'd wait a bit for that surface to cool down from pot temp. If it was cold, you could turn it up full blast, and as long as you didn't have any ferro-magnetic metal on/in your hand, it would be a-otay! If you're an engineer, it would probably really, really suck.

>> No.20107242

>How to warp a pan
Retards buy induction
Gas will always be better than induction because. Gas creates a heat zone below the pan that acts as a heat buffer to keep the pan temp constant after adding ingreadents.

On induction the only thing that is hot is the pan so when you add ingredients the pan loses heat much faster--this is very pronounced at low temperatures.

They're right. Math is raycest anyways.

>> No.20107375

induction stoves have a hot surface warning so people wont stick their hands there

>> No.20107478

Yeah, but people on the lower rungs are really leaning into Darwinism lately.

>> No.20107514

Where we at with blue cities banning gas stoves in new building? NYC passed some retarded law that bans gas stoves in new building in a few years. How the fuck are new restaurants going to function? Is old restaurant property going to become a super commodity like a liquor license or taxi medallions before Uber?

>In April, New York state leaders led by Governor Hochul reached an agreement to ban natural gas hookups in small buildings beginning in 2026 and large buildings beginning in 2028. "Everyone knows we've seen the effects of climate change — the storms, the hurricanes coming to New York, record snow amounts. Oct 13, 2023

>> No.20107526

Literally nothing according to you, why not try it?

>> No.20107535

The amount of heat in so little time...... That shit is going to warp your cookware

>> No.20107537

a lot of retards have a lot of money

>> No.20107540

People pushing for electrical stoves are such weird busy-body fascists. Who gives a fuck, why are you trying to go into people's homes and change their kitchen, kill yourselves

>> No.20107545

It could, but anything with any sort of warranty these days is very likely working off of feedback. If the pan's empty, it's going to hit temp much faster. When it does, the coil will only fire up again when it drops below range.

>> No.20107555

Greta is only worth $18 million. How can anyone be expected to survive on that in todays economy? Her future is stolen unless we ban all gas stoves because that will end climate change. Do you want to steal Greta’s future, chud?

>> No.20107574

>be raised by azn aunt
>fucking charcoal fire stir frys
>delicious af, nothing topped it since

induction cooking can suck a dick

>> No.20107672

It can? I'll take two!

>> No.20109073

The heat of the glass surface burns anon's hand

>> No.20109150

what is the point of comparing 10kw to 2kw? let's see how fast a 50k btu wok burner boils things.

>> No.20109153

>You'd keep your 50amp circuit
The *main breaker* on this old place is 40A.

>> No.20109158

I don't know why they jumped straight to pure ev instead of promoting hybrids as the transitional option.

>> No.20109159

My highschool physics professor said induction stoves cause microwave radiation

>> No.20109180

Feel this *presents dick*

>> No.20109219
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Does this not exist for you?

>> No.20109258

fuck off, plebbit faggot.

>> No.20109261

Forget internet of things, internet of bodies is here.

>> No.20109274
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>Yeah bro, just use a 50-amp circuit, bro

>> No.20110348
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The current in the copper heats the wire

>> No.20110417

>am ze chef

>> No.20110456

Obviously induction can heat faster, because it's causing the metal of the pan to heat directly.
But speed isn't the point of using gas, the point is control.
And with induction you have even less control of where heat is on the pan than you do with a basic electric coil burner.

>> No.20110674

>a gas stove can't do that.
I mean, if you poured shitloads of cash into upgrading your gas stove like op vid did into theirs, i don't see any reason why it couldn't.

>> No.20110754

All stoves should have an induction plate and three or more gas plates

>> No.20110809

I love it when midwits that don't cook think they're not obviously midwits that don't cook.

>> No.20110815

As a physicist/engineer.
It's 10 fucking kW. You can't compete with that
You just can't.

>> No.20110823

That's 91 amperes running on a mere 110Volts.
....let that sink in...91amperes!

>> No.20110841

It's what they melt thick nails in in assorted YouTube videos.
Also occasionally some guy in S&M pornhub videos steaming.

>> No.20110855
File: 398 KB, 1000x1000, 70k btu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello physicist/engineer how much is 70k btu in kw?

>> No.20110876

Is that some kind of gas stove thing?
Nobody in 1st world cares about that!

>> No.20110947

Anything like this would be running on two legs, so 220(practical)-240(ideal). It's still 46A per leg, but stove plugs are rated for that.

>> No.20110966

Yeah. Here it also runs on those two legs. Doubled of course.

