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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20079874 No.20079874 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into someone's house
>see this and want to vomit
>never eat there

clean your fucking kitchen anons

>> No.20079881

Lol, do you cook directly on the element?

>> No.20079887

mind your own business faggot

>> No.20079892

I do. Just not every day

>> No.20079906

I recently had a mental breakthrough and became extremely clean and tidy. I can relate op

>> No.20079909

all those videos lost, this is the only reference i can find to the magic seasoned cooking elements of el pueblo RIP

>> No.20079911

I always pour water on top before using the stove for easy cleaning
Got the idea from watching Chinese men operating a wok

>> No.20079922
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>> No.20079923

>walk into someone's house
>see this and want to vomit
>never eat there
What's even worse is when the range is clean, and then they cook something and it becomes dirty, but they don't immediately clean it before I start eating, and they wait until the meal is finished before cleaning their kitchen. That's usually the last straw for me, and that's when I start ghosting people.

>> No.20079928

god you sound gay as fuck

>> No.20079935

that's fucking retarded. i mean every good cook should have damp rag to wipe up as he cooks but no one in their right mind does a deep clean before eating.

>> No.20080038


I wonder how many people have sat there uncomfortable with my dirty ass kitchen and ate my food anyway.

>> No.20080040

every single one of them

>> No.20080061
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>wash your chicken
>season your pan
>wash your rice
>season your stovetop
So many things to keep track of. It's understandable someone would mix one or two of them up.

>> No.20080390

>never eat there
oh my sweet summer child. I was invited by a childhood friend to his mothers house while he was in town. she made dinner on a stove that had (I kid you not) 1 inch of crumbs, grease, and random cooking debris. best fried chicken I ever had.

man up.

>> No.20080404

fuck you faggot

>> No.20080538

clean your shit

>> No.20080557

I clean my stovetop every single time I use it and in nov/dec I was super depressed and literally only used my air fryer while my roommate continued using the stove.
It got insanely dirty and gross, to the point that even if I weren’t depressed I wouldn’t want to to use it.
After an about 2 months of buildup my roommate finally cleaned it. Then acted high and mighty about it, basically expecting me to thank him for cleaning it.
Like, negro, you made the fucking mess, I did not touch the stove once in the past two months, what the fuck is wrong with you??!

I’m moving out asap.

>> No.20080572

nah fuck you faggot i'll do what i want and you'll like it dick licker

>> No.20080574


>> No.20080615
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my kitchen's cleaner'n horsecocks. i keep my kitchen so clean you could eat off of it.

>> No.20080619

It’s clean because euros cannot afford food

>> No.20080626

It's clean because I clean it regularly and have a little pride in my home and general self respect.

Also I'm not remotely an Euro

>> No.20080642

I keep my kitchen dirty as fuck. But the rest of my house is immaculate. I don’t know why but the food just tastes better when the stove looks like this.

Same with my car. I just feel more comfortable in a dirty car with a well maintained engine. I can’t be alone in this.

>> No.20080644
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This is my kitchen…and that’s just the stove.

>> No.20080649
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>> No.20080651

>have black stove top
>nobody can tell

>> No.20080652

>not remotely an euro
The British islands are also euro, btw, regardless of whatever the fuck your retarded boomers voted for before importing 10million pajeets and immigrants

>> No.20080663

I bet you fold your underwear too. Life is too short and there aren’t enough hours in a day for all that bullshit. I don’t let people inside my house anyway.

>> No.20080745

Anon I learned a long time ago that keeping your house and contents organised saves you considerable time in the long run. It also is more comfortable, much easier to keep and maintain when uncluttered and organised, and it also helps put you in a headspace of order, clarity, and feeling unfettered.

But live in chaos is you want idgaf

>> No.20080801

Yeah I don’t really care about much and my wife is a slob too. It just works for me, but I get what you’re saying. I dunno, I just prefer sleeping directly on the mattress and being the only house on the block with dead grass and an RV I rent out to a group of illegal day laborers parked on the front yard.

>> No.20080837

what does the stove have to do with the food. you know people use pans right

>> No.20080847

the only thing that's cheaper in usa is fastfood. if that's all you eat than maybe your food is more affordable indeed. generally cost of living versus income is lower in europe then usa. (if you buy real food)

>> No.20080868
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Conduction stovetops are nice for this reason because they are incredibly easy to clean. Feels weird cooking on them though

>> No.20080875

agreed. but when you get used to them it's really no problem at all

>> No.20080918

you'll have to pry my gas stove from my cold dead hands

>> No.20081056

The only things I clean immediately are shit that cleans easier when it's hot. Cast iron and steel pans, and the grill. Everything else can wait 30 minutes.

>> No.20081058

probably won't have to wait long for that because you're poisoning yourself with the gas vapours

>> No.20081072

you mean induction?

>> No.20081077

you fill your body with microplastics and beam 5g waves into your brain everyday. i'll be fine breathing undetectable amounts of natural gas.

>> No.20081088

it's not about the gas but rather the combustion products