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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 1600x1600, literallywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20099107 No.20099107 [Reply] [Original]

These things serve ZERO purpose

>> No.20099113

>slows your eating

>> No.20099116

they morally allow you to slurp noodles

>> No.20099124

Of course something serves zero purpose when you don’t know how to use it.

>> No.20099128

another braindead take on this board, i'll join in by saying only cooklets use non-stick and rice cookers, both of which are USELESS

>> No.20099132 [DELETED] 

Op here. I neglected to mention that I am trans and no longer have a penis

>> No.20099136

tell me you're a seething huwite without telling me you're a seething huwite

>> No.20099148

Is 2chan like this? Every day:

>> No.20099154

I am from the civilized world, yes

>> No.20099157

Actually this shit used to be pretty uncommon, at least for the past couple of years
I wonder what's bringing it back
Obligatory lurk more

>> No.20099266

2016 was the killing blow and 2020 was the rape of the corpse is why

>> No.20099724

There was a years long period where "vegan pubmed guy" would post hundreds and hundreds of pubmed study links in any thread that mentioned meat, keto, carnivore, paleo, nearly 24 hours a day. This is actually an upgrade

>> No.20099745

People who can’t use chopsticks deserve to be insulted and made fun of. Any time you’re at a sushi place or anywhere with sticks, point them out if they’re using a fork. They know what’s wrong with them and being pointed out is their worst nightmare.

>> No.20099748

Tell me you're a nigger having white people living in your head rent free without telling me you're a nigger having white people living in your head rent free

>> No.20099749

Yeah but this last week in particular
I think it's because all of 4ch pissed itself laughing at the tunnel jews and now mossad is doing overtime damage control to make this place suck even the slow boards

>> No.20099787

Billions of people use them for a variety of purposes on a daily basis, but I guess that doesn't count, right? Fucking retard.

>> No.20099795

If someone broke into my house and I saw that the only things they were stealing were my chopsticks, non-stick pan, and rice cooker, I would shoot with lethal intent.

>> No.20099931

no, they dab on dumb americans who play bad game like runescape instead (based)

>> No.20099939

they're fun.

>> No.20099980

lmao at people taking pride in "knowing how to use" fucking utensils like its some sort of hard skill. A retarded 4 year old rural peasant in China uses these things. All you need is 2 sticks. They aren't used because they are better than forks, it's just because a lot of them can't afford to make forks. In first world countries we have forks which are objectively superior for almost every type of food with rare exceptions and you are a cringe weeb if you specifically ask for one over a fork.

>> No.20099992
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, at_archive_1ba3d1716ab3ee4164ba2a2b4bb12e750b68dd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally only one purpose.

>> No.20100065

>lmao at people taking pride in "knowing how to use" fucking utensils like its some sort of hard skill
But that's the point. Nobody is taking pride or bragging about knowing how to do something so basic. They're making fun of people who lack that basic skill. Like, do you also not know how to ride a bike or tie your shoelaces? lol.

>> No.20100127

yeah so choosing to use a fork doesnt mean you don't know how to use chopsticks. Everyone can use them, you're not special.

>> No.20100147
File: 416 KB, 1600x901, sush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use them to dip sushi in spicy mayo although I suppose I could just dump it all over the sushi and eat it with a fork like an animal.

>> No.20100242

Honestly this is a pretty underrated feature. If you eat slower you feel full without eating as much. One of the reasons people are getting so fat is because they're eating high calorie food extremely quickly by picking it up with their hands and shoving like 1500 calories down their gullet in mere minutes.

>> No.20100291

If everyone could use chopsticks nobody would be arguing about them. We could discuss then we think they're appropriate, or when we think they're better than other options, but in that case nobody would be getting irrationally mad or trying to argue that they're useless in every scenario. You keep turning it around and saying, "choosing a fork doesn't mean you don't know how to use chopsticks", which nobody has ever disagreed with. The problem is that when you follow that up with "everyone can use them" - which is objectively false - and, "you're not special", it really, really sounds like you're just mad because you don't know how to use chopsticks. That could be the wrong reading of your tone, but not much else would make sense. Why the irrational rage over people using chopsticks? Any non-sociopath who can use chopsticks but prefers no to is going to say, "meh, I'm just not a fan; it's not really a big deal." But who uses chopsticks from a young age and one day decides they hate them, and all chopsticks needs to be thrown into the fire because...you can use other utensils do more or less accomplish the same things? No, your rage has to come from somewhere; from some sense of inferiority, or fear of the unfamiliar or other.

>> No.20100688

Yes, they're useless - everybody knows. Yes, forks are better - everybody knows that, too. The whole point of having chopstick skills, is to impress your date, when you take her to a fucking asian restaurant. LEARN HOW TO USE THEM.

>> No.20100788

The only people who have ever dogged me for not using chopsticks have been white

>> No.20100789

I'm both sickened but intrigued by your heresy

>> No.20100797

i would never eat with sticks, im not a monkey savage. fight me.

>> No.20101035

theres something tactfully satisfying about touching one specific piece of a meal and taking it by itself. and also being able to also grasp multiple pieces of a meal delicately.

also great for cooking. its like a fork and tongs combined.

and you can make them fancy and get all kinds of unique pairs. and even with preference of materials and designs.

you think its all for show or more for show?
what kind of things do you NOT see being able to use them with? get creative.

>> No.20101038

even chimps use sticks to eat insects
you are smarter than a chimp, aren't you?

>> No.20101043

Someone should invent chink sticks with springs, to make things easier.
Why work harder when you can work smarter?

>> No.20101048

Yes. That's why I use more advanced cutlery.

>> No.20101058

We've been having this thread for years on /ck/, anon. If you want to shut it down, just say the benefit is precision. Anyone who tries to argue against that is either setting themself up for the accusation that they don't care about precision, which is essentially a 5 year old argument as to why, "it's okay to mix up all your food on your plate because it's all going to be mixed up in your stomach anyways," OR, they're tacitly admitting they don't know how to use chopsticks, which makes it a moot point and nothing more than an individual skill issue.

>> No.20101539
File: 47 KB, 468x267, real-monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20101611
File: 126 KB, 490x322, SNAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopsticks are better than forks for salad, especially when you're getting low on salad. Rather than having to stab the same leaf seven times and eventually having to scoop it up, you can just PINCH the fuck out of it with your chopsticks as if you had wooden fingers. Very efficient.

>> No.20101692


>> No.20103492

Americans don't count as people. They're just mutts who need to have their cooks imported from Mexico.