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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20077566 No.20077566 [Reply] [Original]

oi now THIS is a proper scran. Shat pea potatos with a fried log in a hand trough, all for 25 quid

>> No.20077623

Bloody good scran mate. Now make like a propa lad and show us your minge?

>> No.20077638

Dont have a minge mate but me woife may let you whiff her gash if you bring 'er a wellington on a stick from the faire

>> No.20079460

Jolly good show

>> No.20079476
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Let's go to the footy lads

>> No.20079501

I mean price it's not bad for a cold day watching premier league.
>realise it's from the "United of Manchester" instead of Manchester United

>> No.20079649

>4 quid for a pint
this kills the american

>> No.20079674

would scran/10

>> No.20079728

The American stomach is not designed for this much soul.

>> No.20079758

its 3.60

>> No.20080528

just 25 quid?? what a steal

>> No.20080677
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>> No.20080878

libs: destroyed

>> No.20080888

how do I make mushed peas?

>> No.20080899

1. Take peas
2. Mush them
3. ???!
4. Profit

>> No.20080917

How do they eat so much curry and kebab but refuse to season their food? Do they not nice that something is missing?

>> No.20080978

Slathering ranch over everything isn't "seasoning".

>> No.20081023

Seasoning is actually bad for you, look at the rate of high blood pressure and heart disease among non white populations

>> No.20081079

nah come on you could at least crack some black pepper on this shit. stop bringing up race bullshit to defend your garbage food. black people drowning food in old bay and flamin hot cheetos has nothing to do with flavorless mushy peas. There is no excuse for this

>> No.20081854

It starts with black pepper and then it turns into twice your daily recommendation of salt.

>> No.20081875
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WTF is with white people and peas? Why do they eat peas as if it's rice? Even worse when it's not even slopped but individual balls of peas. How are you supposed to even eat them with a fork?

>> No.20082381


skip the salt

>> No.20082389

It's nutritious and tasty

>> No.20082399
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Phwoar nan coming in clutch

>> No.20082432

Speak English, you radged poof. You rotten-toothed anus-scrapers were supposed to have invented the language so how about you use it instead of just inventing dribbling baby speak whenever it fucking suits you? The rest of the world can't keep up with your day-to-day retardation.

>> No.20082453

>his scran is improper

>> No.20082629

There isn't anything fundamentally wrong with English cuisine, but modern English food culture is terrible. I think it's basically like the entire country is an American flyover state, where people think that burgers and pasta carbonara are 'fookin posh init' and worth paying $15 for. Nobody knows how to cook, so they live off frozen crap, pizzas, takeaways and sausage rolls and because of the high proportion of tubonormoids in the population, everyone has really shit taste too.

>> No.20082633

Curry and kebabs are prepared by ethnics, not the native British population.

>> No.20082645
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>> No.20082658

Probably the only thing worth eating

>> No.20082668

no, that's tap waer

>> No.20082861
File: 9 KB, 168x299, MTscran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matlock towns is superior. in the top 5% of footy ground offerings

>> No.20082867

Why am I the only one who pours the peas over the chips ? I hate seeing them separated like this

>> No.20082883

Im the same but different places serve it up different ways

>> No.20082933

That's because of excessive salt and sugar. There is nothing wrong with herbs and spices, cooklet.

>> No.20082951

European cooking hasn't relied extensively on herbs and spices since the 1600s. Butter, salt, and sugar are the cornerstones of European cuisine. No European cuisine except maybe Spanish is actually spicy/fragrant

>> No.20082980

>people unironically double-down on the "no spices" meme
You really think a reasonable amount of salt and pepper is a threat to your genetics?

>> No.20082986

The British clearly do.

>> No.20082988 [DELETED] 

Salt and malt vinegar count just fine as seasoning

>> No.20082997

Salt and malt vinegar count just fine as seasoning. There is also nothing wrong with making something with butter and cream (i.e. mushy peas) and leaving it that way. French onion soup could technically be nothing more than onions, water, and butter. Same with tomato soup being tomatoes, water, and butter.

