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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20099999 No.20099999 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like them?
For me it's hard boiled.

>> No.20100010

those are some very nice digits.

For me its over easy, and i dip my bacon into the yolk.

>> No.20100020

>For me
>For me
This board has a serious reddit problem.
Also scrambled is the only acceptable preparation if egg in any context.

>> No.20100029

fried eggs

>> No.20100030

For me it's the way I like my women. Over easy and crusty.

>> No.20100068
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>> No.20100104
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>How do you like them?

God I love eggs.

>> No.20100121

For me it's all styles.
Prefer sunny side up and boiled the most though. When boiled slightly gooey.

>> No.20100168

wasted digits

>> No.20100173


>> No.20100210

Love eggs.
Love digits.
Simple as.

>> No.20100290

the only method that turns the delicious contrast between white and yolk into a bland homogenous mass. then you have the cheek, the absolute fucking gall to start sperging about reddit, what a faggot.
the answer is obviously poached

>> No.20100506

glorious egg thread
I always do fried, but Ive never tried poached and they look pretty good there

>> No.20100525

Soft boiled is very slutty egg that is what I like

>> No.20100594

fuck yeah, gimme those oeufs à la coque you french slut

>> No.20100619

Bros how do I get cooked center whites without steaming or frying the yolk?

>> No.20100634

recently I hard boil eggs, peel them, smash with a fork, mix with mayo, pepper, salt and spread it on bread. I sometimes add raddish sprouts if thye are ready.

>> No.20100640

Poached is my favorite with over easy a close second

>> No.20100652

separate the yolk and add it near the end when the white is mostly done?

>> No.20100658
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I love fresh hot soft boiled eggs

>> No.20100753
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a challenger appears. Tea eggs are fantastic. Spicy pickled eggs are great also.

>> No.20100760

Oil baste the white but not the yolk.

>> No.20100794

Scrambled. I use the Ramsey method, but cook them a bit firmer.

Salt & pepper, onion and garlic powder, bit of cayenne, topped with tapatio and pickled onions.

>> No.20101085

I tried that and that was my best result but the egg would inevitably slide into the oil when I tilted the pan to spoon some more oil back on the white

>> No.20101106

helluva GET.
for me, its over-easy or poached. runny yolk makes a sauce for the potatoes, or grits, or soaks into the english muffin of my benedict. hardboiled is for if i'm eating an egg by itself for a pure quick shot of protein.
scrambled: never.

>> No.20101109


>> No.20101156

How do I get scrambled eggs like in picrel?

>> No.20101203

This board seems to be in a perpetual competition to see how can type like the biggest faggot dweeb possible.

>> No.20101230


>> No.20101485

Raw yoke and egg white omelette with blueberries

>> No.20101499
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How do people go hungry when chickens shit out free food that's both delicious and healthy.
>but muh cholesterol!!
not my problem, maybe exercise or something.

>> No.20101600


If you live on a plot of land that they can feed themselves on, you can afford to feed yourself, too. If you're raising them in crates, you'll still need enough room to care for them all plus feed costs. You aren't going to survive off the eggs of one or two chickens.

>> No.20101617

This is why the Jew fears the apartment chicken farm

>> No.20101623

>apartment chickens
>bedroom ducks
>bathtub fish
>balconey tomatoes

What now jewpermarkets?

>> No.20102006

Don't stir it, fold it. Also, only add the seasoning after it's started solidifying, or the salt will damage the egg protein.

>> No.20102011

Hello newfags.

>> No.20102021

Scrambled with cheddar cheese

>> No.20102034


Hard or medium boiled is the best.

>> No.20102295

People who cook hard boiled eggs don't know how to cook eggs

>> No.20102297

For me? it's laughing at newfaggots that don't know classic board memes

>> No.20102330

>Live with uni retards
>They put eggs in the fridge
Three containers of 12 eggs each, so there must be 3 retards in my flat. This ain't America you don't need to refrigerate them.

>> No.20102346

you can't claim reddit problem then state scrambled is the only acceptable preparation. perhaps return?

>> No.20102374

Eggscuse me but I'm not even eggaggerating when I eggsplain how eggcited I am for eggs. They're an eggcellent source of protein and a great eggsample of good fats.
For a fun eggsperiment, try making them eggstra runny. They're eggstaordinary fried or scrambled. The list of ways to make them is eggstensive, but certainly not eggzaustive.
As you may have eggstrapolated, I'm eggtremely passionate about this eggzilarating dish. As should be eggspected.
I would eggspand further but I'm afraid I did not eggspect this post to be such an eggspose. And so I shall take my eggsit.

>> No.20102409

Chickens are basedest birds of them all. Ferocious little bastards that eat all the nasty bugs and plop out delicious white nuggets of life.
>You aren't going to survive off the eggs of one or two chickens.
wat, 4 chickens is enough for a family.

>> No.20102429
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>> No.20102489

place the spoon at the edge of the pan that the egg is not currently occupying, in the spooning position
then tilt the pan
the back of the spoon prevents the egg from sliding into the oil
repeat until egg is awesome

>> No.20102503
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Salad sandwich.