>> No.20111002

NTFizzisist but I can give a really over-reaching "ideal" You starting up a crab restaurant?
>All super rough
>1BTU BP = 1055J
>1W induction = 3.4J
>Gas efficiency = 40%
>Induction efficiency = 90%
So, your 70kBTU cauldron scalder, with an appropriately sized cauldron on both burners (50k outer, 20k inner ring) is approx...
Using the 20k inner ring only (still over that entire inner ring, looks to be about a foot across):
On a 10kW induction hob (which... 10k to one burner? sounds not right to me)

The crab vaporizer wins this easily, but... but... that's efficiency over the full burner. Using less of the burner isn't a 1:1 efficiency loss. If you use this to boil that pot of water, it will probably do it slightly faster, and you will have a very warm kitchen.

>> No.20111048

So 23A per 240V leg... Oh you kays.

>> No.20111170

What's an inexpensive stovetop kettle made in a west-aligned country? Gooseneck preferred
>what's inexpensive
the cheapest option that meets my size and origin requirements and will boil water unfailingly for decades or more.
at least a pint

>hard mode: it has to look very cute.

>> No.20112101

How much you pay?

>> No.20112672

Anon, the point isn't to save the planet. The point is to reduce standard of living, because they hate life and hate you more. The root motivation of all climate policy is flagellation.

>> No.20112695

>america could be running on clean electricity right this very second but the fossil fuel lobbyists refused because the word nuclear is frightening to their profits
Fixed that for you. Do you really think a bunch of hippies protesting could have prevented the transfer to nuclear if the people with power actually wanted the change to happen?

>> No.20112703

give me one that conforms to the bottom of a round bottom wok and I'm sold

>> No.20112784

3 phases, 10kw is pretty much spot on 16A which is the standard here
It limits the total output power to 10kw

>> No.20112793

Amps don’t stack like that retard, you’d put it on a 2 pole 50 amp breaker like your dryer and most electric ranges are already on

>> No.20112809

>nooo you have to build nuclear power plants
>I don't care about the nuclear waste or the meltdowns
>We NEED to be more like Georgia who wasted 40 billion dollars on nukes that will never make their money back
based retard

>> No.20112820
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Gas stoves are outperformed even by this wonder from Clay country.
>Gas works with over 97 percent of the cookware in existence. Induction does not.
Yep, that's a problem.
I think instead of pushing 10kW into poor little stainless pan, it might be a better idea to figure out GaN or SiC transistor based stove that can run at higher frequency that would allow you to use any cookware. Stainless at least, idk about aluminium or copper.
>Gas will always be better than induction because. Gas creates a heat zone below the pan that acts as a heat buffer to keep the pan temp constant after adding ingreadents.
Gas heats up the air in the room, increasing the cost of air conditioning and making cooking unbearable.
Induction (proper one, not shitty one transistor resonant circuit used in shit like pic related. With half bridge or full bridge), gives you precise control of power, instant, with no delay. Most stoves also have temperature feedback, which even works reasonably well on fucking $18 cooktop from zheng.

>> No.20112826
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lulz, flammable gas pipes in the streets

>> No.20112831

I think this stove has fucking lithium batteries in it lol.
70kbtu is 20 kW.
But since its gas, efficiency is 30% or so. So with discount it is 6kW on the pan.
Induction is 80% efficient or so (depends, but shtitiest ones are), you'd need 7.5kW induction stove to get this kind of power.

>> No.20112836

Fact that you already have it.
Copper is just expensive.
Aluminium is dirt cheap, but it belongs in trash because teflon belongs in trash.

What really sucks is that not all stainless works on the induction stove. It has to have low grade stainless bottom, otherwise it wont heat at all.

>> No.20112878

>hot water heater
Idk, i have only cold water heater.

>> No.20113100

>where do you live that has a 3 Phase domestic supply?
basically the whole Europe

>> No.20113109

This is a very yuropoor post.

>> No.20113120

>This is peak stove
>You will never convince me otherwise
ok, let me try:
1) inefficient as fuck, worst thermal inertia of all
2) poorest heat transfer of all three options (gas/electric/induction) apart from nuclear power
3) smells when hot
4) serious risk of burn
5) inherently unsafe around flammable materials (same as gas desu, with even more thermal inertia issues)
6) did I mention thermal inertia (both ways)?

>> No.20113121

Remind me. Where do you want to put the nuclear waste?