>> No.20083040

Yes, and that is why people joke about European cuisine sometimes. Butter and cream are not seasonings

>> No.20083051

>butter and cream (i.e. mushy peas)
u wot

>> No.20083056

How do you make proppa mushy peas then

>> No.20083063

You re-hydrate dried Marrowfat peas with water, salt & baking soda. Green food colouring is optional.

>> No.20083078

British people really do season their food with water lmao

>> No.20083189

no the dried marrowfat peas are soaked in water and bicorbonate of soda. Theyre then cooked down, add salt and pepper and thats it.

>> No.20083231

>add salt and pepper
>wa la

>> No.20083590

Wallah habibi

>> No.20083725

To be honest that would be decent if the gravy wasn't so fucking watery.

>> No.20083731

Mushy peas are thick enough that a fork can scoop them up just fine. It's pay wet that'll really get your noggin joggin.

>> No.20083744

How am I supposed to get drunk on 6 dollar beers? You bet I'm brining a whole bottle and getting plastered

>> No.20084701

You're using the word seasoning like a nigger means it. To them that means "add a metric fuck tonne of salt". Humans on the other hand understand that word to mean using herbs and spices heavily, and salt is used more sparingly as an enhancer of those other flavors.

>> No.20084753

it's $4.59 without the food

>> No.20084761

>stops selling after halftime

>> No.20085197

Seasoning often has health benefits, you’re just a tard

>> No.20085599

why is it violently green?

>> No.20085662

Actually, the definition of seasoning is to add enough salt that the food will remain preserved through the seasons. We didn't always have refrigeration.

>> No.20085862

That's called curing, you illiterate twat. Please take your failed ackshually faggotry back to plebbit.
And because I just know you'll still try to save face from your failure, I'll spare you the hassle...
>Seasoning: a substance such as salt, an herb, or a spice that is added to food to improve its flavor:
>Curing: to treat food, tobacco, etc. with smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it:
Straight from Cambridge Dict.

>> No.20085889
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>why is it violently green?
see >>20083063
apparently they add green food coloring

>> No.20086050
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Foggin oi

>> No.20086062

Stop giving this little rodent attention.

>> No.20086063

Calm down Piers Morgan

>> No.20086070

Most mushy peas have a more pale green, leading me to believe OPs pic is either being shopped or someone has actively added food colouring while cooking.
Our food can be pretty grim, but not even we would touch peas which look like they came out of a reactor.

>> No.20086073
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>> No.20086099
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Years ago Piers Morgan had him on a show to screech at him and actually made Watson look calm and collected

>> No.20086103

ohh okay.

both are cunts tho

>> No.20086115

>Piers Morgan made Watson look calm and collected
Not exactly a high bar. A deranged tramp after 5 bottles of methylated spirit could make Piers look like a raving loony.

>> No.20086117

Mushy peas too dark
False scran

>> No.20086153
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Any bong quibbling over immigrants in the last decade in any context is going to be, their problems are so quaint and most are self inflicted. Anyway, scran

>> No.20086154

Fuck me that's almost worth going to Swindon for

>> No.20086367

Curing is any curing process. Seasoning is specifically using salt.

>> No.20086610

Bugger off ya poofta or ill slosh you right in the grabber I swear on me mum

>> No.20087094

>How are you supposed to even eat them with a fork?
Sounds like you lack the basic skill to use a fork. Have you tried just shoving your mouth at the plate, like a farm animal?

>> No.20087249


>> No.20087273

I'd get it all over my hands and shirt

>> No.20087690
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those peas look pretty suspect
>pic rel is natural peas

>> No.20087738

That's like 6 USD, you're overpaying Fergus

>> No.20088351

>t. needs to eat mutta with fingers

>> No.20088524

Gimme dat gimme dat gimme gimme gimme dat gimme dat ding gimme dat gimme gimme dat gimme dat ding gimme dat gimme gimme dat gimme gimme gimme dat ding

>> No.20088559


>> No.20089565

If it was 3.60 you'd be facing the same direction you started in

>> No.20091011
File: 374 KB, 633x800, BIG_WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>add salt and pepper
>>wa la
>>electric boogaloo!!!

>> No.20092061

Mutagen on fries