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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20096434 No.20096434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's Konig Pilsener, the best Deutschen beer.
i even heard Hitler's relatives established the brewery.

>> No.20096561 [DELETED] 

bump you fucks

>> No.20096578 [DELETED] 

bump you fucks

>> No.20096592 [DELETED] 

bump you fucks

>> No.20096600

bump you fucks

>> No.20096603

Let it die faggot, nobody is interested

>> No.20096604

fuck you

>> No.20096609

Tranny-leftoid vs le national socialist retards culture wars have ruined 4chan(former 4channel).

>> No.20096627

fuck you too

>> No.20096733

You can't bump your own thread OP. Never tried that beer but would if I had a chance.

>> No.20096846

Was gonna make a Friday thread but I'll just use yours. I picked up a pack of Wernesgrüner Pils pints along with a supreme pizza at Aldi's for dinner and the combo was delicious. The best beer from Germany is certainly Pils, it greatly outshines weissbier; only Märzen can compare.

>> No.20096930

dude, your thread sucks. where did everyone go?

>> No.20096941
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IS this the beer they sell at Aldi?
I remember travelling to germany and getting a 6 pack for 3 euro I was amazed. But here in burger it's $8 which bummed me out. But I supposed its worth a shot.

>> No.20096949
File: 124 KB, 1905x1080, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still better than the price of domestics that sit at $9.99 for six and most craft is $11.99. why is beer in America so expensive?

>> No.20096955

Also beer prices in Germany is an outlier as far as Europe goes.

>> No.20096986
File: 1.58 MB, 330x297, 1696542731332418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of judenrat