>> No.20113137

>That fucker is using 10kW of wall power, and even from a 240v source that's cranking more than the 30 amps allowed on residential circuits
Let me introduce to you the superior concept of domestic 3-phase supply, already available as a standard in developed countries

>> No.20113161

Northern Canada. Nobody lives there.

>> No.20113166

We've got 50A 240V (2 leg) dryer and stove circuits. Knoblet's just being a knoblet.

>> No.20113202

the wef expects you to use 4 burners at 10K watts. AHAHAHAH there is no cheap energy except in China!!!!

they think a few rich westerners can take on an entire population of rich chinese.

>> No.20113271

ever heard about cleaning?

>> No.20113315

>expects you to use 4 burners at 10K watts. AHAHAHAH there is no cheap energy
>mutt education
the energy to heat a pot of water doesnt suddenly change due to a stronger stovetop
>mutt unironically thinks Energy = Power

>> No.20113544

I will never be a woman.

>> No.20113752
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>> No.20113832

Because these people don't cook.

>> No.20113844

I hate this fucker and his stupid marshmallow faggot cartoon

>> No.20113939

Had these in college.
The sound of the magnet gets right in your ear, sounds like tinitus.

>> No.20114157
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Gas Gas Gas

>> No.20114167
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So it wasn't the usual useful idiots agitating on behalf of the "fossil fuel lobby"?

>> No.20114241

Induction is fucking fantastic. The only downside is it stops non-Americans being able to dab on Americans for not having electric kettles because an induction kettle takes about the same time to boil water.

>> No.20114248

You fucks don't make pasta or rice or noodles or boiled/mashed/roast potatoes? Boiling is a daily occurrence for me.

>> No.20114295
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>> No.20114315

We have electric kettles, they just take 3x as long to do their thing.

>> No.20114371

After buying a steel pan, my concern now is performance heating while temperature has warped the pan. I don't want to be forced to cast iron only (And I don't trust that won't warp eventually either).

Also get an electric kettle.

>> No.20115295
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it's normal to have 400vac at home. could ameribros make 400vac with several picrel?

>> No.20115879

>Never met a woman

>> No.20115890

>Has only read about children, woke up at 20 with no memories

>> No.20115899

no, they only have two phase-shifted lines in the entire home

>> No.20115949

that'll be 2,999.99 plus tip plus tax

>> No.20115951

City water tastes like diarrhea regardless of what your cope is

>> No.20115971

i will use gas until the last wisp of it comes out of my line.
and then i will use a wood fire.
making things hot? yes go with electric
want to cook? fire, doesnt matter where the fire comes from, fire is always better for actually cooking food.
always has been, always will be.

>> No.20115974

so you live in africa? tell me about it.

>> No.20115979

nothing? it makes ME happy when i do it, thats not nothing.

>> No.20116029
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>> No.20116531

Good stainless steel gear should be fine, carbon steel too. Aluminium and any kind of nonstick will probably get damaged though. Copper I dont know, it wont melt or anything but it might flex more easily or even bend? I wouldnt risk it on full blast. Its not for that anyways. Keep in mind that as long you have a liquid in the pan it's difficult to overheat it as the evaporating water will "steal" the energy from the system.

>> No.20116612
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>> No.20116613

kek based retard

>> No.20116759

it does something, it causes the butter to burn and bitter making the food worse. when I see someone baste somthing (who is not a >50y old chef, they are extremely superstitious) I assume they are retarded and don't know how to cook.

>> No.20116796

But then you could just have a regular gas stove and a portable induction plate separately. Or a good electric kettle...

>> No.20116798

Why have a stove at all when you can just have portable gas burners

>> No.20116801

thats retarded thats why

>> No.20116802

bro you cant post rekt videos on /ck/, that stuff goes to /gif/

>> No.20116815

So is having a portable induction plate nearby just for heating water.

>> No.20116839

I don't see why, its more convenient this way. You get an extra place on your main stove which you use more often and you can use the plate completely separately to quickly boil water but also for stuff like making stock or braises for half a day out of the way in a corner of your kitchen (or even outside).

>> No.20116844

I guess it's less relevant to me because I rarely use all 4 burners on my stove at the same time. And I boil water basically every day.

>> No.20116857

Not with standard wiring... however...
Not sure about Ameribros, but KKKanadians usually have access to transformer taps beyond the standard delta 240 - for a price. We can get a 600/347 service if we can justify putting a device that requires it in our homes (usually the answer would be no - nobody needs a 600V motor in their house). I believe the standard for similar equipment in the US is 480/208V.

>> No.20118476
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can do pretty much the same with an electric grill made for yakitori inside