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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20077242 No.20077242 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude stop eating processed food just eat boiled eggs everyday for dinner

>> No.20077244

imagine the smell

>> No.20077252

imagine a hot woman eating that and farting in your face

>> No.20077253

>huge elephant ass in the background

Fitting, since I imagine it smells somewhat similar in his house.

>> No.20077255

>sugar is the enemy

You literally need sugar to survive you stupid asshole.

>> No.20077260
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>first meal of the day

>> No.20077264

He probably stays up till 4 AM because of the farts.

>> No.20077274

imagine the smell of BRAAAAAAAAP

>> No.20077307

added dietary sugar you ablsolute mong

>> No.20077672

boiling an egg is processing it.

>> No.20077788

im sick of extremist shit for brains that have to do everything in their life according to some meme method they saw on social media
what ever happened to eating a balanced diet full of whole foods? that's literally all you have to do. you don't have to cut out carbs. you don't have to think sugar is evil. instead of teaching people SUGAR EVIL, we should be teaching people the importance of moderation. sugar is okay, just not a lot of it.
read a book and understand what carbohydrates are and what they do for your body, how to moderate them and when to load up on them. i get faggots like the negroid in OP are doing it to make money and are essentially grifters, what i don't understand are the dipshits who consume this content and think they're "learning" from tiktoks...

>> No.20077797

angel trips nazi dubs confirm

>> No.20077957

You need bones too, and a heart, and a brain. Yet you can surviving without eating any of these.

>> No.20077982

But, OP... boiling eggs is a process!

>> No.20077992

>bla bla bla moderation bla bla
yeah everybody knows that and yet we still are a nation of fat fucks. the truth is that sugar and other insulin spiking food will drive you fucking crazy with cravings. and you’ll either cave and get off your diet, or you’ll be miserable with cravings. its easier to just eat a plat full of boiled eggs, in the long run, if you are trying to maintain a figure.

>> No.20077999

Unironically based

>> No.20078069

that's an absolute load of fucking bullshit. the reason you crave sugar is because you're already an addicted fatty.
part of being an adult is having the discipline to tell yourself 'no' when you know you need to. if you constantly cave to cravings you're doomed to be obese no matter what country you live in, and cravings are only a result of an addiction or a deficiency to begin with, and nobody here is carb deficient.

>> No.20078095

autism or intellectual dishonesty

>> No.20078524

ok now what.

>> No.20078541
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He's just another shekelburg trying to pull a fast one on us goys

>> No.20078693
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Its not just sugar causing Americans to be overweight; per capita sugar usage in the US has actually been declining for about 20 years, and is now back to about the same levels it was in the late 1980s, yet people keep getting fatter. What we should really be watching out for is the cheap vegetable oils; their steadily increasing use lines up with steadily increasing waistlines very well.

>> No.20078788

Is he eating a plate of boiled eggs and butter? Are those draconian diets just a cope for people that can't cook but are too elitist for frozen food?

>> No.20078797

Draconian diets may be a result of various factors, including personal preferences, health concerns, or cultural influences. It's not necessarily about cooking skills or elitism; individuals choose diets for diverse reasons.

>> No.20078801

Sure but boiled eggs and butter as a meal are not a result of carefully considered nincompoompery.

>> No.20079364


>> No.20079372

Inner unhappiness causes people to gravitate to dietary extremism to define themselves as a coping mechanism for lack of personality, depression, friendlessness, or trauma.

>> No.20079377

Why eat something that smells like farts, tastes like farts, and makes your farts and shit smell like rotten eggs

>> No.20079395

It's still insane that on average we eat 1/3 lb / 150g of sweeteners a day. That's the equivalent of 3/4 cup granulated white sugar. Doesn't even count things like juices which we all know fatties guzzle down to be "healthy".

>> No.20079398
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>> No.20079536

Maybe you can, asshole

>> No.20079547

>be old, bald man
>spend your adult life eating hardboiled eggs so you can look like a mid tier bodybuilder

Its not like this guy is out there winning Mr Universe or World's Strongest Man, what is he doing it for?

Its just silly

>> No.20079546

abyss-consumed and cannibal-pilled

>> No.20079716

glucose and sucrose aren't the same thing. when we're talking about sugar, we're generally talking about sucrose which pretty much everyone except an odd faction of pro-sugar vegans believes is bad for you.
Ketards and carnivores disregard a lot of research on negative effects of excessive saturated fat consumption though.
>it's bad research because (mouse study, correlative, etc)
>proceeds to cite some study that's just as bad but supports their belief

people have become severely autistic due to oversocialization. that and the fact that people on both vegan, carnivore, whatever extreme diet, if they do it right, get rid of the toxic goyslop from their diet. I just stopped eating any food that contains refined sugar, bleached flour or industrial fats (tranny fats or sneed oil) and lost like 10 pounds and went from overweight to a normal weight.

