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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20083145 No.20083145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did Cado just BTFO all of /ck/'s nutrition arguments?
>Explains how fast food isn't even that bad when you look at nutrition stats
>Explains how Supersize Me was unscientific and had a predetermined conclusion
>Explains how his "obesity" is just waterweight
>Explains how BBW and BBM have been systematically discriminated against
>Explains how "unhealthy" food tastes better than "healthy" food so how can it be worse
>Explains how diabetes is a lie propagated by pharma companies to sell insulin
>Explains why some people are genetically predisposed to be heavier and it's not because of their food
>Everything said in the video is backed up by extensive research
Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about nutrition? By all means watch his Onlyfans, i promise you that you can't last 5 seconds.
>inb4 i get told to shut the fuck up by someone who hasn't watched the video and is triggered by the coinslot
>inb4 someone says oppressing obese people is good
>inb4 someone says bring back fatshaming
>inb4 someone uses (((statistical evidence)))
>inb4 someone links obese expectancy withput context and without an analysis of WHY obese peope live shorter
>inb4 someone calls me a mutt
>inb4 someone says 'cord checks out
>inb4 "muh heart attack"
>inb4 "sage" because /ck/tard is triggered by a different opinion
Keep the discussion on topic and don't do anything that is mentioned above in the inb4 section. You should be open minded and watch the Onlyfans instead and dicuss it WITH SOURCES. I'm open to having my mind changed. But only with reliable sources that explain why the numbers are like they are.

>> No.20083161

Just ignore him, maybe he'll fuck off with his eceleb fetish.

>> No.20083197
File: 34 KB, 500x500, deborah woll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's really sad what youtube and the like have become. Any dumbfuck can go spout off a pile of nonsense. What's worse is that there are plenty of like-minded, smooth-brained dipshits out there who will watch it. Perhaps for the lulz at first, but they eventually start believing this shit and slowly lose their minds.

Woll is insanely hot, but not related.