Both vegan and carnivore and keto diets can all work to some degree but most people do not stick with these extreme diets longterm because they're imbalanced and gastronomically boring as fuck.

>> No.20079836

>gluttonous fat fucks ITT blaming sneed oils and sugar for their obesity
All you have to do to lose weight is to walk more than just between your room and your fridge and to lift more than your bowl and your spoon.

>> No.20080208

Exercise just does not burn all that many calories, unless you are hardcore marathon training or the like. Plus for many overweight people, exercise ends up making them really hungry, so they "reward" themselves after with high calorie foods. Fixing someone's diet first is far more important for weight loss.

>> No.20080283

Your body is more than capable of running on fat as a fuel source. Any part of your body that NEEDS glucose (there's very few) is able to synthesise it. So no, you do not need sugar to survive.

>> No.20080286

It doesn't burn many calories, but it does promote a whole bunch of other good stuff in your body. Protip, there's more to losing weight than CICO. Otherwise why do steroids work?

>> No.20080314

Nothing you just said refutes the previous post

>> No.20080321
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I do this. Don't wake up hungry and just wait to eat as long as possible. Easiest way to cut.

>> No.20080331

No he is right, diet is far more important than exercise.

Go eat a bag of chips in 30 seconds and realize that you need to run 17 miles or some shit to burn its calories. You really cant out exercise a bad diet without being an absolute beast.

>> No.20080334


>> No.20080336

There you go. People who worry about sugar but don't even consider sneed oils are massive idiots.

>> No.20080561

This is true but it's in the form of glucose and it's for your brain as that's the only form of nutrition that it can take directly, you don't need sugar all the time as you can get sufficient amount of glucose for the day from any carbohydrates.

This is also true as in if you don't get enough glucose for your brain your body will start to break down and convert the fats or something for the brain to use as energy.

>> No.20080862

my protein is for gains and my carbs are to fuel the gains. what kind of limp wristed homosexual uses their protein as fuel? lmao that's a biological recession as far as i'm concerned bro
> (there's very few)
not wrong, there's very few (only including the most important organ in your entire body which happens to be very dependent on glucose to function properly...)

>> No.20080913

>Its not like this guy is out there winning Mr Universe or World's Strongest Man, what is he doing it for?
he has to eat all the eggs

>> No.20080980

That's pretty normal for me, I don't wake up hungry and then have gfuel or tea so the caffeine suppresses my appetite
I start work at 11:30, so by 3 I start to feel hungry after I've been moving around for a few hours

>> No.20081007

I don't eat until work's over, I don't like stopping what I'm doing to eat I'd rather just get it over with and then relax

>> No.20081053

since 1960, we swapped out saturated animal fats for vegetable oil and sugar, so people are inferring that those two macros might have something to do with our health problems
personally, I think it has more to do with making superfine ground agricultural byproducts our main source of carbs
maybe also that thing where sitting around glowing boxes became our main source of recreation and then also our biggest industry

>> No.20082095

>what kind of limp wristed homosexual uses their protein as fuel?
He said fat, you illiterate, not protein. When you aren't constantly drugging yourself with sugar (through carbs and added sugar), your body breaks down all the lard you've stored everywhere in your body to synthesize glucose. That's how it's supposed to be. You consume carbs to gain energy for the time being, and between meals you break down your reserve fats to gain energy.

>> No.20082343

>its easier to just eat a plat full of boiled eggs
Like hell it is, boiled eggs have the consistency of chalk

>> No.20082413

>your body breaks down all the lard you've stored everywhere in your body to synthesize glucose. That's how it's supposed to be
Do you know how retarded this sounds. Just eat the carbs in the first place.

>> No.20082427

It may sound retarded but that's exactly what happens. But yes you should also eat the carbs.

>> No.20082433
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A had an inch thick pork chop and a small chicken thigh for dinner.

>> No.20082460

I'm saying your logic that the survival mechanism to produce glucose from triglyceride is "how its supposed to be" is absurd

>> No.20082475

Wish you catfags would just die already, stupid fucking toxoretards.

>> No.20082793

I'm not the anon saying that, I am only saying that they are correct about the body being able to convert fats for glucose. IDEALLY however you are right that it is better to get glucose from carbs for the brain because it's more efficient and faster acting that way.

>> No.20082795

How about you stop shilling the slave gruel? Grains are peasant food.

>> No.20082798

hunter-gatherers ate grains before people started farming them

>> No.20082807

This means literally nothing. Get a real argument

>> No.20083287

I see nothing wrong with this. When I was doing an elimination diet for ibs I did multiple days of just boiled eggs to ensure they were fine for me